#a theory here but I feel like there'd be a lot less fujo discourse if there was an equal amount of wlw to mlm
nrhodact · 1 year
Ok, hot take but I hate when the anti-fujo crowd accuse women of internalized misogyny because they write more mlm than wlw or focus on the male characters over the female ones.
With all the discussion about how terribly women are written in media it doesn't cross their mind that it's the writers faults and not the fans?
If the female character is 1 dimensional, why would people focus on those characters ? Why would they write fanfiction about them? Why would they be shipped with other-equally poorly written women?
People will flock to better written characters and unfortunately writers pay attention to male characters more cause of THEIR misogyny. It shouldn't be up to the fans to fix a writer's mistakes so the women can be fleshed out and therefore more interesting. If you're a fan that likes to write all the missed potential of a female character, more power to you but not every fan wants to or should even have to do that.
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