#a wild unhinged aria appears
forgottenarias · 4 months
50. Writer's preference: aria/eilia -- "Siobhan...Where can she be?"
"Siobhan, Siobhan... where can she be?"
Aria spun around, wobbling slightly but grinning wildly when she saw Eilia rushing towards her.
"Sister!" Aria cried, throwing up her arms which caused her to splash wine from the bottle she happened to be clutching across the floor.
"Whoops!" she giggled as her sister reached her, grabbing Aria's arm and wrenching the wine bottle from her grasp.
"What are you doing? Where have you been?" Eilia demanded, holding onto Aria's arm as she weaved back and forth.
"Well..." Aria replied, attempting a very serious face. "After Roderick Varmont publically dragged our names and our dead parents' names through the muck for all the country to hear in celebration of his daughter's birthday, I decided that I would steal some of their wine and drown my sorrows somewhere else. I also made up a song, do you want to hear it? Siobhan, Siobhan, where can she--"
"Aria, stop!" Eilia shook her sister, trying to regain her attention. Aria stared at her, trying to focus. "You need to go lie down before anyone sees you."
"I'm glad she's not here," Aria whispered to Eilia. "I'm glad Siobhan got away... she's better off out there."
Aria had never admitted to Eiliathat she often thought that Siobhan might be better off without her. Aria had always been more prone to the quieter pursuits-- books, painting, embroidery. She'd learned to ride as a young girl after much protest. Neither she nor Siobhan had wanted to leave without Eilia, but it had been Aria that had tried to insist they stay-- mostly because she didn't want to leave Eilia on her own, but also because she was terrified to be without her.
Eilia was a proper elder sister-- she had always taken care of Aria and Siobhan, somehow, even as she ruled Astaira. Aria knew she never could have filled that role, especially out in the world on the run. Sure. she took great joy in doing her part for the people of Astaira, caring for them, bestowing what gifts should could upon them, but none of that would have been any help for Siobhan.
"She's better off without me," Aria babbled as Eilia tried to lead her down the hallway as she weaved and stumbled. "Better off not having to take care of her older sister."
"Enough!" Eilia exclaimed. She stopped the pair in the hall, turning to Aria with a face normally reserved for courtiers and advisors.
"This is not what breaks you. This is not what breaks us," Eilia told her sister forcefully. "He knows this will cut us deep but we know the truth. We know who we are. His lies will not be our ruin. Do you understand?"
Aria nodded. Eilia's face softened and she reached out, brushing a tear that Aria hadn't even realized was rolling down her cheek.
"They don't deserve our tears, little sister," Eilia assured her, wrapping her arm around Aria and guiding her back towards their rooms.
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Name: Aria Hale Birthday: August 1st (21/93) Species: Vampire Lookalike: Eiza Gonzalez Availability: Taken
Aria has a complex soul and often finds herself holding back the softer side of it. She’s feisty and drawn to all manner of bad things. Over the years she learned to keep her heart under lock and key, but this only served to make her detached and a little dangerous. Aria cares for a very select few, everyone else is just like a blur in the background. Though she comes across vain, but that’s not to say she holds herself superior, Aria knows better than to judge a book by its cover. She’s fearless and sassy most of the time, Aria finds it easier to be around people who can give back what she throws at them. After all, she’s wild and unhinged, unafraid to get dirty, or have a good time. It’s the lack of care for her own life that makes her a little bit reckless. Though it doesn’t show on the surface, sometimes Aria lets her emotions get the better of her. Only way she can keep a hold of her control, is to sometimes lose it and let herself feel every bad emotion –– think every bad thought and let her tears suffocate her. This isn’t something she would ever admit to anybody, these days, she’d be damned before she let somebody see it.
Born in 1926, Aria grew up with both parents and a younger sister in the big city of New Orleans. They lead a quiet life, never really wanted for anything when it came to materialist items. To the world outside, it appeared like Aria had it all, but she would always disagree. Aria lusted for something more. A life where she didn’t have to play the lady just to be accepted. She wanted adventure and danger, but above all, she wanted to be free. Her parents were good people, but they were strict and it was always their way or no way at all. Aria was 20 when she met a man who seemed to understand what she really wanted. He was handsome and mysterious, how could she not fall for him? He promised her freedom and a life filled with all the wonders she had ever dreamed of. Little did she know how naive she was being. On her 21st birthday, the two of them were walking through the streets when her boyfriend’s biggest secret was revealed. He was a vampire. Without any warning, he had her pinned against the wall with his fangs in her neck. Though she tried, there was no way she could fight him off. The life drained from her, Aria barely noted that a passerby had come to her aid. Her boyfriend fled and her saviour attempted to save her life with his blood, but it was no use. Too much blood was lost and Aria died before she could be saved. Instead, it turned her into a vampire.
When she awoke, she was on a soft couch, her eyes meeting the stranger that helped her. Panic washed over her and she tried to scramble away, but everything hurt. Marcel explained everything to her as simply as he could and if she hadn’t witnessed it with her own eyes, she would not have believed. The next few weeks were rough, but he helped her through it all. Coached her to take control and once she did, she knew she had to see her family. However, upon arriving at her home she found her parents and sister hanging from the ceiling and her ex boyfriend’s signature carved into them. Aria cut them down and laid next to her sister after setting the entire house alight. With every intention of burning along with them she was distraught when Marcel pulled her out the flames. After this, Aria spent weeks crying herself to sleep. Her emotions seemed to be eating her alive until one day, she decided she couldn’t cry anymore. She picked herself back up, but as the years went by, she grew numb to her own emotions. Though her humanity is on, Aria chose not to let herself get attached to anyone. Soon she fled the city and went in search of something to satisfy her mind. She found that killing vampires was the only thing that helped, but even that hobby lost its sting after a couple years.
It wasn’t until the last couple of years that Aria allowed a couple of people into her life; into her heart. Hunters no less. With the return of her ex Aria was forced to face a lot of bottled in grief but it was her love and need to protect those she thinks of as family that made it possible for her to slay him. Mystic Falls has been her home for around three years and it’s only been in those last three years that she’s remembered her own vulnerability. Unable to figure out whether emotions make her strong or weak, Aria is still as numb as she always was… And her secret? Her secret is that she hates being a vampire, but she wouldn’t ever choose to be human. Her secret is that she knows she deserves the misery and she doesn’t wish to be saved.
Marcel Gerard
Vampire leader, Aria has been loyal to him since the day she turned and that’s how she plans on staying.
William Brown
They have a complicated on-off relationship. Aria knows she’s the only one standing in the way of them being happy. What she doesn’t know is how to change that, or if she actually wants too.
Madeline Brown
Aria has grown very fond of the young huntress, having saved her life a few times and even putting herself at personal risk to help her, Aria wouldn’t let anything happen to her if she could help it.
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