balmungkriemhild · 8 days
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The Rêverose train doesn't stop. i made some sort of mini-ref thing for her :] bonus:
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(consider reblogging & donating to my Ko-fi, thank you!)
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viridianwins · 8 months
5. Is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
7. Describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
8. Do you expect your answered memes/asks to be turned into threads? Regardless of answer, what’s your reasoning?
14. Which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in?
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//5. the fact that i have to come up with new & creatives urls ( +mail accounts lol ) is always stopping me from taking up more characters! that and i can barely focus on one at a time. sdcgdfv, i'm not strong enough and the queue makes me unreasonably anxious. i have also thought about changing this blog's name, of course, to fit as many characters as i want. but i'm too Attached now!
//7. i love when platonic relationships are so platonic they look romantic and when romantic relationships are so romantic they look platonic. it's hard to explain. and it can't be applied every time ( as in. in strictly platonic bonds, such as the family type, of course ). but the half-cooked idea is there!
//8. not necessarily. sometimes i just like sending asks ; ; it's very fun and it's fine if it doesn't get turn into a thread. not everything has to. but someone, pls, confirm if it's socially acceptable to reblog directly from asks now, i don't understand * *
//14. i'd say this one. maybe because i've been here the longest and haven't had any really bad experience or anything. +i've met a lot of cool people too. and the vibe is just that good.✨
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destisea-a · 2 months
@knghted asked: “ let me carry you. ”   pretend i sent this from a/rgenti for belda/ruit
      it is quite difficult to say no when one so chivalrous is asking. the knight is well trusted, a frequent help to him in his day to day anymore. as this ailment continues to press his body to feebleness. the sage has long since accepted it;  and feels no immediate shame in dependency on another. " hmm... well alright. "  lighthearted tone, as he shifts enough that they can get an arm at his back, the other tucked beneath his knees.
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he must weigh so little to the other--  hoisted from his bed with ease. so he may be carried to a dormant seelchair, one that could have easily been woken and brought to his bedside.  but, something about this was nice, from time to time.
head rests against their shoulder  " with how determined you look sometimes, i wonder if you enjoy this duty you've been given. " only a jest of course. though considering what the other knights busied themselves with--  this was certainly not as exciting as often. " unless of course...  you truly find yourself entertained by my teachings.. -- ahaha! are we hoping to pick up a thing or two? " 
resident evil 2 prompts
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gs0nk · 4 months
I cooked somethin! R/atio x A/rgenty P/enacony vacation-
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bless their dynamic, xoxo
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gs0nk · 4 months
A/rgenti and his unplanned vacation in P/enacony goes fine! He-he
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gs0nk · 6 months
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I just noticed that A/rgenti loves 🥖🥖🥖 and this fact even placed in his... hobbies... Boy, how can I pass through this?...
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gs0nk · 4 months
P/enacony stuff makes me think about A/rgenti indulgence overeating (and other characters too)
I'm about to make a couple sketches fr
thinking about hedonistic world a lot since I completed the main story quest djskskls
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