#a2 milk in mumbai home delivery
aphraindiaofficial · 1 year
Get the most Natural & delicious Dairy Products now at Mumbai & Buy Dairy Products Online now at Aphra. Today, the global trend for organic food, as well as A2 cow milk, has been bolstered by the growing number of health-conscious people. This is due to a growing awareness of the health benefits of A2 milk, which include boosting immunity, increasing metabolic rate, and improves brain health. However, because the production of this healthy and delicious A2 milk from Indian cow breed is considerably lower than that of other cow breeds, the availability of A2 cow milk is limited. Furthermore, it is observed that this milk has been procured at a higher rate. There is a crying need of best quality A2 milk from indigenous cattle breed in the market. At Aphra, we want to make pure A2 milk available in abundance from Indian Cow Breeds by producing and conserving cows that are of Indian breed.
Visit Us https://aphra.in/
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bahawaorganicfarm · 2 years
A2 milk: The Life Booster
A common food staple in many western nations is milk. Cows, sheep, goats, and other animals are among the producers of milk and milk products. Soy, coconut, almond, flax, rice, and hemp are examples of substitute sources that don't use animals.
A2 milk proponents assert that it is simpler to digest and absorb than other varieties of milk. The body responds to A1 and A2 proteins differently.
A peptide known as beta-casomorphin-7 is created during the digestion of A1 protein in the small intestine (BCM-7). BCM-7 is absorbed by the intestines and subsequently enters the bloodstream. Doctors have connected BCM-7 to gastrointestinal pain and symptoms resembling those of lactose intolerance.
A2 protein is more like human breast milk and milk from goats, sheep, and buffalo in terms of structure. The a2 Milk Company was established in New Zealand in 2000 by a scientist. This firm sells milk made from cows that only have the A2 protein in their bodies.
In order to guarantee that the cows exclusively produce milk with A2 protein, the a2 Milk Company tests the DNA of its cows using a hair sample.
How is it produced?
A2 milk production is precisely the same as regular milk production, in contrast to lactose-free milk substitutes.
The breeding of the cows is where the difference is.
Farmers will attempt to breed out the A1 DNA from a cow after evaluating cows to see if they produce A2 or A1 milk.
Before a cow may be used to produce A2 milk, it must undergo testing. Bahawa Organic Farm is also one of the best A2 milk brand in Mumbai. Home delivery is also provided if you want to buy pure A2 milk.
Stands to benefit
Lactose intolerance is frequently blamed for the symptoms of stomach discomfort such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea that appear after ingesting dairy products. Certain studies contend that BCM-7, not lactose, may be the factor affecting some people's digestion and causing symptoms like lactose intolerance.
In a study on adults with self-reported milk intolerance, regular milk containing both A1 and A2 proteins and A2-only milk were compared for their effects on intestinal function, gastrointestinal discomfort, and inflammation.
For two weeks, the participants drank 8 ounces of milk twice daily. After consuming the conventional milk, individuals had a severe stomach ache, but after consuming the A2 milk, their symptoms remained the same. While consuming the usual milk, participants also experienced more frequent and looser-consistence stools. They did not experience these effects after consuming the A2 milk.
A2 Milk Vs Other Milk variations between milk types A1 and A2
●        Milk has 8 grams of protein in an 8-ounce glass, making it a healthy supply of amino acid. Casein and whey are the two primary proteins found in milk.
●        In milk, casein makes up around 80% of the protein. Additionally, there are other kinds of casein, including beta-casein.
●        Cows that produce A2 milk have a hump on their back that absorbs Vitamin D, but cows that produce A1 milk do not.
●        To satisfy the increasing demand for milk, A1 milk is boosted in large amounts, reducing its nutritional content; meanwhile, in A2 milk-producing cows, calves are completely fed first, resulting in milk rich in nutritional value.
●        A1 milk is suspected of causing Type 1 Diabetes, heart problems, and schizophrenia. On the other hand, no growth hormone injections are used; antibiotics are provided to cows producing A2 milk; as a result, the milk is comparably superior.
●        About 30% of the protein in cow's milk is beta-casein. Beta-casein comes in two different forms, A1 and A2.
●        In the past, cows exclusively produced milk with the A2 type of beta-casein. Today, A1 proteins make up the majority of the milk sold at the neighborhood grocery shop.
A2 Milk's Potential Health Benefits
Milk is well recognised for its high calcium content, which aids in bone growth and repair. It also aids in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, or bone thinning. Calcium can also be found in several successful acid reflux remedies.
Here are some more A2 milk health benefits:
It may help you maintain healthy blood pressure. High triglyceride and cholesterol levels are frequently the cause of high blood pressure. You might possibly reduce your cholesterol levels by ingesting more omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in A2 milk. The potassium in A2 milk is also beneficial to your blood pressure.
A2 milk has a protein component that keeps BCM-7 from entering our bodies. The protein ingredient is lacking in ordinary milk, creating health concerns in pregnant mothers and ultimately impacting the infant. A1 or ordinary milk is rather difficult to digest, resulting in unpleasant symptoms such as stomach upsets, diarrhea, and digestive difficulties. Consuming A2 milk during pregnancy has no effect on the health or development of the kid.
A2 milk contains colostrum, which contains roughly 90 active components and provides the same nutrition value as mother's milk, which is essential for infant growth. A2 milk can be introduced at the age of one year or later.
Who bought to consume it?
Not all animals produce milk that has the same nutrients. In reality, several key elements in A2 milk differ fundamentally and structurally.
P-casein is the major protein found in milk. This protein is available in two forms: A1 and A2, each with a unique amino acid structure. Milk from traditional dairy cows includes both A1 and A2 casein. However, recently, specially bred cows that solely produce A2 casein have entered the mainstream.
This protein discrepancy might have major implications for gut health. Lactose intolerance is a disorder in which the body does not generate lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose. However, current research indicates that additional components of milk may induce intestinal pain.
Some people who are lactose intolerant won't notice a change because A2 milk still includes lactose.
It is suggested that it may succeed. Some people may have claimed to have lactose intolerance, but because their symptoms improve after drinking A2 milk, it's possible that their bodies are managing only one problem rather than two at once.
However, it has been claimed that those who are intolerant to the A1 protein are the ones who would most likely benefit from a2 milk. She claimed that buying a2 milk was pointless if you had no trouble digesting milk and that this would not be effective if you were allergic to cow's milk protein.
There have been some claims that the A1 protein has detrimental health effects, such as intestinal inflammation, but these have only been tested on animals, which is claimed to be difficult to relate to human situations.
What makes it more expensive?
Domestic milking cow breeds produce an average of 6-7ltr milk per day, which is the main reason why these kinds of milk are expensive, whereas HF and jersey, which are foreign cow breeds, produce an average of more than 15ltr milk per day. Despite manufacturing costs being almost comparable to regular milk production, a2 milk retails for about 50% more than other mainstream non-a2 milk products. Furthermore, experts advise mothers and new mothers to consume their milk because it is highly suited.
According to an A2 Milk Firm representative, some other secondary reasons are, that this is due to the company paying suppliers a premium price for the milk. A farmer may need more than five years of regular testing to produce a herd with 100% A2 genetics. Farmers must also devote more effort to analyzing the genetics of each cow when it is purchased or born.
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BCM 7 is a tiny protein or bioactive seven amino-peptide produced by our bodies' enzymes. BCM-7 is a protein that interacts with the human gastrointestinal tract and interior organs. This can result in indigestion, chronic illnesses such as diabetes, and other neurological diseases. It also compromises our immune system. A2 milk has gained popularity because it inhibits BCM 7 from entering our systems. Because A1 cows cannot produce proline, BCM7 enters human bodies and dissolves in the blood; A2 can only be acquired from old cattle or native cow breeds such as Tharparkar, Gir, and Sahiwal.
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vishalnimbalkar1325 · 2 years
Aumrut provide A2 Milk in Mumbai at best cost, AUMRUT is one of India’s Leading Premium Cow Milk brand that brings to you Pure, Fresh and Un-adulterated Cow Milk from our very own state of the art dairy farm to you every single day.
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orioninstruments00 · 2 years
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vedaaz · 2 years
Health Benefits of A2 Milk
Many of you may not be aware that the milk you consume and feed your kids has different health effects based on its protein content or Casein. The protein content depends upon the breed of the cow the milk comes from.
And therefore, there are presently two types of milk, A1 and A2. And it really should matter to you what goes inside the tummy of your little ones, as well as yours. Medical studies claim that A2 milk is healthier and promotes better health benefits. It is also recommended for people with a dairy intolerance.
This article will talk about milk proteins, the science behind it, and the health benefits of A2 milk.
Why Should You Know About A2 Milk?
Milk contains different types of protein. However, Casein takes precedence, as it comprises 80% of milk’s total protein content.
Casein has several types as well, including beta-casein which is the second most important protein in milk. However, beta-casein exists in milk in 13 forms, where two are most critical. They are A1 beta-casein and A2 beta-casein.
While the milk you get in-store or buy from your milkman contains both A1 and A2, only A2 milk contains high A2 beta-casein.
There’s a huge difference between A1 and A2 milk beta-casein.
A1 milk is milked from the breeds of cows originating from the places in northern Europe, such as Ayrshire, Friesian, Holstein, and Shorthorn.
A2 milk is milked from the breeds that are found in Western India, Southern France, and the Channel Islands. The names of the breeds are Indian Gyr, Jersey, Guernsey, Limousin, and Charolais.
A2 beta-casein is a very safe and nourishing protein as opposed to A1 beta-casein, which many scientists claim as harmful. There is no concrete evidence regarding it, however, researchers do say that A2 milk is nutritious, promotes heart health, and contains CLA, an essential acid that potentially lowers bad cholesterol.
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Gir Cow A2 Milk
You should always buy A2 Milk in Pune and Mumbai from a registered A2 Milk producer. Manchar FarmsA2 Milk Company is an authorized A2 desi cow milk manufacturer and distributor that delivers organic milk and desi ghee, rich in A2 beta-casein.
In India, A2 desi cow milk is milked from the famous milk cattle, Gyr or Gir, found in the Gir hills and forests of the four Gujarat districts, Kathiawar, Bhavnagar, Rajkot, and Junagadh.
While milk invariably contains a higher quantity of protein, calcium, and other nutrients, Gir breed’s milk provides additional health benefits that A1 milk cannot. Also, to absorb the nutrients adequately, you must consume only organic milk, which only very few certified companies in Mumbai and Pune provides.
Manchar Farms, being one of them, also offers home delivery of A2 desi fresh milk, A2 ghee, A2 paneer, and curd, and if required cow dung as well.
Benefits of A2 Desi Milk
Manchar Farmstreats their GirA2 desi cows as their family where the cows are fed with an organic diet. The cows are given organic fodder and kept amidst a happy environment. Organic milk is notorious because the milk production is not increased unnaturally using steroids, injection, or antibiotics, but rather increased with super-rich diet.
The quality of A2 milk is compared to that of mother’s milk as it is packed with the goodness of organic diet. It contains 12% more protein, 15% more calcium, 25% extra Vitamin A, and 33% extra Vitamin D, along with 30% more cream.
Common symptoms of lactose intolerance are diarrhea, bloating, gas, stomach discomfort, and nausea. Studies reveal that A2 milk does not trigger the symptoms of lactose intolerance.
A2 milk reduces inflammatory reactions in our body and doesn’t create gastrointestinal problems.
Since A2 milk is desi cow milk, one glass of milk will give you 8 grams of protein. So, instead of costly protein powders, fitness enthusiasts can consume Manchar FarmsA2 milk after a workout and repair their muscles. You can order A2 milk products from Manchar Farmsfor morning delivery as well.
It is perfect for growing children and pregnant moms as it has 15% more calcium content than regular cows’ milk. Besides, it is thicker and creamier, making it a perfect add-on for smoothies, cereals, and fruits.
At Manchar Farms we offer door step delivery and you can call or place your orders for Pure A2 Milk online.
Visit Us-https://www.mancharfarms.com/
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kubauliagro-blog · 4 years
Milk and milk products
Skimmed, semi-skimmed and whole milk Pasteurized, sterilized and raw milk Types of milk products Origin Milk production Processing of milk In the factory
Skimmed and semi-skimmed milk and milk products (dairy) such as 30+ cheese, low-fat and semi-skimmed yogurt and buttermilk fit in the Netherlands in a healthy diet. Taking dairy is associated with a lower risk of colon cancer and eating yogurt with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Dairy is therefore in the Disc of Five. 
Milk and milk products provide many good nutrients. They contain protein and are a source of vitamins B2, B12 and calcium. The fat in milk does contain a lot of saturated fatty acids. This increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. If you eat low-fat and semi-skimmed milk products, you will not get too much saturated fat. Call us for a2 milk in mumbai home delivery.
For sustainability around milk, you can look for the following quality marks and logos: EKO, Demeter, Weide Zuivel, Weidegang Zegel and Caring Dairy.
Milk comes from dairy cows. In the Netherlands, there have been many farmers who keep cows and supply milk for centuries. This is part of the Dutch culture and landscape. 
A large number of milk products are made from milk. These are often cheese, but buttermilk, yogurt and butter are also well-known examples. 
Dairy is another name for milk and milk products. Dairy is part of a healthy diet in the India.
Skimmed, semi-skimmed and whole milk
Milk is available in the store as skimmed, semi-skimmed and whole milk. This name is related to the fat percentage. Skim milk contains the least fat and whole milk the most. Also visit pure cow ghee in mumbai.
Pasteurized, sterilized and raw milk
Bacteria are found in milk. Pasteurization or sterilization takes place to render it harmless. 
Pasteurized milk and milk products are heated briefly, around 72 ° C. Not all bacteria are eliminated. Therefore, pasteurized products do not last very long and must be stored in the refrigerator.
Sterilization kills all bacteria by heating it strongly above 100 ° C. That is why sterilized milk has a long shelf life and is stored outside the refrigerator compartment in the store. Strong heating for a longer period of time causes the milk to have a different taste. Today, sterilized milk is usually briefly heated at ultra high temperature (UHT). The taste of UHT products differs less from pasteurized milk than with the 'old' way of sterilization. 
Raw milk has not been pasteurized or sterilized.  
Types of milk products
Well-known milk products are described below. Cheese and yogurt have their own page.
Chocolate milk is made from full, semi-skimmed or skimmed cow's milk mixed with cocoa solids, sugar, thickeners and aromas and flavors. Sometimes milk powder has been used instead of fresh milk. Chocolate milk is always sterilized. 
Crème fraîche is created by adding lactic acid bacteria to pasteurized whipped cream. It is a basis for sauces. Crème fraîche can be used in hot dishes because it does not curdle. 
Condensed milk with sugar is evaporated milk with a lot of sugar. It's in a can. It can be kept unrefrigerated, making it a popular drink in the tropics. There they dilute it with water to make a sweet milk drink. 
Ice mainly consists of skim milk and cream. There is also ice cream based on yogurt or buttermilk. 
Buttermilk is created by microbiological acidification of milk. It contains live lactic acid bacteria and less than 1% fat. Skimmed milk is milk that remains when you remove the cream. 
Whipped cream is always made from cow's milk and has a fat content of at least 30%. There is both pasteurized and sterilized whipped cream. 
Cooking cream is cream with starch, so the cream does not curdle in hot dishes. 
Coffee milk is milk from which water has been extracted and therefore has a high fat percentage and is somewhat thicker than regular milk. Full, semi-skimmed and skimmed coffee milk is available. 
Custard is created when heating milk with starch, sugar, fragrances, dyes and flavors. Custard consists of at least half of milk. 
Sour cream, also known as sour cream, is made by acidifying pasteurized coffee cream with lactic acid bacteria. Sour cream is especially suitable for cold use because it curds quickly. 
The India produces a lot of dairy. Most milk products, such as cheese and milk powder, are intended for export. At the same time, the Netherlands imports a lot of dairy products such as yogurt, drinks and desserts, especially from Germany and also Belgium, France and England.
Milk production 
 A dairy cow has to give birth to 1 calf every year to be able to give milk. Fertilisation usually takes place by artificial insemination. The cow is no longer milked during the last 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy. The udder can then recover from milking twice a day.
 On average, dairy cows are milked after 4 or 5 years. Then they are slaughtered for the meat. The vast majority of these end up in meat products, such as beef finches, fresh sausages, minced meat and burgers. A cow gives about 21 liters of milk per day. The dairy farmer milks cows twice a day, early in the morning and in the afternoon. This is done with a milking machine. Before milking, the dairy farmer first cleans the udder of the cow. The milk is piped directly from the udder to large cooling tanks.
After milking, the milking parlor, the room where the milk tank is located and the milk lines are cleaned and disinfected. 
Milking can also be done with milking robots. In addition, the cow decides when it wants to be milked. The cow enters a room. Here a computer recognizes the cow, gives it food and in the meantime a milking machine automatically connects to the udders.
Processing of milk
Most cow's milk goes to the consumer via the milk factory. A small proportion of farmers soften themselves to cheese and yogurt. In addition, some milk remains on the farm for own use, for example for the calves. Only 7% is sold as milk. More than half of the milk is used to make cheese. More than 5% has as destination yogurt and other dairy desserts.
In the factory
The dairy factory collects milk every 3 days with a tanker. It is checked for veterinary drug residues, the amount of bacteria and the fat and protein content. The higher the fat and protein content, the higher the price the farmer gets for the milk.
The dairy factory processes the milk into various products. First they pump the milk into large storage tanks. Then they standardize the fat content. Standardization means that a centrifuge separates the milk fat from the milk, after which they add the fat again until the desired fat percentage is reached. This way you get full, semi-skimmed or skimmed milk.
The milk is then pasteurized to kill the bacteria. Sometimes even more bacteria are removed from the milk with a centrifuge.
In the factory, they squeeze the milk through very small openings to make the fat globules in the milk smaller. This makes the fat dissolve better. This is called homogenization. This ensures that the fat does not float on the milk, it gives the milk a fuller taste and a whiter color.
 The milk is then cooled and stored in a refrigerated storage tank. It is now ready to be packed. It remains refrigerated even after packaging. Dairy products are brought to distribution centers every day, before going to the point of sale.
Milk products spoil quickly. Therefore, the following storage recommendations apply:
Always keep pasteurized milk products in the refrigerator. 
After opening, put long-life milk products directly in the refrigerator. An unopened pack can be stored outside the refrigerator. 
Return milk products to the refrigerator immediately after use. An hour outside the refrigerator shortens the shelf life by a day. 
Always pay attention to the best before date. Shelf life is limited after opening. 
Make sure the refrigerator is at 4 ° C.
When milk and milk products are spoiled, you can judge this with your senses. They will smell and taste sour. Or there is a layer of moisture on yogurt, crème fraîche or buttermilk, but that does not immediately mean that the product is spoiled. If a product contains a lot of milk fat, it can become rancid or take on odors from the environment.
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nativemilk · 3 years
A2 Milk Near Me | Native Milk
Native milk is the commitment to sustainably harness this farming system to come with products that not only supplement our lifestyle but also improve it. Native Milk introduces Farm fresh Desi Cows A2 Milk with a home delivery facility in Mumbai and Pune. Place your order today! https://nativemilk.co.in/
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nativemilksblog · 2 years
Native Milk is One Stop Solutions for all your Organic needs. We have come with our one more organic product that is Italian Herbs A2 Paneer. Place your order today!
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fairlife-india-blog · 4 years
Indias 5 top Dairy Brands with Best Farming and Procurement models
How many of you remember the trademark glass of milk we had to drink every morning? Some of us liked it – while others had to pinch our noses and guzzle it down. India's dairy market – worth Rs 9,168 billion – is catered to by a complex network of farmers, dairy cooperatives, private players, cooperative federations, and more.  But it all began with Amul Founder Verghese Kurien, also known as the 'Father of the White Revolution'. And his birthday, November 26, is celebrated as National Milk Day. Although Kurien passed away in 2012, his ideas still live on in companies that are on a mission to bring milk to the masses.
Here’s a list of businesses that are making a difference in the dairy industry with their unique strategies for farmer development, product innovation, and more. Urban Indians are used to getting milk packets delivered to their doorsteps each morning. Or, it is as simple as going to a nearby store and picking up some milk. But how often do we stop and think about the process involved in bringing milk to houses and retail stores? The Rs 9,168 billion (or Rs 9.16 lakh crore) dairy market in India is a complex network of farmers, dairy cooperatives, private players, cooperative federations, and more. The success in enabling almost every Indian household to consume milk on a daily basis can be attributed to Amul Founder Verghese Kurien's billion litre idea 'Operation Flood'. The operation sought to help farmers control their own development and resources, and it turned India from a milk-deficient nation to the world's largest producer in 1998. Although Kurien passed away in 2012, his ideas still live on in companies that are on a mission to bring milk to the masses. SMBStory has drawn a list of businesses making a difference in the dairy industry with their strategies for farmer development, product innovation, and more: Heritage Foods Former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Nara Chandrababu Naidu, hailing from the dairy-rich district of Chittoor, comes from a farming background. He saw issues such as farmer payments, transportation, and marketability of milk products were growing in the region's dairy sector. This inspired him to start Heritage Foods in 1992. Launched with an initial investment of Rs 80 lakh, Naidu brought in his wife Nara Bhuvaneshwari and dairy executives to take things forward. Heritage Foods then went on to work with lakhs of farmers over the years. It only retained the tenets of the Amul model that were working, such as eliminating middlemen, procuring milk directly from farmers, paying them well, processing the milk, and selling it to end consumers. The company now claims a significant presence in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Odisha, NCR Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, and Himachal Pradesh. Aadvik Foods Having spent years in their respective jobs, Hitesh Rathi and Shrey Kumar decided to explore the organic food market and bridge the gap within the farm-to-table model. They built on their idea of processing camel milk and Aadvik Foods came into existence. One of the first Indian brands to process camel milk, it started with just one SKU, and now deals in 40 SKUs, including soaps, chocolates, flavoured milk, moisturiser, face wash, facial scrub, day cream, and body butter. The company deals directly with camel breeders of Rajasthan and Gujarat, not only creating a sustainable source of income for them but also helping them take care of animals and maintaining population. The founders have, till now, worked with more than 100 camel breeders. Though they had a slow start because there were no initial takers for this product, today, Aadvik Foods clocks a total of Rs 4 crore due to its immense health benefits, claim the founders. Desi Farms To address the problem of adulterated milk and sell unprocessed milk to customers, Pune-based Prateek Gupta (33) launched SNA Milk & Milk Products in 2016. Through his venture, Gupta is selling healthy, natural, and unprocessed milk and milk products across Pune and Mumbai under the brand ‘Desi Farms'. A proud owner, he says: “Our plant is equipped with top machineries and we process one lakh litres of milk per day. To ensure deliverance on our goals, we maintain rigorous inspection on the milk quality, from the time of procurement to the final dispatch.” Desi Farms currently has 13 exclusive operational outlets in Pune and Mumbai. The company handles morning home deliveries and over-the-counter selling through these outlets. At present, Desi Farms sells over 30 products including A2 milk, whole cow and whole buffalo milk, ghee, paneer, yogurt, lassi, khava, basundi, chass, shrikhand, bread, eggs and more. Mr Dairy Before the advent of the White Revolution, there was a business model similar to Amul’s that was carried out in the 1960s by Nanak Singh, who started Nanak Milk in 1962 in Delhi. His grandson, Tushar, now describes how his grandfather used to take milk from farmers and sell it to major cities in North India. “He was also supplying to Nestle, Delhi Milk Scheme, and the Indian Army, and we continued to work with the same business model till 2001 until we started noticing cases of milk adulteration from the farmers’ side,” he says. This made it increasingly difficult for Nanak to keep a check on quality. Hence, he had to shut down the milk business in 2001. After 18 years, Nanak’s goal of supplying quality milk took the form of Mr Dairy, when Tushar decided to take over the reins of the family legacy. In May 2019, with self-funded capital of Rs 7 crore, Tushar started selling A2 milk, which is produced by only some Indian indigenous cow breeds, and is considered far superior in quality, taste, and freshness. Today, the 60-member Mr Dairy team has recorded approximately Rs 40 lakh-Rs 43 lakh sales per month since May from its range of whole milk, skimmed milk, and ghee. Fairlife Here’s the fair story of our healthy milk brand coming to life. Established in 2012, Sri Sambasiva Dairy Products India Pvt Ltd was constituted by Shri. Kanchi Parameswara Reddy. Hailing from a middle class family who run transport vehicles across a small village called Atmakuru in Nellore district; he initially followed his father’s footsteps and rode across a Milk van. With winning-trust, supreme-quality and healthy-supply, he graduallyscaled up to owning milk tankers and further established his own company “Sri Sambasiva Milk Transport” in 1986.
Today, we proudly silver-line that we have grown into South India’s largest Milk transport company with a fleet of 60 Milk tankers and have earned a remarkably proud association with the Government milk brand- VIJAYA DIARY. We deboss on being the proud logistic partner for milk supplies to the government owned AAGANWADI groups where we supply about 30 lakh liters milk per month. We embarked on establishing our own milk and milk products line with the brand name ‘FAIRLIFE’ on 11th October 2018 envisioned towards building a healthy tomorrow! Fairlife Milk Wholesale Milk Distributor in Hyderabad
Best Farm Lands around Hyderabad
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utpaltekam · 5 years
You can buy AUMRUT A2 cow online on www.aumrut.com for getting free home delivery of farm fresh cow milk Mumbai. Visit the website today.
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dabbl-blog1 · 7 years
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orioninstruments00 · 2 years
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orioninstruments00 · 2 years
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kubauliagro-blog · 4 years
How healthy is dark chocolate?
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It is well known that dark chocolate is healthy. Read here how much and which chocolate you can eat best to experience the optimal health effects.
What is dark chocolate?
Nutritional value of dark chocolate
How Much Chocolate Is Healthy?
Healthy properties
What is dark chocolate?
Chocolate is made from a mixture of cocoa butter, milk powder, milk, cocoa mass, sugar and flavorings such as vanilla.
When is chocolate pure?
Dark chocolate contains at least 54% cocoa powder . But there are also bars of chocolate with a cocoa powder percentage of more than 90%. No milk powder is added with dark chocolate and no cocoa powder with white chocolate. White chocolate contains no cocoa at all and is therefore not actually chocolate. Click here to visit a2 milk suppliers in Mumbai.
How healthy chocolate is depends on the cocoa content and the amount of sugar and fat that is added. Chocolate is healthiest when it is as pure as possible, so it contains the highest possible cocoa content.
Where does cocoa come from?
Cocoa comes from cocoa beans. Cocoa beans are the seeds of the fruit of the cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao), which grow around the equator. There are different varieties of cocoa trees, each with its own taste and characteristics. The beans undergo a natural fermentation process after harvest. Then they are roasted and ground into cocoa.
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100 grams of chocolate, at least 70-85% cocoa content, provides
11 grams of fiber
iron, 67% of the RDI
magnesium, 58% of the RDI
copper 89% of the RDI
manganese, 98% of the RDI
small amounts of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium
How Much Chocolate Is Healthy?
German research published in the Heart Journal in 2010 recommends eating no more than 200 grams of dark chocolate (82% cocoa) per week in order to experience its positive effects. We are the best suppliers of pure cow ghee in Mumbai.
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Healthy properties of dark chocolate
1. Antioxidants
Chocolate is rich in antioxidants. The antioxidants that make chocolate so healthy are flavanoids . How many flavonoids depends on the type of cocoa and how it is processed. Most flavanoids are found in raw cocoa. When chocolate is heated, for example to make bars, which is what happens with most brands. Or if you bake cookies with it, those healthy properties will deteriorate. So if you want to enjoy the healthful properties of chocolate as much as possible, buy raw chocolate or bars that have been prepared at a low temperature.
Cocoa can contain more antioxidants than eg green tea and blueberries .
2. Cholesterol
The flavanoids in chocolate cause your good cholesterol (HDL) to rise and your bad cholesterol (LDL) to drop. In addition, it causes your blood vessels to dilate slightly and your blood to thin. It helps prevent your arteries from clogging, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
3. Against coughing
You can take a cough syrup if you have to cough for a long time, but you can also try some chocolate. The substance theobromine appears to reduce the coughing stimulus. You need to get 1000 mg of theobromine for that. This is contained in 80 g of dark chocolate or about 500 g of milk chocolate.
4. Diabetes
English research published in the British Medical Journal in 2011 showed that eating dark chocolate twice a week more often significantly reduces the risk of Type 2 Diabetes.
5. Weight
A Canadian study showed that people who ate about 30 grams of dark chocolate 5 times a week had a better BMI (Body Mass Index).
6. Brain
Chocolate appears to be good for the brain. The flavonoids ensure a better blood circulation in the brain and that ensures that the memory works better. And that does not apply especially or only to the elderly, this can help even if you are young. Students who drank hot chocolate with 500 mg of flavanoids were better at solving math problems.
7. Relaxation
Chocolate helps you relax. A Nestlé study found that when people with a lot of stress ate a small amount of dark chocolate every day for two weeks, the levels of the stress hormones cortisol and catecholamine decreased.
8. Better mood
And last but not least: chocolate improves your mood. Eating chocolate stimulates the production of stimulating substances in your brain such as endorphins and dopamine. Together with the theobromine (see Against coughing) and the caffeine you will soon feel a lot happier after a few pieces of chocolate.
The chocolate apple combination makes it even healthier by the way.
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earthomaya · 2 years
Pure Desi Cow Ghee in Mumbai
Earthomaya Pure & Organic Aloevera Ghee & A2 Cow Ghee Manufacturer.
Earthomaya is producing a different type of herbal ghee that includes Aloe vera ghee, A2 Desi Cow ghee which helps people to live a healthy life. Earthomaya Ghee is a rich source of vitamins, antioxidants, and healthy fats. While fat should be consumed in moderation, studies show that eating fatty foods such as ghee can help the body absorb some essential vitamins and minerals.
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