sunwoovous · 4 years
hello!! just thought I'd stop by and say thank u for making content for us!! your little creations help make my day go by a little better :) also I thought I should ask whats your favorite thing about each tbz members if you dont mind? I'm in the mood to adore these boys more! 💞🥰
ahhh thank you so much for this!! this was such a nice message to wake up to 🥺💕 I’m glad someone is enjoying what I make aklsdjk the boyz are definitely fun to make content for and deobi are all so sweet and funny! bUT AHHH TBZ LOVING HOURS LET’S GO!!
sangyeon: his eye smile! I’m so fond of his eye smile he’s already so attractive but as soon as he smiles I feel my heart melt, and it just shows off his naturally kindhearted spirit like when he smiles it emanates how much of a sweetheart he is asdfgjk and I know he says he’s not cute but!! he’s a liar, he’s super cute!!
jacob: his instinctively kindhearted and attentive nature. jacob is just... a sweetheart... who melts my own heart... and him being so nice and caring just comes so naturally to him? I love how just habitually he’s so attentive to all the members and their needs and feelings and he’s just such a good brother to everyone 🥺 and just in general he has such a genuinely nice personality like you look at him and you can feel it and I adore him he’s the biggest sweetheart 🥺
younghoon: his dorkiness kaljsdfkjk not so much his sense of humor itself but just his overall dorky demeanor that he has when he’s off camera I just... he’s a big lovable goofball who cracks bad jokes and tries so hard to be funny and then the faces he makes afterward when people don’t laugh aklsjdkf prOTECT HIM. but also on that note I love how confident he is with himself while simultaneously being shy about it like he’ll make a joke with such certainty and then cover his face awkwardly afterward. or he’ll give fan service with confidence and then afterward hide! his habit of hiding is so cute too he’s so soft and precious.
hyunjae: hIS LAUGHTER AKLSJDKFJ IT HEALS MY SOUL when he laughs and his nose scrunches up first and then his entire face scrunches up?!? and how he laughs with his whole entire chest and body like you’ll see him flopping over aND HOW LOUD AND SPIRITED IT IS I JUST. ADORE HIS LAUGHTER. the first time I heard him laugh when I was undecided bias wise I literally just kaljdkfjk fell in love and went “!!! this is my bias!!!” (when in fact it was a farce but y’know what I still adore him and his laugh)
juyeon: his dedication and passion... when I saw him crying after the shangri-la stage for such a minor mistake that I hadn’t even noticed until he started crying?? I just... akjsldfjk must protect he’s the sweetest most hardworking boy and I adore him and I hope he knows he works so hard and doesn’t need to push himself or always be perfect and that he’s allowed to make mistakes because he’s wonderful and talented and we can see that and all his efforts, even if a mistake is made, are valid jUST AKSDKLFJ GONNA START A PROTECT JUYEON SQUAD you can tell because of how sensitive he is that he loves what he does
kevin: mEME KING akljsdlkfjk I adore his sense of humor but it’s also very similar to my sense of humor like... he just says things without thinking and sometimes he’s like “yeah that was good!” and other times you can see him go “wtf did I just say??” at himself and I love it, it always makes me laugh and he always manages to put a smile on my face. but the best part of all of it is he never doubts himself he just completely vibes with himself and is so confident and I just have to simultaneously shake my head at him but also love him and protect him!! he’s the biggest dork and I just. AHHHH I love him for it!!
chanhee: his voice?! fun fact chanhee’s vocals are actually my favorite in tbz he has such a unique voice!! and his high notes are easily recognizable in songs! idk how to exactly explain the tenor he has when he speaks and sings but it’s just really pleasing to listen to and is such a nice voice and fits him so well.
changmin: his overall passion! for the stage, for being an idol, and for dancing. when I saw him smile real huge during the oneus/tbz collab stage... similar to jacob, I started to cry a little bit. you could tell in that moment where he was just smiling on stage how alight his eyes were and how much he was truly enjoying himself and what he was doing and as stressful as being an idol can be I could tell he was honestly, truly happy in that moment and that on top of knowing how much he loves dancing, I just adore his passion for his dreams and what he’s doing and I hope he never loses that fire he has.
haknyeon: his visuals and his vocals. haknyeon’s visuals are just... no joke. I was trying not to make this post about physical appearances if I could help it but haknyeon is just? stunningly handsome? he’s soft and approachable but also his features just have akljsdkfjk this masculinity to them that makes him very pretty and handsome at the same time and his eyes are so soft and sparkly and ahhhh?! but also I love his vocals. while chanhee has a distinct voice that I enjoy, haknyeon has just a very... nice voice. soothing I guess? his voice is deeper and when he sings, that lower tone he has? just adds so much depth and personality to songs and it’s very nice! and also! listening to him speak! he just has such a soothing and calm voice when he’s speaking without going crazy or getting excited and immediately I just want to listen to him forever (I often put his vlives on as background noise).
hyunjoon: (can I include hwall because I miss him gonna cry brb) akljsdfk his expressiveness! is what!! I love most!! he always had a resting scowl on his face but as soon as the boy smiled everything in the world just felt right and the way his face would literally just LIGHT UP as soon as his scowl turned to a smile or a laugh he was just tHE CUTEST 🥺
sunwoo: everything... literally just. everything. as much as I yell at him for everything, I yell at him because I adore everything about him. he’s so naturally handsome, for one, but also his personality is just... him as whole, I love him 🥺 I think the best way to encompass this is to say that I love his duality? the fact that he’s so raw and honest, but a huge joker and so savage to his elder members and his sarcastic deadpan sense of humor? that’s my type of humor!! he always makes me laugh and always puts a smile on my face. and the way he holds himself with confidence on stage... but then also I love how soft and precious and tender and loving he can be? and how he’s attentive to other members too, despite his age, and literally how he says things and I just aklsjfk he’s so young yet somehow so wise and even as someone older than him when he says something or I read something that he’s said and I’m having a bad day I just instantly think, “wow, how do you know so much for being so young,” while also wanting to believe his words because he’s so confident with himself. he’s just... very admirable... in all he does...
eric: sweetest baby boy... I just love how emotional he is overall? if that makes sense? like he’s not afraid to be in tune with his emotions and show them and I love him for that, in every aspect, whether it’s him being a goofball and being gullible and making terrible jokes or whether it’s him performing on stage and loving every minute of it and loving his members so much and expressing how much he adores his members. he’s just not afraid to give his 100% when it comes to his feelings and making them known and I not only love him for it but admire him for it.
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