#aaAAA! my executive functioning is bad! in all ways!
mrbingley · 2 years
i am white knuckle resisting the urge to ask if anyone wants a sneak peek at my unfinished existential horror interactive/online fiction story b/c i want constant validation but i am forbidding myself from asking this b/c i know it’ll delay me finishing the story b/c the possible compliments would sustain me for days.
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rubbersoles19 · 5 years
SOLE I'D LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR IDEAS (post them coward) (I'm sorry you're not a coward aaaaa)
Asdjflsg but I have so many and so little time it's the curse of being an artist instead of a writer creating takes so much TIME
And I'm a student with a full time internship
Anyway as soon as this Big Thing is done and we actually have wifi in my apartment I want to post some more doodles about my ideas but here's spoilers I guess??
Lord I'm pathetic
Bounty: the Irken Armada was lost in the Florpus, leaving a huge vacuum in Irken strength. Resistance groups rallied against them, some Invaders failed without the Tallest' support, others self-destructed, others adandoned their missions to live on their planets, go into hiding, or reconvene at Irk to protect the Control Brains, and others simply vanished. Zim, busy rebuilding his base and oblivious as always, had no idea. Then, when most of the Irken forces were gathered at Irk, the planet was attacked and destroyed. This, Zim noticed, and began trying to contact other Invaders, for months. For months he tried to locate and other Irkens out there, but it was like they had all... vanished. Eventually, Zim put the peices together, and when some various space debris crash landed on Earth, he rushed there to claim any answers or supplies it might have had. Dib, however, was also there, and once the tractor beam started, they realized it had been a trap. They were taken aboard a massive ship that collected alien life forms, either for collection or bounties, and where rather thrilled to fetch an Irken since there were "so few left." Zim and Dib were categorized and separated, while the ship operators figured out what to do with Zim. It was tempting to keep him, but he was a defective. It was tempting to hand him over to the resistance for torture and execution, but he was rare. Before they could decide, Zim and Dib both escaped, Dib having learned that Irkens were a dying race, and Zim facing a new wave of depression at his inability to even be a good collection item.
Mr. Nash Toil: After Bounty, Zim vanished. In that time Dib had helped grow and expand the Swollen Eyeball Network, and was only a few nights away from heading to basic S.E.N. training when another Irken ship crash landed on Earth. Zim reappeared and rushed there, and the Irken pilot lived long enough to tell him that they were the last Irkens left. The Swollen Eyeball Network then arrived, and Zim used the dead Irken to fake his own death. Dib was told, and went to training believing Zim was finally dead. After graduating, Dib was made a member of the S.E.N., but only a junior member since he was still completing school. He was assigned a new partner, a short, pestering, and angry human named Nash Toil, who seemed to exist to annoy Dib. Nash also proved to be a huge work hazard, continuously neglecting SEN protocol, endangering himself and the mission, and generally having a bad attitude. He also asked Dib a lot of questions about Dib's thesis on aliens and the fallen Irken Empire, or what was left, and his theories about what happened to it. One night, Nash said one too many "educated guesses," and sparked Dib's suspicions. That was the first time he actually saw Zim's body, as well as the captured ship and robot companion. Convinced he was just paranoid, Dib dropped the subject until one certain mission, when the Resistance he had theorized about came to Earth... They targeted Dib, who was the only one with still working Irken technology, captured him, and tortured him for the location of the Earth-Irken. The only Irken on Earth, of course, was dead, or so he thought... Dib's partner, and a strange companion, lead the SEN/military attack against the ship, and once again disobeying orders, broke into the ship and rescued Dib themselves. The Resistance, having found their Irken prey, put up enough of a fight for Nash's real identity to be revealed. Zim and GIR then dragged Dib out of there, and the ship erupted, killing most of the Resistance forces, a large portion of SEN and military agents, and stranding various Resistance f aliens on Earth. Zim nursed Dib back to health, and finally revealed what he had been doing these last years: after the bounty was put on his head by the Collectors, Zim began traveling across space to find any remaining Irken soldiers, technology, or any signs of life. He spent quite a bit time on the cold, dead husk of Irk, meeting various refugees, running from the Resistance, and rebuilding as much of his own tech as he could, including reprogramming his PAK as any and all codings he could, creating new armor for himself, rebuilding tools and weapons he could salvage, and finally built Gir a somewhat functioning brain. When he returned to Earth, he had confirmed all slimy humans indeed thought he was dead, crafted a new disguise and identity, and joined the SEN to spy on them from within. He had already learned that while the Collectors had put a bounty on his head, they had done the same for Dib, so Zim tried to protect him. His name, Nash Toil, was a clue all along: Not A Stinking Human, The Only Irken Left. Now, however, that the SEN wants his human identity dead and the aliens know his alien identity is still alive, he should leave and go into hiding once again. Probably leave Earth. Dib, understandably, was furious at first, but then realized the best way to track down those aliens hunting for Zim is to stay within the SEN. And Dib would help him. Right after graduation.
With Dib a full time member of the SEN, and successfully earning lead on hunting down the alien survivors, he and Zim continue to do just that, clean up whatever messes they leave behind, and do a little ghost hunting along the way. The ship's massive explosion had unleashed a huge wave of radiation onto the planet, mutating random people and animals as well as whole towns. And Dib and Zim investigate it all.
Random ideas
Meet M.E.M.E.: Zim, now a scientist, works constantly to preserve Irken technology and develop his own. One such invention is M.E.M.E., or Miniature Enhancement Microbot Equipment, a swarm of Irken Microbots that are mentally controlled by the host to create armor, weapons, tools, and whatever else they want. Dib goes through his own rough patch, constantly failing and falling short. With his SEN testing right around the corner, he's even more stressed, and decides go to the alien for help. Zim, however, refuses to allow Dib to use MEME. During it's creation, Zim used a small fraction of it on himself for simple tests, and through it passed the tests, it also infected his PAK, both driving him to new intellectual levels and severely draining his energy. Dib, however, neither knows this nor cares, and though he does accept Zim's help to train and study, he also takes MEME. From that point on, MEME does improve his mental and physical limits, but also enhances his less desirable and often suppressed emotional impulses... Zim has to figure out why Dib is spiraling out of control, is there more to play here than just stress, as well as stop Dib when he goes after the one whose rejection started the whole thing: Dr. Membrane. (Dib will continue to use MEME throughout their adventures as his narrative equal to Zim's robot companion and PAK system, but only under Zim's very careful and always reluctant supervision.)
Rise of the Aukins: ( inspired by the one post about winged Irkens ) Zim picks up a transmission and after frantically confirming his own instincts, begs Dib to double check it. Dib does, and confirms what Zim already thought: it's Irken. Or rather, it's a version of Irken. Once they realize there are coordinates included, the two head into space to investigate, and discover a whole different species of Irken: this time, they are peaceful, emotional, and have wings. The Aukins reveal the true history of Irk, which was never taught to Irkens, and invite Zim and Dib to join their society. Admittedly, it's tempting, but are these soft spoken aliens actually as peaceful as they seem?
My Coworker is a Vampire: Gaz is the head of her department at CompBiz, respected coder, hacker, and programmer. She doesn't talk to her brother unless he needs something or they've got some ultra-rare family event, but this time, it's her who needs their help. Her new co-worker, despite being all levels of weird and unnerving, even for Gas, might be stealing her designs. Oh, and he might also be a vampire. The latter she can forgive, but how else will she get her workaholic brother to look into it and bust the creep?
Old Faces: Multiple reports of people in town acting out of character, unusual items going missing, and traces of unknown radiation take Dib and Zim back to where it all started: home. And what luck, they are just in time for Hi Skool Reunion! Well, Dib is, Zim never actually went, and the human is far from excited to return. But when the shape shifting stowaway leads them there, the two have a completely new reason to question everything their old classmates tell them.
All for Nought: For being the only Irken left, Zim has made quite a name for himself. He defeated his own armada, escaped a Florpus, has repeatedly dodged Collector capture, capture by the Resistance, some of which had set up base on his own planet, and has every code the Irkens ever developed in his PAK. He's not exactly famous, but he's definitely known, and had he been foolish enough to risk detection by listening to the outer space chatter about him, he'd be honored. But how will all that change when, according to the rumors, the Florpus returns, and it brought survivors?
Uh that's all the more or less formed ideas, at least for now. I'm sorry this is so long!!
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