#aaa you have some great luchadores but I will never understand you (I say this as a mexican)
scorpiondeathl0ck · 11 months
watched triplemania for free and it was so bad. hiiii rush.
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lostinyourears · 6 years
Masked Matches of May III : Solar vs Tiger Mask, September 23rd 1981, NJPW
Video link to the match on NJPW World : https://njpwworld.com/p/s_series_00036_2_2
Cagematch page for this match(Some matches won’t have this because they aren’t listed on Cagematch)
Who’s Who?
Tiger Mask(Satoru Sayama)  
Tiger Mask  as a gimmick had a very simple to understand purpose. That was to bring the Lucha Libre flair of Mexico to NJPW. I’ve covered what many consider to be the spark that ignited the lucha fever in Japan. I’m not covering that as a part of this series because I already covered it for this blog, here is a link.
Long story short, AJPW had Dos Caras and Mil Mascaras, the later of which won the Tokyo Sports award for best match with Jumbo in 1978. So basically in response the young prospect Satoru Sayama went on excursion working in Mexico for both UWA and CMLL. Where he would pick up the tricks of the Lucha Trade.
Tiger Mask made his debut in NJPW in 1981 while Satoru Sayama’s run as Tiger Mask only lasted 3 years, it was a very interesting run. As NJPW to put over their masked character brought in legitimate luchadores who were well known to put on a style of match that Tiger Mask had trained to do in Mexico. Tiger Mask still worked for years after this NJPW run, but never in as high profile of a spot.
Solar is a great example of lost history when it comes to Lucha. He was a UWA mainstay, but with UWA folding in 1995 lots of its history has faded into the past. Solar debuted in 1975 and would be a name in UWA capturing both the UWA World Welterweight Title in 1977 and the Mexican National Middleweight title, which he was currently holding at the time of this match. He would continue to work with UWA until they went defunct in 1995.  After that he worked briefly with AAA, then CMLL going on in 2007 to become a notable name for indie shows in Mexico. CMLL as well have brought him in for special legends show. He has a great technical style, and a backlog that will never be complete or even half complete. With many of his UWA matches, just not existing. It should be noted, that he went by Solar I since his brother also went by Solar II. Though when you say Solar, most people will know you mean I the more famous of the two.
(Both of these was from yesterdays match, but this match was only 5 days later. So not much changed with either man.)
How is the match?
Good, it’s very nice to see Tiger Mask face off vs there well known luchadors. Granted, they are well known after the fact as Canek/Solar were very much still building their reputation/legacy in the early 1980′s. While this match doesn’t pass the 10 minute mark it seemed like they fit in plenty of action in the short time they were given. This match is more of a pure wrestling contest than the other two matches we have looked at... no dives, jumping off the corner, just two guy wrestling in the ring and exchanging holds. With Tiger Mask obviously showing his stronger striking prowess, which is what allows him to take this match. I’m not sure if the ending was a work or a shoot. I think Solar may have actually hurt his arm in this match, because the submission comes from a strange not very flashy move. At the same time this is early 80′s NJPW and perhaps to imbue some realism they may have a submission happen like that? If it wasn’t a legit injury Solar does a great job of selling his arm in the closing minutes of this match. I’d recommend this match, I wouldn’t call it great, but it is a fun brief look at the early run of the original Tiger Mask and Solar.
Highlights :
Solar vs Tiger Mask(I), September 23th 1981, NJPW
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