#aaaaaaaaaand Lloyd lost his dad
Ninjago Angst week - Day 3: Bleeding
//blood, gore, death, murder, violence//
Inspired by the song "Bleeding out" by Imagine Dragons
"You are oni, but only in form. In your heart I sense uncertainty and doubt. A part of you longs to understand these pitiful beings; to be one of them. Your hopes weaken you!"
The Omega's powerful hit sent Garmadon flying backwards.
The green ninja jumped between the oni leader and Garmadon. Pathetic, yet expected. That boy was always so emotional! The Omega was wrong, Garmadon had no interest in these children playing dress up, trying to act mature (and often failing at it).
He certainly doesn't wish to be one of them. He is an oni! A powerful being that deserves to rule the realm! Why would he bother showing sympathy for anyone? It was weak!
He wasn't sure who was more pathetic: the humans, his brother or the green ninja.
He watched the leader of the ninja team getting easily thrown around by the Omega. Serves him right! He was foolish to try to take on an oni!
He should be laughing at the boy's poor attempts to... to protect him. No, Garmadon never asked for his protection! Lloyd got himself into that mess. Garmadon had told him so many times that sentimentality was a weakness! The ninja should have listened! Why didn't he listen? He would be okay now if he just-
Why does Garmadon even care about him getting hurt? He should mocking his poor attempts at battle! He shouldn't worry- and he isn't worried!
🎶 when the day has come; that I've lost my way around 🎶
He- he couldn't care less about the boy whimpering in pain!
🎶 and the seasons stop; and hide beneath the ground 🎶
He does have to stop the Omega. If anyone will take over Ninjago, it will be Garmadon! Not some random oni with a large staff! Yes, that's why he needs to attack him!
Garmadon leaped towards the oni leader. Skillfully dodging it's attacks.
The green ninja got up and once again joined in the battle. More oni warriors surrounded them.
The ninja was so occupied with attacking Omega that he didn't even notice the others. He should pay more attention to the battlefield! He could get hurt- which would weaken their forces!
Who cares?! It wasn't Garmadon's problem!
But he would be lying if he said he didn't freeze when he heard Lloyd scream in agony.
🎶 when the sky turns grey; and everything is screaming 🎶
The oni managed to injure him. The boy seemed to have lost consciousness! He needed help, he-
No, this isn't Garmadon's problem! What's gotten into him today?
What's the point of having an entire team if they didn't come and help their leader?
🎶 i will reach inside; just to find my heart is beating 🎶
He should help out. He needs to protect his son! No, no he's not one of them, he doesn't care about him!
Yes, he is the boy's father. And he guessed they were close when the boy was younger. They got even closer when the boy saved him from evil. He didn't need saving! He was oni, destruction and darkness were in his nature! He didn't need saving from it.
To be fair he did look happy in the photograph the boy showed him. The two of them, close together, happy-
Now Garmadon was the foolish one! He let his guard down and the Omega managed to get a hit on him. It wasn't too bad, but enough to draw blood.
He needs to stop being so sentimental!
🎶 oh you tell me to hold on; oh you tell me to hold on 🎶
He shouldn't be holding on to those distant memories. He barely even remembered them. The times he was bonding with his son, his brother and wife, students. His family.
No, those were the memories of another man. A man who is now gone!
But Lloyd-
🎶 but innocence is gone; and what was right is wrong 🎶
That's enough thinking! Now he actually needs to focus on doing something!
He decided to ignore his injury- and the blood slowly dripping out of it- instead he dodged another attack, leaped at the larger oni and pushed him backwards.
This gave him enough time to turn around and run to the green ninja's aid.
🎶 'cus I'm bleeding out 🎶
He needed to help him. He needed to just focuse on getting these demons away from his child.
🎶 so if the last thing that I do is bring you down; I'll bleed out for you 🎶
He fought like he has never fought before. Punching, kicking, clawing at the oni warriors.
🎶 so I bear my skin; and I count my sins; and I close my eyes; and I take it in 🎶
Garmadon has done a lot of things in his life. Most of which are horrible crimes. But, his son grew up to be a great warrior. A great person.
His son. The reason he was in the departed realm in the first place was because he sacrificed himself. And to be honest, he did it to try to give his son a better life.
As the memories of the good times were coming back to him, he wasn't sure whether to smile or cry.
Lloyd loved him. And he... he loved Lloyd.
He promised he would protect him and keep him safe. But he was the one who hurt him.
He was angry- no, furious.
He was furious at himself for hurting his own child, the child he had so much love for. He didn't even know it was possible to love someone so much until he held him for the first time.
And he caused him so much pain. As did the oni.
🎶 I'm bleeding out; I'm bleeding out for you 🎶
His body was getting covered in more and more injuries. Blood was starting to cover him.
It didn't matter.
He used the fury surging through him.
All the anger he was feeling, both against other oni and himself, he used it all.
He attacked the oni with all his might.
He was Lord Garmadon.
Father of Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, brother of Wu, husband of Misako, teacher of the ninja.
He was the son of the First Spinjitzu Master.
The oni messed with the wrong family. That will be the last mistake they ever make.
Rage was a powerful fuel.
🎶 for you 🎶
Lloyd slowly opened his eyes. He hadn't been unconscious for too long, but it seemed like the battle was over now.
He slowly got up, surveying the battlefield.
There were oni laying down everywhere, none were moving. He easily came to the conclusion that they moved on to the department realm.
And in the middle of the battlefield stood his father. His bloodstained body suddenly surrounded by a black fog.
It quickly faded away, only to reveal an old grey haired man instead of the oni that stood there moments ago.
"Dad? Is it- is it really you? Are... are you back to normal?"
The old man stayed silent as he looked up at his son.
Garmadon was covered in gashing wounds that had blood pouring from them. He must have been in pain.
Yet his eyes still looked so gentle and kind, and a soft smile slowly spread across his face.
"I did it, for you."
With those final words, Garmadon's body collapsed into a pool of his own blood.
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