#aaaaaaaaah pls ily ily ily <3333
inkykeiji · 3 years
omg clari i aM SCREECHING!!!! you’re writing mORE THAN ONE BOOK? bitch wHAT?!?!?!? my poor lil stuffed heart can’t take all this excitement!!!!! i know one of them consists of the bmb plot universe but will any of your other books be based on some of your other pieces of writing or....? ahhhhh this news rly made my day! i’m genuinely so happy bby, thank u!! hope you have an amazing week angel <3333
teddy!!!!! I AM ehehehe
PLEASE you’re so very precious!!!! yes yes okay so, like you said, one of them is bmb (more or less, obv plot elements will have to be rearranged a bit and things will need to be edited and changed etc but the storyline itself will stay the same; what you guys are essentially reading right now is like, the rough draft hahahaha)
then i plan to release the lil tag you’re it series (so little bit of position in me plus the other two parts in that series that have yet to be finished/posted) as a novella, because i don’t think it’ll be long enough to technically be considered a novel??? i’m not sure ehehehe i guess we’ll see when i get to the end of it but yeah!!
then i’m working on two entirely original works; one is about a cyberpunk girl gang, and the other is a hamlet adaptation!! the hamlet adaptation at the moment is written as a screenplay, but i’m considering making it a novel instead, because of course there’s so much more you can include in books than you can in scripts. so!!!!!
those are the four things i’ve got planned at the moment and have been working on. the two original works i’ve been working on veeeery slowly since last summer. but i’m super excited about it!! i love writing more than anything and i’ve wanted to be a novelist/screenwriter for a very, very long time--it’s quite literally my DREAM to make a career out of my writing. it’s all i want to do with my life, so!
AAAAAAH PLS PLS PLS UR ASK MADE MY DAY!!!!! you’re so so so lovely thank you so much eeeeeeee i love u and i’m so lucky to have you here with me!!! i mean that from the very bottom of my heart <33 it literally brought tears to my eyes to hear that this news made you genuinely happy, like aaah okay let me ramble for a moment:
that is quite literally all i want to do with my work. i know the importance of pieces of work (any form; writing, drawings/comics/manga, shows, movies etc etc) that simply bring happiness, or comfort, or escapism to people. i realized very quickly how much pieces of art like that meant to me and decided that i wanted my own work to do the same for others, if that makes sense???
profound art is obviously extremely important, but art that comforts and brings little bits of happiness to the normal lives of people is just as important, in my opinion. and if i can do that, then i’ll have achieved my life goal <33
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