#aaaaaahhh i missed them my little famous babies
imnotwolverine · 4 years
The girl next door - Deep roots
The Girl Next Door - Chapter 1 DEEP ROOTS
| Chap 2 >
Summary: Henry is stuck in the countryside as COVID-19 wreaks havoc in the world, leaving him with little else left to do but getting to know his spunky next door neighbour, Lizz. 
Word count: 1.639
Warnings: strong language, hint of fluff
(Link to my Masterlist)
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It was a particularly nice spring day in the countryside, the sky a spotless deep blue as the scent of blooming grasses and flowers permeated the morning air. Henry stepped out through the squeaky gate of his rental home and tilted his head back, stretching out his slightly sleepy body while his akita Kal flew through the gate. Henry smiled, seeing his dog happily zipping through the tall grass next to the narrow dust road and he stuck his hands in his pockets as he started to walk.
It had been a weird couple of months. The COVID-19 virus had meant the immediate stop of all his plans. His work. His holidays. His visits to friends and family.  And so, for the first time in years, Henry had all the time in the world to just…be! And mind you, he actually kind of enjoyed it, his once busy jet set lifestyle now very average. Dare he say, normal even.
Like every morning he walked down the path, throwing the same stick as Kal raced past, catching it. And like everyday he waved at Mrs. Gatter, who lured at him through her blinds, her wrinkly fingers quickly shooting back to tending her plants, acting as if she didn’t even notice Henry. Henry suppressed a smile as his eyes wandered further down the road, Kal but a blur of black and white in the corner of his eye.
Yes, he wouldn’t like to admit it. But normal life WAS quite enjoyable.
Kal disappeared for a moment and Henry looked up, following the direction the big Akita had wandered off to. Ah. Also like everyday. The abandoned house, its garden wild and unkempt. Kal’s favourite place to roam around in.
At first Henry had been apprehensive of entering the garden. It was in the end someone’s garden, right? But alas. The weeks became months. And nothing stirred. The garden remained wild and it was safe to say the house had been abandoned and forgotten. And so, Henry had given in to the curiosity of his fur baby and allowed the two of them to roam around for a bit. Something that had became a bit of a daily habit.  
Like everyday, Kal jumped with great ease over the small stone wall, his big paws having made a raw spot in between the lush grass where he landed. Henry also stepped over the wall and smirked as Kal halted his zooming to look at a bird that quickly scurried off. A blackbird.  
Henry followed Kal as he drifted deeper into the garden, the jungle-like greenery looping around the side of the house, by now almost swallowing half the bottom floor.
A female voice set Henry dead in his tracks. Oh shit. There was somebody there. Did she see him? His eyes quickly looked for Kal, but Kal was nowhere to be seen. Oh no.. Feeling a sudden shiver run down his spine, he decided to swallow his pride and make himself known to the woman - hoping Kal hadn’t ran her over in his excitement. Besides, it was the most decent thing he could do as he was practically standing in the middle of, what probably was, her garden.
Moving through the last bit of jungle he got to the back of the yard, his jaw all but dropping at what he saw next.
Slender, milky pale legs in knee high rain boots, topped by a plush pair of buttocks that were perfectly hugged by booty shorts that made Henry swallow harshly. She however didn’t seem to have noticed him, her body still folded in half as she seemed to be too preoccupied with tugging on a pair of obnoxious roots.
‘How hard can this be?!’ She fumed, tugging even harder, the muscles in her legs flexing. Henry was at a loss for words in that moment, blatantly staring at her bum as it jiggled with every tug.
And then Kal appeared back in the corner of his eye, the big dog practically pouncing at the woman from one of the bushes.
‘AAAAAAHHH!’ She screamed, flying back as she released the roots in fright, her plush bottom cushioning the blow as she fell down. ‘What the..’ Her initial terror quickly made way for a chuckle, as she noticed it was not a monster but a dog, the big akita sniffing her with curiosity. ‘Oh hey you.’ She laughed. Kal panted, then moved to sniff the roots and decided it would make for a perfect stick, his big muzzle closing around the roots, continuing the tug of war with the obnoxious plant. ‘Hahahaha. Oh my. You want to help?’ She sniffled, bending forward and letting her gloved hands run through his thick fur.
‘I can help too.’ Henry interjected, making the woman fly up in a new bout of terror.
‘OH MY..’ She quickly shot up to her feet, turning around and looking with utter shock at Henry as he stood there at the edge of the bushes.
‘OH! I’m so sorry..’ Henry exclaimed, quickly looking away, his cheeks flushing. The woman let out a gasp as her eyes slowly took in Henry. Tall, dark, handsome. What did the gods send her way this time?
‘Well..hello there. Uh..’ She quickly straightened up, biting her lip as she suddenly felt very flustered. Did she really have to shout so loudly while gardening? And who was he? Had he heard her from the road and thought something was amiss? Her eyes were met by his hesitant cerulean ones.
‘I’m so sorry about that.’ He repeated, offering her a sheepish smile.
‘That’s..okay. Is this your dog?’ She pointed at Kal as he was about halfway through the feat of pulling out the root.
‘Eh..’ Henry pulled a face as he noticed how the dog was practically digging up half a tree, completely ruining what little acceptable bit of garden there was left. ‘I..eh. Yes. That’s, Kal. KAL! Stop that.’
The dog halted his tugging, looking with half an eye at his owner. ‘Come here boy.’ Henry chided, the dog quickly letting go of the root and reluctantly trotting back to Henry’s heel.
‘Oh, he was actually pretty useful.’ She smiled, winking at the dog. Her dark brown eyes slid back up at Henry, long lashes circling browns that glittered with wonder. Wonder of who this stranger was.
‘Well then perhaps we both can help..’ Henry offered, smiling more broadly as she let out a tinkering laugh. She looked so very becoming. Slightly wavy auburn hair, pale skin with freckles and deep brown eyes that somewhat reminded him of Audrey Hepburn.
‘Perhaps.’ She shrugged, looking back at the mess Kal had left behind. ‘Though it’s probably wiser to just go to town to get some better tools. It’s not like this is the one and only root that needs pulling.’ She hinted at the rest of the garden.
‘Perhaps.’ Henry smiled. ‘I’m..Henry by the way. I live next door.’ Henry pointed in the general direction of his house that lay about a hundred meters further up the dirt road.
‘Ha. The famous Mr. Cavill. My name’s Lizz.’ She wanted to step forward to shake hands, but halted midway, realising with the ongoing COVID crisis that was not a smart thing to do. And so instead, she waved somewhat dorkily, making him snicker, his chest rumbling with mirth.
‘Just Henry, that’s fine.’ Henry mused, returning the gesture and waving at her with the same dorkiness. ‘Nice to meet you Lizz.’ His eyes drifted up to the house right next to them.
‘So..you live here?’ He asked, his brows furrowing as he took a better look at the state of disarray the house was in. Wood rot, missing bricks, chipped paint.
‘Yea. I guess I got a bit over-enthused after seeing “Under the Tuscan sun”.’ She shrugged, giggling at her own joke. ‘It’s the house of my late grandparents. Nobody wanted it. But, I decided I could at least give it a try. I mean..’ She shrugged and looked up at the house. ‘..it sure has got character!’
‘All by yourself?’ Henry raised an eyebrow back at her, stealing a quick glance. Boots, booty shorts and a simple white cotton shirt. Nothing close to what the average builder would wear. 
‘Are you doubting my capabilities good sir? But eh..yea. For now. Some friends may come over to assist once the regulations are less restricting. And up til then it’s just me and myself.. and I.’ She winked.
‘Well..my offer stands. It’s not like I built all these muscles for nothing.’ He shrugged, flexing them slightly but immediately regretting those words as she quickly looked away from him, trying her best to hide an obvious blush.
‘Sure… And eh..borrowing sugar.. and all that…stuff.’ She muttered, quickly turning to don her gloves in a wheelbarrow, her cheeks bright red by now.
‘Sorry. That maybe came out..wrong.’ Henry shuffled his feet, looking at her as she rummaged through the contents of the wheelbarrow (some shovels, dirt, the gloves - what did she even need to rummage around for?).
‘Do you eh..maybe want a glass of water?’ She finally turned back around, eyeing him carefully. He shrugged. ‘First gotta walk Kal. Before he digs up your entire garden.’
‘Perhaps.’ She laughed, looking at the dog as he impatiently pushed his nose against Henry’s knee, hearing his name but not knowing why.
‘Well. You know where to find me. I’m home practically always. And eh..my offer stands. Help a neighbour out!’ Henry smiled broadly, tsk’ing to alert Kal to follow him.
‘Thanks. I might hold you up to that..neighbour.’ She smiled in turn.
‘I’m looking forward to it.’ Henry sniffled, catching the glint of mischievousness in her brown eyes.
For the first time in a year he felt something stir inside of him, a little seed having been planted, budding in his heart as it beat with delight. 
Today sure was a good day.
| Chap 2 >
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