#aaaand also to be clear on the exact weapon in the bottom left it's his Second Star
bravewolfvesperia · 5 months
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🌙 Transgressor Yuri moodboard. 🌙
#{ muse info + headcanons }#/ i think abt him. a lot. so if any of u have a crestoria verse. please. write with me.#let him free. release him into the world.#i am also keeping the lower quarter in this verse generally speaking hence its place here#aaaand also to be clear on the exact weapon in the bottom left it's his Second Star#versus the implication of getting a blood sin weapon on the right#both placed on the sides of the respective relationships bc Second Star#canonically relates to his relationship with flynn and blood sins can only be acquired through vicious#which is perfect bc i intend for yuri to be working with vicious (and kanata and co) indirectly#it all fell together very nicely n_n#and aside from any threads with any vicious-muns since it's not my place to determine how they write their muse with my muse#(and they can do this with me too if agreed upon!) i do plan to have vicious heavily integrated into yuri's story#will also be chaotic and beautiful bc two emotionally intelligent fuck-alls who are here to cause problems on purpose#while also calling themselves the worst possible things ever while continuing to be awesome stand up ppl#also you can't tell me flynn and vicious don't have this lawful versus lawless thing going on here#you don't even need tug o' war when you have tug o' yuri#believe me if i had enough energy to write a damn fic for this verse for yuri and those two i WOULD#feat aegis. bc. the lawless chaotics require their knightly boyfriends for a double date. lots of double dates#the rest of their fucking LIVES will be double dates and they're going to LIKE it. probably. mostly.#anyway namco threw this perfectly wonderful opportunity away and it's mine now im not giving it back >:/
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scarlxtleaves · 7 months
Hands rise to cover a dreamer's eyes, quiet as a dove, hoping to be as graceful as one.
"Kazuhaaaa, it's me! Aaaand ~ I want you to do me a favor. Trust me, okay?"
With one hand busy, Yoimiya's other clasped his wrist, leading him onward. It wouldn't take long to reach the Naganohara Firework Shop, it hardly ever did, but the anticipation all but ate at her: did he celebrate his birthday, did he want to? Did it bring good memories, bad?
(She wanted to make good ones. Oh Archons above, she wanted to make good ones.)
"Okaaay! You can open your eyes!"
On a table sat prettily before him, a two-tiered cake: an autumn-whisked landscape on the highest, parted only by a beginning stream - which then continues downward, downward, pooling into the bottom tier. The coloring isn't exact; Yoimiya isn't a baker, but Yoimiya aimed for accuracy where she could, such as in the leaves which so often adorned his work, his fabrics, the very same leaves spotted in that warm spring she sought to bring to life.
"I know it's not much, but I also have this," Yoimiya departed his side for all but a moment, returning with a colorful sheath - red paneled; descending into pearly white. "This is just part one! This..."
Yoimiya tugged the sword free, gesturing now toward its handle.
"I made it - so it's easier for your hands," she glanced his bandaged knuckles, "It's soft. And, and it matches your outfit! Aaand the sheath! And I added," a charm dangled, silver-tinted and consisting of a singular leaf, and a singular spark. "This, so we're always together! Happy birthday, Kazuha."
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Huh, this time she was actually pretty quiet. Mostly he could tell whenever she approached because of her geta. They would always crunch the dirt or knock against the wooden floors but this time she took care to not make a single sound that he might as well call her a kunoichi at this point. Still, once she told him the purpose of her blindfolding him all that was left to do was trust her and move along with her.
Through the streets of Inazuma the scent of sulfur touches his rather sensitive nose, anywhere with that amount of of firepower was surely the shop where she worked. Slowly she leads him inside and then something sweet hits his noise, was that the scent of a cake..or cookies? He could not tell immediately but all the answers were clear the moment she bestowed the ability to see once more onto him. “Ohhh..”
Kazuha was caught off guard, such a well-made cake. Grand and he could tell a lot of heart was poured into its creation, it was enough to make any grown man cry if he was totally honest. “It’s such a lovely cake, did you bake this all by yourself my beloved?” Kazuha asked with curiosity as she left temporarily and then returns with both sheathe and sword.
Slowly he reached forward and held the weapon, he held it horizontally over his free arm, eyes inspecting the steel, fingers gripping comfortably upon the hilt. He felt the comfort that was added specifically for him, even if he does suffer phantom burns every now and then, THIS hilt will serve him quite well. He even took a look at the little trinkets, a leaf and a spark that would otherwise be a tiny explosion. 
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A warm smile was seen on Kazuha’s face as he reached forward and quickly embraced Yoimiya. “This is the first time in a long time since I’ve celebrated my birthday..and you’ve singlehandedly made this the best one ever..how would I ever be able to repay you for the joy that filled my heart?”
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