#aaand another sorry for all the cheesy holiday puns . call me aristotle because i dad (jokes)
badly-drawn-bbu · 7 months
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next part this way!
More info under cut!!
THATS RIGHT BDBBU-ERS WE GOT A HOLIDAY SPECIAL INCOMING!!! Throughout the month of December until the 25th, feel free to send in asks suggesting increasingly silly ways for Billie and Aristotle to get into the hotel and add a little chaos to the festivities!! We’ll be doing both regular, non-ask based comics and ask-based comics for this.
The core cast of characters we’ll have here include Billie, Aristotle, Dutch, Hayes, and Basile (since. yknow. The Hotel.) But if you want us to throw more BBU characters into the mix such as the other bosses or side characters, we can make it work!! Get as silly and imaginative as you want! Just remember to keep our regular ask/blog rules in mind when doing so please :))
Admin Buck and I (Admin Maah) will be tag-teaming on the art and writing for this one, and we’re excited to get this snowball rolling!!
We’ll be back to our regularly-scheduled, non-festive sillies in the new year, but for now LET’S WRECK THESE HALLS!!!
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