#aarron hotchner x reader
weirdmorefics · 1 year
Can you do a Aaron hotchner young daughter reader who has autism and she starts struggling to control her emotions and she try’s to hit Aaron or jack but he tries to calm her down without triggering her worse
Autistic Daughter Reader x Father!Aaron Hotchner
Patterns and Observations
TW- Meltdowns, Panic Attacks, Sensory overload
Pronouns- She/her
Word Count- 954
Summary- Hotchner just finished a case sadly he was greeted with a nearly emptied fridge and Jessica had just left after watching the kids for three days. Hotch plans to take Jack and the reader to the grocery store but the reader starts to panic about the grocery store.
A/N- Oh my goodness, so sorry for how behind I am on requests. I just had a shop update so I have been very busy printing maybe check it out 👀 This fic would probably be super relatable for my Mom cause I use to slam my head on the floor of Walmart. Good times... not
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Hotch lets out a heavy sigh as he enters his home and sets his briefcase down. Y/N and Jack start running up to him as soon as they hear his signature sigh.
"How about we let your father rest for now he looks like he had a hard time at work." The kid's Aunt Jessica smiled politely.
"Don't worry, I may have had a hard time at work, but I always have time for my favorite people," He smiles and scoops them both into a group hug.
Y/N and Jack giggle and Jess smiles 'Looks like you have it all handled here I should really get going."
"Thank you again for watching them it helps so much," Hotch says as she prepares her stuff to leave.
"Anything for Niece and Nephew," she says pinching their checks as Jack rolls his eyes and Y/N winces. She kisses their heads and says her goodbyes and leaves.
"Now," Hotch clasps his heads together. "What should we have for dinner?"
"Chicken nuggets!" Y/N shouts.
"You always want that," Jack sighs.
Just as Jack and Y/N were about to start a rousing fight about chicken nuggets Hotch interrupted. "Lucky for the both of you we are nearly out of everything and have to go to the store if we want to eat dinner and breakfast."
Jack was instantly excited about leaving the house after being stuck there with his Aunt while his Dad was away. Y/N was not as excited as Jack and by that I mean she was not excited at all.
"Can't we just order food," She asks nervously. Y/N may be young but she knows patterns just like her father. She knows that is five o'clock and that is the time most adults get out of work which means the store will be busy with other adults bringing dinner home. If the store is crowded it will be loud and if it's loud everything else will be loud the lights, the wheels on the cart, the beeping of the registers. I try to physically shake the thoughts out of my head but it doesn't work so I shake my head faster and place my hands over my ears.
Hotch does not hear Y/N's shaking and answers while still looking in the fridge. "Well, we wouldn't have anything to eat for breakfast and you know how moody Jack gets when he is hungry." He chuckles.
Hotch's chuckle ceases when Jack says "I think there is something wrong with Y/N."
Hotch turns around faster than you think would be humanly possible to see Y/N shaking her hand and covering her ears.
"Hey Y/N, would you like to talk about how you are feeling right now?" He says as he slowly walks up to her.
" I think she needs a stim toy," Jack says happy to come up with a solution on his own.
"Great idea Jack why don't you get her one?" Hotch smiles.
Hotch returns his attention to Y/N, " I am going to hold your hands now because you are going to hurt your neck if you keep shaking your head so hard."
She can't seem to focus on his words too stuck in her repeated thoughts. When he takes her hands away from her she starts to try to hit him away. Instead, he takes her into a deep hug due to the fact he learned from Reid that deep pressure can calm autistic children and adults with hypo or hypersensitivity. Y/N's breaths slow after a couple minutes and her heart doesn't feel like it is beating out of her chest anymore.
"People get out of work at five then the store is busy and loud," Y/N states as a fact.
"That's a great observation, sometimes it helps to share your observations so we can make a plan. For example, like I do at my work we make observations about people so we can make a profile. So together let's make a plan to go to the store when it is less busy. What time do you think it's the least busy." Hotch replies in a soothing tone.
"Morning on a weekday everyone is at school or work so quiet and barely anyone is there." She responds flatly like she is reading it straight from a textbook in her mind.
"Great, then we will get take out tonight and shop tomorrow. If you keep up these great observations I might have to watch out for my job." Hotch says adding a joke at the end.
Y/N smiles and laughs, "I might be better at your job than you if I can tell when a grocery store isn't busy and you can't."
"Oh really if you would be so better than me at my job you'd have to be able to beat me in a tickle war and I don't think that has ever happened once." He says mischievously as he reaches his hands out to tickle her.
Y/N goes running to hide behind the couch and Jack enters confused. "What is going on?"
"Jack we must tickle him together or else we will never win!" She raises her hand and declared.
Jack quickly nods his head in agreement and they rush to tickle their dad.
"Hey. Hey. That's cheating," He shouts as they pile on top of him.
His shouts just make them giggle harder and he sighs in defeat, "How about we call it a draw in exchange for McDonald's?"
Jack and Y/N quickly get off him, "To the car!" They shouted in unison.
Hotch gets up shakes his head and far much enthusiastically says "To the car."
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Aaron Hotchner x Gender Neutral Reader
Requested?: Yes
Summary: You have a nightmare after being kidnapped. Luckily Aaron is there to comfort you.
Prompts: 14. "You’re safe now, I’m here." 22. "I don’t want to feel this. I want to be numb."
Warnings: Mentions of kidnapping, nightmares
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You woke up in a cold sweat. Another nightmare. You had them almost every night since you had been kidnapped. You began to cry. You hated this. You hated being afraid.
Aaron walked into your shared bedroom. He had been in his office going over some case files when he heard your cries. He was quick to join you in bed and wrap his arms tightly around you.
"It's okay, sweetheart. You're okay." He assured you
You buried your face in his neck.
"Aaron." You whispered
"I'm here. I'm right here."
"I'm scared."
"You’re safe now, I’m here."
"I can't do this. I don’t want to feel this. I want to be numb. I don't want to be scared anymore."
Aaron felt his heart ache. One of the most important people in his life was hurting and he couldn't do anything to help. He felt powerless.
"I know it's hard but I'm right here with you. I'm here if you need me. I want to help you feel better, honey. Just tell me what you need."
"Promise you won't leave me."
Aaron pressed a kiss to your head.
"I promise. I'll never leave you. I'll never let anyone hurt you again."
"Thank you."
"Anything for you."
You sat there silently for awhile before you drifted off to sleep still in his arms. Aaron held you a little tighter.
"Sweet dreams, honey. I love you." He whispered despite you already being asleep
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