#aastuck closed
Keep It Cool
 The Derse Coffee place was actually a pretty cool place to hang out, and therefore, of course, only the coolest of kids hung out there. So obviously, Roxy and he had to show up on a regular basis. You know. To keep everything cool. This is just how it works, please don’t question it.
 So, on this particular day he was doing just that, hanging out at the front of the cafe and waiting for Roxy to show up so that he could pester her and drink coffee with her for several hours. Because of course, there was nothing he could possibly do that was better... what was better than chill time with Roxy, after all?
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tricksoftrades-blog · 9 years
The Things You Do For Love...
Oh holy hell in a ham basket did the alarm set for 2 o’clock in the flipping morning scare the bajeezus out of John. Why did he set the alarm so early and shout so loudly one of his roommate’s /relatives/ might have heard it? To answer the first question: it was because he had an appointment with destiny, specifically the part of destiny where he had to get up before sunrise and take care of a bunch of munchkins in the form of, you guessed it, adopted puppies! To the second question: it was because John was kind of a douche that way. Regardless of his asshole status, he slams the snooze button on the alarm and scrambles his way to the bathroom.
Approximately an hour later, he was refreshed and ready to face the morning in his work attire. No, that wasn’t a yawn, you were just imagining things! Egbert needed to get all fired up for the task ahead. He would make boss lady proud with his smaller-compared-to-him-animal caring skills! Walking right on up to the Prospit Coffee House with all the care in the world, the young man circles around the building until he reaches the back entrance, fumbling with his pocket to take out the set of keys. The puppies must be sleeping, but when this door opens, surely it will cause a chain reaction of pitter-patter paws and multiple yips.
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The Science Continuum
It was just an average everyday class assignment. The instuctions were simple, to the point, and the procedure seemed agony free as long as the students had paid attention in class prior to this. The tools were already on each of the tables which sat four students each, although some desks were over by the corners. Then came the magic word that some dreaded while others praised thanks to the opportunity/disadvantge of: partners.
Specifically, lab partners, since this was a lab, and a lab based around science at that. The pairings could be made with anyone from any table, and people would have to move over to accommodate. Davian Strider was one of the more... intimidating students at his table, standing at 6′2″ and looking pretty damn chill with those shades of his. It wouldn’t surprise him if the peers in his general facility flew the coop once the teacher set the time limit at around a minute to find one’s choosen classwork buddy.
It was going to be a long period.
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carcinoviolinist-blog · 10 years
Under Strauss
So far so good, the school year was already progressing swimmingly. There wasn't too much need for worry quite yet. Though, seeing as Kankri still didn't much care for his appearance whenever anyone made comments on it he would try going to sweater town. Only one problem with that however, this school had a uniform. Seeing as Kankri didn't see himself wanting to break any rules thus far, he looked to keep on plugging away in that same manner. So instead he would just tug at his beanie, today's being black, pull down his sleeves, and put one foot in front of the other. Normally the comments were mild, saying he shouldn't cover such pretty hair or that Kankri's freckles were just so adorable.
It really shouldn't bother him that much, but it did. Somehow it made him feel like perhaps he wasn't making the right sort of impression on his classmates. It made him think back to the old ladies and churchgoers that commented on his hair before his dad let him cut it. Why did appearance have to matter so much anyhow? Kankri was just here to get a decent education so he could go off to do as he pleased in the world. Nevertheless, it still ended up stressing him out a bit. 
It stressed him out to the point that when he saw a gaudy poster saying body mod, without another thought, he just waltzed right in. Not thinking that perhaps it was a fitness club as Kankri clutched the strap of his shoulder bag, he decided to give it a shot. No harm in seeing what it was...right? Perhaps it could even liven up his day and make him laugh on his way back to the dorm. There was always that positive possibility. So he pushed open the door and looked around to see who may be there, as well as what may be going on.
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skullbent-blog · 10 years
Book Buddy Notes
It had been a while since Jake had first begun attending the rather esteemed Alternia Academy. Not much less time since he had first met his friend Aradia. While talking to the average person hadn't gotten much better since, he could speak to her with a slight bit more ease. At least his conversations stopped denoting himself to to trash all the time by this point. Heck, they even shared books with each other now.
Sitting down in his seat just beside where he awaited her to take her own seat, Jake placed a book that had been hand down on his desk. Thumbing over the pages a few times, he looked over the book with a certain fondness. It wasn't that bad. Indina Josh, a parody of Indiana Jones where every character's gender was switched around and it was written by another author. Admittedly, he had a bunch of sticky notes of his thoughts and ideas on the story for Aradia to read, but now they all just lay at the bottom of his bag.
Fingers drumming on the cover, making quiet sounds, he admired how their relationship grew. No, not romantic as those around him began showing more and more public displays of affection with Valentine's day just around the corner. However, their relationship had grown from him on the floor calling himself trash to them exchanging, and even reading books together. They would make personal notes throughout their books for the other to read. Normally Jake's little green pumpkins could be found filling the book to the extent it would let him with annotations. This time was different however.
This time, instead of countless sticky-notes, there was only one right in the dead center of the book. So what if he didn't have a date in mind in the romantic sense, he could still ask her on a friend date. So that was what the note was for. In his nicest handwriting, Jake was inviting Aradia to the school's dance. Just to see what it was like, that was all, hopefully she wouldn't get the wrong idea.
"Aradia, would you do me the swell pleasure of accompanying me to the celebration this Valentine's day? Perhaps marathon Indiana Jones movies on a rented laptop in the back of the room? -Jake"
Nothing too extravagant or out of the reasonable ballpark. He could definitely see the two of them doing just that, laughing while others danced and making their own fun. She wasn't his girlfriend, no, Aradia is moreover Jake's best friend. If there was anyone out of the typical public that was easier to talk to then it would be her. 
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Hide and Seek
He had thought he had seen the last of this guy a long, long time ago. Or, he had hoped so, at least. God he had hoped so, he was so much happier here. He didn’t even have any idea how this guy had even FOUND him. He was hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of miles from where he had used to live as a kid! Why the hell was he all the way out in Maine?! What the fuck...?!
 He wasn’t even sure why he would still be interested in finding him. And yet there he was, walking around on campus with a keen eye out. And Dave had immediately flipped his shit. He freaked out, feeling like he had gotten punched in the gut. He had nearly dropped his guitar case and basically just sprinted in the opposite direction.
 He had heard some yelling, but he didn’t stop to find out why they were yelling, who was yelling, or what was being said. He just needed to get out of there. Technically, Bro was his legal guardian now, so he should be okay, but... what if he wasn’t? And even then, he didn’t want to talk to this guy, he didn’t even wanna see him!
 He sprinted inside of the dorm buildings, running up stairs, desperate to find somewhere to hide. After a moment of panic, he grabbed the first door he could find-- locked. Next door-- locked, locked, locked! He basically fell into the first door that opened, leaping inside and slamming it behind him, throwing the lock with a click as he leaned against the wood, panting.
 And then slowly glanced up to see who’s room he was in.
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tricksoftrades-blog · 9 years
I can show you the Whirled~
Shining, shimmering, Splenda.~
Hilarious Disney into coffee shop lyrics aside, John Egbert could not have been happier running things solo at Prospit Coffee. It was one of those rare moments indeed where even his manager had something else on her plate (although he was still expecting some surprise, er, inspections every once in a while.) His record was not the most clean so far, but he thinks that because he was such a dedicated worker, that he managed to slip out under the red a set number of times. It wasn’t like he was hurting anyone, and he had yet to unleash the big boy pranks too.
Speaking of pranks, today seemed like a perfect day for one, to the great misfortune of the next victim. He couldn’t help but wonder how their rival/sister coffee shop was doing, shaking his head and gulping after realizing that their boss would probably never had let him get away with half the shit he pulled. John instead busied himself with scanning the small crowd, all orders fulfilled for the time being as he waited for the next sucker- he meant paying customer. That friendly, goofy smile just screamed how amiable the next food or drink item ordered would be.
He certainly didn’t foresee THIS person to come through those doors, ringing the ceiling bell and causing a few puppies in the back to yip abruptly.
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wingsofflight-aa-blog · 10 years
It's not you, it's Strider.
There comes a time in every bird's life when they have to pack up and get kicked from the nest. Whether they have learned to fly or not at this point is irrelevent. It's sink or swim, or in this case fall or flight. Meeting someone new was on the agenda, and they would be the ground in this situation. Packing all of his stuff into one hefty gym bag, Davian set out of room 207 and into room 205. Again, he had no idea who his roommate was going to be like, but that hasn't stopped him yet. Will he land softly or end up a battered husk of a human? Hopefully the introductions will be friendly, sane, and above all, quick. Maybe he'll make a friend, and maybe he won't. For now, he'll take his chance with knocking on the door to the dorm room to announce his presence. Wouldn't want to burst through even if he has the key and seem like an asshole. What if he interrupted the guy...? Wait, he's doing that anyway. Fuck.
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stardictionary-blog · 10 years
Sewing By Hand
It was all over. Ruined. Busted. Her dress would never be finished. She threw herself dramatically over the couch, silent tears of stress welling up in her eyes. There was a dance coming up! One she likely couldn't attend, but a dance nevertheless, and every dance needs a new dress. It was almost innapropriate to not debut a dress at such an event. Yet, here she was. Cold and alone. Sewing machine broken. Life. Over.
After an innapropriate amount of nonperishable food and television, Kanaya recieved a call from the office. Reprimanding tones rung through her ears, and she flushed as she was informed of the monitering of time spent watching television. It took more than a few deep breaths before she could eloquently summon up a response that not only portrayed the drama of the day, but didnt make her look like a fool.
It took a few more deep breaths before the caller becan chuckling, and no mor than two seconds before Kanaya Maryam felt bile and indignation rise inside of her. Luckily for the assistant delegated to calling students, they knew of where she might get the expertise needed to fix her sewing machine, if she could only haul it there. The mechanics shop in the main building, where many students gather to tinker or create or learn how to turn robots into their army. Also, they stopped laughing soon enough.
With a click of her heels, it almost seemed like she hadn't lugged a 20 pound machine through too many hallways to count, and she had appeared at the doorway in no time at all. Almost. It was a little early, she certainly hoped the door was unlocked.
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carcinoviolinist-blog · 10 years
Life: The Musical
It was a day just as any other. The sun was out, notably there was no rain at least. Kankri had recently put away his violin and was now sitting on the edge of his bed. Still enthralled by the notes encircling his bloodpusher as well as its beat, his thoughts were in a bit of a frenzy. From the excitement and peace of Vivaldi's own "Four Seasons", to a storm brewing through the staff portraying "The Flight of the Bumblebee" that Kankri hoped to come flying out of his strings one day, he was going through a whirlwind of emotions. The feeling of letting down his greatest composers in a moment of weakness had crossed his mind, though Kankri Vantas kept in mind that this was something he had to do.
Seeing as there was no school this day, he donned his favorite sweater that easily concealed as well as provided comfort. Tugging at the end of his sleeves, Kankri held his hands at the bottom of his face, covering his mouth. Today had started out fairly well, however the possibility of having to request a new room by the end of it was still ever-present. Not for many reasons, though he did see a potential tall one taking place. Today was the day he told his roommate that Kankri was born female.
It wasn't really that big of a deal. The school had even been accommodating enough to the point where Kankri could live in a male dorm. Though, he had no idea where said roommate stood on this whole matter. Really it had been quite the accomplishment these few encounters the two had shared that Kankri had not yet given his "secret" away. Somehow the students here at Alternia Academy were kind and willing to accept him. Something Kankri couldn't ask better of. Common decency did dictate, however, that he informed his roommate. Particularly so he wouldn't run the risk of wearing certain items of clothing too long to maintain a certain appearance.
Hearing the door to their joined bedroom unlock, Kankri took in a deep breath while closing his eyes. This was it. He could do this. Standing up, Kankri walked right up to him while maintaining the proper amount of "bubble" space, and looked him in the eye. Cursing inside why he had to remain a higher stature than Kankri, he took another deep breath with a smile. "I-it is a pleasure. Ah, I do no believe we have actually properly conversed, or for that matter, even properly made introductions. On my own part I must apologize for it having taken this long. Though I do believe we should have a discussion considering the fact we are roommates and as such will be sharing a room. Whether you think so or not is your own opinion, but I will continue on regardless."
Extending his hand, Kankri tried to maintain a calm composure while also standing firm on his own values. He would not back down on what he believed, and hopefully this male would, at the very least, oblige to being civilized while at least being in one another's company. "My name is Kankri Vantas, and I ask not only for what I should address you by, but as well that you please inform me of any triggers you have for start. Triggers being more or less matters you find yourself unable to talk about or possibly even bringing up emotional turmoil from your past."
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"The D is for Delightful, Dangerous, and Delicious."
Boy, was she freaking out.
Porrim searched the bedroom once again, making sure she hadn't just dropped it somewhere. Oh good god.. Where was it??? Porrim crouched down, checking underneath her bed. Nothing. Porrim sat up quickly, her eyes growing wide. Oh no. The lounge.
The object in which she was searching for was not necessarily one of life value, but it was to her. Her journal. The contents were things like her thoughts and ideas, things she found inspiring and things she didn't like. Her emotions were poured into that book, and she didn't want anyone to see them. The journal itself was a jade and white color, the cover smooth. Silver rings held the journal together, and in neat, swirling writing across the top, "Porrim D. Maryam."
She ripped open the door to the dorm room, nearly forgetting to close it in her haste. She had to get there before someone found it. It was embarrassing enough that she had lost the damned thing. Practically running down the hallways, she reached the lounge within minutes. Gasping for air, Porrim opened the doors, her eyes narrowing some.
Let's find this shit.
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Let's meet the room m8
Maxine Serket was not exactly happy about the fact that she had a room-mate. As far as she was concerned she should get a room to herself purely because of how awesome she was. Where was she going to be able to keep all the sick loot she plundered over the course of the school year? She needed at least a whole room to herself. Maybe even two. She couldn't deal with just having half a room!
Maxine walked into her new room and took a look around. It wasn't as small as she had expected at least but it still wasn't big enough to share. Even if it were big enough to share Maxine had never really been good at sharing. 
She threw her bag on one of the beds, claiming it as her own and then laying down on it. It didn't look like her room-mate had been here yet. Shame. She had been hoping to be able to dig through her stuff while she wasn't here.
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tricksoftrades-blog · 10 years
Shake it, bake it, booty- what?
John Egbert entered through the doors of Prospit Coffee, looking about as casual as he seemed, but this was just a ruse. He was here with a goal in mind, a sense of purpose unlike anything this town has yet to see. There was an obvious agenda that the young man had taken upon himself to fulfill, and fulfill it he shall along with people’s cups if he gets hired, that is. He was show everyone what it means to come into an establishment where he has just enough power to turn a few tables, and maybe a few heads.
First, he’ll need to actually land the job in question. Speaking of, if he has to answer any questions, he’ll just mark off the no for the “have you ever been convicted etc.”, which he honestly thinks helps his record greatly. He would be boned otherwise if pranking became at all illegal. It was just a matter of how much he could get away with. Smiling his bucktoothed smile, he strides his way to the counter and waves at the barista, envying the employee already. In the back of his mind, he supposes that if he gets to keep this job for more than a week, it’ll help him deal with finding another in today’s job market. “Hello, I would like to apply for a job here!”
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wingsofflight-aa-blog · 10 years
Round 14.3, strife!
bro on the roof bring your sword ~ dv A good a note as any to leave his cousin, that was for sure. Davian took it upon himself to greet his older, but shorter (who wasn't he taller than?) relative who also turned out to be in this school when he was ready to. The reason why he didn't do so sooner was that one he kinda forgot and two he had to get really comfortable, or at least focus on getting comfortable, with the layout and flat out environment of the school before casual conversation transformed into a therapy session what with his disability and all.. Hopefully with this slip of paper literally slipped under Dave's dormroom door, there would be no harm done (mentally speaking). It was early in the morning, which had it's advantages. Who gets up just to go on a rooftop? (Striders.) The weather was fine, cool but not chilly, and the rise of dawn was amazing to look at past the clouds.... the slow to start bird sounds weren't bad either. There wouldn't be classes for a while, either way it was a good think he especially liked to keep track of time. He had brought a backpack along with very.. precise objects, but the most important possession was his sword. Davian was standing with his back facing the entrance to the flat, most elevated surface of the dorm house while waiting for the moment of truth with the sheath of his blade in hand. God it would suck if someone other than the person he called for showed up.
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