#abalone cookie au
queensy-asmodeus123x · 5 months
Heya so I made this crk au called “seas and skies” it’s about abalone and custard cookie (clotted cream cookies father) I just did some uno reversing and now abalone is a good guy and so is custard cookie- and the gem mermaids are mentioned but they won’t show up in this au-
Today I’m talking about abalone cookies perspective!
(He is 5)
A long long time ago, there lived a young little cookie named abalone cookie, he lived in poverty and his parents were dead so he only had his older sister to take care of him, they survived the harsh and miserable life, begging on the streets and finding food and shelter for the night, until one day he went to find food on his own, only to return to his sister hanging herself on the ceiling, abalone was devastated and decided to work harder and make his family proud, although one raining night, he was at the beach and found a sea shell, so he it picked up and suddenly the sea shell started to glow, and suddenly beams of white light started attaching itself onto abalone which terrified him, so he dropped the shell but it still started to attach itself on him, and then he was finally covered in light, once the light stopped shining he was relieved to see nothing happened to him, until he looked at his hands that is, his dough was covered in white and had blue scales on it, he realized he turned into some sort of sea creature, and was petrified, knowing the townspeople would likely hunt him down, or sell him in the black market, he decides to hide in the ocean, where no cookie can find him.
(Welp he is now 15)
It’s been 10 years after the incident, he learned he was a shell siren, (shell sirens are similar to gem mermaids except the shell sirens are NOT friendly towards normal cookies, and also they are made of shells not gems, they can also remove their fish tail and have normal cookie legs and can also get their fish tail back) he knows shell sirens are normally violent but he was different, he was kind, caring, and would never hit a cookie or an animal unless for self defense, he made an entire kingdom of his own and so far he was the only one that actually lives there, he also changed his name to white shell siren cookie.
One day he went and traveled a few miles away from his kingdom but then got trapped in a net, by pirates he was scared and begged to be released but the greedy pirates would not budge and placed him in a big fish tank, ashite shell siren cookie cried endlessly until he was told to shut up, he obeyed not wanting to be sold off early, and then a small little cookie came to him, the little cookie told white shell siren his name was crème fraîche cookie, and he felt bad for having his mom trap him in a fish tank to be sold off so the little cookie freed him by tricking the other pirates into saying the shell siren escaped into the ocean, which gave crème fraîche cookie the opportunity to drag the fish tank (the fish tank had tiny wheels) and pushed it into the ocean, white siren cookie felt thankful and promised to return the favor, but crème fraîche cookie said that white siren cookie didn’t need to return any favors, and they bid farewell to each other.
(He is 16 now lol)
1 year later, white shell siren cookie saw an attractive cookie sitting on a cloud, and wanted to talk to him, but he couldn’t so he stayed down in the ocean, but then when he went back up to see the attractive cookie, he saw that attractive cookie wave at him, so he waved back, and so for months they’ve always interacted with each other by waving and smiling at each other, until one day white shell siren cookie decided to talk to that cookie face to face, so he flew up to the sky with the support of the ocean spiraling around him, but then he started to freeze, white shell siren cookie went faster and faster, but he was now fully frozen.
Gonna talk about the attractive cookies perspective soon!
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ashuribbon · 2 months
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Sea Beasts AU
Welcome to a world where the original five found gave away their Soul Jams... Only for that corruption to infect their new owners, known as the Sea Beasts. Greed. Heartbreak. Anarchy. Isolation. The only Soul Jam that remained untouched was Volition. Without volition... there is no resolution.
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bloomycali · 6 months
remember i told you about Abyss abalone?
Here it is!
It's AU fanmade ( all belongs to Merlin fey )
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Is Lord oyster have a big family? [ A: Yes! He had a few siblings and parents along! So Nacre Cookie ( Owned by Cosmicwhore ) Isn't alone Now ]
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His little sweet sister
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Here are his Parents
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[ Fun fact #1: Saccrostra Oyster cookie Has a Unscripted backstory that She's actually a gem mermaid's Lost or forgotten sister, which is.. 👁️👁️ messed up because white pearl cookie didn't know lord oyster was her nephew and lord oyster also didn't realized he had a crush of his own.. aunt.. i would yell " SWEET HOME ALABAMA " moment, that's why merlin fey changed her story.
Fun fact #2: Crassostra Oyster cookie and Abalone cookie were childhood friends before abalone became greedy,ruthless Captain.. ]
Abyss abalone reveal? Yes🥺
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rawdough · 6 hours
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Batch of commissions for @ashureblogs ✨
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sug4rst1ckzz · 3 months
OCEAN COOKIES PART 3???? Yeah, part 3
The two sailor cookies that are aboard Caviar’s ship literally don’t have names, and now they’re no longer nameless!! Also Abalone’s here. Sadly. If he’s a big part of Black Pearl’s rewrite then he has to be here. 😒😒
• 🤿 🪸 🌥️ 💰 🦈•
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ANOTHER THING!!! Colored in these two sketches I posted previously so that way I have a reference of BP’s mermaid form and her with the cloak and mask on. If anyone wants to make fanart go crazy, go bonkers even 🦭👍
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2020 me would be so hype about these silly designs LMAOO
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nemeliis · 1 year
Cursed!Lord Oyster AU
Spoilers for all chapter's of A Mermaid's Tale!
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In this AU, Lord Oyster accidentally absorbs White Pearl's curse (NOT her power's, JUST her curse)— instead due to him clutching her pearl so dearly—because of this, when he returns from his voyage, seemingly unscathed despite the raw reckage and death of Abalone Cookie along with his entire crew, with a very odd smile on his face: almost like he knows something we don't, something has to be up. And because the curse seems to be fueled by rage, or the fact that it's supposed to be a Mermaids curse rather than a Cookies, his body takes the toll and he gets a serpent/mermaid half.
Which he hides via magic he also acquired during his curse. All of the rage he's been suppressing for decades comes broiling over in the worst way, and the leader of House Urchin has to deal with it before he's next on the chopping block. From a reclused, soft spoken Cookie with a humble heart—to a sadistic, conniving and unfeeling one filled with blinding rage overnight, Roasted Urchin isn't sure about the rumor's: or if he wants to believe them. The disappointment of House Oyster would never do something so vile as eradicating the entire Abalone House in cold jam in less than a day...right...?
Here's some fun facts about him!
In Lord Oysters original concept, before he was even drawn or sketched out—he was going to be a harpy-like creature with wing's and a tail. But that was scrapped because I can't draw wing's to save my life, and it wouldn't make since considering he's from the land. I was supposed to represent how deep his curse went, but I opted for color pallette changes instead.
Though Lord Oyster can hide his serpentine lower half, he can't hide his hair changes or eye color. If you're wondering why no one questions it (except for Roasted Urchin Cookie)—it's because there too focused on the Abalone House's demise to realize what's going on.
He likes terrorizing House Urchin in his spare time—particularly Roasted Cookie, like little kid and his uncle fights but actually dangerous and sadistic.
He has a HUGE form, similar to Black Pearl! But he prefers to keep in his smaller one unless prompted.
Fiercely protective over House Oyster, and got more fortune than in the original timeline due to some.. interesting scheme's (killing other house's to get to the top faster so he could feed his family). He really does justify that one in his head.
When a family member of House Oyster reaches there 10th birthday, Lord Oyster meets them on the sea side and blesses them with his protection —this is why Oyster Cookie always had nannies up until that age, it's protocol. It's a family secret, and everyone see's Lord Oyster differently. But one thing that stays true: you can have faith in him, for if you have a pure heart, someone shall watch over you.
A “pure heart” just means like. An okay person since Lord Oyster brushes Oyster Cookies political game's off.
Lord Oyster gained the following power's from his curse:
Super strength (like. Throwing around ship's type strength)
Night vision
Sharp teeth...(not even a superpower but..teeth,,,)
Enhanced senses
Weapon summoning/water control
Immortality, can only die from unnatural causes. (He outlived his entire family ☹️..)
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sillysillyprice · 1 month
A separate story that I will be uploading little by little, it has nothing to do with beasts, but with mermaids! hehe... or something like that
Yeah, he has Abalone as the main focus in some ways, he still won't be liked but at least he's not that heartless, at least not here
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somnolancee · 11 months
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Sketch Commissions for @ashuribbon !
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iceemoondemon · 6 months
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These mofuckas fightin bruh
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bellatheinkdemon · 1 year
More Swap Au shenanigans!
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So for anyone going, "Hey wait. Shouldn't Lord Oyster and Abalone be dead considering A Mermaid's Tale take places hundreds of years ago?" Yeah, they should. However, I made it so that instead of our Oyster and Captain Caviar being the elders, it's Lord Oyster and Abalone. (I hope that makes sense)
I unfortunately can't do much with them until we get the second half of the update, but hey, at least Abalone ain't a douche in here.
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sammywolfgirl · 1 year
So I might be fucking around with some ghost bulshit.
Picture this- black pearl, a powerful and resentful sea witch, casts a bloodline curse on lord oysters family and bloodline to die at sea.
Unknown to her, her magic also binds the two cookies she resents the most.
Abalone was killed by her, torn apart most likely, and becomes a ghost lost at sea, forever searching for treasure, driven by the greed and selfish ambition that drove him in life.
Perhaps he slowly becomes a sea monster, sinking ships in search of treasure, loosing what little he had of himself left. Perhaps black pearl finds a way to direct this sea monster to attack cookie ships outside of her control, idk if she knows who this monster is but she wouldn’t care. It’s just another vessel of her wrath.
Meanwhile lord oyster becomes a ghost tag haunts the place they hid the Pearl. Black pearl could never kill them herseld, so her magic forced their ghost to continue to exist.
Unable to do anything but watch as their family continue to grow, and the story of their escapades change into fairy tails that loose all of the truth they had. They’ve nothing to do but reflect and regret. They wish beyond anything to return the pearl and apologize to the one true love they had and squandered. All because they were too much of a coward to fight for what they truly wanted…
Or something listen I’d love a chance to do a proper character analysis on lord oyster, what their life ended up like, and did they regret their choice only after death when they saw a new perspective?
Listen im onto something here
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dannylovesstuff · 3 months
Sketches that probably I’ll never finish
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Today I why not post few of my sketches that I’ll probably never finish or not have the motivation to do, I just doing this cuz why not and yeah it was some random ideas or random memes I made probably i would post more unfinished drawings cuz why not.
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ashuribbon · 1 month
droppin' a request in here if it's still possible! bit silly, but any of the sea beasts meeting their original counterparts? you can skip this if ya want, but it came to mind and i thought it'd be funny. hope you're doin' fine in these trying times! - ⚓
Anon, I think you're gonna like the scenarios for each image, cause I ended up making all four of them! c:
All under the cut! Slight warning for blood at the end!
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If Captain Caviar Cookie ever met Salty Shark Cookie, or SeaBeast!Caviar, I imagine the two would be buddies... to an extent! Captain Caviar would be really happy to know that his Beast counterpart kept his mershark parts instead of being fully a Cookie and is enjoying ruling the Black Caviar Kingdom where Salted Cookies can enjoy their lives freely! Salty Shark is the most chillest Sea Beast in the group despite him being the Beast of Anarchy (or in a better sense, the Hollyberry of the Sea Beasts), but he is notorious for leaving out details of things that happened and trying to sweep things under the rug.
In this case, Salty Shark Cookie would make sure that Captain Caviar Cookie sees him as his good counterpart despite, well, also being complicit in trying to track down the Soul Jam of Volition that led to Mystic Flour Cookie's demise and Saint Whiskey Cookie taking in her child, Rye Flour Cookie. >m>
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I definitely imagine Icy Tundra Cookie, or SeaBeast!Ice, being in neutral terms with Captain Ice Cookie. Her ideology of Isolation because of the corruption warped her entirely, and she isn't afraid to admit her faults as ruler. Captain Ice Cookie, being one of morals, tends to find that they both at least share a lot in common, but knowing Icy Tundra Cookie's actions makes her question her own values as well, that if she also isn't a saint.
As much as she wishes to apprehend her counterpart for also being complicit in Mystic Flour Cookie's death... She'll let Icy Tundra Cookie wallow in her guilt and face accountability. That is a more fitting punishment than just jail time.
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Abalone Cookie meeting Emperor Abalone Cookie is like two mariners forming an alliance. Both would be damn impressed by each others' successes, and Abalone especially would be surprised he is literally ruling a good chunk of the Abalone Kingdom and conquered Tearcrown with ease, and thus claiming the land and sea. The two would definitely team up to get the last Soul Jam, all in hopes of earning a fortune, perfectly split for the both of them.
Little does Abalone Cookie know, however, that Emperor Abalone Cookie is a backstabber as he's the Beast of Greed... And he won't stop at nothing to get what he wants, even if it means screwing over his OG counterpart. He killed Mystic Flour Cookie, a death blow to make her disappear forever, but failed to retrieve the Soul Jam, but he isn't going to make that mistake again with the new holder...
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Pirate Cookie meeting Saint Whiskey Cookie, aka SeaBeast!Pirate? Well... Let's just say that as merciful and kind as he is, Saint Whiskey Cookie isn't so merciful to rogue sailors.
Pirate Cookie laughs at the face of death... but he won't be laughing once he sets foot in the church.
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bloomycali · 8 months
i might to think of something.
Idk if i did it Right of || KROSMIC / Merlin fey || 's AU ( remind me.. i didn't have permission to them Sorry.... )
What does this AU had a.. ?good ending?
“ Lord oyster being stubborn and returning once more to the sea to help ”
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" White Pearl Cookie did forgive Lord Oyster since he helped the gem mermaids out in defending their home but Abalone Cookie? Nah, that old man is rotting in the deepest part of the abyss (literally- he literally takes the role of Black Pearl and becomes an abyss spirit who wants to destroy the gem mermaids) ”
well in the cutscene, made from KROSMIC. well White pearl and Lord oyster are ended up be friends ( or Stay as friends )
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so... I am still not sure if i did it right or wrong for this one i've made.
well, Golden amethyst had to visit Abalone cookie ( or Abalone Abyss ) in the same area where he had to capture the gem mermaids but failed.. so... He become like this
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lilmissytealbow · 9 months
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CRK X KH AU- All Organization XIII members
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bluebutlikenotalways · 4 months
Laddies we got an Au
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Long post below the cut and some disturbing imagery, so be advised.
So it takes place after Pearl sunk Abalone and his fleeting. This time however her sisters actually stuck around to check on her after everything and actually managed to help her open up…some how.
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Though her heart wasn’t stained black she will never be the same.
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However she was able to build up the strength to talk to Lord Oyster again. She never fully forgave him for giving away her pearl, but he was there after the attacks to take care of the pirates who had somehow managed to avoid dying to take them to justice. This showed the mermaids that some cookies could be trusted. Because of this Pearl became a guardian for The House of Oyster and oh boy did that do wonders for their reputation!
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With her making peace with all her pain she didn’t fully become Black Pearl and is kinda grey(-ish purple) I need to work on her design a bit more obviously, but she followed a lot closer to Crimson and takes her job as a protector seriously enough. Some may wonder if she enjoys a good fight more than defending her friends.
Also her sister and Frilled Jellyfish have her tokens to try and brighten her up some.
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Through all this Lord Oyster swore he would redeem himself to his moon (she asked him not to call her that anymore lol) So he dedicated a good chunk of resources to trying to locate her pearl! This mission was passed down through the generations until finally…
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Oyster Cookie had finally gotten a big lead and was able to send one of the best captains and his crew out to try and recover it.
Unfortunately they ran into a slight problem.
The sea the pearl was said to be found in was rough and could capsize a ship twice their size. Caviar wanted to go alone, but with a crew as stubborn as he they braved it together as one! (Candy Diver died in a different accident and Caviar still managed to find them and bring them aboard because he’s just that good at sniffing out crew mates.)
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Alas it wasn’t just a storm.
It was a trap.
A band of pirates forged a letter hoping Oyster herself would show up so they could get a nice tidy ransom, but when a harder than nails crew showed up in their place they were far from pleased.
The Salty Shark crew hold their ground well, but being outnumbered four to one never seems to end in your favour.
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Caviar was the last to go down and was thrown overboard to his watery grave like the rest of his crew. After The Silent’s crew was demolished completely the pirates set out to “commandeer” her, but immediately things started to go wrong for them. Things went so wrong that at least two were killed on their scramble to get off the boat while many more met their soggy fates as they threw themselves overboard in preference to whatever was on their with them.
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Guess what movie franchise this is based on :D
As the legend says the captain pulled himself up out of the deep that night and sails his waters of the Duskgloom searching for his crew to bring them safely aboard and finally leave that damned place. However the captain’s kindness runs short with strangers who cross his path, especially those who fly the skull and crossbones.
The Silent is still under his full command and all orders are carried out will full efficiency.
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Now Oyster wanted the return of her pearl to be a surprise with a big celebration after, but when the captain never returned and those she sent to look for him disappeared she had few other choices than to send her most capable guard.
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