#abby anderson x afab non binary reader
andromedastarrs · 1 year
Trained For Sin - Abby's Interlude
a/n: I just finished mapping out the series and omgggg hahaha this is gonna be such a doozy for anyone who's following along! Might consider uploading on ao3 if all turns out well!
Summary: After arriving on the shore, Abigail and Lev rest inside the Firefly's medical station. Abby can't sleep, so she stays up and decides to wander around at night to try and wear herself out.
Content Warnings: mentions of trauma.
Link To Master-list <3
wc: ~1.2 k
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Resting inside of a medical center served as almost a new starting point for Abby. She was on her back, closing her eyes hoping to find comfort in the infinite darkness. The sounds of the outside world disturbed her peace however; tree branches scratching the window every few minutes, the dull buzzing from the heart rate monitors, the sound of Lev softly whimpering in his sleep…that specific noise made Abby sit up on the medical bed, turning her head up to check on Lev. Thankfully, he was sleeping soundly, cuddled up with the blankets the nurse had offered the both of them moments earlier before she had turned the lights off for the room. Abby sighed. She tried rubbing her arms softly to help soothe her thoughts, though the act barely worked. It was like her memories were replaying through her eyes as a movie, even when they were closed.
Well, at least she was clean. 
She laid back on the bed, staring straight ahead towards the ceiling. Her eyes felt heavy, but she knew she wouldn’t feel calm enough to sleep, at least not for a while. So instead, she opted to walk around the island while thinking about the day’s events. She stood up quietly so as to not wake up the young boy, making her way swiftly through the sleek tiled floor of the medical center. As she walked, she remembered being on the boat and catching sight of the shoreline. 
The feeling was indescribable, not only because she saw land, but because she saw people there. She had clearly made out the soldier uniforms in the distance, which worried her a little since she didn’t recall the group having uniforms when she was younger. Nonetheless, people in uniforms brought a sense of comfort, she assumed it was due to the fact that she was a soldier herself for a few years.
Unlike the shoreline however, the medical center seemed to have absolutely no signs of life. 
The whole island is probably Firefly territory, so they wouldn’t really need any security around these premises anyway. 
Still, she decided that she wanted to be safe rather than sorry. Before heading out, she scuffled to the left side of the center’s glass entrance door. She knew that direction would lead down into the quiet side of the island, where she wanted to go. She peeked her head through one of the glass panes, and tried her best to look in all directions for any night patrol. She knew she probably wouldn’t get in trouble if she were caught, but at this point it was in her instincts to avoid people with weapons when she had none of her own. After a few moments, she came to the conclusion that the coast was clear, so she opened the door and headed out down the paved roads. It was slightly windy out, and she could feel absolutely everything through the makeshift hospital gown they made her wear…really it was more like a stretched out T-Shirt, but again, at least it was clean. 
Letting out a soft sigh of relief revealed a puff of smoke, which in turn made her slightly shiver. She continued walking, dragging her feet on the ground, still not being able to put her mind at a pause. The street had working lights, making the atmosphere warm and comforting, but she felt neither of these things. She ran her fingers through her arms, and felt one of her fresh scars from her last battle, making her wince slightly from the pain… and the memory. 
The sight of the young woman breaking down in the water, her sobs tearing through Abby’s head- in that very moment Abby knew that none of it was worth it. The pain, the sacrifice. She lost everything over and over again, and at this point her life felt like a never-ending battle. 
Abby looked up at the sky. After a few moments, her body gave into the pain. She whimpered quietly, knowing now that she was losing the small amount of control she thought she had in her life. She crossed her arms over her chest and let her quiet sobs fill the silent streets. 
She continued walking down, hoping that maybe her heart pouring out like this would help ease the sounds of her memories. The wind made some palm trees move in the distance, making Abby turn her attention towards the shore, which she had apparently mindlessly walked towards while she was crying. She wiped her tears away with the rough palms of her hands, taking notice of a small figure in the distance. Once her sight was cleared, she stopped her sobbing completely. She recognized the uniform instantly, it was a soldier.
She looked around, but saw no other soldiers, causing her to just stand there and wonder what this one person was doing out on the beach alone so late at night. Upon a closer look, the figure seemed to be laying down, making panic start setting in. 
Are they alright? 
She let her arms fall, and stared at the ground for a few moments, contemplating on whether or not she should check on the soldier. On one hand, she wanted to make sure that they were alright, on the other, she knew that she would risk being caught wandering about, and she didn’t want to find out about the consequence system for the new base yet. 
Her sense of morality ended up getting the better of her, making her slightly sprint through the sand, making her way towards the figure sprawled on the ground. She slowed her steps down before getting too close, cautiously making an effort to not make any noise near them. When she was about two steps away from the soldier, she made sure to stay absolutely silent. The soldier didn’t react to her presence, motivating her to get close enough to squat down and hover next to the soldier's body.
Just then, you let out a sleepy sigh through your nose, making Abby slightly fall back in surprise. After a few seconds of her being suspended in disbelief, she forced her eyes shut and furrowed her brows, cringing at her own action. 
I’m still jumpy, fuck.
You were sleeping. Abby, now sitting on the sand beside you, relaxed a little. She let out a tiny scoff, and breathed out slowly. 
“If you can sleep on the sand that comfortably, then I guess I really have nothing to worry about.” she mumbled, knowing that you wouldn’t hear her in your deep state of sleep.
She stood up, still staring down at you. She took notice of the way certain parts of your face were highlighted, your hair, your gloved hands…her eyes darted all around you, analyzing all of your body and features in the dim light. She only then realized that you were the soldier who slightly interrogated her and Lev when they arrived on shore. 
She couldn’t help but keep her eyes glued on you, but in her head a tiny little nagging voice reminded her that she knew she couldn’t stay here. So with that in mind, Abby decided to just walk away. You were laying in a spot that was high enough on shore to not make her worried about you getting drifted away during the night, so she made her way towards the road. Still, she couldn’t help but realize while walking up the street and back to the med center that looking at you brought some sort of comfort that made the bad memories stop, even if it was just for a few minutes.
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andromedastarrs · 1 year
Trained For Sin - Clashing Waves
Hello everyone! This is my very first fan-fiction piece lol, and I'm slightly nervous to post. Trained For Sin is my work-in-progress enemies to friends to lovers piece involving Abby Anderson (post TLOU pt.2) and you, the reader.
Now...info on the reader. The reader is mentioned as Y/N throughout this story, but I do have a specific image for this Y/N in mind.
The reader is an AFAB non-binary that is masculine presenting - aside from that description, the character's interpretation is up to you as there are no physical descriptors (as of yet). There is no physical description but we DO get a description regarding the reader's identity, so if ur not into that keep it in mind. (More on this in my Blog Center post.)
Anywho, I do have requests open, and so if you want stuff from me regarding a specific type of reader, feel free to ask!! But in this specific piece this reader will stay as they are. :3
wc: ~2.1k
warnings: swearing.
summary: Working in the summer heat on the Santa Catalina shores, you catch a glimpse of something in the distant waves. Who or what could it be?
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You pulled the rope over the box swiftly, making sure that it covered the lid twice this time. You wiped the sweat off your brow and tied a knot harshly, reminiscing about last week’s events at a meeting Cheryl held regarding an “anonymous” tip. Apparently, the last time you were assigned to pack containers for the boats, a few of the boxes had fallen on their side, causing good supplies to spill overboard during a storm. The tip, coming from one of the soldiers on the boat, bitched about the lids being loose, reasoning that your knots were lazily pulled together.
You were alone near the shore, packing up box after box under the heat of the sun. You always made sure to help with whatever you could, but you often wondered if your work ever meant anything to the people around you. Having the male soldiers side-eyeing you as you walked by either felt euphoric or absolutely gut-wrenching. You knew that they were intimidated by your presence, their feelings towards you either stemming from respect...or jealousy, at least in your case. 
They said that you were "doing too much” when you offered to help around by taking on extra routes and check-ups, or when you offered to teach younger soldiers how to handle weapons and fight. They also said that you were "trying too hard to be a man”.
That was really the only statement that bothered you. 
Why couldn’t you just be you without constantly being told otherwise. You didn’t want to be anyone or anything, so why did it matter what you did or looked like? Of course, you didn’t present yourself as girly, you never wanted to make an effort to look that way since that sort of stuff never called to you to begin with. But you didn’t want to be called a man either, that wasn’t right. 
You couldn’t help but let out a hefty groan. Placing both elbows on one of the tied boxes, you laid your hands flat to prop your face down onto them. It was probably the combination of sweat, heat, sticky clothes, messy hair, and your messy brain making you feel so burnt out and annoyed as hell. 
“Hey Y/N…do you see that?”
You turned up, slightly caught by surprise at the young boy standing next to you. He was holding one of his favorite dinosaur plushies with one arm, while pointing the other towards the sea. He must have sneaked up on you while you were on the box, probably thinking that you were playing hide-n-seek without him.
“Jesus Mark, don’t sneak up on me like that…you’ll give me a heart attack one day…”
You turned your body in the direction that he was pointing to, squinting your eyes and holding one hand up to block the sunlight from affecting your view. 
What the hell is that?
You put your hand down, slight panic setting in. Almost instinctively, you picked up the young boy and held him while you sprinted towards the paved road of the island that divided the beach and one of the small militia centers stationed there to serve as the base for the island’s patrols. 
The soldiers were fraternizing, some laughing out loud and the others just sitting on chairs holding drinks and basking in the summer sunlight. A few of the soldiers picked up on the sound of your boots, turning their heads to see you with the boy. The rest soon followed, and almost in unison, they tensed up and started handling their guns, wondering what the hell was happening for you to run towards them like this. 
You gently dropped the boy down, and he ran towards one of the male soldiers- his father, Manuel. The boy stood behind him, and Manuel messed with the boy’s hair with his free hand, the other holding his rifle. Manuel looked at you, with a combination of both concern and curiosity. 
You made sure to speak clearly, slightly panting from the run.
“A boat’s approaching the west side of the shore, I couldn’t see who or what is on it, but it’s approaching quickly - looks like a motor boat but I’m not sure.” 
The soldiers all looked at each other for a second, and then together started sprinting towards the area with guns in hand. Manuel stood still with his son, and instead of running with them, he handed you his rifle and motioned for you to go without him. He picked up the little boy and headed into the village, presumably to his house to leave him there. 
You ran with the other soldiers, adrenaline pumping through your body making a cold shiver run down you, all the while you pictured scenarios of what’s to come when you arrived at the shore. Was it the beginning of an attack? You’ve encountered other groups from the mainland, but you never thought any of them had the balls to attack the Fireflies, everyone knew that you all had military grade weapons. A part of you hoped that maybe it was just innocent survivors looking for a place to stay- survivors with no connections preferably. Don’t wanna have to deal with old groups causing small-scale wars over supplies, among other things. 
Your mind was put to a stop as you arrived, multiple soldiers were set in their defensive positions, squatting behind the boxes you were working on earlier. As you peered ahead to take a look at the oncoming vehicle, you noticed the sky was transitioning into a warm sunset, the colors pink, orange, and twinges of warm yellow adorning the sky. 
You decided to walk up to a group of three to four soldiers standing in front of the boxes, half of them pointing towards what you now realize are two people standing on the small boat, one of them slightly slouching behind the other- not a good sign. You grabbed the rifle and held it to your chest, slightly making yourself appear taller by straightening your back and standing straight. The boat approached swiftly, one of the men beside you held out his hand, motioning for a stand-by for the soldiers on the defense. He waved to you and the other soldiers in the standing group, letting you all know to approach the boat carefully. 
You did as instructed, as did the others. The boat was close enough for you to distinguish the features of the people on it…who didn’t seem like a threat. If anything…they looked like shit. The soldiers all looked at you slightly by turning their heads, seemingly with the same conclusion in mind.
The boat was put to a stop before it collided with the wet sand, you and the soldiers stopped as well. Both individuals put their hands up, staying silent. The taller one started heading out of the boat and the shorter one followed, but the shorter one moved as if they weren’t fully awake, making them stumble and almost hit the ground. The taller one spun around and caught the smaller one by mere miracle, finally speaking in a soft raspy tone.
“Lev, are you alright?”
You pointed your gun at the two, maintaining your guard, and the others followed. You spoke softly but sternly, making sure to not spook the two.
“Hey, state your name and purpose along with any weapons that the two of you are carrying.”
The taller one turned to face you, and you both locked eyes with each other. They quickly scanned you up and down and then their surroundings, making them put their hands up once again. 
“M’ name’s Abigail- Abby Anderson, I made contact a few months ago after we found one of your stations outside of the Island…”
You heard shuffling behind you, so you turned your head to the back and lowered the rifle. One or two soldiers were now standing, both looking at each other and then towards Abby, looks of concern and confusion on their faces. Suddenly, you heard a loud voice yell out from afar.
“Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot! Let me see who’s comin’ to shore!” 
The voice belonged to that of the radio manager, who you were familiar with since you often met with him to get work outside of the island assigned to you. Manuel and the radio manager popped out, sprinting towards you and the soldiers. You guessed that maybe Manuel let him know about the incident.
You turned back to face Abby, and who you assumed to be Lev, as both of their faces seem to slightly light up and the sound of the man’s voice. They both lowered their hands slightly, and you noticed this. Your instincts were still on high alert, so you couldn’t help but let your face turn into a grimace, making Abby and Lev keep their hands raised instead, seeming to slightly wince at the weight of their own arms. The sight of them hurting makes your stomach turn, and since the soldiers seemed to now be occupied with the other men arriving, you decide to switch to a more empathetic expression.
“Alright, put your hands down. Cindy, frisk them for any weapons as we wait for both men.”
The soldier to your right nods and heads towards Abby and Lev, giving them instructions on how to stand for the process. Cindy checks them and gives you a thumbs up, making you relax a little more.
“Cindy, do me a favor and check the boat as well.”
She nodded once more and headed towards the boat. You turned your head back to the visitors and noticed that Abby shared a soft gaze towards you, though you assumed she was most likely disassociating.
After a few moments, Lev just plopped down and sat, making Abby react by following suit, both now sitting on the sand. Five minutes later, the two men arrived, but both Abby and Lev seemed too out of it to pay any attention to them. You turned to face the radio manager, who tried to look past you to analyze both individuals on the ground. 
Abby turned her head upwards to face the man, and he approached her. Squatting down and laying a hand on her shoulder hesitantly, he spoke again.
“...daughter of Jerry Anderson?”
The name made your head fuzz out almost instantly. What?
Abby spoke softly but loud enough for the soldiers close enough to hear. 
“Yes, that’s me.”
The man used his free hand to both hold and analyze her face. “You look like shit, it’s been years. Fuck. I’m so sorry about…everything.” Both of his hands fell down and he turned his gaze away from her. 
You stood dumbfounded at the interaction. You’ve heard of Jerry, the man who was assigned to create a vaccine, who was unfortunately killed by an attack from a well-known dangerous individual. You heard that he had a daughter and that she survived, but you never believed the story since well, she was never seen after the incident. Until now. You wondered if maybe the crazed man got to her as well. 
“Let’s get you both to the village, we’ll clean you up and make you feel better.”
Manuel, who had stayed back near the road, motioned for you to come over to him. You turned to face Abby and Lev one more time before moving. When you approached him, you handed him his rifle back with one hand and he grabbed it . He chuckled and sighed shortly after, before speaking.
“So…what do you think? Truth or trouble?”
Truth or trouble was like a little running motto between the both of you, created when you were both kids and playing soldiers. Truth refers to a situation where the people being interviewed (who were usually cornered by the both of you) were being honest, trouble referring to the opposite. You clicked your tongue and placed your hands on your hips, looking up at the now dark purple sky. 
“…Hoping for the truth to be honest. I don’t wanna deal with outside shit.”
You both started chuckling quietly so as to not catch the attention of the others, Manuel replied quickly and in a whisper, “Real.” 
After the chuckle fest ended, Manuel headed over to the rest of the soldiers. They were now helping Abby and Lev onto a truck that had arrived not too long ago- the radio manager called it over since everyone could tell that neither Abby nor Lev had the energy in them to stand, let alone walk. You looked at the ground and your feet. A part of you wondered how this would play out. There was a feeling in your chest that you didn’t know how to interpret. It felt numb and fuzzy, and you thought maybe it was just the emotions from the moments prior and the encounter with the new people all jumbled up into one thick mess. You sighed and moved closer towards the shore. After a while of contemplation, you sat on the sand staring at the ocean, deciding to stay a while and relax before heading home inside the village.
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