abcreid · 6 years
Late Night
Spencer Reid x Reader
Hi all it’s me again! I’m back!!!! I’m sorry for not post anything in almost a month! And for this story, I participated to @spence-imagines challenge, which you should join too! (Sorry too much exclamation point) for the first week will be a fluff story and the prompt is ‘you look beautiful tonight’. I swear i really suck at fluff but i will try my best everyone. Just enjoy this story!
It’s already 12 am and you still haven’t finished all your paperworks. You delayed to full fill it because you had to go out of town for few days because of family issues. Your family had been through a hard time and you had to be there to support them, with a consequence that you will missed your time in work.
Your eyes tried to close itself but you prevent it. You drink your coffee, you put tape to your eyelid, well that thing didn’t work on you.
The room is empty because all of them are already in their houses, lingering with their beds, read some news before they sleep. But you? Have to struggling with papers all alone. Alone. Alone. Alone.
You took your mug and sip the coffee in it, but turns out its empty. “Urgh,” you groaned then take a walk to coffee machine. “What would everyone do if they already in their bed?” You asked yourself while pouring the fresh coffee from the machine. “Sleep? Too obvious.” You drink the coffee until it ran out from mug. “Damn! I’m not sleepy anymore.” You pour it again to your mug. “Having sex? Probably.” You finished poured it, and headed back to your desk, but there’s a sound that bugging your soul. Someone is opening the door. Who is the person came to BAu this late? Nobody had business more in here. Is it a intruder? Is he tried to kill you?
Without thinking more, you put your mug slowly and pulled out the gun out of your waist, thank god you didn’t save it in your drawer. The footsteps is heading to your way and you ready to aim the suspect.
“Hands up!” You yelled at him when he showed up to your face. “What?” You yelled again in disbelief because the person who stand before you is Spencer. “What are you doing here this late? You scared the hell out of me.” You hit his arm as hard as you can because right now you’re pissed at him.
You put your gun back to your waist, took the mug and walk back to your desk leaving Spencer alone there. “What are you doing this late night? I came to your place but no one answer it.”
You frowned while you sit on your desk. “Don’t you remember i said hours ago i will do all my paperworks? Why you came to my place? Uh i smeel something suspicious. Are you trying prank me? Because that was what you did with Morgan. Don’t forget i am a profiler too.” You asked him with questions and Spencer is smiling right now.
“You look beautiful tonight.” He smiled when he complimented you. You furrowd your brows and stared him a little while.
“With my bare face, dark circles and tangled hair? Thanks.” You grinned and put your hair behind your both ears. “But please answer my question first.”
“Oh it’s...,” he scratched his scalp which is non itchy you guessed. “I just want to see you for a while. But I remembered you have to finished your work tonight, so i came here, to help you of course.”
Your eyes sparkling the way he said that. “Really? Thanks!” You gave your half of your work to him. “I guess we are stuck here... just two of us.”
“Yeah... definitely... let’s do the work.”
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abcreid · 6 years
Sober (5)
Spencer Reid x Reader
Oh for this moment, i submit this story as a challenge from @spence-imagines and it’s week two, the ’angst’ story and the prompt is “Practice makes perfect, babe.” Idk why i chose that prompt lol maybe i too confident and Idk if the story will be good or not and I know it getting worse every part i posted but enjoy everyone! (I demand you to read the previous part before you read the recent!)
Previous Part
You spent your most time hanging out with Garcia. Because you have 2 purposes. Digging more about Dorian and because you like Garcia a lot. She helped you when nobody else could. But she is a terrible person at keeping a secret. It ever happened one day when you told him a secret about ‘Spencer’, then she accidentally told Spencer himself.
Actually your job was important to you, but this is more important than everything.
It’s been a month since you quit your job. But you still have the money saving in your bank account. It’s the only thing you could survive from this ‘stalking’ mission. Yeah, you are stalking Dorian Loker right now. You finally knew where she lived, what building she worked at, what her favorite food, what place she usually hang out with Spencer. Yes, she turned out back on track with Spencer. Your blackmailed over her wasn’t work as you planed.
“Hey what are you thinking about?” Garcia called you several times before you back into reality.
“Oh... nothing... i was thinking about having a cat in my place... it would be nice... i guess...,” you lied to her because you don’t want her to know your wild thoughts about everything. “Do you have any meds or something? My body feel not good and I’m kinda dizzy and nausea.” You touch slowly your forehead and you feel no burn.
Wait, you feel something strange about this. You are late for 2 weeks and it couldn’t be about ‘it’ right?
“Have you eaten yet? Or maybe you’re pregnant ha ha...,” her laughed stop when she realized something. “Aren’t you pregnant? YN! You should check to the doctor right now! I will go with you now.” Garcia stand up and getting ready to bring you to the nearest hospital.
You faked your laugh. “What are you talking about? I just had my period few days ago. Chill, baby. I’m not pregnant.” You tried hard not to be panicked around her. Because you scared to the hell if you really pregnant.
“Oh thank god! I’m so relieved! I thought you pregnant with Reid!” She went back to her magic chair and start typing something to her keyboard.
Pregnant with Spencer? He’s the only one you had sex with after that one moment. This is bad. No, this is good. This is great! This is your chance to banish Dorian for good. So Spencer will be with you forever. No, this is terrible.
You bought two tests pack before you go back to your place. You really want to make sure there isn’t any baby in your womb. Your heart beats fast, you’re sweating while on your way to home. You can’t imagine if you’re pregnant, what will you do with your life?
You finally at home and tried the test pack. There’s two red lines showed up before your eyes. It means you’re positive.
You dropped it and crying. This is bad. This is disaster. What if Spencer find out about this? You realized he didn’t like you anymore. He hated you. He didn’t look at you when he came to Garcia’s room. He knew about the threat you did to Dorian. He knew everything. God, this is very bad.
But you made your decision. You will fight for this baby. You will never give up on your baby. You will get Spencer back to your life no matter what it takes. You will banish Dorian Loker for good. She didn’t belong to Spencer, but you are.
Since you knew where Dorian lived, you will start your mision from there. You will tell her about everything you did with Spencer.
Hours passed by, you finally made it to her door. You brought her cakes so she would be open the door for you. You knocked on her door and she opened it. When she looked at you, she closed the door again leaving you standing alone. “Hey Dorian, I’m not gonna kill you or something, i want to talk to you.” You shout a little loud because you felt annoyed right now. You already prepared your gun with silencers you hide on your bag.
Minutes later she opened the door, but she stand there and didn’t let you in. “What do you want?” She asked you harshly, remembering you tried to broke her and Spencer apart.
You about to tell her, but when you looked at her red eyes, must be from crying, you suddenly have another idea. “I want... to apologize for things I’ve done to you. I realized i was selfish for wanting him for myself only. And i knew he is with you now and... i deeply want to say sorry. Thats all.” You gave your best decent face to her, so she could believe you lies. And you handed her the cakes you bought. To support the lies you made. “I’m sorry for bothering your night. I hope you forgive me.” You smiled to her and tried to leave her door.
But after 10 steps, she called your name. “YN. Wait.” You looked back and she smiled to you. “Come in.”
Yes! Your plan in worked! She believed your lies and you came in to her place with a pride. She really got into your trap.
“I forgave you, YN.” She made you a cup of tea and sit beside you. “This is unbelievable. You came here to apologize to me.”
“Yeah, it takes weeks for me to practice myself at mirror, i was scared you never forgave me, but i finaly did it. Practice makes perfect, babe.”
She laughed at your pun, and so were you. She didn’t realize it was just a set up. Who really wants to apology to her though?
“Thanks, Dorian. And btw can i have your number? In case i need your help at something? If you want it of course.” You laughed weirdly but she gave you her number anyway. God, I’m such a good actress.
Half an hour passed, mostly she talked shit about Spencer, her job, her perfect life and her perfect relationship, you had no option left but tried to listen to it all, you say goodbye to her and you left her apartment.
“Thank you Dorian Loker. You made me easier to kill you.”
(Oh no this isn’t angst at all)
Next Part
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abcreid · 6 years
Alive or Not
Derek Morgan x Reader!
Hi all this is my first time writing about Derek Morgan. And this is a 600 followers angst writting challenge for @literallyprentissstwin with a prompt “Hang on. You’re gonna be ok. Keep breathing.“ i love angst but idk how to make angst.
I have to remind you all that English is not my main language, so there’s gonna be mistakes, wrong choice of words, lack of vocabs, etc etc etc. and I’m really sorry for that. I really try my best and i hope you all enjoy it!
Masterlist ••• Challenge
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“Hotch, let us go to the location.” You begged him hard. You glanced at Derek for seconds and look back to the road.
“No, i won’t jeopardize you two. He’s a very dangerous.”
You sighed. “I’m with Derek, okay? We are the closest to the place, like only 5 minutes. Okay? I promise we will be alright. Okay Hotch?!”
“Sure, we’ll be there in 20. Be safe.” He finally agreed and you cheer up. You and Derek are on your way to police station when Hotch called you that they found the unsub’s location.
“C’mon baby boy, lets go!” You slap his right arm. He just laugh and drive faster.
5 minutes later you two arrived in the location Hotch gave you.
We both stares in shock. “God damn, it’s a big house.” Derek talks. You just nodded slow. It’s gonna be a hell of a long night.
“Yes it is. You take left, i take right.” You take out your gun and pointing it straight.
He lower his gun. “Shouldn’t we not separate? You heard Hotch. This unsub is dangerous.”
You put your gun and hug him hard.” It will take a very long time to get him, baby. We should separate. I will be okay. Now go.”
You walk to the right side of the house. This house is massive big. You could lost if you didn’t hold the blueprint and you don’t have it now and you are definitely lost. The cold air pierces your skin. You not wearing a long sleeve but only a t-shirt. Your heart beat fast and you can’t control your breath.
This unsub killed 3 feds and 2 civilians. Mutilation their hands and burn it beside their dead body. He won’t hesitate kill anyone who walk into his was.
Your left hand holding flashlight tight and your right hand holding your gun. But your hands are shaking because of this cold situation. You really don’t know what’s in this house, and you don’t know where is the unsub. You feel little dizzy because you havent eat any food and you only drank tea.
“throw your weapon to the far end of the room or i will blow your head now without hesitation, agent.” You can feel a cold tip of the weapon he put in your scalp. You have no choice but throw your gun, but not your flashlight. You turn slowly until you face him.
“So happy to see you, agent YLN. I know you. You are the one who wants to catch me right? I saw your car outside.” He holds the gun stand still pointing at your head. You are trying to manage your breath but you can’t. Your body is shaking and Derek is not here without you. You really wants to scream his name but he will shoot you immediately. “You saw what i did to feds, huh? I killed them, I cut their hands, i burned it. It could happen to you, YLN. But i won’t. I don’t want to see you die fast. I want to see you suffer first.”
When he lower his gun to take his sword, you punch his face hard with your flashlight and you run. But it’s too late, before you could run, he stab your stomach with the sword.
“Arrghh...,” you yelled as loud as you can because the sword penetrating into your back.
That unsub just runaway left you on the ground crying in pain.
“Derek. Derek.” You yelled his name so he could come to you.
“YN! Oh My God!” Derek showed of from nowhere and knee beside you. “Oh God baby what did he do to you? Omg.” He reach his phone and calling someone. “Hotch where are you? YN is injures and she needs medication. Faster Hotch. She losses so much blood.”
He yelled at Hotch and hung up the call.
“YN... YN look at me, look at me baby. You can make it, medic will be here in minutes.” He panics more than he ever did. He never had this experience before.
“Derek, please stay with me. It hurts...,” you keep touching your wound and you tried to pull the sword but you can’t. “Can you do me a favor? Please tell Penelope that I’m-“
“What are you talking about? You can tell her by yourself. Please YN don’t be like you are going to leave me baby.”
“Just listen baby. Tell her I’m sorry for... stealing her man from her... haha...” you laugh weakly but he’s not respond it. “Tell Rossi I’m sorry for broke his frame. Tell Hotch I’m sorry for being stubborn agent, i never listen to him. Tell Spencer JJ and Emily i love them...” Your eyes are turn to close but Derek wakes you again.
“YN... YN... don’t close your eyes... just hang on. You’re gonna be ok. Keep breathing and look at me. Just focus on me sweetheart... hey baby eyes on me.” You look at his eyes but you feel you want to close your eyes so bad. “Tell me... tell me something i don’t know....”
You smirk. “I’m not Spencer... uh Derek... whether I’m gonna make it or not... i have to tell you this... I’m pregnant....”
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abcreid · 6 years
Hi i saw this on instagram @/grrrrrcompany i think we should do this...
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Day 1: Favorite Episode? Extreme Aggressor s01e01
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abcreid · 6 years
For making you all easier to search my story while i post some of things beside my imagines, and you might be lazy to scroll my blog (well actually I’m lazy lol) so.... i put hastags in my all posts! Honestly not all of it Lol I’m tired. And i put links in case you may want to see it.
Check this out below people⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
#abcreidpost = post i posted and i didn’t delete
#abcreidgames = games/challenge i did or i was tagged by someone and i did it
#abcreidinbox = the questions i answered
#abcreidmasterlist = yeah it’s masterlist
#abcreidchallenge = writting challenge i did
#abcreidrequest = someone request for a story and i did it
#abcreidfollowers= the journey of my increase followers❤️
#abcreidimagine = the stories i made
#abcreidseriesimagine= series imagine i made. Well series and single imagine are in separate hastag so you better check both.
#abcreidcm30dayschallenge = the criminal minds 30 days challenge i did
I was tagged into someone’s reading list
I was tagged into someone’s reading list
I was tagged into someone’s reading list
I was tagged into someone’s reading list
I was tagged into someone’s reading list
I was tagged into someone’s reading list
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abcreid · 6 years
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Day 16: elle greenaway or emily prentiss? No. I can’t choose. Both. I love both of them.
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abcreid · 6 years
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Day 13: favorite couple? Derek and Savannah❤️❤️❤️
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abcreid · 6 years
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Day 2: what season did you start watching? Season 11
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abcreid · 6 years
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Since I’m impatient, well I’m just gonna answer day 20-30
Day 20: fav morgan episode: profiler, profiled
Day 21: an episode that make you cry: 100
Day 22: favorite prentiss episode: lauren
23: JJ and Reid aka Jeid
24: hmm... i don’t remember??
25: all episodes ofc
26: when he ran for fbi race
27: hmmm... more spencer scene... more season 1 bau team
28: well everyone with a happy ending especially spencer, i hope he gets his love life
29: lol yes, but I’m not us citizen :(
30: never underestimate every person, always be careful anytime anywhere, lock your house lock your room, never trust any stranger, every person could be potentially as a murderer, including me also... be safe and... idk since i watch this show I’ve always been careful when i came into a place... just be careful everyone!!!!!!!!!!
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abcreid · 6 years
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Day 7: you’ve been kidnapped and the BAU is doing victimology on you. What would they find in your room?
Letters and gifts from my stalker and a death threat from my ex. Lol
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abcreid · 6 years
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Since i forgot to post this so I’m gonna post 3 days in one.
Day 17: least favorite episode? I think there’s one but i don’t remember it.
Day 18: most interesting case? When they dealing with corrupt police and they had to act normal.
Day 19: grossest/most distrubing case? Most of all lol... but I’m not really distrubed at all haha
Check #abcreidcm30dayschallenge to see the challenge i did since day 1 until 19
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abcreid · 6 years
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Day 12: least favorite male character? None
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abcreid · 6 years
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Day 11: favorite male character? Spencer Reid!!!!
Check my day 1-10 through hastag
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abcreid · 6 years
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Day 10: least favorite unsub? George Foyet
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abcreid · 6 years
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Day 9: favorite unsub? Ian Doyle😭
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abcreid · 6 years
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Day 6: favorite place BAU has visited? I don’t know... all the place they visited always been a good episodes
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