#abd al-hazir sketch
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Five years of That First Spark
That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, the good guys has gone through so much shit up to this point that they earned an entire stained window  composition in a church somewhere on Sanctuary. XD Trust me bro, it’s canon. ;)
Joke’s aside, welcome new and old readers, and thank you so much for giving this story a chance, whether it was a few weeks or years ago! Thank you so much for your patience with the sometimes rough update schedules. Thank you so much for spending your time to read the new chapters. Those who comment on the fic, or reblog my posts here, thank you so much for taking the extra time to do so. Thank you, @ephemeracrux and @fuyukotheduckling for your feedback and company.
Five years is a damn long time and I’d have never guessed I would actually reach this point. I don’t want to draw out this post, but honestly I can hardly wrap my head around this whole road. It’s incredible. And a very hefty chunk of this achievement is due to the readers who showed support in some way.
In the name of the entire TFS cast, thank all of you so much! :) Onwards to bigger better things! In the end
Everything is going to be alright~
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kenyizsuartblog · 4 years
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Inktober 2020 - 06 Rodent
Again. Quiet attracted weird stuff. As much as Lyndon wanted to keep Tyrael calm about this, he was just as often left completely speechless as the archangel.
It looked like the only member of their party who was not hung up on this in the slightest was… go figure, Abd al-Hazir. The scholar thrived on weird shit, so that was probably to be expected. Every time Quiet somehow accidentally summoned a ludicrous creature from the depths of Sanctuary, Abd would be there, quill and notebook in hand to take notes and sketch the thing down. No pause, no surprise, just straight to documenting.
To be fair, such dedication to one’s work could be counted as legendary at this point.
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The Greatest Scholar of Sanctuary - D3 Animatic
Last year I have made a promise to myself that I would put together at least one animatic video in my life! Ever since I have heard this skit from Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias, I knew for a fact I wanted to create an animatic for it, starring Abd al-Hazir, the greatest scholar of Sanctuary. Took me an entire year, but I got here! Ultimately I have enjoyed doing it, I might do more in the future with a bit of different technique.
Although the jokes are not my merit, I still hope you will enjoy and laugh at this video! ^^ Happy New Year!
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Cats of Sanctuary
Welcome to the world of mortals, Mal. The entire planet is enslaved by cats and there is nothing you can do about it, except get the fff in line.
On a more serious note, this is the first step in developing a possible idea for Act IV. While there is no guarantee that it will stick, as of yet, I am willing to give it a few rounds. There is a chance we might see Prima in her full glory down the line. :)
There is something much MUCH bigger in the works in the background as of today. A tie-in with That First Spark and a trip down memory lane, if you will. Anu’s willing, I can get it done, and get it done in a reasonable time too.
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Inktober 2020 - 31 Crawl The Main Cast
Keeping with the "tradition" (lul what) of ending the Inktobers with a group picture, Inktober's final day is dedicated to the main cast of That First Spark. And believe me, if I actually had more time, I would have drawn a much MUCH bigger group. But I have to know my limits.
Well, it's been one hell of a ride, not gonna lie. Aside from that one spectacular faltering at the 22nd (mostly spectacular due to the amount of stuff I had to deal with that day), I have somehow done an almost perfect run of it, and overall I am most happy with the end results. This taking into account the full-time job I constantly have in the way, with the occasional "SURPRISE UNPAID OVERTIME, BIETCH" tactic thrown in for good measure, my trips to my parents house and elsewhere, chores and the general struggle of not just plopping in front of the laptop and game the night away after a tiring day. But I did make it! :D I would like to thank everyone who followed this Inktober here or on Twitter, or on DA, commenting or staying in the shadows. I'm very grateful for your support, and I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the short stories. Sometimes those two or three comments I got was all that kept me going, really. Now, will I do another Inktober? The answer, sadly, is "very debatable". I did ultimately enjoy doing this one from start to finish, and my darling fanfiction deserved this effort on its 3rd anniversary. Yet I was also forced to face that harsh fact that the combo of Inktober and my full-time job caused me to abandon pretty much every other project, idea or plan I had for this month. I drew nothing substantial but Inktober up to this point, simply because I had no time or energy for more. Until I can get rid of this architecture full-time job in a field I feel no passion or love for, it seems wiser to let go of such massive challenges (or at least do diet-versions of them). And for me to be able to get out of this field, I'm going to have to hone my drawing skills, build up a portfolio and somehow gain some support through the internet - and I am admittedly the very worst when it comes to the latter. I am sure it is my fault, probably because of my personality and my usually not-popular interests, I am not trying to shift any kind of blame to my audience here, don't take me wrong please. I have yet to crack the code, if I can even, so--- so yeah, it is a complicated matter. It is my problem, and I will do my best to solve it. I'm just really not sure how yet... So once again, thank you everyone who followed this challenge! I'll  be happy to get back into the normal flow of things (and hope to god an Artblock won't hit me square in the face after this). Take care and keep being awesome!
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Inktober 2020 - 08 Teeth
Who in their right mind would look at an ethereal angelic being and their first thought be “Do they have teeth, though”?!
Abd al-Hazir, that’s who.
So naturally he asked Quiet to kindly chomp down on his finger, if he would be so kind. All in the name of science and knowledge, he said. Personally, Lyndon was just amazed this guy reached adulthood at all.
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Inktober 2020 Super Late Edition - 22 Chef
The concept of “eating” was quite disgusting, intriguing and fascinating, all at the same time. Angels did not eat, they did not even have a sense for taste, to begin with. Their bodies automatically gained the energy necessary to keep themselves healthy, out of light, sound and the remaining energy of Creation. However humans, like demons, had the ability to consume other organic objects, and turn that object into energy and matter with which they maintained their bodies. Unlike demons, humans needed to do this more often, and they had an untold number of methods and… rituals? … to achieve this. Some involved adding powders and dried plants to the “dish” to enhance its flavors, other required open fire, boiling water or an empty pot placed above a fire.
Oh yes, and if the “meal” involved meat, which it often did because meat was “nutritious” and important, the source of that meat first had to be ritualistically murdered and the “inedible” parts removed like bones, certain organs or entire heads.
Malthael sometimes forgot that step of “cooking”.
He and Abd al-Hazir would often get the “chef duty” which involved going through a very lengthy ritual to prepare a “meal” for the entire Library staff. Abd often said he did not like doing it, but it was necessary. Malthael personally counted himself lucky that he did not have to waste time with such rituals to maintain his health.
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Inktober 2020 - 16 Rocket
Having the single greatest scholar of Sanctuary in your friend group meant you were exposed to strange new things sometimes, whether you liked it or not.
Thankfully this occasion was one that Lyndon and co. actually liked.
Abd al-Hazir one night surfaced with a bag full of weird dry bamboo tubes that rattled as if they held sand. He gathered everyone behind a large enough rock, “for safety measures”, then made a big bonfire a dozen or so meters away from them. Finally he too vaulted over the barrier and, winking at his confused friends, he chucked one of the tubes into the fire. The bamboo immediately began popping and bursting, then it quite literally shot itself out as it possessed. Strange-colored flame burst from its side, it wheeled around in the air briefly, before simply exploding into a cloud of colorful sparks and light.
Turns out, people up in Xiansai were so bored out of their minds apparently, that they thought it a good idea to grab some dried-out, hollowed-out bamboo tubes, fill them with a weird powder that acted very volatilely around fire, then chuck those tubes into the fire and watch the show.
It was truly amazing what levels of innovation could boredom achieve, Tyrael grumbled under his nose, but he could not turn away from the flowers of sparks and fire that illuminated the hidden meadow.
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Inktober 2020 - 13 Dune
-… The Pearl is clearly visible from here.
- I’ve read about that in various creation myths! Does it really exist?
- Yes. It was where Anu and the Dragon fought their eternal battles. We angels have a theory that the Pearl got mostly shattered by their final clash, but vestiges of it still remain, in the form of those celestial strings.
- I see. Do you normally get this view back at your home?
- My… home? No, it is never dark in the Silver City, the sun does not set. Those that wish to study the stars must move to different realms. None, however… seem to be so close to the edge as Sanctuary is.
- I have always believed as a kid that our creator put this world here because of this nightly view. Maybe that really was his reason then, yeah?
- I would not put it past him. Inarius always had a flare for unnecessary drama and grandiose.
- I’d say it paid off in this case, truly.
-… Yes. Truly.
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Inktober 2020 - 06 Rodent
Again. Quiet attracted weird stuff. As much as Lyndon wanted to keep Tyrael calm about this, he was just as often left completely speechless as the archangel.
It looked like the only member of their party who was not hung up on this in the slightest was… go figure, Abd al-Hazir. The scholar thrived on weird shit, so that was probably to be expected. Every time Quiet somehow accidentally summoned a ludicrous creature from the depths of Sanctuary, Abd would be there, quill and notebook in hand to take notes and sketch the thing down. No pause, no surprise, just straight to documenting.
To be fair, such dedication to one’s work could be counted as legendary at this point.
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The Yawn
Anu knows, Malthael had once known what it was like to learn everything about a subject - every minute detail, every interesting tidbit, every seemingly useless information. Just to know that subject.
But the literal ages the Eternal Conflict has swallowed from his existence forced Malthael to leave this part of him behind. He had had to focus on the necessary information - the knowledge that would win them the next skirmish, the next siege, the next battle, the war. Where to stab, what to cut, what spell to use, how to combine elements to turn them into explosives, how to build machines of war and of genocide...
This became Malthael's nature - distill everything down to the most practical, the most useful, bare bones necessary building blocks and work with that. Naturally, he had done so in the case of humans, when he had been planning his invasion of the world. Cultures, societies, achievements, habits had not registered with him, they did not matter in the slightest. How to kill them the fastest, most efficient way possible - that had been the only goal.
So now that Malthael was living among humans, under the tutelage of a peculiar but friendly and knowledgeable one, no less, the angel was forced to realize just how... little he actually knew about them. Sometimes they did strange things, seemingly just because. Malthael would have been a fool to say these constant pointless discoveries did not frustrate him. They most certainly did.
But some long-forgotten part of him was welcoming this new challenge. That small part felt... dare he say it, happy.
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Ch64 is finally on the way!
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Writer's block mostly defeated, third draft finally sticking, and my job maaaaybe winding down just a bit, Chapter 64 is ready for edit and then upload!
Thank you so much everyone for your patience! :) I needed this break, and hopefully I can get back into the thick of things soon! The end of the year is always busy, so I cannot promise I will have Ch65 out in December, but as always I will do my best. We are so close to the end of Act III, guys!
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Sorry cupcakes. No Chapter 64 this month. :(
I mean... I guess I am not surprising anyone, given the date, but still, I felt like I needed to announce this, not keeping you guys in the dark.
Lately, it's been difficult to keep my focus and create anything substantial, drawing or writing. If you were wondering why the sketch above looks like dogs**t, that's why. This is literally the best I can muster lately.
Some of it is my job's fault, as always, drowning me in impossible project after impossible project. Even when I don't technically need to work overtime, I still end up exhausted and just so unmotivated, I have no words. It's driving me nuts, but I haven't been all that successful in combating it.
The other part is my fault, and mine alone. What little time and creative energy I had this month, I could only use it to entertain a new interest of mine: the 80s He-man and the Masters of the Universe, I won't even try to hide it. That, coupled with some truly horrendous time management created the perfect storm that led up to this kinda-sorta writer's block I am suffering through.
I have tried to write, Anu be my witness. I have finally settled on a starting motif and that turned out pretty okay. But then when I moved on from it, the next small portion just came out as the single most below average, sloppy, lazy, amateur fanfiction we all know and hate to find on the internet. It's not a complete waste, there are some ideas in there I can use later, but the spark is missing, guys. I would never dare to publish something this... I guess "lifeless" is the best word to be used here.
I hope I can get my groove back soon. I am definitely actively fighting for it. I am sorry about this rant, I guess it was just sitting on my chest.
Thank you for reading, and especially for your understanding! Chapter 64 is coming, have no fear! Auriel is with us!
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The Cast
This menu contains the cast of main and supporting characters who have so far appeared in the story. This will probably the most frequently updated part of the menus down the line, for obvious reasons.
Newer readers, be advised! This list contains spoilers for the story - the existence of character themselves, or details in their description. While I’m doing my best to avoid spoilers, it is basically impossible to do here. So if you haven’t caught up with the latest chapter, it may be wise to stop reading here.
Updated: 2021.05.09.
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A hero to some, a con artist bastard to others, a scoundrel to everyone. Malthael’s reign of terror and Edlin’s loss left the confident and snarky man a shadow of himself. Lyndon now struggles with his grief and life-choices, while also being on the run from his former friends and watching over a newborn angel with incredible powers. It is safe to say he did not sign up for this.
#lyndon      #lyndon sketch
Creation’s first and currently only baby angel, with a rather dubious and unexplained “birth”. It is unclear how exactly he exists, but he most certainly does, and Lyndon is trying to make sure it stays that way. Quiet loves Lyndon above all else, and he learns everything he can from the man. Sometimes, perhaps a bit too much. Oh, and he has the ability to alter materials and the world itself around him like no one else.  Best thing a child can have, surely…
#quiet         #quiet sketch
The residential fallen angel and Sanctuary’s biggest supporter, Tyrael now has the opportunity to actually start living and discover other aspects of mortal life, outside of “how to survive demonic invasions”. He has a lot to learn, and often doubts if he is headed the right direction, but thankfully he has friends in life who happily support and teach him. But these peaceful days of learning may very well end soon for him, forcing him to face a former part of his life he is not happy with.
#tyrael       #tyrael sketch
“Deadweight” - Malthael
Deadweight is… just what his name implies: a deadweight. He is uselessly weak, stubborn like a mule and refuses to admit his shortcomings and defeats in his past. He is like the worst possible travelling partner you can have. Deadweight still has a lot of road ahead of himself. But it is entirely dubious whether or not he even wants to start down on it.
#malthael   #malthael sketch
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Abd al-Hazir
The greatest chronicler and scholar to ever live upon Sanctuary, Abd al-Hazir hails from a Caldeum noble family. He had taken it upon himself to travel around the world and record all manners of beast, people and cultures he may meet. Originally skeptical towards the existence of demons and angels, Hazir had seen and experienced enough to eventually shed those doubts. He joined the famed Archivists in Westmarch and fully embraced their destiny. Better watch out world, Abd al-Hazir is armed with a book and he is not afraid to use it!
#abd al-hazir         #abd al-hazir sketch
Adenah & Izba
Self-proclaimed smuggling masters of the Burning Hells, Adenah and Izba are an inseparable demoness duo who had been among the first demonic followers of Inarius and his dream of a peaceful world. Adenah is loudmouthed, happy-go-lucky and takes on the form of a fat but fast-moving woman, while her partner, Izba is the cottage itself. Equipped with chicken legs. Because why not.
#adenah & izba     #adenah & izba sketch
A demoness of massive size, armor, poisonous touch and wrist blades to cut anything in half with. Formerly the superweapon of the Burning Hells, Ashava The Pestilent one day simply vanished from the Battlefields of Eternity, much to the relief of the Angelic Host. Eons later she resurfaces on Sanctuary of all places. How she ended up here, and what her goals are remains to be seen.
#ashava     #ashava sketch
A Generation One nephalem and the forefather of the Barbarians. Bul-Kathos is basically a pure collection of all the positivity and negativity of his people, and his monster-killing exploits are well-known. After Inarius’ genocide of the Nephalem who rose against him, Bul-Kathos had chained his soul to Mount Arreat and bided his people to guard the mountain at all costs. His biggest point of pride is his duty to guard the Worldstone. So what exactly will happen if the Stone simply… moves on?
#bul-kathos           #bul-kathos sketch
Captain Hansen Haile
The one true badass of Sanctuary, veteran of war, and professional “I don’t give a fuck”-er. It takes a miracle to impress him, a miracle that neither Azmodan, nor Malthael could achieve with their campaigns. Haile is the backbone of any group he finds himself in – be it a ragtag collection of barely qualified “heroes”, or an entire army –, with his confidence, steadfast beliefs and honor, famously foul mouth and surprisingly fatherly (if a bit rough) care.
#haile         #haile sketch
Dahglur Tuon & Amaniel
One of the first official couples among the Renegades, the small demon Tuon and the angel of Hope Amaniel were and still are absolutely crazy for each other, even after their horrible demise by Lilith’s hands. Together they had been the head gardeners of the Renegades and single-handedly planted the entire Torajan jungles in the Eastern Continent. Their natural talent for plants and their love for creating peaceful places for all means Sanctuary can only benefit for their long awaited reunion.
#tuon & amaniel         #tuon & amaniel sketch
The soft-voiced girl out of her time and with a weird sense of humor. Eirena uses her optimistic outlook to keep going forward in an epoch she has nothing to do with, and uses her mastery of illusions to reveal said way forward. She and Kormac make a cute, if a bit awkward couple, and this relationship gradually helps her find her place in this world. Her sense of duty and loyalty binds her to the Hero of Sanctuary… but perhaps these qualities will lead her to her downfall in these confusing times.
#eirena      #eirena sketch
Johanna, the Crusader
The Hero of Sanctuary, Vanquisher of the Prime Evil and Death Himself. Crusader Johanna is a paragon of heroism, duty and bravery to all of Sanctuary, her words carry more weight than any king’s, she could raise or tear entire kingdoms if she so wished. Thankfully she is more interested in hunting and fighting evil across the land…on paper, at the very least. She claims her actions are just and are in the servitude of humanity, but perhaps her own radiance blinds her.
#johanna    #johanna sketch
The last leader of the united Barbarian tribes. Kanai had held the walls of Harrogath against the onslaught of Baal, but he too succumbed to the mob and was killed before he could have been crowned Immortal King – true successor of Bul-Kathos himself. Kanai had been wise and level-headed (a rare trait among Barbarians), under his leadership magical marvels like Kanai’s Cube were achieved, and his people were looking forward to a bloom unprecedented. Despite losing his life and everything else to Baal, Kanai remains as a vigilant beacon of his people – and probably the only thing that is standing between them and a terrible mistake.
#kanai        #kanai sketch
Former Templar who eventually woke up to the deception of his Order. Kormac had vowed to one day rebuild the organization, now with real morals and goals, but lately he had been busy with other duties, like fostering a slow but sweet relationship with Eirena, adventuring by Johanna’s side, hunting down demons, trying to kill his former friends, trying to lose the habit of talking like a storybook knight…
Wait, what?
#kormac     #kormac sketch
Kyla & Geralt Haile
Children of Captain Hansen Haile. Kyla is his real daughter, and just as badass and fearless as he is. Geralt was an orphan of the Siege of Bastion’s Keep, his father died like a hero. Haile adopted him and took him back to Westmarch, where the children successfully survived the invasion of the Death Angels. Nowadays, Kyla and Geralt are good friends with Quiet, with the girl providing confidence and loudmouthed advice and the meek boy offering more cool-headed and careful solutions.
#kyla          #geralt            #kyla sketch    #geralt sketch
Luther, the Bravest of Treasure Goblins is the most peculiar one of his kind. Lyndon had saved him from Rea’s insane cluthes, and Luther uses this newly given chance to supply his friends with impressive weapons, as well as help them out in times of need. Despite being a servant of Greed herself, Luther has a heart of gold and courage worthy of Valor angels. Any team is enrichened by his appearance, both figuratively and literally.
#luther       #luther sketch
An average-looking demon with an anything but average ability. Maluus is your typical sadistic asshole of a demon, with the added twist that his blood infects anything it splashes on and turns them into raging slaves. He is a tough son of a bitch to kill, mostly because even when dead, he can transfer his consciousness to anyone under his thrall. He alone had been the reason the angels were pushed back so far that they were forced to defend the Diamond Gates themselves. Later, he started a so called “rage-plague” in the Dreadlands, just before Mount Arreat self-destructed. He just never goes away, seriously… but he also does not learn from his mistakes.
#maluus     #maluus sketch
Vecin soothsayer and local happy fat lady. Her foresight is incredibly powerful and her predictions always come true – she had learnt the hard way not to fight the inevitable and just enjoy the days as they come. However, now she is faced with a premonition worse than anything before, and it may force her to act against it, even if only with the last remaining sliver of her will. She is often responsible for setting others on their journey, but her last words to Lyndon might have been the single most important thing she had ever done.
#myriam     #myriam sketch
The first nephalem to be born, son of Inarius and Lilith, and the forefather of necromancers. Rathma, along with the mysterious dragon Trag’Oul had long disowned the Creator of Sanctuary and took a sacred oath to keep the Balance at all costs, and through it, Sanctuary itself. Rathma is secretive, antisocial, and far too set in his ways. Eons of guiding generations of necromancers had left him feeling infallible in his duty and he will stop at nothing to keep Sanctuary safe. With his levels of experience, who needs to stop and listen… right?
#rathma      #rathma sketch
Sophia Riordo
Westmarcher nurse and god-tier patient girlfriend of Tyrael. Sophie is a curious woman who enjoys learning and listening, but she is also not afraid to let her opinions on certain matters known. She guides Tyrael on the winding path of mortal life with endless patience and joy, while being fascinated with the world he had come from. Although she is not a fighter, Sophie does not lack confidence or bravery and she is ready to help everyone under her care out – either with salves and bandages, or with advice.
#sophia      #sophia sketch
Uthomael & Carala
Modern day renegades from the Eternal Conflict, the Dagger angel Uthomael and the succubus Carala had found each other during a mission and their lives inevitably got tied together. Eventually the idea of escaping to Sanctuary to live a peaceful life bloomed within them, and they acted upon it, settling down in the peaceful town of Lut Bahada in Aranoch. They took up human form and started an inn while also taking an active part in the city’s council and development. When the High Heavens were invaded, they partook in the defense from the shadows as much as they could, and during Malthael’s reign of terror, they had managed to completely hide the city from the Reapers. These two ordinary nobodies in the Eternal Conflict have become silent but ever vigilant heroes in their new lives, and they could not be happier.
#uthomael & carala          #uthomael & carala sketch
Sahptev god of Sun and Fire, Ytar is a very important deity in the Ivgorod Pantheon. Most monks choose him as their patron god, and his name and might is often summoned during a battle. Ytar is of course a hot-headed, powerful, dutiful and rough-around-the-edges god, who is often frustrated to no end with the many limits and boundaries the Allfather Inarius had set out for him and his kind. Lately it is quite often that he has to rebel against these rules, and Ytar misses no chance to loudly complain about it – while secretly enjoying it to no end. But what can one do, when the newly returned Allfather has such incompetent Guardians, seriously…
#ytar          #ytar sketch
God of Thieves and Travelers from Xianshai with a long and complicated history – most of it his own fault, by the way. He is almost always in some kind of trouble, and when he isn’t, he is working hard to be in one. Zei is obsessed with shiny valuables, but his biggest weakness is jewels. And pretty ladies. Naturally. Sporting a sassy and provocative personality, even when he is merely a shadow of his former self, Zei is still on the good guys’ team and he helps out with his limited powers. In fact, he had been the first supernatural being to aid Lyndon in his quest… long before the scoundrel even knew what that quest was about.
#zei            #zei sketch
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