kinlog-kindle-log · 2 years
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(忘却のサチコ - kinlog -kindleマンガのすすめ-から)
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singermamino · 7 years
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#Repost @amimamino with @repostapp ・・・ 次回のAMIMAMINOは5/8 19:30より。 フレッシュにて生放送です! 今回のゲストは、宇宙からのお客様です! ぜひお見逃し無く!! ▼配信ページはこちら。 https://freshlive.tv/amimamino/105564 ※ぜひ番組ページにフォローをお願いします。 ▼告知ムービー https://freshlive.tv/amimamino/110607 #Fresh #配信番組 #生放送 #音楽番組 #新感覚音楽番組 #aminakazono #Mamino #Abejun #Danceman #宇宙からやってくる #セッション番組 #Amimamino #アミマミノ #呑みながらやってます #主に芋焼酎
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ayeeeby · 5 years
Ethics Reflection #2
For this week’s discussion, we conversed about moral dilemma. Wherein an individual’s values are being conflicted with the choice of actions being made by himself. We were asked, “What is the biggest immoral act you could ever do for you and your baby going through a very rough time?”, all I could think of was Mr. Walter White of Breaking Bad, an old TV series. 
Basically he was a hardworking father and chemistry teacher, yet upon being diagnosed with cancer, he wanted to earn more money by means of cooking methamphetamine. This was something he never thought of doing, yet at the moment was the only thing he could do. At this moment at class, I kept on asking myself, does going through moral dilemma make you any less of a person? 
I find morality way too flexible for its origin, some would base their moral grounds from God’s ways while some base it from society’s eyes. Although I still am like Euthyphyro, being pious means loving what God wants. Even though if someone comes up to tell me what if my God starts wanting something that is unjust, I would merely put my faith on the line and by the ways that He has taught me I would still be able to distinguish what is right and wrong. For example, my mother is very kind and warm-hearted person, but if one day she became rude towards  someone who is innocent, I would still keep the great values she taught me and simply approach and reprimand what she’ve done.
In capsule, keeping good values and mindset would make us live with morality that is not dependent on variables or factors that may change it. I believe this makes our minds stronger, since it will not be easily altered by people who are good in brain-washing or capitalists who are capable of abusing our weaknesses and the like. 
-- Abejun Manuel
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