beyondedenton · 1 month
"Can't argue with that." As a matter of fact, Abel doubted Xavier was thinking of much else. The demon always thought in eventualities and this situation was nothing but. It was a very wide and complicated web of smaller issues tied to larger issues and all of them were delicate and important and vital to the end result.
It was precisely the sort of situation that, once upon a time, Xavier would've tried to handle on his own.
Abel took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. I'll set up the fake alias and call you when it's ready and the appointment is made with the building management. You call me if you see anything weird. Deal?"
"Annnnd if Xavier gets his voice back first, have him call me or pop on this roof. Whatever comes first!"
Since he was in human form, he was better off calling his mistress once more. A peek over the roof while the phone rang was in order, though as expected, there was nothing but humans going in and out. Hiding in plain sight in the heart of a great old city was no surprise. The only surprise in this scenario again and again was Xavier Atlas.
"I'm so bored," was Vincent's greeting to the dulcet sound of Bronwyn's voice.
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thehangeddemon · 6 months
Sweeping Romance, Cont. || Abel, MJ, & Xavier || December, 2023
MJ: Abel was swiftly and easily caught, locking his hand and wrist to swing the familiar about without accidentally flying off.
"Sweeping music?! What fuckin' movie ya think this is?!"
Abel: "I haven't seen you in ages! We've gotta do this right!" Since MJ was holding him, Abel was able to free his arms to get his phone out of his pocket.
"Or what, is your kissing game not good enough for some sweeping music?"
MJ: "Fuck you and suck my face already! Ya keep this up you're gonna get plowed, too."
Abel: Abel laughed and took MJ’s face in both hands, still smiling as he planted a long, noisy kiss on his lips.
“You say that like it’s a threat.”
MJ: Noisy! Good! He'd get some noise back, and a growl for good measure.
"It is a fuckin' threat," he grinned, finally dropping Abel back on his feet. "Merry fuckin' Christmas."
Abel: “Oh, please, you couldn’t handle me.”
Perfect, now that he was back on the ground he could hug MJ with all of his might. “Merry Christmas,” he said, voice softening just a bit. He’d missed him, dammit.
“Things good? You good?”
MJ: "Who said? You? Fuck you." But where were his arms? Around Abel's waist, and his eyes to the ground. That gentle tone was not lost on him, and made his clothes just a little too warm.
"Ya gonna believe me when I tell ya I just got back from Japan? A fae queen kidnapped me n'took me to a hot spring."
Abel: Abel just beamed. He’d missed this vampire and he’d missed teasing him so he planned to do it as much as possible.
“MJ!” Abel smacked his shoulder. “You’re lucky she didn’t drag you to the bottom of that hot spring and keep you there! You need to be careful. Which came first, going to Japan or getting kidnapped?”
MJ: "Totally gettin' kidnapped. Lucky she knows time zones or I woulda been fucked." He could do this, smile earnestly in Abel's presence. One of the few people in his life that made it effortless.
Abel: “Oh well, at least she’s a considerate kidnapper.” Abel shook his head and gave MJ another smack and hug, in that order.
“I’m glad you’re not at the bottom of a hot spring. How’d you meet a faerie queen? Did she just see you somewhere and think you were hot?”
MJ: Smacks were as welcome as hugs. At least Abel's strength didn't send him flying.
"Met her years ago when I fuckin' fell in a goddamn fairie ring. I didn't think that shit was real!" He would have told them before. Another wild, outrageous response when asked where he'd been. They were almost always the truth, but oh well.
"Yeah, she thinks I'm hot shit. Thought if I didn't bow low enough she'd take my head that first night."
Abel: Abel had to laugh. Just a little bit. “Brother, you’ve got Xavier’s luck with faeries and that ain’t saying anything good. Now you know to stay away from those things.”
He shook his head fondly and yanked MJ down to sit, plopping himself in the vampire’s lap. He was feeling clingy today. “That’s why I told you that you’re lucky you’re not at the bottom of the hot spring. Should’ve called when you were in Japan, we were there too recently. Could’ve seen each other sooner.”
MJ: "Stay away?" He scoffed. "I'm in love!" Whether true or not, that was his story and he was sticking to it, but his smile wasn't up for debate.
Yanked, but not forced. Having Abel in his lap was nothing new, but usually there was a reason. Something on Abel's mind.
"The hell were y'all doin' in Japan? He changin' places again?"
Abel: “Nuh-uh,” said Abel, shaking his head. “We just went on holiday. Devy wanted to see the capybaras that bathe in the hot springs and Xavier wanted fancy sake. Oh! And he got approached to buy a host club.”
MJ: "Sounds exactly like the kinda shit he'd be into. Just for appearances, ya know?"
Abel was finally given a good look. Felt the strength of his hands.
"Ya missed me, didn't ya?"
Abel: “You’d think so, but he turned it down. Guess he didn’t want to be going back and forth all the time to manage it. Could see him buying one in Bangkok now that the idea is in his head though.”
Abel smiled and squished MJ’s cheeks. “Of course I missed you! We live on opposite ends of the planet and you don’t call, you don’t write.”
MJ: He has nothing to say about Xavier living in Bangkok. Not out loud. Then people might have shit to say about his own lifestyle. To each their own, but boy howdy did Rohan need to be a co-owner.
But he did have one thing to say.
"I didn't put ya in Timbuktu."
Abel: He wouldn’t have taken it personally if MJ had said something. He was well aware how the move looked from the outside and that almost no one agreed with it.
The comment was case in point.
MJ’s cheeks were squished some more. “Feeling some kind of way about the living arrangement, are we?”
MJ: "Ow," he frowned. "Ya said yourself ya don't see shit."
Abel: “Yeah, I meant I don’t see you. I live in a giant city, I see lots of shit. Just not a certain vampire who’s off getting kidnapped by faerie queens and being a courier.” Part of it was on him, there was no denying that. But still!
MJ: "Ya can come with me. Travel 'round, get into trouble with me." He raised a brow, waiting for what he knew in his heart of hearts would be a refusal.
Abel: Abel’s face suddenly lit up as he remembered something. He squeezed MJ’s face with renewed vigor.
“Do you remember that clown motel we went to in the desert that one Halloween? I found something just as creepy!”
MJ: Ok, hand privilege was being taken away. Abel's wrists belonged to him now.
"Yeah? Where?"
Abel: “It’s this grocery store full of weird, creepy animatronics!”
MJ: "Why does that exist?"
Abel: “Why does Chuck E. Cheese exist? Who knows! But it does and it’s called…fuck, what was it called?”
He shook his right arm. “Let me look on my phone, I have pictures.”
MJ: "Look, I'mma take you to Chuck E. Cheese for your next birthday."
Abel: “Only if it’s abandoned and haunted. Promise?”
MJ: "What, don't want pizza?"
Abel: “Going to Chuck E. Cheese for good pizza is like washing your hair with dish soap. Sure it technically gets the job done but you’re gonna feel like crap afterward.”
MJ: "Hate to break it to you, but you missed out on the nostalgia."
Abel: “That’s purely American nostalgia, babes. I’m Thai, I feel nostalgic about things like Doraemon and fish snacks.”
MJ: "What happened to the Norwegian?"
Abel: “I didn’t grow up there. I fled there to save my own skin.”
MJ: "I think ya got some shit t'tell me. Or don't. That's fine."
Abel: Abel gave MJ a giant kiss to his cheek. “I’d be glad to. How’s about this? Come with me to Xavier’s resort when it gets dark over there. We’ll sit on the beach and talk about life.”
MJ: "Sounds..." He didn't want to say something potentially ruining, but his instinct was to make a face. So he grinned instead.
Abel: “You’ll see that it’s not so bad over there. You can even talk Xavier into letting you take his fancy racing bike for a spin.”
MJ: "Don't call a bike fancy. Come on, man."
Abel: “It is though! It’s all sleek and fast and pretty.” Abel grinned. “You should see him in a racing suit, feels like a fever dream.”
MJ: "I dunno if I should pay money or never wanna see that. Xavier in a fuckin' racin' suit."
Abel: “Trust me, you do.”
The familiar’s face and smile softened with a deep breath. “He’s smiling again, MJ. Both of them. They’re healing.”
MJ: "Who's both?"
Abel: “Him and Devy. They’re both getting better.”
MJ: "He still got the same school at least? Familiar faces?"
Abel: “The school in Colleen’s village?” Abel shook his head. “X enrolled him in school in Bangkok. We’ve gone back for visits though. Dev talks to Colleen every day.”
MJ: "He's lettin' a demon-fae kid learn the times table with a bunch of humans?"
Abel: “I know how it sounds but Dev isn’t a baby anymore. He’s learning how to use his magic and he’s old enough to know not to bust it out in the middle of class.”
MJ: "Whatever, man. When ya wanna head out?"
Abel: “What time is it?”
MJ: "I dunno." He looked out the window, hoping maybe that would give him an answer.
Abel: Although the sky was yet dark, it was late enough into the night to be called morning and dawn was approaching. On the other side of the planet, the opposite was true; day was turning into night and the sun would be setting soon.
“We should head out soon. Won’t be long until dark. Do you need to eat or anything first?”
MJ: "What, 'fore ya magic me away?" He looked off into space a moment. "Guess feed my babies."
Abel: “Oooh yes, I wanna see them! Have you gotten any more?”
MJ: "Nothin' since Bandit. Why, ya want one?"
Abel: “Come on, you know I’d never take one of your babies away. Just curious.” If anything, Abel was liable to get him more, be or another rat or a hamster or a gerbil.
MJ: "Ya find my hamster ya win a prize. S'a game we've been playin'." Abel was put back on his feet.
Abel: Abel’s face lit up. “The teeny little hamster I gave you that one Christmas with a million whiskers?”
MJ: "Yeah Lil Stuff's still alive. Bites me in my fuckin' sleep. Think that's why the bastard's still alive."
Abel: “Oh my god, did you accidentally ghoul your hamster?”
MJ: "He is... bigger. Yeah think so."
Abel: Abel had to laugh. He just had to.
MJ: "Go the fuck on." Abel was pushed towards the door. "Can't undo this shit now. Got the fucker for life."
Abel: The familiar was still laughing as he went through the door, absolutely tickled by the mental image of a petty little hamster biting MJ in his sleep.
“I think you need to have a chat with him. Or appease him with snacks.”
MJ: "Ya know he should be dead by now, right? Ain't no just puttin' him in a cage. He'll fuckin' turn t'dust."
Abel: "No, I know, but since you have a super ghoul hamster you can at least come to an arrangement where you let him bite you when you're not asleep. But even if you don't, he still deserves snacks."
MJ: "What d'ya give a ghoul rodent that ain't carrots?"
Abel: "Let's find out!" Abel took out his phone and began to search while also searching for the hamster at the same time.
"You could give him clover! Or apples. Or cabbage."
MJ: "Clover? Like four-leaf clover, clover?"
He leaned against the RV door, arms crossed, and waited for Abel to find his objective. He was a terrier after all.
Abel: The familiar nodded. “Yep. Remember that one scene in Bambi? Tiny woodland creatures love clover.”
Now where would a hamster hide? Somewhere it could burrow, like a blanket. It had also developed a habit of biting MJ in his sleep and since it would soon be dawn…
Why, MJ’s bed of course!
MJ: "Ain't seen Bambi, friend."
Ah yes, the bed. There was a lump on the bed. A rat sized lump that wasn't a rat at all. One that scurried at the feeling of movement on the covers and squeaked at being caught.
Same thousand and one whiskers, not at all the same face. A round, fat, bastardization of what was once a hamster.
"Yeahhh... wasn't fibbin'."
Abel: “Really, nev—oh hey, buddy!”
Abel kept one hand on the lump and used the other to fish out his prize, letting out a long, low whistle as he unearthed the hamster.
“Damn, look at you, little baby! The last time I saw you, you were the size of a lychee! Relax, I’m not gonna hurt you.”
He cradled the hamster in both hands and got a good look at him. So this is what happened when a hamster got ghouled. “You’re still really cute.”
MJ: "Ya think he's cute?" MJ didn't know what to think. Not consistently. He was humored, horrified, and disgusted. Just one emotion was enough, and one action; he had to end it, didn't he? But it had been months of this.
"All the others are Jrs. He's the only lil fuck doin' it."
Abel: “Sure I do. He reminds me of those medieval paintings with the giant hamsters.”
Abel stroked the not-so-little guy’s head. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined this when he’d found the hamster in that pet shop.
“Ever asked him why he started biting you?”
MJ: "His answers ain't so cute anymore. Ya know when a dog is left with his master's corpse for days? Like that. I was a tasty snack."
Abel: Abel nodded, looking thoughtfully at the little creature in his hands and wondering whether it was happy. Living beyond your years wasn’t something animals typically got to experience.
Perhaps it would be kinder to allow the hamster to reincarnate but speaking about that in front of it felt wrong at the moment.
“Go on and feed your babies,” he said to MJ. “It’ll be sunrise soon.”
MJ: "Yep." Their food was locked away. Just hearing the cabinet open got everyone stirring. Bandit Jr and all the other rats emerged from under the top pillow where they had been keeping warm. A variety of pellets, carrot, lettuce, and dried strawberries were placed at the foot of the bed.
Abel: Seeing all of MJ’s pets come out of their hiding spots made Abel smile. It reminded him of the maids finding bugs in Devlin’s pockets every laundry day and the shrieks that always ensued.
Chuckling to himself, he sent Xavier a text to let him know that he was bringing MJ for a visit so he could meet them at the resort.
“Wanna stay a day or am I bringing you back when the sun sets here again?”
MJ: He gestures to his rats. Certainly they could open the cabinet, and would make damn sure to eat themselves sick.
Lil Stuff was placed in his jacket pocket.
"Gotta feed the babies."
Abel: “Right, yes.” Couldn’t leave the babies unattended, or the RV for that matter. “I’ll have you back at dusk. Or Xavier will if I don’t have enough juice. Told him to come to the resort when he’s free.”
Abel beamed and held a hand out to MJ. “Ready for the beach?”
MJ: "He ain't even there?" MJ did a circle for one last look around. A pair of black and orange swim trunks were taken out of the bottom drawer of forgotten summer clothes.
"Yep." He took Abel's hand.
Abel: “He’s in Bangkok but he was going to come down in a couple days anyway.”
Abel didn’t know how long it had been since MJ had teleported with someone, so he gave his friend a little longer to brace himself than he normally would before whisking him away to the south of Thailand.
The resort Xavier had purchased wasn’t as large or well-known as other resorts in more popular tourist spots, but it was for that very reason that it could boast privacy as well as luxurious accommodations for its guests. It offered comfortable rooms, first rate dining and bars, a spa, a gym, a large pool, exquisite gardens, and service to match, but Xavier could show MJ all of that later if he wanted.
Abel’s only focus was the beach.
The sun had only just set, so activity was still plentiful and would continue long into the night. Music and conversation floated toward them on the balmy, salty breeze, as well as the scent of food and fragrant jasmine.
“Here we are,” Abel said with a happy sigh, letting go of MJ’s hand and spreading his arms wide. “Welcome to Thailand.”
MJ: The most recent had been the very subject some ten minutes ago. Granted, of every method ever put upon him, fae magic disturbed his body the least. He knew why, and had no intention to discuss it.
While demonic travel left him nauseous with sulfur, a familiar left him feeling a void in his stomach. Not so much unfulfilled as he was... hungry.
Any feelings he had toward Xavier for coming here, he'd keep to himself, especially when Abel looked so proud and at peace.
His arm went around his shoulders.
"Where we goin' first?"
Abel: “You tell me!” Abel said cheerfully, mirroring MJ’s gesture and leading him out of the secluded corner he’d teleported them to.
“Beach is that way, pool is that way. There’s a bar there if you wanna hang out. There’s a private pool in Xavier’s rooms if you don’t wanna be around people. If you do, we can head into town.”
He patted the vampire’s shoulder. “You’re on a mini holiday, choice is yours.”
MJ: "Mm, gonna be there when I scoop someone up n'take a bite?" Not that he ever, ever had in Abel's presence. Not that he had with anyone in the coterie other than Rohan. He didn't even know why he had said it except to be a nuisance.
MJ bit his lip and pulled Abel that much closer.
"Ya know what, I don't wanna make a decision right now. Pretend I'm blind," he closed his eyes. "Go on n'lead me around."
Abel: Abel snorted. “You do you if you’re hungry, dude. And maybe go for a tourist so they have a nice vacation memory.” Probably much nicer than a lot of the other things he’d seen tourists do.
“Your wish is my command!” Abel laughed, guiding MJ along a path that, unbeknownst to the vampire, led to the bar by the pool.
MJ would be able to hear the music and conversation growing louder as they approached, along with the clink of glass and the sound of splashing water. Abel spoke in Thai to the bartender, accepted something from her, and then led MJ away again.
If at any point MJ decided to peak, he’d see beers in Abel’s hand and notice that the familiar was leading them toward the beach.
MJ: Oh, he opened his eyes. He still had no idea where everything was. Not really. He didn't look beyond a few feet in front of himself at a time, in his own little world that was nothing more than static thoughts.
Abel could have led them anywhere and he would have trusted the familiar. It was the scent of whelming scent of salt water and the crash of waves that finally pulled him back.
"All them for you, huh?"
Abel: “For us!”
Abel pulled MJ down to sit on the sand with him and set two of the four beers aside. The two still in his hand were opened and one was offered.
“You don’t have to drink it, you can just hold it. I know what happens when you eat or drink anything.” He wanted MJ to have a good time and having to throw up did not make for a good time.
MJ: Projectile - well, it didn't make for a good evening, but his hands were cold enough to hold Abel's second beer like an insulating sleeve.
"Get drunk enough I might take a sample of ya."
Abel: Abel kicked off his shoes and leaned back on his elbow.
“Been needing to get your drunk on by proxy?” he asked, watching MJ closely.
MJ: He stared out at the ocean. He had no love affair with her waves and mysteries, but she was pretty just the same.
"Why not?" he shrugged. "It's the holidays."
Abel: “Sure is. Doing anything special? Seeing your faerie queen again maybe? Minus the kidnapping.”
MJ: "Sure. Anytime I need t'get lost."
Abel: Something about that statement piqued Abel’s curiosity. It made him feel like something was off.
“What’s she like?”
MJ: "Woman talks... like a book. Sometimes. Gotta play the part. Just wants somethin' she can't have."
Abel: Now why did that sound familiar? Had MJ said the book thing about Xavier before? It felt like he had, although Abel had yet to figure out exactly what that meant.
But one thing at a time.
“What does she want? For you to stay with her?”
MJ: The vampire scoffed, finally mirroring Abel's stance.
"A life."
Abel: Okay, that was definitely familiar. That was essentially the reason that MJ had broken up with Rohan and had entered into his friends with benefits deal with Pete.
He nodded and took a sip of his beer. “Guessing you haven’t talked to her about it since you’re having to play a part.”
MJ: "My ear's open." He wasn't going to go into detail, no matter how much he loved Abel. He could keep his secrets when he wanted to. When throwing them away would be less entertaining.
"Ya jealous?"
Abel: Abel smiled and shook his head. “Of course not. You know I just want you to be happy. Ridiculously happy.”
He reached over to pat MJ’s leg. “All I’m gonna say is that if your faerie queen is someone that makes you happy, talking to her is worth a shot. Maybe she’d be willing to go for a relationship like the one you’ve got with Pete. And if she’s not, then at least you’ll have been clear, you know?”
MJ: "Of course not, he says."
His light expression dampened, his eyes falling to Abel's hand. So, that's what this was about. Something had felt off, but he couldn't put his finger on what until now.
"I'm the sly. Don't worry 'bout it." The familiar's hand was given its own pat. The weight of each strike dead and lingering. Leave it there.
Abel: Even though MJ wasn't saying much or elaborating on anything, but what he had said plus the fact that he was nipping Abel's line of questioning in the bud was enough for Abel to know he'd touched on a sensitive spot. Whatever was going on in his head wasn't something he was willing to share, and that was fine.
The vampire knew by now that he had a sounding board whenever he was ready, if he ever was.
"Okay." Abel drank some more beer and looked out across the ocean for a while, letting the quiet settle over them for a moment before he smiled.
"Would you believe me if I told you there was a point in my life when I didn't think I'd ever get to see this view again?"
MJ: Abel had dropped the subject, gratefully, but MJ expected with every fiber of his being it would be touched on again before their departure. He knew what he would say, when the time came.
"Why wouldn't ya? Ya can be anywhere n'everywhere."
Abel: “Anywhere but here,” Abel sighed, contemplating the beer in his hand. “Here as in Thailand, but not this beach specifically. I left when I was a teenager for my own safety.”
MJ: "Someone I get to kill?" he asked, humorless. He didn't like seeing Abel bothered.
Abel: He shook his head. “Even though they deserve to die, I wouldn’t even know which direction to point you in.”
MJ: "Got some explainin' to do."
Abel: The familiar nodded and sighed again. “Remember that time I told you that I was raised by my grandma? It’s because my parents got killed when I was a little kid. Never knew who did it, but my grandma always figured it had been hunters. Dad was a witch, mom was his familiar. Makes sense for it to have been hunters.”
MJ: Abel's confession posed more questions. Ones inappropriate, for now. It had never occurred to him to wonder how a familiar was made. Like stories of dwarves being birthed from rocks in caves. Something outrageous like a fairytale. Certainly not with a witch. Certainly not a house, a car, a life like a human. Was it at all like that? He wanted to know. It burned at his curiosity, but he wouldn't. Every ounce of tact told him to wait.
Without inquisitiveness, there was only empathy. One was an itch to scratch, and the other was a cut.
"Supposed t'hunt shit like me," he sighed.
Abel: “The nuances don’t always matter,” Abel said with a shrug. “It’s like people who are homophobic. They don’t care what flavor of gay you are, just that you’re what they consider immoral and wrong. A lot of hunters and sleepers operate the same way. They don’t care about details. You’re different, you’re not human, so you have to die according to them. Doesn’t matter if you’re a kid or an adult.”
MJ: Sleepers. He'd heard that before, but not from Abel. Not that he could remember the name or face who had said it last. It was dismissed as quickly as it was thought.
"Idiots. Idiots everywhere," he sighed in solidarity.
Abel: “Murdering idiots.” More beer, more sighing, more gazing out at the ocean.
“This all happened in Phuket. After the funeral, grandma took me and we moved to Bangkok. Well, ran away to Bangkok is probably more accurate. Things were good for a few years but then one day when I was on my way back from getting food, got jumped.”
MJ: "She a uh... familiar, too?"
One biting question at a time. The one seemingly callous question, first, and then, "Did ya kill em?"
Abel: “Nope, witch. And no, I didn’t.” But god were there days when he wished he had.
“I was a skinny little eighteen year-old and there were three of them. They would’ve finished me off if it hadn’t been for the two uncles who heard all the racket and came to help me.”
MJ: So, she was the paternal grandmother, if he was following logic. He would swear he was paying attention, but - uncles? Literal or cultural phrase? The same as every woman in Spain being tía.
Again, dwelling on the inconsequential.
"Same hunters?"
Abel: “Never knew for sure but that it was hunters? No doubt. They didn’t take anything. Had a full wallet on me and they didn’t touch it. They didn’t even try. Maybe they were stalking me or happened upon me accidentally, I don’t know.”
MJ: "They hurt your grandma?"
Abel: Abel shook his head. “Never. While I was in the hospital she stayed with her friend and she moved again after she sent me away.”
MJ: "Kay."
What he wanted to say sat on the tip of his tongue for a moment, waiting to be bitten back or allowed to spill.
"We got that in common, leavin' em t'help em."
Abel: “I didn’t want to leave. She didn’t want me to either but she was terrified, she thought it was the only way to keep me safe. She’d been saving to send me to university and ended up giving me the money so I could get as far from here as possible instead.”
Abel leaned back on the sand and heaved a long sigh. “And that’s how I wound up in Norway.”
MJ: "A familiar goin' t'university." This was real life, apparently. Why had he not stopped to think about it? He associated with vampires, demons, faeries, the occasional witch and druid in denial; why was he stuck on this?
"Thought ya were fuckin' part Norwegian or some shit."
He took Abel's hand and brought it to his mouth to nibble.
Abel: Abel finally laughed. “It’s a lot more common than you think. Life isn’t all magic, still gotta pay for things. Well. Unless you’re Xavier.”
He smiled at MJ, trying to tickle his chin. “Nope, but you’re right in that I’m not full Thai. Dad was from Taiwan.”
MJ: "Only other familiar I know was born an animal. He don't want for shit, ya know, like an animal."
For a long time, that was exactly what he thought Abel was. Born as a dog, lived simply as a dog, and chose Xavier for his many comforts. A simple life of magic and neediness. Being born on the human side was a bit of a disappointment. Abel was right, not everything was magic, and the child in MJ wanted to turn his nose at it.
"Why'd ya pick Xavier?"
Abel: “Mhm, happens that way sometimes,” Abel said with a nod. “Magic can be and usually is a clusterfuck, no two people have the same experience. Same applies to familiars.”
He straightened just enough to finish his beer before laying back down. “Because he felt right to me. He was…appealing in a sort of visceral, magicky way. Choosing a companion is a gut thing for familiars. For all animals really.”
MJ: "Ya don't regret him?" he asked.
Abel: Abel smiled and shook his head. “Not once in all the years I’ve known him. He still feels right to me. He’s still appealing in that magicky way. Actually he’s probably more appealing now than he was then.”
MJ: "What changed him?"
Abel: "Devlin," he said simply. "There's a world of difference between who Xavier was before Devlin was born and who he is now. Having a kid didn't just suddenly make him know more magic or anything but...he opened up more. He let more of life in."
MJ: "I never knew the other guy," MJ sighed. "I'll take your word for it."
Abel/Xavier: "I think that's probably for the best. Other guy could be a real dick."
"Who's a dick?"
Abel sat up and looked behind him, grinning at Xavier who was standing a few feet away with his hands in his pockets, watching them with an amused look on his face.
"Took you long enough to show up!" said the familiar. "I texted you ages ago!"
"I couldn't very well leave my car in the middle of the road." Xavier smiled at MJ. "Lovely to see you, Aquaman."
MJ: MJ tilted his head between his shoulders, staring at the demon upside down. He thought if he frowned it would show as a grin, but didn't think anyone would get the joke.
"Hey there, Sulfur Boy. Grab a beer. We got too many."
Xavier: "So I see." Xavier grabbed a beer from the pile and sat on the opposite side of MJ, stretching out with a sigh. As much as he enjoyed his new car, sitting in traffic was such a chore.
"I'm glad Abel convinced you to come, it's been too long since we've seen each other. Have you been well? Still enjoying your courier job?"
MJ: His arm wrapped around Xavier's shoulders without thinking, giving a squeeze and releasing.
"Yep. Yep." He'd just leave it at that. If the demon wanted to read his mind, there was absolutely nothing he could do. Reading it wasn't manipulating it.
"Gimmie a kiss, fucker."
Xavier: Xavier had long adhered to a personal policy of not looking into supernatural minds, particularly those that belonged to the people close to him, which MJ certainly was.  As his friend he was both safe from and to Xavier, so the affection he gave was easily accepted as well.
“You really did miss me,” the demon said with a grin, kissing MJ’s cheek. “Want a new bike for Christmas?”
MJ: "That what I get for missin' ya?" Oh, but he glanced over his shoulder, as though a bike was waiting just behind.
"I don't want one of your crotch rockets."
Xavier: “I was going to give you one anyway, you just happened to come to me before I could come to you. But if you don’t want one, tell me what you do want. Pretend I’m Santa Claus.”
MJ: "Hmm." His arm draped around Xavier's shoulders; his free hand rested on Abel's stomach.
"I wanna see ya streak across this beach."
Abel/Xavier: Xavier scoffed and sipped his beer. “Absolutely I will not, not even for you.”
“Make him wear a T-shirt,” Abel said to MJ.
MJ: "We're hidin' the chest but not the dick?"
Abel: “Nah nah nah, a T-shirt and some of those elephant pants all the tourists wear. And flip flops!”
MJ: "Ahh." He looked over at Xavier. "Nah fuck the elephant pants. I want 80s shorts."
Abel: Abel’s fit of laughter at the suggestion was not at all helped by the horrified look on Xavier’s face.
“Oh my god, yes. With the shirt tucked in. Should make him wear a visor too.”
MJ: "Let's fuckin' go, X. Merry Christmas."
Abel/Xavier: “A visor?” Xavier looked positively pained. “A little bit of mercy, please. I already lived through the 80s once.”
“Nope!” Abel said cheerfully. “Come on, Santa. Are you picking out your outfit or should we? What do you think?” he added to MJ.
MJ: "He's got a blue complexion, don't he? Blues, purples." He framed Xavier between his fingers. "Yeah, maybe some orange." Gotta throw in his favorite color.
Abel/Xavier: Abel nodded excitedly. “Day-Glo orange! Should we add a fanny pack?”
Something akin to the sound a dying animal would make came out of Xavier. He downed half his beer.
MJ: "Was that a thing in the '80s? Thought that was just retired Floridians. What ya think, X?"
Xavier: “I think the two of you are enjoying this too much. But yes, they were a thing in the 80s and they should have stayed in the 80s.”
MJ: "Nah. Ya gotta have some clothes from then. Don't ya?"
Xavier: “My clothes have all been custom made for the past 70 years. I do not partake of hideous fashion trends.”
MJ: "Nanana. I call bullshit. I wanna see them high waisted shit from way back when. Let's go invade his closet."
Xavier: “Even if I did own anything—which I never did—my house burned down, remember? All my old clothes were destroyed.”
MJ: "Allllll of em? Thought y'all demons n'vampires had safe houses everywhere."
Xavier: Xavier nodded. “All of them. Clothes, art, precious things that cannot be replaced. I didn’t have multiple homes then, otherwise I would’ve been able to save some things.”
MJ: Hmm. He wasn't going to have this dim the mood. Xavier wasn't crying.
His elbow nudged Abel.
"We really gotta do this. And a suit. Some really vintage shit."
Abel: Abel had been keeping an eye on Xavier throughout this whole exchange, ready to divert the conversation if it became too much for his demon. Thankfully it hadn’t come to that, so his smile remained easy and firmly in place.
“Hell yeah, let’s go!” He finished his beer and got to his feet. “Market’s still open, it’ll have what we need. X, we’re taking your bike.”
MJ: "We all gonna be on one fuckin' bike? What is this, India?" An empty bottle of beer was picked up and jiggled at the pair. "We ain't doin' shit 'til y'all finish this shit."
Abel/Xavier: “Dude, you can’t even imagine the crazy bike shit I’ve seen since we’ve been here. Three people on a bike doesn’t even rank. Also we’re not taking X.”
Xavier held out his hand for another beer. “Why not? Don’t I get a say in this awful outfit?”
Abel opened one for him. “You’ll veto everything we pick!”
MJ: "So wait, the fuck are we doing?" MJ laughed. This back-and-forth banter was dusting off the burdens on his shoulders.
Abel: “First we’re gonna finish these beers,” Abel said as he opened a bottle for himself. “And then you and I are gonna go to the market to buy Xavier’s outfit.”
MJ: "How long's it take t'drink four beers? Let's fuckin' go! Chug! Chug!"
Abel/Xavier: Abel immediately took MJ at his word, while Xavier merely chuckled and shook his head.
“You’re not getting anywhere near my bike after this. I’ll drive the two of you to the market.”
“You’re gonna—!”
“I’ll have some dinner while you shop.”
MJ: "We gonna find everything we need here? Really?"
Xavier: Xavier nodded as he sipped his beer. “You’d be surprised. The shorts might be difficult but everything else? Entirely plausible.”
MJ: "Bruh the shorts are gonna be difficult no matter where we are. We need a fuckin' time machine."
Xavier: “The two of you might have to settle for elephant pants. Or regular shorts, I suppose.”
MJ: "Man. We're tryin' t'recreate the '80s, not the '70s." Might have been popular here, but they had a vision, dammit.
"Oh, no - I know what t'do. I got this."
Xavier: Xavier squinted. “What do you have in that mischievous mind, Aquaman?”
MJ: "Don't worry 'bout it, Sulfur Boy. I got ya."
Abel/Xavier: “That’s what worries me.” Despite what Xavier said, he was smiling.
He hadn’t even swallowed the last of his beer before Abel was handing him the other. So much for a leisurely drink on the beach. These two were dead set on their plan.
Once all the beers were finished, Abel gathered up the empty bottles and got to his feet. “Let’s go!”
MJ: "Gonna ask the girliest shit in the world. Here it comes. Ready?"
He shaped Xavier's body with both hands.
"Tell me your measurements, baby."
Abel/Xavier: Xavier snorted and pulled out his phone. “I’ll send them to you, I don’t know them off the top of my head.” Such knowledge was his tailor’s business.
“Text and walk,” said Abel, tugging Xavier to his feet. “We taking your car?”
The demon shook his head. “No, one of the resort’s cars. Mine attracts too much attention.”
MJ: "What happened t'magic?" He was already on his feet and arguing with sand in his shoe. "That thing y'all do. Pop, pop, pop. Just pop-pop us there."
Xavier: “I thought you didn’t like teleportation,” said Xavier. “But if you’re willing, by all means. Saves the trouble of retrieving the keys.”
MJ: "Might as fuckin' well. I ain't the one drinkin'. I'd bite this one, but it'd feel like cheatin'." He pointed between familiar and demon. "Homewrecker cheatin'," he smirked.
Abel/Xavier: It was Abel’s turn to snort. “Ha! Joke’s on you, you can’t wreck a home you’re a part of. Come on.”
He took MJ’s arm and led him back over to the spot where he’d initially teleported them with Xavier not far behind. After a small pit stop to get rid of all the empty bottles, of course.
“Where should we land?” he asked Xavier.
The demon took MJ’s other arm. “Hmm…the parking lot, behind the annoying vegetable lady’s van. She always parks in the corner.”
MJ: MJ wondered if that was really true. And then he wondered if Abel and Xavier had done anything remotely sexual. He'd heard the rumors. Stories from the horse's mouth. Once upon a time, the demon had no loyalties. Stuck his dick in anything pretty. Why not his familiar.
He shouldn't be thinking anything in the presence of telepaths. Just... tilt his head gently and spill his thoughts from his ear.
"Don't mind me. M'along for the ride."
Abel/Xavier: From Abel and Xavier’s perspective, it was absolutely true. MJ was part of the demon’s coterie and therefore part of his home and his family.
And he was, of course, safe from having his thoughts read. For the best in this case, unbeknownst to demon and familiar alike.
“Damn right you are.” Abel squeezed his arm. “You know the drill.”
After giving the vampire a moment to brace himself, Abel transported them across town to the market. He and Xavier had an agreement that when possible, the familiar’s magic would be used for teleportation since it was a bit gentler than Xavier’s. It was still uncomfortable for those not accustomed, but less so.
As expected, the van was parked in a dark corner of the parking lot, safe from the prying eyes of any passersby. It would be a while yet before things quieted down.
“The two of you go shop,” said Xavier. “I’m off to eat grilled pork.”
MJ: "Ya actually gonna wear this shit? Tellin' ya now, if we buy all this legit n'ya cheat us, I might actually whip your ass."
But, with enough effort and letting concerning thoughts trickle from his ear, he could manage an authentic smile. His shoulders were far from unburdened, but it was a start.
Xavier: “Yes, Aquaman, I promise I’ll wear everything the two of you buy for me. I’ll even let you take pictures.” Xavier knew MJ was going to try to anyway, so he thought he might as well embrace it.
This was MJ’s Christmas present after all.
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wildroseofarran · 3 years
Apology Pie ||Caldias, Pete, MJ, & Abel || March, 2020
Pete/Abel: “Dude, you’ve gotta stop showering. You’re gonna scrub all your skin off.”
Pete scratched his freshly washed hair. He’d just gotten out of his third shower of the day, which was in addition to the shower he’d taken before falling into bed after their rescue mission. “I can still feel it on me.”
Abel shook his head. “There’s no more Umbra lube on you, you’re clean. Cleaner than clean.”
“You just want dinner.”
“Yes but you’re still clean.”
MJ: MJ had leaned his weight against the door frame, staring out on autopilot. Jeans had been forgotten by the bed; nothing but black boxers and a gray shirt with Freddy Kruger in sunglasses separating him from nudity.
"Somethin' 'bout lube?"
Pete/Abel: Pete snorted as he looked over. "Well good morning to you, too."
Abel grinned at MJ's choice in attire and attempted to discreetly take a photo. "We were talking about how Petey won't stop showering to get to Umbra lube off even though it was off after the first shower."
MJ: "How many fuckin' showers ya had, man?" He spotted that phone going up, but said nothing. Too busy scratching random itches in his unwashed hair.
Pete: "Just finished number four. That stuff got everywhere and I have a lot of hair now."
MJ: Only a passing thought - one drowned purposefully with banging cymbals and snares to keep Abel out.
Best not to say anything out loud.
"Anyone heard from Guildias - or yelled at from Callum?"
Pete/Abel: Abel didn't have to peek into MJ's head or hear him say anything to know where that brain of his was; MJ's expression was more than enough.
Pete nodded. "Yep, heard from Callum this morning. He's got lots of questions and steaks he's grilling for us."
MJ: "We get steaks? Shit. Should chop the other arm off."
Pete: Another nod. "File that under things we are not going to say to the man whose husband we returned missing a crucial limb. I'm guessing the dinner offer was so he'd have something to do with his hands while we talked."
MJ: "How'd he sound? They both gonna be there?"
Pete: "Frazzled, and yeah, I think so."
MJ: "Guess I'll take a shower. Be back in five."
Abel: “Enjoy!” Abel called after him, grinning to himself. “Oh, all these are keepers.” He sent off the photos to their group chat with Xavier.
MJ: There would be some all caps in that room soon enough, but for now the group chat would be spared. That is until after his hair had partially dried. Didn't have to ask where the towels were; this had once been his second home.
Pete/Abel: Abel would be heard dissolving into laughter downstairs.
{Text from Abel} I HAD TO
{Text from Xavier} Very dashing, Aquaman
Pete, meanwhile, had gone into his room to dress and run a comb through his hair. Jeans, sweater, spritz of his usual cologne, and he was ready to go.
MJ: Wasn't long before the bathroom door opened, steam escaping. Hair still damp and spiked; clothes sticking to his body. The scent of Peter's shampoo and soap would cling for days. No complaint. And certainly nothing to protest, catching Peter's cologne in the air. Like a magnet; had to clutch the sink as he finger-brushed his teeth.
{Text} You're goddamn right
"Y'all ready?"
Pete/Abel: "Ready!" Pete called from his room. "We need to stop by the bakery first though. I ordered a pie to take over to Callum's for dessert."
"We're bribing Callum for forgiveness!" Abel shouted.
MJ: "N'here I was thinkin' liquor would be Scottish approved."
Just needed to find his boots and he would actually be ready.
"Guess you're drivin', Peter."
Pete/Abel: "Planning on it," he said, grabbing his keys and wallet. "I give Cal liquor all the time. A pie holds more meaning and goes really great with steak and potatoes."
"It does!" Abel agreed. "Hurryyyyyyyyyyyy, I'm starviiiiiiiing."
MJ: "Don't that bird say the same thing? Are all familiars just starvin' t'death?"
Abel: "I barely ate lunch in anticipation of stuffing my face with steak and pie!"
MJ: He wished he could relate. Just not the same, anymore.
"Pie it is. I'll get him a bear claw." A grin and a wink later, he was out the door - bootlace untied three feet later. Time to hop on one foot to remedy.
Pete: Pete just smiled and shook his head. “You’re gonna fall over,” he said to MJ. “We have enough time for you to stop and tie your shoe. Abel’s just rushing because he’s hungry.”
He slid into the car and started the engine. “Who’s got shotgun?”
MJ: One more hop and he was making a run for the passenger seat.
"I do. Abel can hang his head out the window. Ya know, like a dog."
Abel: Abel’s face lit with quick and brilliant delight. “Dude, you’re right. I never get a chance to do that!”
He jumped in the back seat and quickly rolled down the window before transforming into his animal form and sticking his head out. He was ready.
MJ: "He really fuckin' did it," he muttered. "Kay, well, we're ready." And unlike usual road rules, MJ assumed the prestigious role of DJ. Country music, of course.
Pete: “He’s a dog,” Pete chuckled. “It’s in his doggie DNA, like when I scratch my back against a tree trunk.”
Country would never be his favorite but he didn’t mind it so much when MJ played it. Maybe because he knew how much MJ liked it.
Instead of turning toward the river, he turned toward the center of town. “Is there anything else we wanna pick up?”
MJ: "'Sides bear claws 'n pie? What's really, really Scottish? 'Sides, ya know, scotch?"
Pete: “Kilts? Haggis? Bagpipes?”
MJ: "Can't get any of that shit here."
Pete: “Well, he already has the kilt and he probably has stuff to make haggis.”
MJ: "Ya tellin' me he ain't got bagpipes?"
Pete: “His cousin Donal’s the piper, not him.”
MJ: "We should get him some, anyway."
Pete: “Where are we supposed to get bagpipes in Edenton?” he laughed.
MJ: "Abel can poof away n'get one," he laughed.
Abel: ‘But piiiiiiie!’ Abel thought to him.
MJ: "You'll still get your pie!" MJ returned out loud.
Abel: ‘Where in Scotland do I even get bagpipes?’
MJ: "A music store, bro."
Abel: ‘Google one that has bagpipes and think the address to me.’
MJ: 'Why ya quiet all sudden?'
Abel: ‘I’m in dog form, remember?’
MJ: 'Fuckin',' MJ glanced back and laughed. 'Fuckin' forgot. Ya know what, we'll get him bagpipes for his birthday. Ya ain't even met him, have ya?'
Abel: ‘Wow, rude.’ Abel pulled his head back inside the car and scrambled into the front seat and into MJ’s lap.
‘Nope, not yet, which only makes it more awkward that I chopped Gil’s arm off.’
MJ: 'Yeah, leave that out when ya shake his hand. We'll see what "Gil" said when we get there.'
Pete/Abel: ‘Good call.’ Abel made himself comfortable and nudged MJ to roll down his window so the head-sticking-out could continue.
Pete was just smiling to himself as he pulled up in front of the bakery. He was learning that telepathic conversations were very amusing.
MJ: Fine. The window was rolled, and some head scritches as well. The act was an unspoken comfort.
Not a word from Peter in some time, but still he asked, "What cha laughin' at?"
Pete: “I’m not laughing,” said Pete. Although he did have a grin on his face. “Forgot how expressive you are.”
MJ: "What I do?"
Pete: “Emoted during your silent mind conversation with the pup.”
MJ: "Know everything 'bout everything, huh?"
Pete: “You were laughing and asking questions out loud,” he chuckled.
MJ: "Didn't notice." Not at first. He was too relaxed. "Figured he told ya what we do."
Pete: "Yep, he did. He thought a couple things to me and it's super weird and also super cool."
MJ: "Still think y'all talked 80 miles an hour. Was gone for like, ten minutes!" Not at all, but it had felt that way.
Pete: “We’ve had all day today, too,” Pete chuckled. “Most of the day, anyway.”
MJ: "Y'all bein' up late did nothin' t'y'all."
Abel: ‘We slept in!’ Abel thought to him. ‘And had lots of coffee.’
MJ: "Mm. No wonder you're hyper."
Abel: ‘Just a little bit. Most of it is excitement for dinner.’
MJ: "Listen here, Peter. The way t'a familiar's heart is food. Any familiar. All of em."
Pete: Pete snorted. "I'll keep that in mind if I ever need to bribe Abel."
MJ: "Mmhmm. He'll just eat that shit up." Have some more scritches.
Pete/Abel: The only thing Abel was currently eating up was pets from MJ, something he would’ve pointed out if he weren’t enjoying them quite so much.
“Well, we’ll get him fed soon enough,” Pete said as he pulled into a parking spot in front of the bakery. “I’ll be quick.”
MJ: "Wait wait wait, comin' with." Abel was carried as he got out, placed in the passenger seat. "Bear claw n'shit. Want somethin'?" He looked to the dog expectantly.
Pete/Abel: ‘A cream puff!’ Abel all but mentally yelled, tail wagging madly. ‘Or three.’
Pete came around to the passenger’s side and reached in through the window to pat Abel’s head. “We won’t be long. Be good and don’t talk to strangers.”
MJ: "Think he'd give em trauma if he did." Peter was bumped shoulders with, grinning from ear-to-ear. "Ya know what I miss? Apple fritters."
Pete: Pete laughed and poked MJ in the ribs. “He would not. They’d be won over in seconds flat.”
He hummed as he opened the bakery door. “Oh man, and Laura makes a great one. Wanna get one so you can smell?”
MJ: "I might try n'eat it. Worth the up chuck? I miss churros, too." His mother's, specifically. No one had her beat. Not while he was alive. Now he'd never be able to tell.
Pete: “I would dare go so far as to say that Laura’s apple fritters are worth just about everything. Ask Bobby, they’re his hangover food.”
Laura was nowhere to be found when they entered, so Pete rang the bell on the counter to summon her. “What did Abel want?”
MJ: "Oh! Uh, he wanted - ya fuckin' - yeah, he wants a cream puff...sss."
Pete: “More than one, got it,” Pete chuckled. He rang the bell again. “Laura! You back there?”
“Pete?” came a woman’s voice from somewhere in the kitchen. “Is that you?”
“Just a sec, I’ve got your pie ready.”
“‘Kay. Got any cream puffs left?”
“I think there’s a few left in the case!”
Pete scanned the array of delicate pastries and cakes in the case and found what he was looking for.
“Abel’s in luck,” he said to MJ. “There’s five left.”
MJ: "Those'll be gone in thirty seconds." Didn't feel like an exaggeration, either. In truth, there had been no need to get out of the car; the excuse had been to help, but all he was doing was staring, pretending to be helpful, and pretending that this wasn't what it obviously was; it was about company.
Pete: Pete didn't mind the company one bit, nor did he mind going along with the excuse that it was all to be helpful. He enjoyed it and it was as simple as that.
"We'll take them!" he called to Laura. "What about bear claws?"
"How many?"
He looked expectantly to MJ.
MJ: Two fingers. One for an attempt and one as a gift for somebody. Anybody.
"Laura, got any churros?"
Pete: "Two bear claws!"
"Today's your lucky day." There were more sounds from the kitchen before Laura finally poked her head out. "Whose voice is--MJ Calloway! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes!"
MJ: "Sore? Why them eyes sore?" She was friendly enough and casual enough for a one-armed hug. A squeeze for added measure. She was good people.
"Churros, Laura? Pleeease?"
Laura: “I iced sugar cookies most of the day,” she chuckled, squeezing back. “You’re as handsome as ever, which is why it breaks my heart to tell you I haven’t got any. But I can make you some tomorrow, how’s that?”
MJ: MJ just smiled, the same he would have given his mother. She had that kind of energy.
"I'll try n'be here tomorrow."
Pete: "I'll make you the best damn churros you've ever had, just you wait." She gave him one more squeeze. "Okay, so what all were we wanting besides the pie?"
"All the cream puffs you've got and the bearclaws," said Pete.
"Let me box it all up for ya'll."
MJ: "Thanks, Laura." Months apart felt like mere days with people in this town. It was a comfort and a mild annoyance. "I got it," said into Peter's ear. No trickery tonight. Laura would be getting a crisp bill in that kitchy tip jar.
Pete: "You're welcome, sweetie. What time are you coming by for those churros?"
Pete just smiled. At MJ, at the tip in the jar. Everything. "You're sweet," he whispered, accepting the bag full of goodies from Laura.
MJ: Yeah, he saw that smile, but what could he do about it? Just staring was loony, so he looked back to Laura. Had to calculate sunset. "When y'all close?"
Laura: "You don't worry about that. Just give me a window, come by, and knock on the door."
MJ: "How's nine sound?"
Laura: "Perfect. I'll have them ready for you at nine tomorrow night. Already looking forward to making them instead of being hunched over more cookies."
MJ: "These friggin' counters are way too low for ya. Gotta hire someone, I dunno, this tall?" he gestured.
Laura: “I do have someone,” she chuckled. “For now, anyway. She’s icing the other half of the ten billion cookies.”
MJ: "Makin' your daughter ice cookies is free labor, ma'am."
Pete: “I’ve got my daughter cutting out the cookies and someone else icing them.”
“Logan?” Pete asked.
“Yep. She’s good at the fiddly detail stuff.”
MJ: "Do I know Logan?"
Pete: Pete considered any situations where the two of them could've crossed paths. "Maybe...? She works here with Laura, at the church, babysitting around town. She lives in one of the rental cabins out in the woods."
MJ: MJ had to temper a look of disgust. Church? Babysitter? But he knew the rental cabins. Lived right next to them.
"Maybe." He left it at that. Smiled warmly at Laura.
"Be seein' ya, Laura!"
Pete/Abel: "Tomorrow at nine!" she said, smiling back. "Ya'll drive safely and enjoy that pie!"
Pete just laughed. "Some of us are dying to eat it. Thanks again, Laura."
And back to the car, where a very eager Abel was half-hanging out the window waiting for them.
MJ/Guildias: "Who's a good boy?!" Abel was given some obnoxious petting before opening the door. A cream puff for the road before parking at Callum MacGillivray's front yard.
Guildias was all but flat against the couch, enjoying the various scents of Callum's cooking. Already several inches had added length to his shoulder, still hidden underneath clothing.
"Come here and sit in my lap." A hand came up from behind the couch. "I feel you."
Callum: Only three of the five people that would be eating dinner in his house tonight were actually going to eat, but Callum was cooking as if all five would be eating. The process, which he normally enjoyed for its own sake, was distracting him from thinking about his husband’s arm.
And he very much needed that distraction right now.
Callum did a quick check of everything in the stove and went over to the couch.
“Do you feel me or do you feel the wheels turnin’ in my head?” he wondered as he took his husband’s hand.
Guildias: "Palpably," he answered. "Choose whichever." Callum was tugged closer, kissed softly and lingered.
"Tell me why and I'll help you."
Callum: Callum dissolved into the kiss and into the offered lap. “Do you have to ask? This is the first time in my entire life ye’re no’ reachin’ for me with both hands because you have no choice.”
Guildias: The druid's face was caressed, chin gently pinched.
"Because I made a choice. A simpler choice by comparison. It'll grow back, Daisy."
Callum: He nuzzled into Guildias’ hand. “I know but it’s still a shock. You left with both arms and came home missing one.”
Guildias: The shoulder moved subconsciously. Invisible hand intent on cupping his husband's face. Phantom movement, he realized in silent humor.
"I apologize for shocking you."
Callum: Guildias might not have been able to cup Callum's face, but Callum could cup his. And he did. "You don't have to apologize. I believe you when you say you made the best choice you could in that situation."
Guildias: "Best and simplest are hand-in-hand. I could have ripped the child from the roots, and the tree could have snapped his neck. My actions could have destroyed everything."
Callum: “And instead, that poor wee lad is back with his family where he belongs.”
He kissed his vampire’s cheek. “Better the tree have yer arm than you or Pete or the familiar.”
Guildias: "Then I'm forgiven?" he smirked.
Callum: “We’ll see how it goes when yer arm grows back.”
Callum laughed softly and shook his head. “Just had to go and be a bunch of cowboys.”
Guildias: "I'll sup on you every night before sunrise." One last kiss, hearing an approach on the road. "Next time we might bring you."
Callum: "Aye, do that." Callum let himself get lost in the moment for as long as he could before getting to his feet. "Next time you better hope there isn't a next time. I don't know what too many trips into the Veil does to a person but I can't imagine it's anythin' good."
Guildias: "Witches and fera seem to know more. More welcome. Have to ask one of them."
Callum: He thought for a moment. “How did you feel when you were in there, minus the obvious and the slime?”
Guildias: "Have you ever walked into a room disallowed to you? Say, as a child?"
Callum: Callum nodded. "Aye, my uncle's weapon room. Lightly touched one o' the blades, cut my hand like he always said I would, and to this day I haven't told him."
Guildias: "The same feeling. Unwelcome. Peter might have nightmares, but without him, I doubt the outcome would have been the same."
Callum: "I can't imagine how it could've been worse." Although he supposed the tree could've eaten them outright or the portal could've simply rejected them, forbade them entry.
From that perspective, a missing arm was a very small price to pay.
"Well, we're goin' to feed him comfort food so hopefully that doesn't happen."
Guildias: "I'm sure there's science behind that."
Callum was fastened by his waist as he rose into a sitting position.
"Did you invite Rosmond?"
Callum: "I'm invitin' him tomorrow. I've got some silk flowers I want to scent for him." Peonies and lilacs. Just because Rosmond couldn't have real flowers didn't mean he couldn't have any flowers.
Callum chuckled. "Ye've got to let me up, husband mine."
Guildias: "When they knock on the door," he insisted. "One more kiss." Not at all a question. He would take what he desired and smile before doing it.
Callum: Callum grinned against his husband’s lips. He could take all the kisses he wanted. “Have as many as you like but have them while walking with me to the stove so my gravy doesn’t burn.”
Guildias: "We can't have that." Callum was lifted with Guildias to his feet. Legs dangling as he continued to carry the druid until parked at the stove.
"He would have been awkward. Stoic in his corner, watching everyone, saying nothing. You made the right choice," Guildias smirked.
Callum: He clung to his husband like a koala, fully confident Guildias would be able to carry him even with his missing arm.
“He’s no’ one for crowds, is Rosmond. He’s a man of few words, like my great uncle Roderick.”
Guildias: Callum was a kind, idiosyncratic soul. To have kept such a good rapport with someone like Rosmond was not as much surprising as it was curious.
"Have you kept in contact with Mason Atlas?"
Callum: It was like flipping a switch. His smile fell and his face set in grim lines.
“No,” he said as he stirred the gravy. “I have nothin’ to say to or about him.”
Guildias: "Have you kept the ring?"
Callum: “I gave it back to Dahlia.”
Guildias: "I don't recall you flying to England."
Callum: “I didn’t. I planted a dahlia for her by the river and buried the ring beside it in a wooden box.”
Guildias: "You're not curious at all of the life that was once yours?"
Callum: “No. I already know how that story ends.”
Guildias: "You've quite literally buried it."
Callum: “It’s her ring. She should have it back. She and her family are buried in sterile boxes in a sterile graveyard where nature can’t find them. That’s no’ the way Druids do things.”
Guildias: "Were you, Dahlia, a druid?"
Callum: “Dahlia wasn’t a Druid, I am, and I don’t like the way she was buried or this conversation. Can we please drop it?”
Preferably for the rest of my life, he added silently to himself.
Guildias: Ah. The button had been pressed. Guildias adjusted his shades and nodded his submission. Opposing points-of-view were nothing new in this relationship. Just as quietly, he headed to the front door.
Pete/Callum: Callum disliked the subject of Dahlia, disliked the subject of her husband even more, and he absolutely hated being ambushed with either.
He gathered up the platter of marinated steaks and went out to put them on the grill, not quite slamming the back door but coming close.
Around front, Pete was just pulling up to the house.
“We’re here,” he said. “Remember to look contrite and apologetic, everyone.”
MJ/Guildias: "Hey, I didn't do shit!" MJ laughed. But he had enough reason to play respectful. Head bow and all.
Guildias took to the porch swing; lit cigarette between his fingers.
Pete/Abel: ‘I should change back,’ Abel thought to MJ, crossing back over to the backseat. It was easier to get into someone’s good graces as a dog, but it was far more polite to show up to dinner for the first time at someone’s house as a person.
“Still,” Pete said with a smile, getting out of the car and shooting Guildias a wave. “We come bearing pie!”
MJ/Guildias: MJ turned with Abel and watched, turned back to Peter and - forgot what he was going to say again. A shrug would do.
"To soothe the beast?" Guildias asked from his lounge.
MJ made an opening for Abel's escape.
Pete/Abel: "For dessert, but also for that. Is he really that upset?" Hell, maybe they should've brought the scotch.
Abel, back in human form, eased himself out of the car. He gave his hair a finger comb, straightened his clothes, and gave a wave to Guildias. "Hey, Gil! How's the arm?"
Guildias: "Nothing a best friend can't resolve." Which was where he intended to leave the subject. Just the right amount of vague. The stub of his humerus was waved in their direction. Bigger than yesterday.
Pete/Abel: "I think you growing your arm back will do that better than I can." Pete grabbed the bakery boxes and headed inside to take them into the kitchen.
While he did that, Abel came closer to examine Guildias' shoulder. "Damn, that's not bad for one day. Can you feel it grow? Does it hurt? Did you feel any weird effects from the lube?"
Guildias: "Always admired curiosity. Keep feeding it." Abel was allowed to touch; the sleeve of his shirt was rolled for better examination.
"Growing pains are indeed real. It's an itch, rather than discomfort."
Abel: “The world feeds it for me, my guy. I feel like an itch would drive me crazier than pain. Have you asked Callum if he’s got anything to help?” Druid magic was all about healing; surely there was something.
Guildias: "I'm outside of his area of expertise. Besides, my heart does not beat."
Abel: “Still, couldn’t hurt to ask. Speaking of which.” Abel did a twirl. “Do I look presentable to meet your husband and apologize for removing your arm?”
Guildias: "As far as he's concerned, this was self-inflicted." Based on an umbrella retelling of the entire ordeal, and having been his idea, this was his to own.
Abel: “Sooo, do you want me to not tell him?”
Guildias: "You were brave. You rescued the child; you're a clever hero." Concise and clean.
Abel: “You wanna spare the gory details, okay fair enough. I’m still going to apologize though, in a general sort of way, because we did bring you back without an arm and I feel bad about that. Also, do your animals like other animals?”
Guildias: "Callum's pets play well - if they don't, they'll let you know." Guildias gestured inside. "Allow Peter to introduce you."
Abel: “Good to know.” He was making lots of first impressions today and he wanted to make them all count.
“You’re not coming in?”
Guildias: He gestured the cigarette between his fingers. "I won't be long. Please. Make yourself at home."
Abel: “All right then.”
Abel’s first impression upon entering the house was that it smelled fucking amazing. Something beautiful was happening in the kitchen and he needed to get in on it. Unfortunately, he only made it a couple of steps inside before he was stopped by a long-haired white cat.
Abel crouched to be closer to eye level and held out a hand for sniffing. This guy lived with another dog, so surely the scent of one wouldn’t bother him too much. And his owner was someone with magic, so surely the scent of that wouldn’t bother him too much either.
Apparently he was right on both counts, because he was allowed to pet and to pass after being inspected.
He repeated the process a few steps later with the dog (to the dog’s utter delight) before finally making it into the kitchen for introductions.
Guildias: Callum could be kind when required by social norms. Being in the presence of Peter would ice the heat administered by their conversation. The last of his cigarette was allowed to die a cold death before returning inside.
"I should hate to have missed much," he greeted.
Pete/Abel: Callum had gone out to check on the steaks but everyone else was gathered around the counter.
Abel turned to Guildias with an armful of cat and a giant smile. “I went through the Gauntlet of Pets and was accepted into the fold.”
Pete was grinning as well. “The one leg up he has on Jolly is that Jolly can’t scratch behind Prospero’s ears.”
Guildias: "So I see. Have you been offered a drink?"
Pete/Abel/Callum: “Yep, we have.” Pete nodded toward the beers on the counter. He gave Guildias a look that said there was something on his mind, but he wouldn’t bring it up. Not right now.
Callum came back in looking perfectly and determinedly pleasant. “He’ll never let you put him down if he has his way,” he said to Abel. “He likes bein’ held.”
“I don’t mind holding him. He’s so soft. How are you so soft?” he asked the cat. “Tell me, I must know.”
MJ/Guildias: Guildias locked eyes. A second-long stare of silence. Whatever Peter felt or knew, now was neither the time nor the place for verbalizing.
MJ had taken to the kitchen counter. Legs dangling with dead weight, beer between his hands as though it was a viable option for his stomach. He found himself too quiet. He couldn't seem to help it. Right now he was just observing.
"When you tire of him, he'll find a home on my shoulders," said Guildias.
Abel/Callum: Abel gasped. “He’s a shoulder cat?!”
Callum laughed. “Shoulder, arm, lap. He’s a clingy cat is what he is.”
“You’re clingy and soft!” Abel told Prospero. “You’re a clingy, soft boy and I love you. Ahhh, he’s purring!”
Callum laughed again. His mood seemed to be improving. “Steaks won’t be too long.”
MJ: "Puss puss," MJ tisked at the elegant cat. A big of blue string materialized from his fingertip, dangled just shy of the cat's face.
Prospero: MJ instantly got Prospero’s attention. Ears and eyes were on full alert as he watched the string move back and forth for a few moments before making a grab at it with his paws.
MJ: "Nope! Gotta be faster than that, lil man." Just out of reach again. Dangled low enough afterward to touch the tip of his pink nose.
Pete/Callum: Prospero wiggled out of Abel's hold to better pursue the string, batting at it like a kitten.
"So easy to entertain," Callum chuckled, checking all the pots he had on the stove. "Pete, you want to help me set the table?"
"You got it."
Guildias: Guildias would keep his distance, watching the Ravnos with only mild entertainment. One string eventually became two. A cream-colored feather suddenly tied to the end of the little yarn.
Abel: The cat was over the moon with wide-eyed excitement, and completely distracted from all the enticing smells in the kitchen. He had many dangling things to chase and hunt and play with! His full attention was on them and on MJ by extension.
Abel was grinning like a loon. "Wish you could hear his inner monologue," he said to Guildias, giggling. "Such a happy boy."
Guildias: "I didn't expect your telepathy to extend to animals."
Abel: "Yep!" Abel confirmed cheerfully. "I'm an animal, after all. Doesn't work on every animal though. Tried talking to some ants and worms and other bugs. Nothing."
Guildias: "I can't say I'm well versed in your kind. I had assumed your power only to reach your master."
Abel: "Nope, most familiars can communicate with other animals, with the greatest success obviously being with their own kind. Me, I'm a dog, so I can have full conversations with other dogs. Communicating with other animals takes more work and concentration."
Guildias: "You would make an excellent spy. Though I can only guess how many of you are under the protection and rule of a Tremere."
Abel: "Oh! That's one of the clans, right?" His knowledge, though greater than it had been prior to having a vampiric best friend, was limited at best. "Which ones are they?"
MJ/Guildias: "Mages, in simplest terms. Their secrets are more guarded than their loved ones."
"More like a damn cult," MJ muttered.
Abel: Abel nodded sagely. "Makes sense that mages would have familiars, and that familiars would be drawn to them. Most people think we only gravitate to witches but that's just not true. It's magic that calls to us. Anyone who has it is pretty much fair game."
Guildias: "That's beautiful," Guildias said with pure sincerity.
Abel: His smile was as sincere as Guildias' words. He should've figured that someone like this vampire wouldn't find it odd that a familiar would choose anyone with magic.
Abel had a feeling Gil had appreciation for all sorts of things most people thought were weird.
"You're a peach, Gil, don't ever forget it. I think it's beautiful, too."
Guildias: "You're giving me many firsts, and perhaps more before we part ways." But now he had to excuse himself, see to his husband and whatever help he could offer with a single hand.
Callum: Callum's attention was split several ways at the moment. Setting the table, keeping an eye on the steaks and the rest of the food, watching Prospero play, and listening to Guildias' and Abel's conversation.
Cute as his cat was, the conversation was the most intriguing. But not just because of the subject matter.
"Gil?" he said when his husband was close enough.
Guildias: "You found us out," said Guildias, in gentle humor. "I've been given many nicknames, including peach. Will you forgive me?"
Callum: "They suit you." Casual looked good on his vampire. "Will I forgive you for what?"
Guildias: "For earlier," he whispered, kissed Callum's temple.
Callum: Callum smiled softly at the affection. The irritation had passed and he wasn’t about to force it back just to hold onto it.
“Ye’re forgiven. Gil.”
Guildias: "Now, if you keep that up, I might have something to say to you," he purred.
Callum: He chuckled and turned to kiss Guildias’ cheek. “Remind me to say it again later.”
Guildias: "We shall see. For now, where can I assist?"
Callum: “Can you grab the wine from the counter? Already opened it to let it breathe.”
MJ/Guildias: "How accommodating." Their little dinner party would feel smoother from this moment forward.
"Hey, I gotta question for ya," MJ called to Callum.
Callum: Callum turned to MJ. "What is it? If it's about Prospero starin' mournfully at you from his food bowl, he's already eaten and wants seconds, don't fall for it."
MJ: "He just wants a live fish like what ya caught - I dunno when. But I wanna know 'bout somethin' else."
Callum: “I’ll take him fishin’ tomorrow. What do you want to know about?”
MJ: "What makes a druid?"
Callum: “What makes a Druid in the abstract or what makes one literally?”
MJ: "First one then the other."
Callum: “What makes a Druid is Fae magic. We are essentially the halfway point between Faerie and human. They created us.”
MJ: MJ looked off at nothing, nodding. He opened his mouth - closed. Not quite sure where to take his question next.
Callum: Callum studied him for a moment. “You don’t look satisfied with my answer. Were you expectin’ somethin’ more?”
MJ: "Guess I could ask why they made ya, but how'd ya fuckin' know."
Callum: “We all know. We’re taught from a verra early age that we were created to heal, nurture, and protect the earth and those who live here.”
MJ: "What are ya, Guardians of the Galaxy?"
Callum: “Just healers, mate,” he chuckled. “A few gifted among us are Seers as well.”
MJ: "Fae give a shit enough t'do all that?"
Callum: “They gave us the Legos, we do the buildin’.”
MJ: "Sounds chaotic like em, I guess."
Callum: “Aye, it is at that. Every once in a great while, they’ll pay us a visit and offer one of us immortality. In my tribe, the last time it happened was over three hundred years ago.”
MJ: "Huh. I'll throw your name n'the hat next visit." But he was avoiding the question he intended to ask. Let this peter off, for now. Maybe after dinner he'd try again, in private.
Pete/Callum: Callum smiled. "Appreciate the vote of confidence." Although he doubted he'd ever be offered that particular gift and even if he was, he didn't think he'd be inclined to accept.
But that was something to mull another time, perhaps along with whatever was really on MJ's mind.
"Steaks are ready!" Pete called.
MJ: MJ would leave it there, then, so long as Callum followed along. The vampires would dine discreetly, participating in their own way. The Ravnos would sandwich himself between Abel and Peter.
Abel/Callum: To go with the steak, Callum had put together a salad, garlic mashed potatoes, sautéed green beans, and even some mac and cheese. He’d even made some dinner rolls.
Like his aunt Kenna, he cooked when there was a lot on his mind.
Needless to say, Abel was in absolute heaven. “Oh man, Cal,” he said around a bite of steak. “You outdid yourself, this steak is unstoppable.”
Guildias: "You've fed a puppy. He'll never go home to his master again," Guildias smiled. A subtle wink to said puppy.
Abel/Callum: "Hey, they feed me at home, too!" But rarely did Christine prepare so much pure comfort food for one meal, unless Xavier wanted pastry of course.
Callum chuckled. "Ye're welcome any time, mate. Can't promise I'll always have a spread like this though."
"No one ever does," Abel said sadly, taking a huge bite of mac and cheese. "Something about health or whatever."
MJ: "S'called soul food for a reason," said MJ. "What's good for the body ain't necessarily good for the soul n'vice versa. But, if I recollect, BBQ's good for the soul, too. Should do that next time." If there would be a next time.
Abel: Abel nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah! Petey also told me about Carolina hot dogs and I wanna try those, too. Who needs health, I have magic.”
MJ: "Who cares 'bout health when ya live forever," MJ chuckled.
Pete/Abel: "Exactly."
Pete just shook his head. "Anything to eat mac and cheese and steak every day, huh?"
"...Maybe," said Abel. "What about you, Gil? Back when you ate food what did you like?"
Guildias: "Ceviche," Guildias replied without hesitation. "My father was no cook; Argentinian cuisine took priority over my mother's German heritage."
Pete: “You know who makes really good ceviche?” said Pete. “June. Maybe I should do that thing Abel does and ask her to make some so you can smell it.”
Guildias: "You really needn't bother. I haven't made attempt with seafood in decades. I would rather leave it to memory, or forever have it spoiled by current reality."
Abel: Abel reached over to pat Guildias’ arm. “Don’t worry, I’ll eat some in your honor. You can live vicariously.”
Guildias: "How gracious of you, pup."
Abel/Callum: "We're friends now, Gil! That's what friends do." Abel toasted Guildias with a bite of steak. "This one's for you, buddy."
Callum ducked his head to hide a grin. It was strange--and lovely--to see someone being so relentlessly cheerful and casual with his husband.
Guildias: "Be sure that is an especially bloody piece, or it would be a waste." Guildias didn't mind, truly. He was nothing if not adaptable.
"You all seemed to have recovered well since the incident," he continued.
Pete/Abel: "This one wasn't but the next one will be."
Pete shook his head at Abel. "We're no worse for the wear," he said to Guildias. "Got the slime scrubbed off and a little boy back where he belongs. You don't look so bad yourself for a man with one arm."
Guildias: What remained of his arm moved with the other, as though present and accounted for.
"See me again next week and I might be in condition for a warm embrace."
Pete: Pete studied the remnants of Guildias’ arm. “Does it…how does it feel? Regrowing a limb. Does it hurt or itch?”
Guildias: "An itch I refuse to scratch."
Pete/Callum: "Is there anything you can do?" he asked, turning to Callum.
Callum shook his head. "Nothin' that would help much. I could maybe give him some relief for the itchin' but it would only last a little while since the arm is growin' continuously. If it grew in stages then maybe."
Guildias: The entirety of a body, two, perhaps, might advance his healing significantly. Not something he wanted this band of misfits to consider.
"I'll be fine. Just give me time."
Abel: "Shame it isn't Halloween any time soon," Abel mused. "You would make a great Captain Hook. You even have a dog named Jolly Roger!"
Guildias: "Are you suggesting I rip my hand off in October, Abel?"
Abel: “No, absolutely not. I just wish it was October now. But that’s okay, we’ve got lots of time to figure out costumes.”
Guildias: "I met a Nosferatu that could lose his limbs on will. Did so as a practical joke."
Abel/Callum: “Could he grow them back just as easily?” Callum wondered while the mental image made Abel go into a laughing fit.
Guildias: "Just as easily, that we were aware. Shook the hand of a ghoul once just to lose his hand. The shock, I believe, never quite wore off."
Pete/Abel: Imagining that happening to him had Pete shuddering and wanting to never shake another hand again. “I don’t think it would for me either. It would scare the fuck out of me.”
Abel tried to compose himself. “Did the vampire laugh his ass off?”
Guildias: "Of course he did. This is a Nosferatu we speak of. There was no higher form of comedy."
Abel/Callum: “Oh man, I bet it was. That poor ghoul but I mean…” He dissolved into more laughter. It was horrible but it was so fucking funny.
“What happened to the Nosferatu?” Callum asked. “Do you keep in touch?”
Guildias: "Somewhere in Chicago still, I imagine. His sect frowns upon modern technology. A cell phone would be out of the question."
Pete: “Could he have one if he wanted?” Pete asked. “Or is it against the rules in addition to being frowned upon?”
Guildias: "The Camarilla is a headache of contradictions. I imagine he would have a laptop, or disposable phone - hidden. Well hidden. If not, a reason which might keep his head."
Abel: Abel made a face. “Bureaucracy’s always a headache. For humans, for vampires, for everyone. Why does anyone put up with it? Are they allowed to just…leave it?”
Guildias: "Perhaps it is not to your attention, Abel, that the majority of vampires in Edenton are not Camarilla. We're known as Independents. The intricacies of their politics are of little interest to me. I cannot answer your questions."
Abel: “Good for you,” Abel said with a sage nod. “You don’t need to put up with all that. I’m sure it’s a hot mess. It’s like that thing Isabel says about having your party in peace. Sounds better in Spanish.”
MJ/Guildias: "Another familiar?"
MJ glanced at Abel, scrolled through his phone for a funny meme for Peter.
Abel: Abel caught the glance and remembered himself before he gave away more than he should.
“She’s a friend of ours. Human but knows a little about the supernatural. She’s helping MJ learn Spanish.”
MJ: "Fuck you 'learn Spanish' she's helping me improve."
Pete/Abel: Abel snorted. “My bad, she’s helping MJ improve his Spanish.”
Pete chuckled. “Yeah? How much has it improved?”
MJ: "I don't sound Mexican anymore." Much to the distaste of the majority of Spanish speakers in America, but oh well. His mother was from Spain. He wanted to honor that.
Abel: “Isabel is Mexican,” Abel explained at Pete and Callum’s confused looks. “She was hoping he’d get in the habit of speaking Mexican Spanish instead of Spain Spanish.”
MJ: "¡No, ni por pienso!" Her determination only aided his own. He looked absolutely offended at the very idea.
Pete/Abel: “MJ’s sticking to his Spanish guns. I only know the swear words but I’m impressed either way.”
“It’s very impressive,” Pete said with a smile. “Learning another language is hard. At least you have someone close at hand to practice with.”
MJ: "Aren't you practically French now?"
Pete: “Let’s call it honorary French. After all, I do make a mean omelette.”
MJ: "Oh wait I know this one! From Dexter's Laboratory. Omelette du fromage!" MJ laughed.
Pete/Abel: Now it was Pete who snorted. “I completely forgot about that show! But yes, du fromage and everything else.”
Abel cleared his throat. “Since MJ can’t eat I bravely volunteer on his behalf to try this mean omelette you make, Petey.”
MJ/Guildias: "Yeah. Make him somethin' French," the vampire grinned.
Guildias looked to Callum. "Will you allow this now? Might be entertaining."
Callum: Callum just laughed. “If Abel thinks he can fit an omelette as well as this feast and the pies then by all means. Pete can have the run o’ the kitchen.”
MJ/Guildias: "So it's true then," Guildias said to himself.
"If you're gonna demand an omelette, ya better help him make it," said MJ, gesturing to the kitchen.
Pete/Abel: “I’ll help!” Abel said brightly. After today he would have no defense if anyone called him a bottomless pit but he couldn’t say he minded all that much.
“All right,” Pete laughed. “But I’m finishing my dinner first. Then we can entertain the peanut gallery here.”
MJ: MJ just smiled and stretched back. Another meal he'd be avoiding, wondering if the scent would either appeal or nauseate.
"Y'all with stomachs done?"
Pete/Abel/Callum: “You have a stomach, too,” Pete laughed. “Just doesn’t get a whole lot of use. But yes, just about.” He could go for some more potatoes but he wanted to save some room for dessert whenever he got to it.
“What do you want in your omelette, Abe?”
“Got any gruyere?” Pete asked Callum.
“I might do. Have a look in the fridge.”
MJ: "Just cheese?" A brow arched. "Oh, hey, ya could but some o'the dinner in it," MJ grinned.
Pete/Abel: "I'd explode!" Abel laughed. "Eggs are like jello, always room for them."
Pete just shook his head. "French omelettes are a lot simpler than American ones, anyway."
MJ: MJ made a face. Couldn't eat it; could still judge it. "I've seen em. Lil rolled up things with a single chive on top."
Pete/Abel: “Abel can have as many chives as he likes,” Pete said with a grin.
The familiar beamed. “Abel would like them mixed into the egg, please.”
“We better get going then. You grate cheese and I’ll deal with the eggs.”
MJ/Guildias: Kindred were left with empty hands by design. MJ watched from a comfortable seat, leaning towards Guildias' shoulder, thoughtful of the idea of a vampiric chef. A notion which amused both. Concepts such as this often came to mind on long stretches of road. Professional surfers, hematologist, and firefighter had also crossed his mind.
Pete/Abel: Having made this so for so many crack-of-dawn breakfasts, Pete made quick and easy work of the omelette. He finished whisking up the eggs long before Abel finished doing battle with the cheese, even after chopping up the chives Abel had requested.
“What are ya’ll thinking over there?” He asked over his shoulder.
MJ/Guildias: "Nothin'," said MJ.
"Contemplating the poetry of irony," said Guildias.
Pete/Abel: “The poetry of French omelette making?”
Abel snorted. “I feel like the French would appreciate that.”
Guildias: "If there is irony to be found," Guildias smiled.
Abel/Callum: “Tell you what there is to be found, Gil.” Abel stepped back to reveal a small mountain of shredded gruyere. “A whole lotta cheese.”
Callum laughed. “Ye’re goin’ to be so sick.”
Guildias: "It's been so long I can't say I recall the taste."
Pete/Abel: “Melty and creamy and delicious. I’ll enjoy it for MJ and for you.”
“So noble,” Pete chuckled, pouring the eggs into a pan and gently stirring in the cheese.
Just a few minutes later he was moving it onto a plate, carefully rolling it up, and placing that single chive on top.
“And done. How’s it look?” he asked Abel.
“Perfect! We could be in Paris. Where’s a fork, I need a bite of this.”
MJ/Guildias: Guildias felt at his arm, squeezing rather than scratching the healing itch. More interested in observing his husband than Peter's culinary skills.
The opposite of MJ, eventually. Watching with arms on his knees, as though this had been his obsession all along.
"Needs ketchup," said MJ with a grin.
Abel/Callum: Guildias’ husband was watching the proceedings with great amusement and laughing at MJ’s comment.
“That is by far the most American thing you’ve ever said, mate.”
Abel was less amused but that quickly melted away as he took a bite of omelette. “Petey.” Another bite. “Well fucking done, sir.”
MJ: Sad to think all he would have of food such as this, eventually, would be memory. MJ wasn't about to let an omelette depress his evening, but still, the thought was there, and had been there for months. Something which Guildias had accepted years ago.
"Stick around, I got plenty more," MJ winked.
Pete/Abel/Callum: “Of that I have no doubt.”
Pete looked rather proud of himself watching Abel devour his creation, and boy did he ever.
The omelette was gone in less time than it took to make it.
“Does it pass muster then?” he chuckled.
Abel gave him a one-armed hug. “You’re my favorite.”
MJ: "Hey!" MJ laughed, caught off guard by the statement and how it made him feel. Multi-faceted jealousy is what it was.
Abel: “You got to be my favorite earlier when you let me ride with you and got me cream puffs! Then Cal had a turn when he made dinner. Now it’s Petey’s turn.”
MJ/Guildias: "Did Gil get a turn?" To which Guildias frowned at MJ. This nickname seemed designated to Abel.
Abel: “The night is young, my guy, the night is young. Oh! That story about the vampire dropping limbs like a lizard? Favorite person level story.”
Guildias: "If you've never seen a Nosferatu, they are especially gruesome. One could compare him to a lizard."
Abel: “Like in the movie or even more?”
Guildias: "Movie?"
Abel: “Yeah! You’ve never seen it? Came out in the 20s.”
Guildias: "I was rather busy in the 20s."
Abel: “I bet,” he chuckled. “It’s a silent horror film, you’ll love it.”
Guildias: "Perhaps I might find the time now."
Abel: “It’s not super long. Cal can find it on YouTube and you guys can make a date night out of it.”
Guildias: Guildias' watched the familiar with humor. Said something about the man, suggesting a romantic evening.
"I'm afraid I'm poor company at this time. Another time."
Abel/Callum: “Aye, another time,” said Callum, smiling at his husband. What a lovely idea. Already his mind was coming up with ideas to make the evening complete.
Abel nodded sagely. “Sure, gotta let all the weird Umbra energy dissipate. I myself am feeling very suspicious of trees still.”
MJ/Guildias: "Still ain't got shit idea on what the fuck y'all are talkin' about," MJ said.
Guildias returned to watching, quiet and content with his silence. Everyone was safe. Enough to laugh and forget, however temporarily, their well-intentioned scrape.
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gideonkasey-blog · 9 years
Birth of Lorraine Maison Kasey, August 11th, 2015 || Abeon, Mason, and Lucien
Gideon: [Text]: When the cat is away, the dormice shall play >.>
Abel: [text]: Gideooooooooooon....
[text]: What are you doing? o_O
Gideon: [Text]: I reallyreallyreally wanted something to eat >.> and to walk around a wee
Abel: [text]: Please tell me you just walked to the kitchen
Gideon: [Text]: No I tap danced
Abel: [text]: Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiid
Gideon: [Text]: Just to the kitchen! I promise
Abel: [text]: Promise promise? You didn't walk somewhere insane like a store or a café?
Gideon: [Text]: No, I have to be here when Lucien gets back so no sneaking out or Mason will hide me
Abel: [text]: You bet there's no sneaking out
[text]: You're supposed to be on bedrest
Gideon/Adarna: [Text]: Do you have any idea how annoying being on bedrest is?
Abel: [text]: I can imagine, but you need it
Gideon/Adarna: [Text]: I've been incredibly calm! No freak outs... mostly. I'm fine.
[Text]: I'm just bored and hungry
[Text]: And going back to bed. ContractionsareawfulandIhatethem
Abel: [text]: That's why your doctor put you on bedrest, so you wouldn't have anymore contractions
[text]: Now be a good dormouse and rest
Gideon/Adarna: [Text]: I will.
He leaned gently against the counter to put the graham crackers back and gripped it gently when another contraction hit. He immediately stopped moving when suddenly there was a big shift in his stomach's size. His eyes widened and then screamed when it suddenly shifted larger again, his stomach sitting much lower suddenly, an incredible amount of pain suddenly forced through his hips.
As quickly as he could, holding himself up with one shaky hand as he sent out a text to Lucien, Mason, and Abel. [Text]: Contractions. Pain. Get here now.
Abel: Satisfied for the moment, Abel nodded to himself and continued helping Christine chop things for the salad she was going to serve with lunch.
When his phone buzzed again and he read the words on the screen, however, half an avocado went flying as he scrambled to get his shoes and let Xavier know where he was going.
Mason/Lucien: Lucien didn't bother texting; it would just get in the way of his running, and running he did, through the store, down the street, barreling through a few perturbed strangers. He was beaten into the kitchen by twenty seconds by the crossroads demon.
“What happened? What did ye do?” were the first words from Mason’s mouth before the front door flew open by the cat.
Gideon/Adarna: "I just wanted to move around and then I started having contractions and I went to go back and it shifted and fuck." He was shaking a little as he stood as still as he could, staring at Mason. Something else that was his fault, of course. It wasn't quite so early, though. The babe would definitely survive now. "Adarna. She needs to get here. Where's Abel?"
Mason/Lucien: At this point in their pregnancy, Mason wouldn't have it any other way but to have Adarna's number on speed dial. Had he been braver (not knowing what she was kept him at arm's length) he would have appeared by her side to fetch her, but instead he dialed her, pressing his cell to his ear, free hand placed delicately against Gideon Kasey's swollen belly.
"Yeah, it's time," was his only greeting. Meanwhile, Lucien was pacing from one foot to the other as he hovered, unsure of what to do. He had never seen a birth before.
Abel: "Dammit, Gwen, why didn't you just give me the poofing power?" Abel muttered to himself as he tried to pull his shoes on and locate the paper with the spell written on it at the same time. He probably should've been wondering why he hadn't bothered to memorize the spell years go, but his priorities were skewed just now.
Even so, a small chant beat hours on an airplane.
"I'M HERE!" he announced a few moments later, rushing into the house. "ARE YOU OKAY? DO YOU NEED ANYTHING? ARE YOU BREATHING?"
Gideon/Adarna: "Calm. We are calm. We need to move to the bedroom because," he tensed with another contraction. He took a deep breath and continued breathing rather than continuing on.
There was what sounded like a soft curse in another language. "I'll be there momentarily, just make him as comfortable as possible." She hung up the phone without another word.
Mason/Lucien: "Bedroom? Bedroom why? Are ya havin' it on the bed? Won't that make a mess? Hey man, ya don't need me h - oh god is ya okay?" Well, Lucien was on the brink of panic.
Mason hung up the phone with a look somewhere between annoyed and deadly as he glared at the boy.
"Hush," he said with a tone akin to a whip. His vocal cords tightened, rendered useless.
Abel: Abel immediately moved to Gideon's side, concern written in every one of his features. He barely spared a glance to Mason and the kid. "That's it, sweetheart, just breathe. Want me to carry you up?"
Gideon/Adarna: He swallowed and nodded. "Adarna brought an inflatable birthing tub. It's in the closet." He leaned on Abel carefully, blushing softly. He glanced to Mason, then to Lucien. Carefully, he reached down to take hold of Abel's hand. "I'm breathing, I promise." He took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. His heart still felt like it was in his throat.
There was a knock at the door as Adarna appeared with one of her receptionists, the only demon that worked at the office.
Mason/Lucien: Mason barely trusted his own brother, if what he had for him could be considered that, so having another one in his house was a test of his patience. This was fine; this wasn't his home in North Carolina, with his angel.
"Abel, ye carry Kasey, I'll get whatever she needs down here. Lucien, go get the tub and inflate it. Now."
At least with Adarna he could take a breath and offer a semi-polite shake of his hand. "Finally can get this show on the road."
Abel: Abel gave Gideon's hand a reassuring squeeze, telling himself that he would be calmer if Abel was calm. If only calm was easy to attain when you actually needed it.
He nodded at Mason's instruction. "Hang on tight," he said to Gid, very carefully picking him up and moving slowly toward the stairs so as not to jostle him too much. "Everything's gonna be okay. We're all here for you and the baby. You're safe."
Gideon/Adarna: Those words were a much needed reassurance. He focused on his breathing and wrapped his arm around Abel. "Guess this means I get to be a parent whether I'm ready or not, hm?" he said and leaned into the other, squeezing his eyes tight as pain shot through him again.
Adarna quickly moved with them upstairs to the bedroom. "Put him on the bed and undress him carefully. If you don't wish to see, close your eyes. Something tells me this will happen sooner rather than later." The bird carefully undressed the dormouse, telling Abel to help a few moments. "Get her a long shirt or short nightgown, please," she said before Gideon could even voice his discomfort.
Mason/Lucien: At least they were being respectful of Kasey's distaste for current anatomy. Lucien did as he was instructed, inflating the tub - which to him, seemed to take forever - as Mason grabbed the few things Kasey had asked for ahead of time, including the softest blankets and the portable speaker for an iPod of whatever music it was that Kasey had made a playlist of. Who knew, maybe it would help. These modern tricks were beyond him; he was just as much of a tool as the werecat upstairs.
As soon as the tub was inflated, the demon wasted no time in transferring water with optimum temperature.
Abel: "A little bit," said Abel, giving Gideon a gentle smile and resting his cheek against his hair. "It'll be okay though. You've got people who care about both of you there to help you."
Once they reached the bedroom, Abel was more than willing to allow Gideon's midwife person take the lead. He heeded every instruction, helping undress Gideon when asked and seeking out something for him to wear.
He selected one of the comfier looking nightgowns and held it out to him for approval. "This one okay?"
Gideon/Adarna: Gideon focused on his breathing as much as he could as he was checked over by Adarna. "A little longer, but not much," she said and Gideon just continued focusing on the music, a playlist of tracks from the 20s, and his breathing.
He glanced to Abel and nodded, shifting the tiniest bit to help the other as much as he could once the familiar was starting to put it on him. "Other than the contractions, this isn't too bad," he said and gave a soft smile to whoever was listening. "I promise I'll get you new bedding, darling," he said and glanced to Mason.
Mason/Lucien: "It's just a bed, ye know I don't care," the demon replied. The tub had been filled, thanks to a little magic and patience, and at this point, the werecat had backed himself into a corner, afraid to move or touch anything.
Abel: Abel chuckled as he eased Gideon into the gown. "That's the spirit, sweetheart. Gotta laugh to keep from crying." With Gideon dressed again, Abel plastered himself to his side. He had absolutely no intention to move unless the midwife commanded it.
Gideon/Adarna: He nodded and tensed a little as another contraction hit, giving Abel's hand a firm squeeze. "To the tub, get you adjusted to the water," Adarna said before gently helping him to the tub. "The baby feels ready. She will be here soon. It will be as we practiced, just gentle pushes when I tell you, alright?" Gideon nodded and glanced to Mason, then to Abel, then to Lucien. The music was helping calm him a little, but not nearly as much as feeling safe with the three.
Mason/Lucien: Slowly Lucien sunk to the ground, squatting with his chin resting in his hand as he kept to himself, afraid to do anything that would take away from his master. What was he even doing here? Now all he could think about was his Mama B and how he had missed this with her. He hadn't wanted to see it then and he didn't want to see this now, but he felt compelled to keep his mouth shut.
"All settled?" asked Mason once she was in the tub. He knew he was to take a backseat, that Abel was now the leader from the trio of men in this room.
Abel: Abel temporarily unplastered himself while Gideon settled into the tub and got as comfortable as he could, but it only lasted as long as it needed to before he was right back at his side. Only now he was behind Gideon with his arms wrapped around his shoulders, perfectly poised to be Gideon's anchor.
Gideon/Adarna: His arms settled over his stomach as he closed his eyes, gently humming along as he nodded to Mason's question. Oh how he hated this already, imagining how filthy the water was and was going to be. He gave a little shiver before tensing with another contraction, reaching to squeeze Abel's hand tightly.
Adarna gently pressed a hand over Abel's and another to Gideon's cheek as she looked at the stance. "Give her room to come," the bird said gently and Gideon nodded and widened his legs.
Mason/Lucien: Once more Mason found himself much like Lucien, quiet and observant, but for completely different reasons. Of all of the people in the world, of all the realms for Gideon Kasey to fall for, it had to be a familiar. A damn assistant to other magical beings. And yet, instead of being upset at this...it seemed to fit. It was beautiful how well it fit like a missing puzzle piece. They were both animals, weren't they? Who better to relate. What's more, Abel wasn't running away at this reality. He was almost tempted to say "cheers", but opted to kiss Kasey's cheek.
"You're gonna do fine, love. Just remember to breathe, don't strain your body, it only makes it worse."
Abel: Abel kissed the top of Gideon's head as he returned the squeeze to his hand. There was a very good chance said hand was going to be seriously maimed here pretty soon, but it would be worth it if it comforted and grounded Gideon.
"What Mason said."
Gideon/Adarna: He gave the tiniest of chuckles before reaching for Mason with the hand that wasn't squeezing Abel's gently. "Exactly as Mason said, Gideon, just let your body do what it needs to. This one's built for that," Adarna echoed and Gideon nodded.
Slowly, the contractions started coming closer and closer together until Gideon was squeezing the pair going on twice a minute, screams passing through gritted teeth at each squeeze of his insides, but he was determined to let his body go naturally. "Just a little longer now," Adarna soothed and spread Gideon's knees gently further apart again.
Mason/Lucien: The only thing left to say was to remind Kasey, very gently, something that Dahlia's doctor had said to her during all of her births: "The more ye focus on screamin', the less ye are focusin' on what your body actually needs."
Now Lucien had his eyes vented by a single hand, facing the floor as he squatted lower and lower to the floor.
Abel: It wasn't easy (and he slipped a couple of times), but Abel managed not to wince every time Gideon screamed. It helped that the screams had purpose, that the pain itself had purpose, though he wisely kept that thought to himself.
He rested his cheek against Gideon's hair. "You're doing great, sweetheart. You're doing so great."
Gideon/Adarna: Gideon nodded and tried not to snap at Adarna as she sang just above the water, focusing on the child rather than the dormouse. He relaxed again and glanced to Lucien as she checked how things were coming. He'd never been interested in the actual birthing process and the videos he'd watched were enough. This was painful and he'd rather it just be done and he have Lorraine in his arms.
"It is time, Gideon. When I say push, do so." He nodded and looked to Mason, needing help focusing on his body rather than on the pain.
Mason/Lucien: Mason expected Kasey to be stubborn, even with a child at stake. "Less screams, more calm," said the demon. He didn't want his voice over Adarna's, it was just a reminder. Abel held her hands, Abel was her anchor, one was enough. Still, very softly, he placed a hand over her abdomen. "Calm, focused." These were words of suggestion, just a little push in the right direction.
Abel: Even though it was Gideon and not him feeling the excruciating pain, Abel was grateful that this was almost over. He wanted his dormouse to have his baby dormouse, the quicker the better.
And he was just as if not more grateful that Gideon was surrounded by people intent on helping him through this. "Listen to Mason," Abel said softly, giving Gideon's hand a reassuring squeeze.
Gideon/Adarna: He nodded and just let himself be calm. He took a deep breath and when Adarna said, he helped his body push out the child, chest heaving as he breathed. Soon enough, the head was out, but Gideon's eyes were closed. "Slow, let me untangle her. Don't worry, this happens more often than you think," the bird cooed gently and quickly reached to untangle Lorraine's umbilical chord from around her neck and then beckoned the dormouse to push again.
A few moments later and Adarna gently set the child in Gideon's arms, the chord still attached, as Adarna used a nasal aspirator to pull the water from her mouth and nose. Before the bird could say a word, Gideon's eyes widened when he realized he couldn't hear her breathing. "She's not breathing."
"Calm, Gideon. You'll only cause yours-"
"Don't bother with me, her life is more important," he snapped and Adarna glared at him. There was the tiniest green shimmer in his eye as Adarna turned to look at Mason then Abel.
"Who is cutting the chord once the child starts breathing? It may take a moment."
Mason/Lucien: Mason wanted to say something to reassure Kasey. Lucy had been tangled, and put his wife through a great deal of pain. He remembered how that had affected Eleanor, how she had blamed herself for having asked for another sister. Strange how things could tie together. He made no mention, simply stroking his hand up and down her arm, giving a hum of approval once the baby was freed. It was only after Kasey’s mistake did he speak.
“Mind what ye say, Kasey. She’s doin’ her job. Babies live in a liquid state, her takin’ a moment is her pace, leave her be.”
At the mention of the umbilical cord, he shook his head. Gideon Kasey had someone for that. Had his friend been single, alone, perhaps he would have volunteered, but no.
Abel: Abel stared in stunned, apprehensive fascination as Gideon slowly pushed the tiny little girl from his body. He had a moment of internal panic when he saw the baby had her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck, but then the midwife took care of it and he went back to being stunned.
He stayed in that trance as the baby was placed on Gideon's chest, as her airways were cleared. He probably would've stayed in it for hours just staring at her if not for Gideon's mini freakout.
"Hey, shhhh, it's okay," Abel soothed, squeezing his hand. "Everything's okay. You're both okay. Baby's just getting her bearings, she's...she's perfect." His voice broke on the last word.
Gideon/Adarna: Gideon took a careful breath and nodded when suddenly the little girl gave a mighty wriggle and wailed loudly. She was pale with a tiny dusting of dark hair on her head. Adarna carefully sang to the pair, making sure that all was well. Her eyes widened a little as she stared at Gideon, but not a word was said that the fae energies that had been inside him were gone. She tensed for a moment, but at least they were alright. "What shall you call her?"
"She's so perfect," Gideon whispered and gently ran his hand over the tiny girl before glancing to Mason, then Adarna. "Lorraine. I'm going to call her Lorraine. Can call her Raine or Kasey when she's a boy," he said and looked back down at his daughter.
Mason/Lucien: As the baby cried her first cry, her first fuss at the new sensations of the world, the crossroads demon smiled. She was precious, and she reminded him so much of his own daughters. Had he been human, the memories would have overwhelmed him, and perhaps he would have cried. Even still, he found himself silenced by the moment, showing his affection by combing his fingers through Kasey's hair. In all of his wildest dreams, he had never dreampt something like this.
From the corner of the room the werecat stirred, crawling forward on hands and knees to finally get a closer look.
Abel: Abel grinned wide enough to split his face in two when the baby took her first breath. "There she is," he whispered, two tears leaking out of the corner of each eye and quickly followed by several more.
This little girl wasn't even ten minutes old and he was completely besotted with her. And her father.
Gideon/Adarna: Gideon smiled at his daughter. She was the most beautiful thing on the planet, had to be, even a mess as she was. He gently ran his finger across her hair and just smiled. "She's so beautiful and so loud," he said and chuckled as the little girl cried.
After a moment had passed, Adarna clamped her cord and looked to Gideon with a pair of sterilized sheers in her hand. He took a deep breath and glanced to Abel. "Do the honors, pup?"
Abel: Abel was veering very quickly toward being a blubbering mess, and Gideon's question didn't help matters at all.
He couldn't have cared less. There were some occasions you just had to honor with being a blubbering mess.
He took a deep, steadying breath and nodded, beaming at Gideon through his tears. "I'd love to."
Gideon/Adarna: Gideon smiled and Adarna gently guided Abel's hands to where they needed to go. A moment later and the task was complete. Gideon smiled and glanced to Mason. "Lorraine Maison Kasey. Middle names are important now, right?" he said with a soft chuckle and handed the child to Adarna so she could be cleaned. That was one task he'd happily let the other do. He would have plenty of chances to clean her in the near future.
Mason/Lucien: "Maison, hmm?" His smile was undoubtedly soft for a demon, for Kasey's demon. Often a look only the dormouse or the angel could obtain. Bronwyn too, on rare occasions.
Lucien watched Adarna as she cleaned the newborn, fascinated with her size and already strong cries.
"Is she cold?" His first words since Mason had silenced him.
Abel: Since one hadn't done the job, Abel took another deep breath, letting the midwife guide his hands. Just before he made the cut, he took a second to remember this moment, to catalog everything he was feeling, to store it all safely away in his memory.
It was easily one of the most powerful moments of his life.
Once it was done and the baby was taken away to be cleaned, he hugged Gideon tightly from behind and kissed his shoulder.
Gideon/Adarna: After Mason spoke, he rubbed at his ears a little. He must have somehow gotten water in them. "Can hardly hear you. Must have gotten water in my ears," he said and gently rested his arms atop Abel's, leaning back on him.
Mason/Lucien: "Is...is the baby cold?" Lucien seemed to be the ghost in the room, and while normally he didn't like repeating himself, he hadn't noticed that he had. "I-I can get her...get something? Anything?"
Abel: It was because Lucien had repeated himself that Abel finally took a second to shift his focus away from Gideon and onto him. So that was Bronwyn MacAllister's kid. Xavier had tasked him some time ago with checking up on him and his brother (or was it cousin?) but Abel had never managed to get close enough.
He pushed the matter from his mind and kissed Gideon's temple. "Are you sure it's water?"
Gideon/Adarna: Gideon glanced curiously at the kitten for a moment, but Abel's question had his brow furrowing. No, it had to be the water, what else could it be? "I'll be alright."
Adarna glanced to the pup, but quickly turned her attention back to the kitten. Such a strange menagerie this demon had under his roof today. "She might be a bit, yes, would you mind to grab me one of those baby blankets Gideon has in the other room?" It would at least give the boy something to do.
Mason/Lucien: Yes, a distraction was exactly what the teenager needed. Up and out of the room in seconds flat. A use! And he didn't have to stare a hole into the newborn, either.
Abel: "Darn right you will." Abel smiled and nuzzled into the crook of Gideon's neck. "How you feeling? Everything okay?"
Gideon/Adarna: Gideon's brow furrowed and he just shook his head. It had to be the water. There was literally nothing else it could be. He took a deep breath and swallowed. "I'll be alright."
Adarna stayed silent as she continued cleaning the child, checking to assure the dormouse she had done her job with a proper healthy baby girl.
Mason/Lucien: A few seconds later Lucien returned with the baby blanket, offering it to Adarna. "Anything else I need to do?"
Abel: Abel was starting to get a tiny bit concerned. "Tilt your head, it'll help get the water out. If that doesn't work I'll get you some rubbing alcohol."
Gideon/Adarna: Adarna furrowed her brow a little and glanced to Gideon, but took the blanket and carefully wrapped the babe. "Will you prepare some tea for us downstairs?"
Gideon tilted his head but frowned and shook his head. He took a deep breath and tried not to freak out but his heart felt like it was in his throat and it was getting difficult to breathe. "Let me out of the tub, please."
Mason/Lucien: Lucien looked around. Who was Adarna talking to? Him? So he disappeared downstairs because he just assumed.
Abel: And he'd officially crossed the border into full-on worry.
"It's okay, sweetheart, I've got you," Abel said gently, lifting Gideon out of the tub as quickly and carefully as he could. He looked to Adarna.
"Is something wrong with him?"
Gideon/Adarna: Adarna looked to Mason, then back to Abel. "I can't be sure. Lay him on the bed." She quickly laid out several towels so he didn't soil the bed. Very gently, she sang her song to feel out his identity, learning as much as she could as quickly as she could and she took a deep breath as it ended. "The fae magicks on him are fading for some reason..."
"That's not possible," Gideon said immediately.
Mason/Lucien: Mason kept his distance, brow wrinkled with worry as Abel played his leader role. This song wasn't foreign...it had a ring to it...a truth he couldn't quite pluck. What had Gideon done up to this point?
"When did it begin to fade? What did ye say or do that was suddenly different? This was a curse, wasn't it?"
Lucien peeked from the doorway, listening.
Abel: Abel did as Adarna commanded, laying Gideon on the towels on the bed but not entirely releasing his hold. He would only do so if Gideon asked.
His brow furrowed. "Are they fading or did they get...transferred?" he asked, looking toward the baby.
Gideon/Adarna: Gideon was definitely keeping a firm grip on Abel's hand. "She has always had the fae running inside her. It mixed well with the demonic side, but yours is fading, Gideon. The witch magicks are staying in place so I doubt you'll be turning back into a dormouse with that in place, but the fae, the part that keeps you living again and again..."
The dormouse was quick to interrupt. "That's not possible. It's not. I have to do something heroic, something selfless. I'm selfish, too selfish for that heroic bullshit." He turned to Mason, squeezing Abel's hand harder. "Mason, tell her she's wrong."
Mason/Lucien: "I don't understand how ye can..." He could fix this, but at what cost? Did he want to fix it? It was unnatural for someone to live as long as they did. Immortality as a whole was wrong and he was aware, but the fright in Gideon's eyes.
"'Her life is more important', ye said that, Kasey darling."
Abel: Just like before, Abel refused to wince when Gideon squeezed his hand. Before it had been about centering him; now it was about staving off panic.
"Mason's right," he said evenly. "There's nothing more selfless than putting your child's life before your own."
Gideon/Adarna: Those words had left his mouth? His chest felt like it was caving in and tears sprung to his eyes. His lip gave the tiniest quiver before he sniffed and forced it to stop. He wanted this child more than anything in his life before, his beautiful Lorraine. "Give her here," he said weakly.
Adarna carefully laid the child in his arms and the dormouse stared at her, smiling sadly, but not saying another word as she slept.
Mason/Lucien: Mason wanted to sit beside his friend, but once again he reminded himself that he needed to step aside for Abel. Many responsibilities he had maintained over the years were no longer his to keep.
"I'll check on the brat," he muttered, slipping out and pushing Lucien back towards the kitchen to finish the tea.
Abel: Having been expecting panic and maybe a little bit of hysteria, Abel was relieved when instead of giving in to them Gideon asked for his daughter.
He smiled down at her as she was placed in her father's arms and gathered the two of them close. "She's beautiful."
Mason might as well have been on another plane of existence for all the attention Abel was paying him how.
Gideon/Adarna: Adarna and her demon companion followed Mason out and down to the kitchen with the kitchen. "Mr. Atlas, I'll have my help clean the tub once they've had a moment with the child. If you wouldn't mind, may I have a cup of tea?"
Gideon leaned into Abel, tears silently falling down his cheeks as he nodded. "She's lumpy, but we'll be threatening boys or girls before we know it."
Mason/Lucien: "Tea, sure." The demon poked the werecat in the ribs. "I've shown you how to present, do it."
While Lucien put together a tray with sugar, lemon, and milk, Mason took a seat at the table.
"I might have to take this into my own hands once Gideon's healed."
Abel: Abel chuckled softly, eyes shining with tears of his own. He was embarrassingly close to becoming a blubbering mess but there was nothing for it.
He was just so damn happy.
"Beautiful and lumpy." Abel held Gideon tight. "We will. We'll need a rocket launcher."
Gideon/Adarna: "A deal?" the bird asked curiously and sat at the table with the other.
Gideon gave a soft laugh and nodded, humming softly as he held her close, just letting her sleep. "It's gonna be amazing."
Mason/Lucien: "Mm," he affirmed. "Anythin' for Gideon; I'll figure somethin' out." Lucien watched the two of them, surprised to hear that the demon had a heart.
Abel: The blubbering came a little closer to the surface. "Yeah it is." He kissed Gideon's temple, taking a few moments to try and pull himself together.
"And what about you? How's this beautiful, lumpy baby girl's daddy feeling?"
Gideon/Adarna: She nodded and made herself some tea with plenty of lemon. "Do you think it will work?"
Gideon gave a little shrug. "I have no idea, honestly. Give it a couple more hours to really sink in. A little scared. I don't know what I'm going to do if I can't get my abilities back..."
Mason/Lucien: "If there is a soul to tamper with, I can do almost anything," he replied coolly. "Just depends on what I get back. It has to be an equal exchange."
Abel: "Don't worry too much about it," said Abel, giving Gideon a reassuring squeeze. "We'll figure it out, you'll see." He didn't know how, but they would.
Gideon/Adarna: She nodded. "Is there a soul to tamper with? I know I don't have one, but that was sacrificed long ago for the ability to heal."
Gideon nodded and took a deep breath. "Abel, you promise not to let me screw this up?"
Mason/Lucien: "The question is whether or not I can use it. For a deal of immortality I... I would need a soul, no question."
Abel: Abel kissed Gideon's hair. "You're not going to. You're going to be a great dad and this little girl is going to adore you."
Gideon/Adarna: Adarna nodded again and continued sipping at her tea. "If he does have one, would you be willing to take it?"
Gideon nodded and reached to gently squeeze Abel's hand. "She's so beautiful."
Mason/Lucien: "I wouldn't know about takin' it. This is my best friend we're talkin' about, but I'll think o' somethin'."
Lucien wanted to break up the subject, as he had no idea what was actually being discussed. "Does sh - he - does Gideon need anything?"
Abel: Abel squeezed it back before leaning down to kiss the baby's forehead. "She is. She's the most beautiful baby girl ever."
Gideon/Adarna: Gideon smiled and nodded. "I'm sleepy and could go for about thirteen cheeseburgers."
Adarna nodded and glanced to Lucien when he spoke, then back to Mason. he was definitely more familiar with the dormouse than she would probably ever be.
Mason/Lucien: "Why don't ye go ask," he grumbled, waving him off to go be an efficient little butler. "More tea," he then mumbled as the werecat ran off.
Abel: "We'll get some food in you and then you can both get some rest." Abel nuzzled Gideon. "What are you in the mood for, sweetheart?"
Gideon/Adarna: "Honestly, I'm definitely gonna want an entire boat load's worth of sushi and sashimi after a nap." He gave a tiny yawn and snuggled into the other, definitely needed a nap. Hardly a moment later and he had to open an eye to look down as those tiny little snores that usually came from him started coming from Lorraine.
Mason/Lucien: "Need anything?" the cat asked.
Gideon/Adarna: Gid glanced up at the cat and shook his head. "Thanks, Lucien. So long as Mason doesn't need you, you're dismissed."
Abel: "I'll get you all the sushi and sashimi you want after sleep," said Abel, carefully shifting into a more comfortable position. He had no plans of letting go of Gideon and Lorraine any time soon and was perfectly content with the idea of guarding their sleep.
He aimed a smile at the kid when he came back into the room, but otherwise said nothing to him.
5 notes · View notes
beyondedenton · 1 month
“We already have, Vince.” Abel heaved another long, profound sigh and stared up at the ceiling. “We alllllready have. This started the second that pixie popped up in front of X with that deal.”
But did it ever stop to begin with?
“Imagine how X feels. We’ve just gotta play things by ear and think carefully about every move we make. This is gonna need patience and finesse so we all walk out of it alive, Maximus included.”
"Mm, no. Starting is telling Maximus-David the truth, and Xavier needs to have a good... long... think about that." The gravity of his tone was not a demand of authority, but a weight of wisdom, and Abel would probably never hear its likeness again.
In this moment, Vincent understood the difference between sympathy and empathy; sympathizing with Xavier, and empathizing with Abel's duties. Being a familiar was a full-time position. Sometimes, it was too easy getting sucked into a master's headspace.
"I'm making a nest. I'm gonna get back to it. There's a nice tree nearby with some good materials."
2 notes · View notes
beyondedenton · 2 months
Vincent wasn’t wrong. The main person affected by Xavier’s swan act was Xavier himself. Breaking out of the patterns that led to that behavior wasn’t easy and there wasn’t one single magic solution for it, so progress was inevitably slow.
But it was happening. Xavier was getting better, even if Abel was the only one who saw it.
“I don’t know,” Abel sighed. “We’re gonna figure it out though. Whatever he needs, we’re going to make sure he gets it.”
"There's no going back once we start." It was a warning he hoped Abel would relay to Xavier after this phone call. If they were to give Maximus no warning, fulfill their daring rescue mission, only to learn the demon was relatively happy, what then? Vincent would probably laugh himself to tears.
What if Maximus-David didn't want their help? What if knowing Xavier was still alive destroyed him? What if his reaction destroyed Xavier? There were a lot of open-ended, unanswerable questions and it was making Vincent itch!
"Ahhh, my head feels like a balloon!"
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beyondedenton · 2 months
Abel nodded, heaving a huge sigh. “He is. There’s a lot of grief, guilt, regret, and pain and so much else that he’s carrying and he’s been carrying it all for a long time. I know he tries to put on the whole aloof thing but he’s like a swan. All serene on the surface and paddling like hell underneath.”
He’d never been able to say for certain whether that was a good or a bad thing. Maybe both depending on the day.
“I’ll magic up an alias and fill him in when he wakes up. We need to keep an eye on Maximus and it would be easier from inside the building. Maybe we can even figure out who and what he’s bound to.”
"Flailing," he agreed, laughing. "All that kicking, the one he's gonna hurt is himself."
That, he realized, was the difference between himself and Abel. Protecting Bronwyn was a priority, but it wasn't the first priority. Fulfilling her wishes and considering the long-term consequences took precedence.
But then, there lay the difference not only in familiar but in master. What did Xavier need? His needs were not Bronwyn's needs.
And then, yet another realization. These were exhausting!
"What does Maximus-David need?"
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beyondedenton · 2 months
"You mean Maximus?" Abel blew out a breath and pondered that for a second. "I don't know for sure but there's a chance he does, yeah. Even if he does though, Christian is a common name. Hearing it is more likely to depress Xavier than communicate anything to Maximus.
"And while I'm at it, whatever you do, don't say the name David in front of X. That's what set off his panic attack the other day."
"Yes?" That had been his name, but wasn't the name the demon had been addressed as. Logic went to the lowest-hanging fruit.
So then, Maximus-David didn't know the old vessel's full name. Well, there went that idea.
The sky had become his focus, sprawled in the shade of the HVACs, arm over his forehead just to have it somewhere. Trying to make sense of Xavier's behavior, of Abel's protectiveness, of the situation and still paying attention to the sounds of the city - easier said than done; the ambient noise was too much.
"He's very delicate about all of this, isn't he?"
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beyondedenton · 2 months
The familiar snorted. “Going for ironic, I see. But you know, Christian was the name of his last vessel. The one his old man… well. Could make it a surname and have it be Christiansen.”
Silence stretched for as long as it took to process the information. And then, "Oh. Oh! Ohohoh! Would what's his name know that? The one inside. David? She called him David. Wouldn't David know that? Like a secret message."
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beyondedenton · 2 months
“Maybe not but I don’t want to take any risks. It’s always better to do things as quietly as you can when you don’t know what you’re up against.”
“Oh yeah?” Abel laughed. “All right, hit me with it. What name are we applying for this apartment under?”
One could hardly ignore the humor in his voice, the pause on the other end of the phone as he tried in vain to contain himself. Even in this precarious situation, there was humor.
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beyondedenton · 2 months
Abel perked at the question. “Now there’s an idea. If we go that route, I can get in more easily in human form, just have to pose as Xavier’s assistant or secretary or whatever gets us in the building.”
It might even be easier to disguise what he was in human form. No one looked twice at a man in a suit in Manhattan. It was just a matter of finding the right spell or magical item.
“Gonna need to set up a new alias, too. No one can know it’s him that’s poking around.”
"Would they even know who 'him' is?" For as much as he knew Xavier, he didn't. Didn't know his reputation outside of their little circle. For all he was aware, his old friend could have been infamous to demonic society.
"Oh! I wanna pick his name! I've got just the thing! No one would suspect!"
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beyondedenton · 2 months
He shook his head. "I was paying more attention to Xavier than my surroundings. I felt something but didn't really stop to think about it." Rookie mistake but there had been more pressing matters.
"If it is a demon, makes sense that they wouldn't leave home often since they have someone to do it for them. Not everyone's like X and his brother. The Atlases are a special case."
Abel flopped against the couch, shrugging at Vincent's question. "Depends on how hard I try to hide really. Unless it's someone really strong or old or sensitive that's doing the detecting. I've been followed before by people I didn't clock who clocked me."
"Special case," he mused. He knew as much from his mistress. Between contempt for Xavier and adoration for Mason, there was no denying the claim.
"Was thinking of getting inside. Our true forms," a pause. "my true form. Most folks don't know the difference between a chipmunk and a squirrel. Not gonna know the difference between a magpie and a magpie."
But this was his curiosity speaking; more than anything else, he wanted to satiate the gently gnawing hunger in his stomach. But what would be more useful is knowing what they were even looking for.
"What if X looked to rent an apartment?"
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beyondedenton · 2 months
"Witches and dark hearts... " Abel pondered that for a moment. What were the odds that an average witch would know of the ritual required to summon a demonic servant? Not very high, he would imagine. A fucked up human was more likely but even so, it wasn't like the ritual was easy to get a hold of.
Could someone like that really be Maximus' master?
"No other demons at all? What about the building itself, do you think it's possible that there's some magic over it hiding the presence of another demon? That's who's most likely to know how to summon someone like Maximus."
"Didn't you feel it? It's saturated in prime energy." The thought had crossed his mind of another familiar, but easily dismissed. "Choristers are rare enough. A demon would know old magic like that. If one is in there, it hasn't come out."
A new consideration! "How detectable are you as a dog?" Being born human, he was probably more noticeable than himself, but he had to be certain. He'd never paid attention enough to know the answer for himself.
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beyondedenton · 2 months
“Sorry,” Abel laughed, imagining Vincent in bird form getting startled by his ringing phone. “Figured a call was better than a text.”
He glanced behind him to make sure he was alone in the living room. It was late and everyone was asleep but one could never be too careful.
“X should be getting his voice back tomorrow. He wants to go talk to his brother about taking care of the uh… problem that’s keeping him from getting close to our target. You said Maximus has only been out once since we found him? Noticed any other demons or witches or anything coming and going from the building?”
Legs splayed over the gravel that made up the rooftop flooring. To protect against the elements, he assumed. Wasn't nearly as interesting as hearing about this team-up between brothers.
"It's an apartment, so," a small white stone was tossed, "I think it's... I dunno. There are witches. Not powerful ones. The kind between sleepers and awakened. Some people with really dark hearts, and then this sweet couple with one pure heart." What were those called? "True love, I think. Their hearts beat in sync. Haven't felt another demon. Haven't smelled one."
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beyondedenton · 2 months
Abel wouldn’t allow any harm to come to Xavier, not even from his own hand. The demon had fought the return to Bangkok, arguing and demanding and begging Abel to allow him to go back to Manhattan. Xavier had never raised his voice at his familiar, and had he possession of his voice, perhaps today would’ve been the day that changed.
But of course, it wasn’t. And despite all of Xavier’s arguing and pleading, he eventually relented to Abel’s gentle patience and reminders of what was at stake if they acted rashly.
Faced with such truths, and struggling beneath the weight of his guilt and regret, Xavier had crawled into his bed and shut the world out with his covers. Over the next two days, he would only emerge in brief stints to eat, smoke on his balcony, or spend time with Devlin.
On the second day, Abel called Vincent.
“Hey, man. How’s the waiting and watching?”
Knowing his phone was ringing in true form was a bit of an experience. An intrusive noise in his mind at best. A soul-stealing jump scare at worst.
Between the enormous HVAC units he hopped, transforming in time to catch the call before voicemail.
"I think you just took a year off my life!" Laughter followed. "I'm so very bored but vigilant! And diligent! He's only been out once then. What are we doing now?"
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beyondedenton · 2 months
Abel nodded to himself. ‘All right. If you need to leave just tell me first and I’ll send someone to take over.’ Waiting and watching were his bread and butter but as long as Xavier needed him, Abel’s place was beside his demon.
Vincent was older than god and could handle himself just fine anyway.
“Come on, X. Let’s go home. Vincent’s got eyes on him.”
Xavier startled, vehemently shaking his head as a fresh rush of panic swelled. ‘No. No, I want to stay here.’
‘X, we can’t. It’s not safe for him or for us, we have to go. Vincent’s got him, we know exactly where he lives.’
‘I want to stay. Please, can we stay? Please.’ Xavier collapsed against his familiar’s chest again. ‘I don’t want to be away from him again. I don’t want to leave him. He needs me. Don’t take me away, he needs me. I’m begging you.’
Abel felt something catch in his throat, felt the sting of tears in his eyes. Xavier’s pain pained him and it killed him to refuse but what choice did they have? Zagan was too real a threat for Abel to give in, and the Xavier that wasn’t breaking down and wracked with grief and guilt understood that.
He would always spoil his demon, he would always give him whatever he wanted, but not today. Not right now.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, gripping Xavier tight and whisking them back across the world to the humid Bangkok night.
There was much debate from the familiar on whether or not he had the time or patience to make himself a nest. Could be hours or days until he saw that face again, and until then, what else was he to do? Argue with pigeons? Absurd. They could hardly string a proper sentence.
But Xavier wasn't far, and until the moment of his disappearance, Vincent felt a squeeze in his little heart. There was much to consider. Things he would never ask, no matter his curiosity.
Questions that involved harm. Xavier was the type of person to indulge in such affliction. In his own way, of course. Nothing as on the nose as flogging, burned cigarettes - why did he think of that? Oh, yes, a reaper. The only man to his knowledge to have ever used the demon as an ashtray.
But that was years ago. Abel would encourage a pragmatic outlet, strategy moving forward. Nothing so reckless as charging forth in the name of love and guilt.
But, until then, there was a nest to be made.
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