#about dutp
maddsmallow · 8 months
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HE LOOKS 14 NOW, CHANGE HIM BACK. or at least make him look older PLEASE
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eledarart · 4 months
The Sacred Beast animatic by Eledar
I'd never think that I would make an animatic one day…especially with "TSB" Guess, I'm really nuts about this story. Hope you'll enjoy it! I wrote eng subtitles for you all!
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queensparklekitten · 26 days
All-new special 2-for-1 deal using the discount code Story Traveler! You can now be the person who experienced the horrible painful death AND the person with survivor guilt about said death who blames themself entirely, at the same time!
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Every Aldous fan:
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hetamyuist · 1 month
anyhow i've finished a route so my controversial SoL opinions are 1) Jesse Was Always Doomed so expecting him to be more plot relevant than he already is is pointless 2) Edward had blatant red flags once he revealed his vampire hunter business idk what else yall were expecting with how that plot turned out unless yall were blatantly ignoring it (turns out, black-and-white ends-justify-the-means mindset is not a good sign!) 3) i actually liked chapters 2 and 3 and if it didn't blow me out of the water so what. 4) most of you are mad not because of the quality of the story itself (it coheres! it makes sense! which is more than you can say about half the TP stories lately!) but because the story did not give you *exactly* what you wanted, which... is not a reasonable expectation if we're being honest here.
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amethystsoda · 1 month
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✨ Time Princess // The Apothecary album art ✨
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gifti3 · 6 months
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Who is that????
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dumbfilmschoolkid · 1 year
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is this for fucking real? did they run out of infinite space? maybe delete one of your endless p2w events instead??
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I just finished Gotham Memoirs with the ending "Mafia Wife" and ???? That ending sucked????? 😭 They clearly ran out of chapter slots I guess because SO MUCH was just dumped on me via "and then this happened and then this happened" exposition. We should have been spending so much MORE time interacting with Vittorio??? Ough.
I have all the other endings to get and I know I'm missing at least one more special image like this one -- with Juliano pointing a gun at the player character while Vittorio aims at him -- so hopefully getting that ending and setup will have a better payoff than, "and then I was a mafia wife and I lived happily ever after" 😭
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quesocane · 2 months
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I hate everything and everyone. London can burn for all I care. fuck em all and their seasons
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wusopiejung25 · 14 days
DID THEY KISS????!!????
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The story is so vague at explaining the 'sharing blood' technicality. The mc always describe it as 'kissing' thou, so Hawke was technically kissing him right???? That's why he jokes about kissing in the beginning???
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maddsmallow · 1 year
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what's up with dutp making the most lesbian-coded pairs sisters
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mishkakagehishka · 2 months
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The scream I scrumpt
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Day 23: OC. I actually had three separate dresses for my baby girl. She is a dnd oc! She’s an artificer half-elf on a justice/revenge quest.
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I love Time Princess, it's like my favorite thing to play on mobile right now, but I really wish they'd utilize the whole 'you're a traveler that's not from the story world' aspect more.
One of the things I loved about Queen Marie was the fact you got reminders that your traveler is from the "real" world. The whole plot of that story, is for you character to AVOID Queen Marie's real life fate, because you know what it is.
I liked our traveler telling us 'oh, well historically we didn't buy the necklace', or our character having outburst because Marie is feeling SO STRONGLY about something she's able to influence what we do as her.
I would love to see stuff like this happen more often. What if our traveler purposefully goes into a book they've read before, because they just want to experience it? Or they're reading a well known story, like Snow White, does knowing that the apple is poisoned change what you do? Does not eating it mean you never meet the prince? What happens if you never go near a spinning wheel as Sleeping Beauty (Though I think it was just a splinter in the original story?).
I just feel there is so much missed potential here! I would absolutely love to see them use this more in their stories. It really ads something to stories that a lot of people are familiar with, because you're not just reading another straight version of a story, you're reading a version of the story, where you already know the story, and that leads to a lot of fun things you can play around with.
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loraculis · 1 year
every once in a while igg makes some sort of fan content contest and it made me think of the episode app where you could create your own stories (it worked as a visual novel, just like dutp) what if igg decided to do the same, but with the assets of time princess to create fan stories? i’d be really down for that
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