#about why he can't dance with a co-star he's literally been raised around
crocthello · 2 years
sorry to be a little ranty out of nowhere, but idc how long it's been, the scene where Yuta and Reo can't even be close enough to dance in a 10-second sequence never fails to raise my blood pressure
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horanclouds18 · 4 years
Weekend - Liam Payne Analysis
I spent all night yesterday analysing Weekend because Liam mentioned it being a memorable song to him because he was vulnerable while talking about what he wanted to say in this song. He mentioned this in his last Instagram live:
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So I decided to dig a little. I still don't get all the lyrics but I'll do my best. I'm sure someone else has already done this but I wanted to do it so bare with me.
“I said it wrong, but I meant it right
But you're the only one who would know
Yeah, so I'm faded, right, but I was the one
I almost lost my nerve for less than I deserve, yeah
I got it wrong, but I made it right
You know I made it right
We said it's done, but it's not done”
So the first verse, he's talking to someone “I said it wrong, but I meant it right, but you're the only one who would know” he's clearly close to this person because they are the only one who know what's wrong about him and he meant to say it. My theory is that “I said it wrong” is because he is drunk/high and he can't talk coherently but he means what he is saying.
So he is “faded” which according to urban dictionary:
Word used on the west coast for being high/stoned/blazed.
I'm pretty sure he is talking about being high because in an interview he said this: (x)
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And in a podcast where he talked about mental health (here) he said the solution he put to his problems a lot of times was to drink alcohol. His textual words “I was drunk %90 of the time”.
“I almost lost my nerve for less than I deserve” it's self explanatory I think. He lost it with this problem he had. And then “I got it wrong but I made it right you know I made it right, we said it's done but it's not done” he had a problem but he “solved” it. I think he means he solved it by drinking and “we said it's done but it's not done” means he is always saying he'll stop drinking, he'll stop solving his problems this way, but it's never the last time.
“I come alive on the weekend
I might die on the weekend (might die, might die, might die)
Another line for my demons
I might die on the weekend (might die)
I talk low, but I mean it
I say, "Keep up, " she can't leave it
I come alive on the weekend
I might die on the weekend”
He “comes alive on the weekend” that means partying and then “might die on the weekend” because he drinks too much and doesn't feel so great. “Another line for my demons” I struggled to get this one at first, is he talking to his demons? But then following the same narrative, I went to urban dictionary to search the meaning of line and I was unpleasantly right about it: (x)
A 'line' (for lack of better word) of any powdered drug that is snorted, often through a rolled up 100 dollar bill.
So he wants to stop the voices in his head and for that he does drugs.
(This is so hard to write my baby Liam being so unwell and us not even knowing about it and also I didn't really see the meaning of this song as this until he pointed it out to me and I feel like I let him down)
“I talk low but I mean it” I think this is the reference to “we are the quiet ones” Liam always says to refer to him and Zayn. (Here)
Or just simply that he is high and he is mumbling about his problems. These lines are up to interpretation I guess.
“I say keep up she can't leave it” again we can simply think he is talking about keeping up with his drinking and she can't follow him. If we think in ziam terms Liam telling us to keep up is to please continue analysing and keeping up with what is happening to them at the moment. And so “she can't leave it” the “she” is us and we can't just stop not keeping up with him, you know?
I don't know if the ziam interpretation is thinking about it too much or not, you tell me about this, what do you think? Am I giving it too much thought thinking about ziam here?
“How did we end up here like this (Yeah)
I see the midnight on your lips
Every time you come around
And if there's nothing more than this (Nothing more than this)
That's okay, but one more time before you're gone
You said it's done, but it's not done”
“how did we end up here like this” how did we end up in this mess, problem wise and drunk wise too. Notice he uses ‘we’ and in the podcast about mental health I mentioned earlier he talked about struggling while he was in the band. So ‘we’ could be the band but the next lines I think suggest otherwise because “I see the midnight on your lips” is only ONE more person so in my opinion “we” is two people.
I struggled to understand the meaning behind “I see the midnight on your lips” a lot. First, I thought about it literally, does it mean midnight=partying=alcohol ? But I thought this was impossible because further in the song he tells this person “only you can stop the hurt”.
So what is it?
I thought that it had to have a double meaning of sorts. It had to be a metaphor. So I searched “The midnight” on google and the first search was a band called The Midnight, so I thought this might be the right place. (You can search it up for yourself). So I started analysing the lyrics of some of their songs (all which were released BEFORE LP1) and I found some interesting songs:
River Of Darkness
Glowing windows in the buildings from the elevated train
I see a thousand different stories pass
And faces without names
I forget why I came here
And forget why I stay
And wonder if they'd notice
If I slipped away
What if I kept going
What if I don't get off tonight
What if I ride this to the edges
Through the darkness to the light
Could I find you there?
Could I find you there?
If I slipped away?
What if there's no answer
We're all just hearts that have to fight
Through the dangers of the rapids
Through the darkness to the light
Could I find you there?
Could I find you there?
If I slipped away
Looking at the lyrics at first glance I noticed:
Reference to Through The Dark: “through the darkness to the light”
“A thousand different stories and faces without names” I remember Liam saying in the mental health podcast (please go and listen to it if you haven't) that he used to play different parts of himself in front of different people that weren't necessarily him and that in addition, he hid other parts of himself. Also he mentioned how the media portrays him isn't always true. And well this sentence really speaks that to me.
“I forget why I came here I forget why I stay”: it's like a parallel to “how did we end up here like this”.
“What if I kept going” again do I continue being someone I'm not? Do I continue with this stunt? Or do I stop this once and for all? If we think about ziam it makes perfect sense. They are playing parts, media portraying them as this person they are not (think about the bad boy image they put on Zayn) and the stunts (zerrie, sophiam...)
Let's look at another one:
Los Angeles
One, two, three, four
Fire on the beach
Face to the sky
The stars dance around like Gods in the skies
The gold silhoutte
You take off your clothes
And my heart feels the weight of all I don't know
Memories and mountain tops
Drunk on sunset boulevard
With the city of angels singing on
Maybe this is just a dream
And maybe we are still asleep
But I, I will miss you when I'm gone
Flickers of the canyon fire
It's hands raised like a gospel choir
If we live forever, let us live forever tonight
Helicopters against moonlight
Our holy mother of the midnight
And if we live forever, let us live forever tonight
Tomorrow we'll go
Back to our lives
With sand in our skin and sun in our eyes
But I know the truth
I've seen the signs
And I've seen the golden Gods in disguise
Memories and mountain tops
Drunk on sunset boulevard
With the city of angels singing on
Maybe this is just a dream
And maybe we are still asleep
But I, I will miss you when I'm gone
Flickers of the canyon fire
It's hands raised like a gospel choir
If we live forever, let us live forever tonight
Helicopters against moonlight
Our holy mother of the midnight
And if we live forever, let us live forever tonight
Flickers of the canyon fire
It's hands raised like a gospel choir
If we live forever, let us live forever tonight
Helicopters against moonlight
Our holy mother of the midnight
And if we live forever, let us live forever tonight
Flickers of the canyon fire
It's hands raised like a gospel choir
If we live forever, let us live forever tonight
Helicopters against moonlight
Our holy mother of the midnight
And if we live forever, let us live forever tonight
Things to notice at first glance:
Reference to live forever
Right after the reference to live forever there's a reference to Tonight
Mention of “the midnight”
“The stars dance around like Gods in the skies” this reminded me of You & I “not even the Gods above can separate the two of us” which we all know it's a really special song for ziam. (x)
It's a beautiful love song
This song made me compare the songs Live Forever/Weekend/Tonight and I think there might be some parallels in those songs! But I'll leave that for another post.
There are other songs like “Sunsets” that says “I just feel like I've been stuck here my whole life” and “we could run away just leave never look back I don't care where we go just far away from here” or there is also a song called “Lost Boy” that talks about “I was a lost boy when I met you” and “we were rebels, lone survivors” and did I say there's a reference to fool's gold?
These were just so many coincidences it couldn't just be coincidences right? And then I found a song called “Memories” and it clicked. The band is “The Midnight” and the song was “Memories” looks like a joke right? Another reference to One Direction.
Remember that there was a reference to Through the Dark, a song which Liam co wrote with Louis and we all know the meaning behind this song. There's also You & I in there which is VERY special to ziam. And let's not forget about the song “Alive” which Liam said it was HIS song in the LP Show and that it basically resonates with him. This song could have a queer interpretation (following the ziam narrative) so go and look at the lyrics and think about that: “my mother told me I should go and get some therapy” and “hey it's alright if it makes you feel alive” and “we gotta live before we get older, do what we like we got nothing to prove”. So it was coincidence after coincidence and thought I was in the right place. Remember “I come ALIVE on the weekend”.
So in short “The midnight on your lips” is a bittersweet reference to all that encompasses the life in One Direction and his relationship with Zayn.
And right behind the midnight lyric we have ANOTHER reference to One Direction with “if there's nothing more than this” which the song “more than this” starts with “I'm broken do you hear me?” and this is basically what Weekend is about. Also, Liam sings that part.
“Everybody's got their own vice
Do you think about me when you're alone?
It kinda got to me last night after everyone was gone
If there's one thing that I've learned:
Only you can stop the hurt
Yeah, it's 'bout time that I realize it's a lost fight
I said it's done, but it's not done
No, no, I said it's done, but it's not done
Yeah, yeah, I said it's done, but it's never done”
So this verse made a lot more sense after searching the meaning behind “the midnight on your lips”. So Liam is thinking about this person after everyone is gone (and the party has died down) and he wonders if he (Zayn) is thinking about him too. Why did I think of Zayn here? Because of the parallels I found in Tonight with this song. I will analyse it better in another post but there's this lyric in Tonight: “No matter where you are or where you'll be, when you're feeling yourself, I know you are thinking of me”
When I noticed this I was like:
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This is huge because “when you are feeling yourself” could mean something like “after you sober up” or in this case “when everyone was gone” referencing to the party being over.
Only you can stop the hurt Zayn and it's a lost fight to keep solving problems with alcohol and drugs.
Now let me go and cry peacefully in a corner.
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