#about: Liliah'to Zhwan
thevoilinauttheory · 3 years
👌 …someone my muse has only met once, but will never forget. (for Liliah'to)
Dirty Paws
[ FFxivWrite2021 Prompt 20: Petrichor ]
[ Content Warnings: None! ]
[ Thank you so much for the ask, @renofmanyalts! It's, uh. Short. And not all that great. Because brain is being bleh due to being sick. Might revisit after the challenge is over. ]
He could smell the rain about to set in, thankful that his next stop would bring him to some form of shelter from the downpour he expected. It was pleasant enough, being able to relax with some tea before he called out another advertisement, watching the droplets begin to pap against the dirt - the only downside to rain was making certain that his belongings didn’t get soaked during his travels. Most of it was safe, covered well, but if his methods for starting a fire were to get drenched… well, then there would be no cooking until it dried!
He set aside his half-finished drink, hopping up from the crate he sat on, to call his services out again. He didn’t expect much in the way of customers, after a generally slow day, and with the rain - but as it turned into showers a man covered with adventuring gear took shelter under the awning of the Druthers as well, waving at him with a smile. “You’re the one with the food?” “That I am!”
While he cooked up a small batch of soup - the best to combat the rain with - the man shared his story. Liliah’to got many customers who didn’t have the coin to buy, he was more than fine with it - and this time, he traded a story for a meal; and a story he got! The man spoke of his time delving into dungeons with his friends, having just gotten finished with one such excursion; and spared no detail into the trials they faced. There was no better story to hear over a shared meal, and so, in all his generosity, offered another small meal and drink for the road.
He stood to say his farewells, as the rain had settled and the path was calling again. “And what is the name of my new friend?” “Calbrinth - and hopefully I’ll see you again.”
“Hopefully, indeed! Be careful on your journeys, Calbrinth, and I can’t wait to hear more when we cross paths again!”
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[ I didn't take too many liberties, because this was a somewhat recent RP and I'm not about speaking for others' characters without permissions. And. Also. I remember very little.
A shoutout to Calbrinth Waveschild on Balmung! They didn't have any carrd or medias for me to link, but I hope they're doing well, and I thank them for their time with me! ]
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renofmanyalts · 4 years
Rhenbraen's kinda prickly, bu' given how happy they were last I saw 'em, I still think they were in need o' a friend. Bet they've made more at the guild! (Also wonder if they punched tha' reception guy that called 'em a lass...)
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“...suppose I’m doin’ alright, all things considered, aren’t I? Strange thought, but there it is.”
A laugh. “And no, ain’t punched ‘im. Yet.” They shook their fist -- it would have been menacing if they hadn’t been grinning quite so wide. “Reckon there’s a number of folks might punch him for me, if he did it again.”
Rhenbrane smothered a yawn, then scowled. “Now, if only the squirrelly little buggers and bottles of sunshine in my life would quit puttin’ themselves in harm’s way on purpose, maybe I could sleep easy at night.”
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
Ink Long Dry: Bartering Meals
Who: Liliah’to Zhwan and a special guest :)c What: Liliah’to is finally getting on his feet again. Content Notes: None! Lots of food, but that’s about it.
The clangs and clatters of pots and pans and utensils were the hard-earned victory that Liliah’to held onto. From nothing, back to where he began - maybe a little further. Moons of trading in rocks for dirt, herbs for flowers; slow progress for money. He grabbed whatever his hands could lay on, dented, chipped, broken. He knew their worth, a cook always knows their tools. Of course, they needed a good clean, but he finally had them.
The means to cook gave him more to work, from there it was solid - not much, but solid. A proper mortar and pestle, not just stone; bags and pouches, all at the waist; jars for drinks, for medicine; thread for bandages; wrapped ice crystals stored in a metal box; knives for gathering, knives for cooking, knives for hunting. Building and building slowly, back to where he was.
“Where you goin’, kid?” “Where’re you going?” “Just shy o’ Quarrymill.” “Sounds like a good destination to me!”
Liliah’to hopped in along a caravan - nowhere new, but it had been some time. He’d find plenty to work with, plenty to share. This time, he promised, this time would be better. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s been knocked down, it surely won’t be the last… but this time would be better. He’d pay them back in a meal. His shoes would hit the dirt again, and walk until there were holes. 
He stopped by Rootslake, ankles shaking in the water they soaked in. He uprooted cattails, cutting it into parts, scraping the seeds from the head and letting them scatter. They were tucked aside sassafras roots and leaves, a heavy stock of them arranged into a long bag. The pockets on the side were stuffed with marsh marigold buds and chickweeds. As he made his way more north he gathered up a bag for rose hips, a bag for barberries, a bag for elderberries. Several bags for chestnuts and acorns, right beside the pouches of dandelions and chicory. Nothing went to waste in his hands. Especially not the mushrooms.
All of those stuffed bags and totes were plopped down beside him, toes at the edge of a river, a measly stick and string in hand. He couldn’t afford a proper rod, but he never had much issues this way - nor using his hands. He had gotten wet enough, today, however.
“That’s a whole lot t’carry.” “It’s a whole lot to make.” Liliah’to didn’t lift his head, he didn’t need to. Something in that voice was… safe, for now. Safe and careful. “T’make?” “Well, how else is a guy supposed to cook!” He laughed, yanking up a single fish, tossed in a haphazardly woven basket. The string flittered back into the water. “T’cook?” That voice grew curious. “Y’cook? Like… what?” “Everythin’! You name it, I can make it. Or, uh… I can try to make it!” The response was silence. He finally turned his head about, no one was there. How strange, he shrugged and resumed his bells pulling up smaller and smaller fish. When it was deemed hopeless to continue, he unstrung the stick, tucking it beside a tree - the string back in his pocket. There. Beside him. There was another basket - properly woven - filled with fruits and vegetation. Apples, blackberries, carrots, onions, radishes. Liliah’to’s surprise was clear, that was a lot and out of nowhere!
“Would those help ya’?” The voice was above him, this time. In the trees? “Very! Gods be, these are amazing!” “Grew ‘em m’self. Will y’leave somethin’ by that southern Hedgetree?” “Of course! Thank you, mister...?” His head turned up to the tree, a man laid lazily on a branch - like a cat - that somehow supported his weight. His face but a plate of gold. A smile upturned in his voice. “Doesn’ matter. Jus’ hungry, s’all. Too close t’Bentbranch, though.” “I see… then don’t you worry! I like to make sure no one leaves hungry. And you--” He pointed up at him, beaming smiles. “Your leaves won’t either!” He cracked behind his joke, a joke that was received with a roll of the man’s head.
What would he make, what would he make?
After some thinking, and the bells that set the sun, he decided. He cooked some distance away from where he was directed - fire under a sacred tree wasn’t the best of ideas. But what he plated up was nothing short of perfection! To him, at the very least. He had to resort to the previous day’s gatherings to make everything just right - the perfect thank you for wonderful ingredients!
Liliah’to set the spread out as the dark came. Nettle soup with fish, topped with a dollop of cream and pepper; a side of flatbread made of acorns and cattails; and, of course, he couldn’t let such fruits go to waste - and a tart was made for dessert. He took a step back, looking up at the trees. How would he know?
“Damn, that smells amazin’.”
Behind him. He jumped. How could a man that large be so quiet? “Hope it tastes that way too!” The man sat himself beneath the tree, helping himself without a second thought. Mouth half-full of soup soaked bread, he addressed Liliah’to. “There’s ‘nuff room fer two, ain’t like M’takin’ up the whole place.” “Oh! Of course!” If there was one thing better than food, it was food with people. He sat himself on the other side of his spread, taking out the leftovers to join the masked man in conversation. He shared in what he had, even an attempt at wine from elderberries. 
“Y’travel ‘round like this all th’time? Jus’ cookin’ fer people?” “Food, drink, medicine - you name it! I typically barter for it, though, if not for coin, then for other ingredients. These fruits are perfect payment enough!” “Is that right?” The man’s mask shifted to fill his mouth partially, before the thoughts spilled out in muffled speech. “How long y’gonna be ‘ere?” “A while! The Shroud has a lot to offer in the autumn moons.”
“Then if y’need anythin’ - jus’ leave somethin’ here. Or… any o’ ‘em, really. Can gather up anythin’ yer havin’ a hard time findin’. Food’s a good motivator. Gives me somethin’ distraction’ too, win-win, I think.”
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
🌺 headcanon: Liliah'to has a story of a cooking mishap that was AWFUL at the time, but now he tells it humorously.
Oh, yeah. Lili's had a lot few mishaps while cooking - and he uses those stories to help people grasp that he wasn't born with a pan in hand, that anyone can cook no matter where they were born. But also, he's got a few embarrassing mistakes that he'll trade for an equally embarrassing story from his customers.
((Thank you @renofmanyalts ! There's no way he would've gotten this far without mistakes . Thankfully none of them were lethal much. ))
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
FFXIVWrite2020 Prompt #18 - Panglossian (Make Up)
Characters: Liliah’to Zhwan, Liliah Zwhan Setting: The South Shroud, approximately 5 to 6 years after the Seventh Umbral Calamity. What: Liliah’to just wants to cook. (It’s not a phase, Mom!) Content Warnings: None, I think? Mentions of kidnapping, but not in a serious manner. Author Notes: While not really explicitly stated, Lili is one of those people you can rarely get down. You’d have to do some serious damage for him to not bounce back full force. (Even that shipwreck didn’t do him in completely, despite the fact that he is both unable to swim and terrified of water - and now ships, but y’know). --
“Ye gods, child. Look at this mess!” “Really? Again?” Liliah’to’s parents were furious at him - when were they not? He was everything they didn’t want him to be, and still he bared a grin to them. “I’m almost done! We’re gonna have a good dinner tonight~.” “Liliah’to, we don’t need any more food.” “...You gave all of it away to the Aliapohs, of course we need more food.” Still, the boy smiled and continued to make his mess - even when the berating continued. He knew his family disapproved of him, made a scene of his meals. Hells, he was certain that they didn’t even like his cooking. But. When they gave it to others, he could see how much they enjoyed it. When his parents and sisters were out hunting, he’d get visits from other clans for more food. That’s how he could keep smiling through the harmful words that were thrown at him. His food brought together clans that would rather be at each others’ throats - whether it was his family taking it to them, or them visiting him. “We already ate. Now clean up your mess, no more cooking today - you have bow training to do.” “Already did it. How else did you think I caught this deer?” Unperturbed. Unyielding. “Do more.” “I’m busy.” “Liliah’to.” He inhaled at the sound of his name again, he turned his head back to look at his mother. A smile was still worn on his face. “Just let me finish, please? You don’t have to eat it. I know very well what you think of my hobby, but everyone else enjoys it. So… let me just finish this up and share it with someone else. I’ll be out of your hair in a minute.” “Now.” “Fine, then I’ll let the fire burn the food and the camp down.” Liliah’to stepped back from the small makeshift stove he cobbled together, wiping his hands on his pants. “Have fun cleaning up the ashes~.” “Liliah’to!” He gathered up his lance and bow, swinging them over his shoulder, and strapped on a belt cramped with pockets. “You want me to leave now, I’ll leave now. I’m going to make a quick detour to the Nbolos to let them know that they’ll have to find their meal tonight.” He shrugged, letting out a very obviously feigned annoyed sigh - as if this were any skin off his back. Less work meant less work. “Hate to do so, considering I made a promise.” “Clean up this mess.” “Well, what do you want me to do? I’ve only got so many hands, Ma.” His mother pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head. “...Just. Finish what you’re doing, clean up this damned mess, and get outside. If I see you cooking in here when it’s not meal time, I will tan your hide.” “Yes, Ma.” With equipment still strapped to his body, he ran back over to the stove to catch the meat just before it burned. If he couldn’t cook here, he’d cook elsewhere; no matter! The smell of food wafted throughout the camp; seasoned venison, rice steamed with wild herbs, vegetables salted and seared - all packed away into a few containers. It was too late, though.
“Liliah, is yer son cookin’ ‘gain?” “Menphina, that smells heavenly!” “Is there ‘nuff t’go ‘round?” This was a common occurrence, and one would think that his mother would have given in by now. “No. He is to take it away from here and elsewhere. I will not have my son throw his life away cooking of all things. He needs to learn how to survive, strengthen our clan -- Liliah’to!” - “Of course, there’s enough! Why would I leave out my family?” The bright and beaming boy was already portioning out meals for everyone at their door. “I dunno, Liliah, he’s pretty skilled. Boost in morale is what this is - you keep pushing him away, the more likely another clan’s gonna pick him up. Have you seen the way the Nbolos have been eyeing him? The fact that they haven’t nabbed him already…” “Eh. Ma’s too worried about the messes I make. She’s probably thinking it’d be too perfect if I got kidnapped!” Liliah’to laughed along, pushing himself outside. He turned to his mother with a smile. “Then again… you never really know what you’ve got until it’s gone, yeah?”
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
🌙 If your OC could have one wish come true what would it be and why? Would there be consequences to this wish or would they regret it once they get what they want? What would they give in return for this wish to come true? (for Liliah'to or anyone of your choice)
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[ Liliah’to doesn’t have very many wishes, he’s very grateful for his current situation and content with how is life is now! 
Sometimes he plays with the idea of having his own restaurant, but of course, that means he would have to settle down in one place - what’s the point of being a traveler if you can’t travel?  Other times, he thinks about having a caravan of culinarians joining him - what’s better than food? Food with friends! This could end up creating a rift between some people, though, depending on the differing personalities, and the squabbling is what causes him to shake those thoughts from his head. 
Ultimately, his one true wish is to have his family be accepting of his life decisions. He wouldn’t give anything for it. While it is a wish of his, he’s not willing to give up any part of what he does to see it happen. If it did, though, he’d be more than willing to have them along for the ride during his journeys. ]
[ Thank you yet again for the ask @menord / @ever-searching! Liliah’to is a very down to earth guy, and doesn’t really ask for much at all. A day he’s alive is a good day, and that’s all he really needs. ]
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
If They Were a Deity | Liliah’to
( Thank you so much for the tag @hadriandemara-ffxiv​!! I had so much fun doing this version, and I appreciate you giving me the chance to do so! I’ve done something like this for: Maximiloix, Danny, Amosis, and M’nhea! You’d think that my next endevor would be Lothaire, but honestly, Lothaire would make a shitty deity. And I need to get word of Liliah’to out again, so where to start but here~ ) ( I am also tagging: @renofmanyalts​ to do one for Maati; as well as @jasleh​, @munchix-home-cooking​, @astralyehga​, @ahlis-xiv​, @egrine​, @mathemagiks​ for Scrap!, and @ever-searching​ for Storm! )
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Deity of: Culinarians, food and brews, traveling merchants, happiness, optimism, and healing through magic and medicine
Associated with: long winding paths, forks in roads; dirt, gravel, cobblestone; wind and water, foraging, cornucopias, river stones, wild game, laughter, smiles, homeopathic remedies, building from scratch, house brews, meal-time, cooking, restaurants 
Sacred plants: Dandelions, Lavender, Sunflowers; any fresh herb or vegetable is sacred to him. These flowers are often left on altars as offerings, but the best offering is to create something out of them - flower crowns, tea, oil, soaps, salads - as long as it’s made with hand and love, that is what’s most important.
Sacred crystals/stones: Clear Quartz, Halite, Honey Calcite; unassuming, smooth, river stones. The quartz and calcite are used in prayers, while halite is often consumed with the meal as a seasoning; river stones are to be used as a soup stock. Confusing these stones will also confuse him, though no harm will come of it (unless you decide to digest the other stones, then there may be some other god you need to pray to for that).
Sacred animals: Deer, Wildfowl, Wild Hogs; any hunted animal for a meal. Animals that are hunted for the specific purpose of becoming a meal are to be blessed and honored after they are killed. To thank the land, and Liliah’to, for the bounty.
Colors: Green, White, Black Those that worship him often dress themselves in green and white; on holidays, traditionally colored candles are lit in his honor, while black is worn during meals.
Food: Any - specifically with foraged ingredients. During holidays associated with him, it is polite to create meals from herbs, meats, and vegetables grown out in the wild; but not necessary - a home cooked meal is enough to gain his blessing.
Scents: Petrichor, Sweet Pea, savory seasonings and cooked meals.
Accepted offerings/ways to honor: Liliah’to has many ways to be honored, creating meals from scratch are the best offerings; though simply enjoying a meal with friends, strangers, and family, are also accepted. 
Other offerings include his sacred flowers and stones, home-made brews, potions, water and wind crystals, hand-drawn pictures and artwork, fallen applewood or hickory branches (do not clip the branches, unless the tree is specifically grown in his honor), collected rainwater, worn down boots and shoes, and worn cookware.
Gardens can be planted in his honor and as offerings, but it is tedious to maintain if one is not used to growing plants. Gardens that die and are left to wilt are considered an insult to him - and while he is benevolent enough not to punish anyone, he will still be hurt enough to ignore your offerings and leave you with no blessings. Gardens that die that are reclaimed - either by the same person, due to lengthy illness, or by another should that person have passed on - are given greater blessings to help grow what was once there.
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Liliah’to is a welcoming and benevolent god, offering great bounties to those who worship him - regardless of whether it is purposeful or not. He delights in homecooked meals and drinks; and brings healing to those who need it. He is not easily insulted, though when he is, he bears no punishment to anyone - he can be forgiving, though stubborn in doing so.
He has two holidays throughout the year, one celebrated throughout the 2nd Umbral Moon and 3rd Astral Moon; and another throughout the 5th Umbral Moon and 6th Astral Moon. 
The first, celebrated in the springtime, is to honor healing and medicine. Meditation is expected from the most devout followers, but for the casual follower, they will often take a religious holiday break from work to destress and spend time with loved ones. Offerings on these moons are usually flowers and herbs, as well as hand made drinks - such as teas, lemonades, and fruit-waters. Alcoholic beverages are avoided for offerings during these moons, but are consumed in celebration of life and what the land brings.
The second, celebrated in the autumn, is used to honor the harvest and meals. Food is shared with everyone and the best offering to leave for him is to share in your creations. Meals and conversation with strangers are done in observation of his holidays, and offerings left include homecooked meals, homemade alcoholic beverages, and any leftover harvest. These moons are seen as a more “loud” celebration compared to that of the spring, and can be spent partying, traveling in groups with strangers from one city to another, candlelit paths to nearby towns, and overall filled with song and happiness.
Those that follow Liliah’to closely are often aspiring chefs, traveling merchants, and restaurants. Restaurants opened in his name are often decorated with his colors and flowers, and pride in fresh food and grown gardens.  He is fond of them and offers blessings in their business; but he favors the traveling culinarian more. Sometimes, he will seek out these travelers - even without worship to him - and bless them with luck and safety on their paths.  Medics and apothecaries also favor him, for his association with medicine and healing. Homeopathic remedies are blessed by him before use to ensure their potency; and he will listen intently to the troubles of those suffering from grief, stress, and mental illness, and bring them peace when they are done.
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
Strengths and Flaws | Liliah’to
( I’ve done this one for: Danny, Amosis, Maximiloix and Caromont! )
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(Bold = applies well, bold italics = applies somewhat/sometimes)
╳  FLAWS moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | jealous | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | self-degrading
♔   STRENGTHS. honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
🎨 SKILLS & HOBBIES. art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beachcombing | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leatherworking | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor potion tricks/trinkets | flying | riding
(( Thank you so much for the tag, @ever-searching​!!  It seems like a lot of people have done or been tagged by this, so please tag me if you have! @hadriandemara-ffxiv​, @jasleh​, @illia-ast​, @skyysinger​, @lukawarrioroflight​, @spotofmummery​, @astralyehga​, @negevsthebear​, @bluemoonmiqote​, @way-to-the-future​, @cadrenebula​,and @amdapori​! Some of y’all have probably been tagged by me, but either go ahead and do another, or just tag me in the old one again!! ))
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
Other (miqo'te features; for Lili!)
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[ Liliah’to has some... interesting Miqo’te features! 
His ears curl slightly backwards, they’re definitely not symmetrical. One curls further than the other. Any attempts to force them forward only has them snap back again (and also a peeved Lili for touching his ears in the first place). While his hair itself isn’t, the fur on his ears and tail is wiry and curly. Due to his aversion to being covered in water, sometimes both his fur and hair can get a bit matted. However, he does wash his hands and face frequently.
His tail is long, able to easily curl around his legs - and when in pain he may hold onto it for comfort. He, very obviously, does not like having his tail pulled on or even touched unless he is intimate with someone. He has no long or sharp nails, they can be harder to work with or keep clean; which is also dangerous should a nail break while he’s cooking. It’s safer for him to not have them. 
His eyes have visible cat-like slit pupils, that do grow wider when interested in something. He would be the type of cat to get zoomies at 3am. Honestly, much to Rhenbraen’s possible dismay; he does tend to be up that late at night - restless if he can’t pace about. He takes a lot of naps throughout the day. ]
(( Thank you for the ask @sonictheonlyhedgehog / @mathemagiks!! The lesson learned is that Lili does not like being touched without permission, and will also chase a laser pointer if given the chance
Edit for mention of @renofmanyalts‘s Rhenbraen!! ))
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
“I get it, I get it! I’m reckless, I don’t think - but that’s what I do best, isn’t it? You’ve gone through hells for me. I really appreciate it, the best friend I could ever have. While I know that... both of us know that I won’t be able to stick around forever, I do know that we’ll see each other again. I’ll miss you, I really will - you think you don’t deserve it, but you do. You deserve a good thing for every injustice against you, and that’s... a lot of good things!  After I leave, when I see you again... I’ll be the one paying back the good deeds you’ve done for me. I wouldn’t have made it without you, my friend. But I won’t let anything bad happen to you, if I can help it! ... Do you think, ah... you could at least stick with me for the boat ride back?”
(( And another! @renofmanyalts!! :)) ))
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
Another one for Liliah'to: Tell us about a hope you have for the future. What's your next step? What might stand in your way?
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“I guess my next step is to get out there and start over! Well... that’s, uh... the second step! The next one is to find a temporary job to buy my equipment needed - I’m not looking forward to it, since I’m usually only good with cooking and foraging, and... *really* don’t like water. But I’ll do *almost* anything to get them! I think the biggest issues I’m going to have... are my injuries and-” He let out a nervous chuckle. “Rhenbraen fretting over said injuries! Errr... kinda like how I fretted over their eating habits. Maybe, I should...uhm.. apologize for worrying them so much, especially since I’ve got a hard time sittin’ still. Anyways! My hopes though, are to make sure that my family back home is well provided for; and to make sure everyone is able to eat. Sure, the latter is a large goal, I can’t think to feed *everyone*, but... I want to make sure that everyone out there knows there’s an option that doesn’t cost your digits. Make sure that no one does go hungry. I’d say I’d want to open a restaurant of my own, but... I think I like traveling a lot more than settling down.”
[ Liliah’to’s original goal was to make enough money to open a restaurant of his own, but after seeing how many people are going hungry - due to lack of work, or greed, or disability - he just wants to travel to make sure there’s enough food for everyone. A lofty goal! There’ll be a lot in his way, his injuries, the fact that he doesn’t have any tools, possibly some that’d take advantage of someone so kind and caring. His... fear of water and ships. Right now, he’s just looking for work *wink wonk* ]
(( Thank you so much for the ask, @renofmanyalts, now that I’ve gotten around to it lol. But, uh... yeah, if anyone’s interested in hiring Liliah’to for (almost) anything, please do not be shy. The poor guy’s had enough trouble as it is lol ))
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
For Liliah'to: What's something from the most recent phase of your life that you're likely to carry with you into the future?
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“Hmm... well, a lot of things, I’d say! Both good and bad! Starting on the bad side of things, because I love ending on good notes~, I’d say that the shipwreck I found myself in is one that’ll stick with me for a long, long while. Not just trauma wise - gods forbid I have to step foot on another ship! (And unfortunately, I’m going to have to if I want to continue my routes...) But also my injuries, I don’t know if my leg’ll heal up just fine, but it’ll probably affect my routes and how often I’m able to make trips! Just thinking about how many meals I won’t be able to make is enough to bring tears to the eyes! Ah, but, that’s life, I guess. All these obstacles are just the gods testing me - and I’ll be victorious, don’t worry!” Liliah’to let out a triumphant laugh before continuing on. “On the good note, though, the friends I’ve made will always stick with me. Rhenbraen especially. With all the help they’ve done for me, I feel like I won’t ever be able to repay that kindness on food alone. But... that does soothe my fears a little, at least if I’m in trouble, I know there’s at least one person who has my back. They didn’t have to go through all this trouble for me, someone they barely knew that asked for rocks in payment for food.” He laughed again. “I really couldn’t be more grateful, and I look forward to meeting new friends too! Despite how difficult I’ve been, Rhenbraen has given me a boost in confidence.”
[ Liliah’to is affected by many things that’ll come back for him in the future - as he said, both good and bad! His injuries will keep him from making extensive trips, as well as hinder the progress of his menus, which might change every fortnight instead of sennight. On the good side, he knows he has allies and friends to turn to should he find himself in a pickle again - though hopefully not as bad as before! ]
( Thank you for the ask, @renofmanyalts! You’re a saint for sending me these and letting me get the writing bug out! )
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
Thistle: What’s one time your character has been angry and harsh with someone? (For Liliah'to)
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“I like to say I pride myself in not getting angry easily, ‘cause I really don’t! It takes a lot to get me to snap, really. But, y’know, everyone has their breaking point - me included. The last time I got angry, ah...” Liliah’to looks to the ground, wracking his brain for the answer. “It’s definitely been a while! Hard to remember, honestly. I think it was when I left home. My parents - or at least, my mom - was distraught in the idea of me leaving to become a traveling culinarian. I... said some things I wish I hadn’t, and I’ve sent letters with apologies and any extra money I’ve gotten from my travels. I don’t usually get anything in return though, and I don’t blame them.” He could only smile afterwards. “I know they still care though! And that’s why they’re upset with my decision. And I still care, which is why... I don’t care what they think! I want to make money to help them, not scrape by, if they can’t see that, then that’s their own problem!”
[ Good luck making Liliah’to angry. He can get frustrated or huffy and annoyed, but angry? Heavens no. The last time really was when he left home, screaming at his siblings and his parents. Of course, he never meant any harm in it - he only wanted to help them in the way he knew how. Which was not hunting or poaching. But being told not to every single day, that’s what really got his goat.
Thank you so much for the ask, @renofmanyalts!! Even more to come, oh my! :D ]
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
[feet]: do they have a habit of going up on their tiptoes, what’s their usual stance, do they tend to shift their weight to a preferred side, etc. (for Liliah'to)
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[ Liliah’to leans to his left - the left foot hits first, his left foot scuffs in idleness, everything is put to the left. The soles of his shoes are worn from travel - the left has holes in it.
He’s usually pretty relaxed, often times he may shift to his right, but only for a moment - usually in uncomfortable situations. He scuffs his feet when he walks, enjoying the sound and look of dust and dirt kicking up. He’ll kick rocks on his path... sometimes they get stuck in his boots.  He’s flat-footed, and does not walk heel-to-toe; he’s heavy on his feet, and runs on the balls of them. 
He’ll rock on his heels when he wants something from someone, or embarrassment. His feet are numb from his routes, he could walk barefoot on glass and not feel it; with thick skin too. They’re slightly too big for his stature. The boots make it less noticeable. ]
(( Thank you for another @renofmanyalts! Liliah’to would be the kind of person to step on a lego brick and not even notice. ))
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
and just for grins: ¥ (for Liliah'to, for Rhenbraen)
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Looks: 8/10
″I think I enjoy their rather rugged look, actually.” Liliah’to could only laugh. “They wear it better than I do! And I like what they did with their hair, too! Overall, they are peak of what I try to be. I doubt they’d think the same, but those are my thoughts!”
Personality: 7/10
″Y’know… I can’t really say much. They remind me of me - stubborn, prideful. Pretty sure no one really thinks of me as such besides myself, but… well. I dunno. Maybe that’s why I wanted to help them so bad. I enjoy being around them, which definitely has to say some thing about me! But under all that pride is a good bit of kindness, a gentleness they don’t like admitting, I like to think. Because kindness is weakness where they’re from.”
Attraction: 1/10
Liliah’to shook his head. “Nah. If they remind me of me, I don’t think I’m really attracted to me.” He laughed. “Platonically, I’d bump that up to a six - maybe even seven! I can see us getting along well as good friends. Can’t really say I’m attracted to them more than just that, though.”
Would they date them: Probably not
”Eeeehhhhh…. even if either of us were interested, I can tell it would end in disaster; we wouldn’t be the most compatible of people. Plus, I’m not really in a place for a romantic relationship - what with my wounds healing and trying to pick myself back up after losing everything.”
Favorite thing about them:
”I like it when they pretend they don’t care! I find it adorable, to be honest. It’s a weird trait to like, but for someone who tries to remain as stoic as possible, it’s always a treat to see that rare bit of visible caring. They fret so much over me!” He laughed again. “I also like their work ethic. They didn’t want anything for free, so I had them find river rocks for me. Both for my soup and for geodes to sell. They work hard, they don’t want anything handed to them. I can get behind that.”
Least favorite thing about them:
“I think they could do with a bit of relaxing, untensing those muscles. They’re far too uptight - or maybe that’s because I bring it out of them. I can’t say I’m the most helpful when it gets people to stop worrying about me.” He beamed with a bright smile. “I also think they’re really indecisive. Every time I ask them what they want to eat, it’s always ‘what do think’, ‘whatever you can make’, ‘whatever we’ve got’. I’m asking for a reason!”
(Thank you so much for your patience, @renofmanyalts!! Finally got this one done, and onto the last! :D Lili thinks of Rhen like a close sibling, I feel like they might butt heads like siblings too. )
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thevoilinauttheory · 5 years
Prompt: #29: Boy With a Coin
( For @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast‘s FFxivWrite2019 )
( Warnings: poverty and possible abuse (in the sense of being taken advantage of) mentions? )
( A big ol’ thanks to @renofmanyalts for helping me with this one! Written with “Boy With a Coin” by Iron and Wine on loop. )
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Liliah’to had faith, he always did. He kept the bright look in his eyes to give faith to others. There would be days, now and then, where he’d break from his travels to ponder more deeply to himself. He wanted to help others as much as he could, not only by bringing food and medicine to those in need, but to be there physically for anyone who may need it.
There were times, though, that he would think to himself.
Taking money from the poor in exchange for a basic and humane need, was he not hurting more than he helped? However, he needed the money to provide more to them. Then, by all sense, he should pander to the richer and more well off folks? He would, then, be neglecting those that truly needed it. He definitely would not be helping then.
His sense of happiness, the brightness he kept, it was an innocence that his job would strip from him. Constantly, he would overthink on the matter. He was so generous, but he could be taken advantage of at a moment’s notice. He has been, a few times. Of course it hurt. But they need and want more than he does - it is only right for them to take more, no? If he doesn’t need it, then why should he not give it away?
Because then he’d give and give until there was nothing left but a corpse in a ditch.
He had to think more rationally. If he had excess, then he’d give away, but for now… he’ll toss his coin to the sea for a wish to continue on the path he has started. He’ll turn back to the mess that has been caused by the rich and toiled by the poor.
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