hmrtia · 4 years
Before 2020 ends? I'll say thanks for still being long time mutuals with me across my blogs skndne I'm always glad to have those that can stick with me no matter where I go next.
haley ily u know this . we’ve known each other since like . forever . throwback to the pokemon fandom ,,,, i might be bad at communicating but i support u ! 
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oukido · 4 years
Before 2020 ends, I'll tell you I'm happy to still see you around roleplaying!!! You're still the endless sea of creativity I've known you to be! I hope 2021 treats you well sunshine. ❤😊
before 2020 ends...
WAHHH i really can’t believe you’ve stuck around this long and followed me thru so many different/blogs fandoms... ilysm i hope 2021 is so good to you
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streetslost · 4 years
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@absoluteneed​ asked:  "Do you feel anything?"
                                       emotional sentence starters
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             THERE WAS SUDDEN SILENCE, her thoughts crumbling to bits at the inquiry.  It wasn’t something that she had been asked often, and so it was far from the sort of thing she had pondered before.  What DID she feel?  Anything?  Nothing?  Everything all at once?  Perhaps a bit of each of those answers, because she could go from entirely numb one moment to unbearably overwhelmed.  Lips p r e s s e d together as she forced herself to take another few seconds to think rather than bursting apart with whatever came to mind first.
      “I feel tired.  I feel anger.  I feel... confidence and defeat.  I... feel.  M’not a robot.  But I guess there are times when I feel nothing.  When I could look something right in front of me tha’ should cause a thousand emotions... And I feel e m p t y.  But I do feel.  Maybe I don’t feel right, though.”  Tone was without any sense of expression, and her face stared to the sky with a vapid look to her features.  Right then, right there, she held little to her thoughts and feelings.  Right then, she was exactly what made him question her emotions.
                           Hand was clutched about one of her knives.  The steel was faded with crimson blood stained over.  An hour or so old, meaning a recent victim it had held.  Perhaps the man before her had witnessed her deed.  Yet, there was no twist within her chest, no flip within her stomach.  Cat didn’t care... and THAT might have been the problem in and of itself.
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erobret · 4 years
@absoluteneed​ replied:
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if i had to go with person it would be dawn if i went with pokemon it would be either slyveon or mew
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coccinellemiracle · 5 years
@absoluteneed​ shouted Tikki Spots On!
Tikki couldn’t retain her Ladybug’s transformation for much longer and before she knew it on the last beep of her spots she was forced out of the miraculous. However, hearing the akumatized victim coming closer it didn’t give them much time to hide. Putting Marinette’s safety above her own she used the last of her strength to lead the villain away from Marinette’s hiding place by phasing through her bag and leading them further down away from Marinette. Like Ladybug Tikki had a fighting spirit just as strong but she met her match when she felt the villain’s hand grip & squeeze her hard demanding she reveals where Ladybug was hiding which she repeatedly refused. 
❝  Go ahead and squeeze! I’ll never tell you where Ladybug is hiding.  ❞
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darkchose · 5 years
❛ And when were you planning on telling me? ❜
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                (🐱)┊❝ —well…it’s not out of the ordinary, right ? ❞HE BEAMED feeling a little anxious to be talking about his ‘crush interest’ but not in the least bit regretting the slip up. If anything…maybe he can get a few tips ??                 
               ❝ I know asking for crush-pointers is not something you tend to talk about and… I’m probably way out of her league so..…we should probably change the topic, non ? ❞  ( well, so much for trying.) In the end he couldn’t bring himself to ask.
↪ CONCERNED PROMPTS || accepting.
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aliwept · 5 years
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it  takes  a  moment  to  move  her  focus  from  alya ,  from  where  she  walked  into  a  café  down  below .  (  okay ,  so  she  was  nervous  over  the  other’s  date  —  or ,  at  least ,  that’s  what  she   assumed  it  was .  and  so  she  was  overprotective .  and  a  bit  jealous .  yeah ,  she  wasn’t  good  at  this  whole  crush  thing .  )
❛     oh ,  bonjour  !     ❜  head  turning ,  she  gives  a  wave ,  though  masked  eyes  shoot  back ,  clearly  distracted .  a  timid  smile ,  before  crouching  down  lower  as  alya  made  eye  contact  with  her .  shit .  words  through  her  teeth ,  now ,  hoping  alya  marked  it  off .  ❛     so ,  uh ,  what’s  up ,  papillon  ?     ❜  @absoluteneed  &  sc.
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fedoratm · 6 years
【 FOR YOUR EYES ONLY, @absoluteneed 】
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      don’t mind him   .   he’s just sneaking about  ,  creeping through the shadows  ;   no plans to drop in and ruin hawk’s plans at all.
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mekaon · 6 years
absoluteneed replied to your post “i see”
Is that Charlet Chung livestreaming herself sitting and doing nothing like Jeff did that one year.
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nycfae · 6 years
‘ my heart busts a nut every time someone tells me they saw something and they thought of me. ’
(   *   &.   –   MORE POPULAR TEXT POSTS.
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“Wow, I think I actually just threw up in my mouth a little bit.” She’s being dramatic, of course, because that’s really the only thing she’s got to occupy her time these days. That and talking with the butterflies, who ( if she’s being honest ) don’t make for amazing conversation partners. They listen really well, though. But the mere incredulity—not to mention practically painful use of language—of his statement is enough to make her bad attitude skyrocket.
As if that was particularly hard for him to do in the first place.
“Who in the world would tell you that? I mean, I kind of figured you just stayed indoors all the time, even when you weren’t up here.” The idea of him having a social life, and even worse, it involving people actually being civil to him, does not gel well with the image Pixi gets when he’s sending out butterflies to people having bad days. 
“And if you did go outside, it was just to, like. Creep around in shadows and hiss at people who got too close or something.”
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cosmcther · 6 years
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     The lights of the Comet Observatory had finally started to be washed away by the brilliant glimmers of Paris. A location Rosalina had visited before, but one she could never get enough of. So regal, so beautiful. Always somehow scaling the grandeur up into a new plane of existence each and every time her ship graced its buildings. Simply staring out into the night had encapsulated her, sharing her overflowing joy with another had to be done. It was too much to all be kept within! Lucky enough, it seemed another fellow was doing much of the same.
     “This place, it never ceases to stun, hm? Most locals tire of their city's sights after living there for all of their lives, but I can't imagine the people here could ever manage to do the same. To live in a life where buildings shimmer like the stars... What a life that would be.” A sigh, getting only a little of her amazement off of her chest. 
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riddentime · 6 years
✩。:*•.──    @absoluteneed    ||    ❤’d   the   call.
                                      she   felt   it—-    the   familiar  pull  in   her   mind.    U N R A V E L I N G      her   own   free   will   as   she   felt   the   RAGE   BUILD   inside  her   once   more.   it   frightened   Alix   more   than   anything—-   that   split   second   where   she   knew   what   was   to   come   but   couldn’t   stop   it.    the   powerful   voice   of   hawkmoth   echoes   through   her   head,   GOING   RIGID   to   the   commands   &&   letting   the  Timebreaker   take   over.
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❛     —-   what   is   it   you   NEED,   Hawkmoth   ??    ❜
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chemisweet · 6 years
@absoluteneed || x
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     there was something so intrinsically wonderful about ballet dancers. honey had never gotten into the sport herself, she’d been.. much too tall, and her co-ordination as a child had been terrible, but that didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy watching. it was her first time in france --- her first time overseas in quite a while, really, and she wanted to soak up as much as possible, and she didn’t see any harm in stopping by a studio to just.. observe for a while. 
    so --- she had, and as the music came to a gentle halt, she couldn’t help but applaud, her smile spreading wide across her lips. 
      “   that was incredible!   ”
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darkchose · 6 years
‘i’ve been worried sick! are you okay?’
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               (🐱)┊❝ n-non, I’m…alright. I was going to make it back in time but…I got sort of distracted. ❞ADRIEN BOWED APOLOGETICALLY flipping open his school bag’s to reveal what he had hidden inside. Shortly after a ‘Continental Toy Spaniel’ dog popped his head out with the purest of smiles. 
              ❝ It was all by itself…I couldn’t leave it out in the rain. It doesn’t have a collar…so it might be a stray. ❞ At that the model beamed up with a smile.❝ C-could we keep him ? ——please ? Until I find an owner for him. I already have the perfect name for him too. I’ll call him Papillion ! ❞   
↪ Sentence Meme || accepting.
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aliwept · 6 years
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longest YEAHHHHH BOIIIII evr...... SEIROUldy though im so!!!!!! !!! rn but in liek!! a good way and this is a quick switch but i love how you took hawkmoth and created a new character out of it??? like i love ml and it makes sense / it’s a kid’s show / w/e but it’s also cool that you Stuck With It !!!! and you just made this rly cool character adn imkskgsdlkgsd????? you’re just so wodnerufl ilu!!!!!! ALSo i thought your icon was hawks in a masquerade au for a second msDKGJDj
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fedoratm · 6 years
‘ i am going to give you one chance. go home. do not ever come back. ’
▹➤ UNENCRYPTING... ╱ aquaman starters.
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      HE REGARDS THE VILLAIN GRIMLY  ,  tips of his beak downturned as he rests in his defensive stance   .   there are times in which he’d love nothing more than to simply GO HOME  ;  enjoy the rest of the day with his family and curl up on his favorite pillow   .
      but that isn’t what good guys do   .
      so instead he leaps forward  ,  bulk of his body curling and poised to aim a DISARMING kick in an attempt to gain control of his opponent’s weapon   .   perry’s never been one to give up   .   he isn’t about to start now   .
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