#abt this Whole Situation(or at least. as much as geralt pours about anything. lots of forlorn glances across his mug of ale)
roughentumble · 3 years
Oh god now the idea of Geralt fighting for Jaskier is stuck in my head and I'm thinking of a totally different arranged marriage situation where Geralt and Jaskier are sorta just transitioning into a more romantic relationship when suddenly Jaskier's being informed his parents arranged a marriage for him and the weddings in like a week
Through some kind of misunderstanding, Geralt truly believes Jaskier will be happy with the husband/wife his parents found him and doesn't try to stop it. Meanwhile Jaskier's miserable at the idea and a little heartbroken bc "he didn't fight for me. He doesn't want me."
noooooOooo....... how can such cute conversations lead to such agony within me
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