kineticgarth · 9 years
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Getting some work done while looking forward to the new season of #InkMaster I am connected to all things of passion and ambitions Be focused on your craft no matter what it is, become the master of your own design. #TattooLessMe #TheKineticEmbraceLifestyle #ambition #GrindRegardless #GreatnessIsYoursToClaim #AbundanceIsCloserThanYouThink
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kineticgarth · 9 years
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Give yourself more reasons to smile and you'll enter a state called happiness. Everything in this life is within your control, don't ever think it isn't and Even though some reasons are harder to manifest than others it's still all up to you. So no matter how long it takes or what you have to do find or create your happiness And Your more powerful than you think #TheKineticEmbraceLifestyle #ambition #DoWhatMakesYouHappyAllTheTime #YouArePower #GreatnessIsYoursToClaim #AbundanceIsCloserThanYouThink
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kineticgarth · 9 years
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I stay sniping esp when I'm sniping my dear friends hehehe All I can say is to was an Epic Saturday with with Super Awesome Epic People and I Still made Money even away from my computer. Never think the life you want Is beyond you esp when your the only one stopping your from having it. #TheKineticEmbraceLifestyle #GrindRegardless #GreatnessIsYoursToClaim #DoingWhatIWantAndStillMakingMoney #AbundanceIsCloserThanYouThink
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kineticgarth · 9 years
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Beyond all doubt I realise more and more daily the dreams I hold dear and though it's not all rainbows and sunshine I would still go through the failures, the ups and down and even the sleepless nights because I know what I will achieve many will still hold as a fantasy and then is why i will claim my Nirvana. #TheKineticEmbraceLifestyle #ambition #GrindRegardless #WorkingOnGreatness #LifeIsWhatIMakeIt #AttainYourDreams #AbundanceIsCloserThanYouThink #SuccessIsALifestyle
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kineticgarth · 9 years
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I believe these words 100% because my ever progressing lifestyle is based on continuing to overcome my challenges. So to those that say it's impossible to live the life you want, just know your the only one keeping you from it so know he who says he can't and he who says he can are both right. #TheKineticEmbraceMindset #TheKineticEmbraceLifestyle #ambition #GrindRegardless #WorkingOnGreatness #LifeIsWhatIMakeIt #AttainYourDreams #AbundanceIsCloserThanYouThink #SuccessIsALifestyle
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kineticgarth · 10 years
Success is simply step out of your comfort zone The creation of wealth that you seek is easily attainable once you have realised it lies beyond what you do now. Even the greats had help reaching their goals let me show you to be successful in anything you do Http://SpeedWealthGreatness.com #TeamNoExcuses #ElevatedMindz #TheKineticEmbraceLifestyle #AbundanceIsCloserThanYouThink #EarningToChangeLives
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kineticgarth · 10 years
Stop making excuses to justify why your aren't winning in life start looking into putting in the working that needs to be done and stop blaming everything and anything other than the one person that decides whether or not you'll be successful, Success doesn't know what an excuse is the moment to forget what it is too is the moment you'll start winning Check out my pod cast to help get over the excuses that are holding you back http://thefreedomofgarth.com/the-kinetic-embrace-weekly-jump-start/ Everyone deserves to win but only those that put in the time will rep the rewards #AbundanceIsCloserThanYouThink #WhispersOfGreatness #ElevatedMindz #TheKineticEmbraceLifestyle #TeamNoExcuses #ExcusesOnlyKillDreams
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