#ac repairing institute
careskillsacademy · 2 months
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Top Institute for AC repairing course in delhi || 9319887726
An AC Repairing Course provides comprehensive training on diagnosing, maintaining, and repairing air conditioning systems used in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. This course equips participants with the knowledge and hands-on skills necessary to troubleshoot various AC issues and perform effective repairs.
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thegeorgetelegraph · 4 months
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What are Refrigeration and Air Conditioning?
An HVAC technician is entitled to the responsibility of repairing or fixing these appliances. Refrigeration and air conditioning repair are one of the most popular and lucrative sectors of this industry.
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saoodoffice4 · 10 months
Are You Exploring AC Repair as a Career Path? PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards) are at the core of an AC unit's operation; when they malfunction, its whole unit ceases working properly - this makes being able to repair them an invaluable skill set! To be an expert at AC repairs it is also vitally important knowing how to replace PCBs properly if any malfunction occurs, as failure of such components means total unit shutdown unless repaired immediately.
Multitech Institute in Tilak Nagar Delhi provides an AC PCB Repairing Course in Tilak Nagar Delhi designed to give you all of the knowledge and techniques you need for successfully repairing AC PCBs. Experienced technicians teach this course so that students may gain all of their expertise on diagnosing problems with PCBs as well as how to repair them using cutting edge methods.
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Multitech Institute's AC PCB Repairing Course is an immersive hands-on course, giving students plenty of practical experience working on real AC units - helping to bring what is learned in class to everyday situations! You will gain skills that you can immediately put to use upon returning home from the course.
After successfully completing Multitech Institute's AC PCB Repairing Course, you will be equipped to:
Locate and diagnose PCB problems using state of the art techniques; and repair PCBs using only approved repair procedures.
Multitech Institute's AC PCB Repairing Course is an affordable way to enter into AC repair as a career, taught by experienced technicians and including real AC units in its teaching curriculum. If this sounds appealing to you and you'd like a headstart on starting one today - enroll now in their course today.
Multitech Institute Offers AC PCB Repair Course to Benefit Their Students.
Multitech Institute provides many advantages to taking an AC PCB Repairing Course, to include these:
Experienced technicians will share their knowledge and expertise, giving you practical experience working on real AC units. In turn, this allows you to apply what was taught in class in real-life situations for further advancement toward an AC repair career path.
Why choose Multitech Institute for AC PCB Repair Training?
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Multitech Institute is one of India's premier providers of technical training. With our dedicated and qualified instructors who love what they teach and our cutting-edge training facility equipped with cutting-edge equipment, Multitech is committed to offering India with expert technical education that prepares its residents to become industry professionals.
Multitech Institute provides an comprehensive yet affordable AC PCB Repairing course designed to equip participants with all of the knowledge necessary for AC PCB Repairing. This training program covers everything you'll need to know to tackle AC PCBs successfully.
Contact Us now to gain more knowledge.
Multitech Institute provides an AC PCB Repairing Course in Tilak Nagar Delhi designed to expand on and develop your skills as an AC repairer. If you have any inquiries or would like more information, we would be pleased to answer them and start helping you build a career in AC repair! Reach out and contact us now - our representatives would be more than glad to answer all your queries about how you can start this path towards repairing AC units!
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easytools12 · 1 year
Our lives would not be the same without our mobile phones, which also serve as productivity aids, communication tools, and hubs for entertainment. Mobile technology is becoming increasingly complicated, making it difficult to repair these devices without the proper equipment, ability, and precision. The Sunshine Pre-Heater is one of the most important instruments for mobile phone repair
specialists. In this post, we'll look at the Sunshine Pre-Heater's importance in mobile phone repairs and how it increases productivity.
 1: Sunshine Pre-Heater
A unique tool called the Sunshine Pre-Heater was created to make it easier to fix cell phones. It acts as a potent heat source that enables experts to liquefy adhesives, remove fragile parts, and guarantee a secure and effective repair procedure. It is the perfect equipment for both specialized repair companies and lone workers due to its small size and adaptable capabilities.
 2: repair Mobile
Repairing a mobile phone requires complex operations like replacing the screen, the battery, and delicate parts with solder. In these procedures, the Sunshine Pre-Heater is essential because it supplies steady, controlled heat that facilitates the removal and replacement of mobile phone parts. It allows professionals to separate parts without harming the phone's components by heating the adhesive polymers used in recent smartphones.
3: Effectiveness
In the mobile repair sector, where professionals frequently deal with a high volume of repairs and tight deadlines, efficiency is crucial. By speeding up repairs and lowering the possibility of inadvertent damage, the Sunshine Pre-Heater considerably improves efficiency. The system's perfect temperature control allows professionals to operate quickly and correctly, finishing repairs in a tenth of the time needed by conventional techniques.
5. Delicate component removal
Microchips, connections, and tiny cables are just a few of the sensitive and delicate parts found in mobile phones. When being repaired, these components must be handled carefully to prevent any damage. The Sunshine Pre-Heater gives professionals the ability to gently warm targeted regions, making it simpler to remove and reattach sensitive components without damaging them. This accuracy lowers the possibility of expensive errors and guarantees the durability of the restored item.
6: adaptability
A handy tool for many mobile phone repair jobs is the Sunshine Pre-Heater. It has temperature settings that may be changed, enabling specialists to tailor the heat output based on the particular repair needs. You can reflow solder on a circuit, replace a damaged charging port, or remove a cracked screen.
Efficiency and accuracy are crucial in the realm of mobile phone repairs. With its capacity to soften adhesives, assist in the removal of sensitive components, and deliver controlled heat, the Sunshine Pre-Heater has established itself as a vital tool for technicians. Repair specialists may cut down on time, boost output, and guarantee high-quality repairs by using this tool. Any mobile repair company or technician wishing to improve their repair procedure and offer top-notch service to their clients would be wise to invest in a Sunshine Pre-Heater.
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microchip-expert · 2 years
AC PCB Repairing Course
AC PCB Repairing Course in Delhi The AC Technician Course in Delhi, NCR is a good-sized segment of increasing HVAC management, which is the most enjoyable hobby at some time around the globe. The course is short and process-oriented. We start at a fundamental or primary degree to ensure that people with no technical backgrounds can study the subject quickly and then proceed to a greater or superior degree by demonstrating the step of methods step. Our course is providing a comprehensive overview of all issues by means of covering them in real-time. This increases the confidence of our college students and assists them to go with an amazing method of AC repair and installation.
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Refrigeration and air conditioning program in NY
Searching for the best training institute to enroll in the refrigeration and air conditioning program in NY? Then, The Refrigeration Institute has an expert team to consult. We offer the best career-oriented and certified HVAC training courses to individuals looking to make a career in this field. Reach out to us at (212) 244-2588 to schedule a meeting with our experts regarding our training programs today!
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kolkata-edu-guide · 1 year
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Best AC Repairing Training Institute in Kolkata - GTTI
Join our hvac courses and ac repairing courses to become a successful hvac technician. We are the best professional training institute.
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multitechinstitute · 2 years
Best Training Institute For AC PCB  Repairing Course In India
We’ve all heard that our lives would be not complete without technology. Technology has become an element of our lives that isn’t to be undervalued. There’s no doubt that our lives are shaped by utilizing technology and finish with it. With the growing population and global warming, The heat of summer is beginning to irritate us to an extreme degree and winter chills can even creep to our spines, but they aren’t as bad as summer. The answer lies in Air Conditioner. We’ve not even noticed that AC has been our lifesaver. What a relief to know that AC affects the state of the air we breathe and transforms our anger into a state of calm. It’s hard for us to survive without Air Conditioner. It is a great device for air quality and a great job prospect.
AC PCB Repairing Course in Delhi are extremely sought-after because we all know how Delhi’s summer weather can affect us every. AC is offered in the majority of the homes making this course even more beneficial. If Ac begins to malfunction or ceases to function or causes any type of issue It requires skilled hands to fix it. This skill can be acquired through this course. AC PCB repairing course is taught at extremely affordable and reasonable prices. The students will be taught in a pleasant environment and with top-quality instructors.
You may be wondering about the purpose PCB has in AC. This is why it’s also known as Printed Circuit Board (PCB). PCBs are the main control for temperatures, fan control, thermal conduction timers, etc. PCBs are equipped with microchips that aid in the control of functions. This demonstrates the importance of this PCB within Air Conditioners and how profitable it is to know how to repair this component of AC. It is not just this, but the importance of learning to fix every component of AC since people all around us depend on this piece of equipment. When you master this course, you will be able to earn a decent amount of cash and have a better job.
The following are the things you will learn during the AC PCB Repairing Course
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AC PCB Repairing Course provides the entire range and types of PCB Repairing Course
(AC PCB repairing course 1 month)
An Introduction to Air Conditioning
Heating and ventilation functions of air conditioners.
Understanding the work that involves Window AC, Centralized AC, and Split, Ac.
Functions of PCB
Wiring and Terminals
Skills training for smoldering, etc.
Students can study anything from basic to complex problems related to Air Conditioner. All you require is less money and more effort. It is possible to take this course quickly and provide your professional services to everyone. Learning this course at the top institutions will help students gain confidence and a sense of power in their tasks. The course will provide both practical and theoretical understanding of the AC PCB Repairing Training Institute located in Tilak Nagar, Delhi. The majority of institutes in Delhi are accredited because it is among the most requested courses. Therefore, you should consider the most popular course in Delhi. AC Repairing Course & Installation Details.
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possumcollege · 2 months
I dont know how it took me till you posted that most recent sole survivor art to learn you were a fallout enjoyed, it fills me with joy. Fave companion/storyline?
Of the main companions, I think my favorites are Dogmeat, Nick, and Piper, but I've probably brought Ada along more than anyone.
I really love the character of this robot, built by a band of survivors from spare parts, developing attachments and feelings. I appreciate her trying to square the conflicting input of grief and justice at the point where neither really fixes anything unless the root of that injury is repaired. Ada's friends died because the robots programming was flawed and lacked the ability to see struggling humans as viable, not because Isabel wanted them to kill. At that point, killing her would be cathartic but it punishes her for a mistake she rekt didn't intend and lowers us to the level of the other wasteland factions who perpetuate the broken exterminationist view of conflict. It lets Ada continue to grow as a living being in spite of her loss and status as a robot. It's something I love about Ada in my interpretation that I felt was lacking in my impression of Curie.
The game wants to give us a romanceable female synth who is even less experienced than we are, so porting a robot's memory into a "human" works but that's a bit cheap for my taste. I don't dislike Curie but I would've enjoyed the option to help her realize a human body wasn't strictly necessary to help people. Developing the "humanity" in a machine feels more in line with rebuilding a better world than finding ways to eliminate the anthropocentric limitations of machines in a world where they can be fully sentient.
And yes, I think you should still be able to romance Robot Curie. It seems to work for Mr. Zwicky and Miss Edna! I think that's sweet and let's be play this as a world where people realize joy is precious wherever you find it instead of queueing up Curie's emergent personality. We see plenty of other robots with fully functional autonomous identities. The ability to accept them for who they are and can become in spite of their origins is a wonderful aspect of the world for me.
In general, I like keeping folks around and trying to give them another chance to make a go of it in the Commonwealth without the Institute or the Brotherhood trying to pull the strings from above or below. I try not to kill anyone I know I don't have to unless they're going to keep trying to kill me.
I've destroyed the Prydwen and the Institute every time, but I wish there could've been opportunities to bring a few BOS characters over to my side in the process, Proctor Ingram, in particular. I also like that there are hard choices to make though, that characters you would want to join you can just have incompatible ideology and loyalty.
For the game's sake I back the minutemen and the Railroad, but ideologically, the Atom Cats are my "faction" of choice. They're good people, hacking out a place for themselves, putting their skills to less genocidal use, and trying to bring a bit of light and beauty to their little peninsula. They watch out for their friends and neighbors. They ain't so keen on exterminating anything in particular. They aren't looking to rule over anything in spite of their impressive power armor skills. My favorite outfit these days is the armored AC jacket and modded Mechanist helmet.
Far Harbor has some great missions too. The hotel murder mystery is a hoot and the settlement locations offer a lot to play with. I try to strike a live-and-let-live balance there too, preserving the synth refuge, Far Harbor, and the CoA if I can help it. I never rat them out to the BoS. The memory-retrieval mini game missions are miserable though! It glitched out on my first playthrough and I couldn't finish it before my PS4 died.
Favorite settlements are probably vault 88, the Starlite drive-in (makes a fanatic multistory apartment base), Spectacle Island, Abernathy farm, Egret Tours Marina, the lumber mill, Outpost Zimonja, Greygarden, and the lighthouse. I'm a fan of modding-off the build limits and resource cheats so I can build elaborate apartment blocks out of scaffolding, warehouse bits and vault pieces. I can't get enough of encasing ruined buildings in larger buildings like warehouses or vault atrium assets too. After a while, the settlement building becomes my favorite aspect of the game after the story and world-building.
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beenjen · 1 year
These past weeks - and it is weeks, near on a month, because I had to look back - have been an exercise putting one foot in front of the other. I flag on what even to say, because it feels everything that comes out of my mouth is sad and I don’t want to be? It’s life though, so, honesty is the best policy? Who knows.
//mom was hospitalized for a small bowel obstruction. It was a super involved process where we had to rule out, as we did last year, a metastasis of her current cancer. It was such a suck if essence - I don’t know how else to say it. She was sick for a couple weeks before, was not forthright in her symptoms, was hospitalized on a Friday afternoon and spent the weekend.
It’s the first time I had to really poke my head up with my years of ICU experience and dictate her care and the steps we would be taking. I hesitate to ever share that I have the experience I do, because then people get super nervous about their performance and tend to steer clear, this group involved with her care though, embraced what I brought to the table, and we were able to institute a strict care plan and get her a$$ -no pun intended - on the go.
She’s home. Not had a great appetite, down to the 120s, and it’s take some Out of the box planning to get her revitalized. It’s been something.
\\ her follow up CT this week showed not only that the small bowel obstruction was gone, the previously spotted abdominal tumor was as well. That’s obviously incredible information, we are just so beat down with the perpetual bad news, none of us knows quite what to do with it. So, we persevere…. Will await some Other tests, and I may not ever be able to relax when it comes to moms monitoring. It’s been extensive. Hard. Traumatic.
//dads last biopsy through interventional radiology, was unable to produce a diagnostic result. He had a bronch this past week that was an attempt for more answers…. And it went over 2 hours, old colleagues coming out to talk to me, because apparently, everyone knows this is my dad, and the chief of the service came down to perform the tests…. It still was a no go… they are 50% positive even with cytology at bedside, we will know what we need to for diagnosis as the spots were very illusive - the bastards.
Fingers crossed we can get some answers. They outlined next steps in case we can’t, and that just sucks, because it means they had a much harder time than they lead on to…. So we wait.
\\it finally happened as well, that I missed something huge with all this stress. It was a big enough error I could have really put us in an awkward place, fortunately, it’s all worked out, and it’s still pending full resolution so I’m keeping my lips sealed.
\\shit hit the fan with my niece - again. This time, she is expelled from her school. It’s at least something everyone is taking seriously. She is getting the support she needs emotionally. We’ve had some tough talks with her parents, her, etc, that she is the person she is, and we are here to support that growth, not block it. It’s been good for my relationship with bro/S-I-l and it’s overdue. I guess the proof is in the pudding folks
//the back retaining wall deck has a foundation crack from the negative temps in December. Able to get that on the schedule for repair, some high dollars later and it’s a go. Just glad it’s not falling into the river as I adore that patio and c laughs when is at it’s why we bought this house - but it is friends.
//Lilith is in ballet and loving it. We take her to tour pre-k this weekend, and the kids will both be at the same place FINALLY. Amen.
//j is wanting to start drums and we are finding a local teacher. He’s doing excellent in school, aced an Einstein presentation. He’s awesome
// Found a yoga home.
//c is the best saved for last. With the stress of the past stretch. He’s stepped up time and time again. We butt heads as any couple, this past weekend expressly, when I messed up so hugely, he was unwavering, protective and encouraging. How is it possible after all these years, I keep finding I can lean more and more on him, that he has my back, that we are solid and it won’t change?
Real question for my relationship people? Is it a thing that you keep dipping deeper into your partners well and they just keep stepping up? That intimacy keeps unfolding like a flower or is it just me?
Down and dirty quick post about a lot of shit. Love you guys.
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Blessed be friends xx
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careskillsacademy · 3 months
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AC Repairing Course Near Me || 9319887726
Do you want to start a lucrative career right after 12th grade? Call 9319887726, Join Care Skills Academy's AC Repairing Course in Delhi, and step into the world of air conditioning technology. With practical training and expert guidance, you'll master diagnosing, repairing, and maintaining air conditioning systems. Gain practical skills essential in the HVAC industry and work toward a successful career as a skilled AC technician. Enroll now and start building a promising future in the thriving field of HVAC tec.
Join Us: 9319887726 || Care Skills Academy Pvt. Ltd. D-2, Sector 2, Noida, Delhi,201301 (Delhi)
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thegeorgetelegraph · 11 months
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Top AC Repairing Training Institute in Kolkata 2023
Are you looking for the top ac repairing course from the best hvac training institute in Kolkata? visit George Telegraph today and know your course fees details. Join Now.
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saoodoffice4 · 11 months
Are You Searching for an AC Repairing Course in Tilak Nagar, Delhi? Multitech Institute's AC Repairing Course covers every aspect necessary for becoming successful AC technicians. The training provided provides all aspects of our course to make our students successful technicians in this industry. At our AC Repairing Institute, we cover every aspect of AC Repairing Course from basic troubleshooting to advanced fault diagnosis. Our highly-experienced instructors will show you how to quickly identify and address common AC problems as well as maintain units to maximize performance and longevity.
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Your training will include hands-on experience using AC repair tools and equipment, giving you the knowledge to start an AC repair business or work as an AC technician for another company. Our AC Repairing Course takes place in an intimate classroom setting, giving our instructors ample opportunity to give personalized instruction. Plus, after successfully completing our diploma course we offer job placement assistance so you can find employment after successfully completing our diploma course program! Multitech Institute provides the perfect learning environment to acquire all of the skills required for AC repair careers. Get in touch now to inquire about our AC repairing course!
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kivaember · 3 months
👀!! but also, 🎯?
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
Interestingly, not many people have made in depth guesses about major major plot points for APV! I am curious to hear people's theories though, if only to see if the foreshadowing I lay down it getting picked up...
Otherwise, on my P5 fic To Know Your Target, quite a few people correctly guessed major plot points, which I found really cool! I like it when people can sorta guess where the story is heading, bc it means I'm building it in a coherent kind of way. There's no better feeling for when you guess something will happen and it does!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Oh man I have so many!!! Okay, I have one wip that's like two thirds done... it's a oneshot (a big one rip) that's post LoR. It follows 621 hunting amongst the wreckage of the Xylem for Walter's AC, mostly because he's kinda lost on what to do with himself and also bc he wants to give it a funeral. Rusty, still horribly injured from his fall fromthe Xylem, hijacks an RLF MT and follows him there...
The fic's most about discussing 621 and Rusty's different approaches to grief and moving on and the like... and hilariously, as I was writing it, 621 ended up being a lot more emotionally intelligent than Rusty was...
Have a snippet :) as a treat!
He rounded a collapsed pile of masonry and shattered glass, some sort of towering roof structure that had caved in on the deck below. STALKER was standing in the near distance on the very edge of the deck, staring at the slowly approaching supercell. 
Carefully, Rusty piloted his MT to stand beside STALKER, and directed his visual sensors towards the incoming storm. His wipers were going a little crazy now, frantically whipping back and forth to try and outpace the heavy downpour. Beside him, STALKER moved fractionally, its half-rusted joints creaking loudly. 
“...hey,” Rusty murmured. “Aren’t you tired, Raven?”
STALKER’s head angled towards him. 
«Aren’t you tired, Rusty?»
Rusty felt his mouth quirk into a smile. A response, even if it was a mocking (he assumed). He’d take it. “Yeah. I’m pretty exhausted, to be honest.” 
«…then why are you here.»
“Like I said, I came to get you. You’ve been out here for two days. Uncle was getting worried.”
Raven took his time in replying and Rusty patiently waited, ignoring the various aches and pains lancing through his body like razor sharp glass. It was fine. So long as he didn’t bust the stitches from his spleen repair surgery, he should be okay. 
«I’m fine.»
“Sure,” Rusty said. “Just like I’m fine.”
«I wasn’t in a coma for two days after breaking half my bones.»
no, you were just tortured for weeks on end instead, Rusty did not say with some effort. “You still need to eat, right? You’re augmented, but you’re still human.”
Raven didn’t seem to have a ready response for that, so he just didn’t say anything.
“...what’re you even out here for anyways?” Rusty asked, genuinely curious. The Xylem was a marvel of Institute tech, yeah, but most of it was completely ruined from its violent re-entry. Aside from getting blown up and ransacked by invading corporate and Liberation Front forces alike, the seawater filling up half the ship would’ve eaten away at most of the technology by now. 
«…I’m looking for something.» 
“Well… if you’re looking so hard for it, I guess it must be important…” Rusty said slowly. “Maybe I can help?”
«You’re injured and should be resting.»
“You’re injured too.” Rusty’s tone grew solemn. “I know what they do in those re-education camps, Raven.” 
“You’ve been flat out since you escaped,” Rusty said softly. “Uncle said you only swung by for a day at our base before running off again. If you don’t stop to rest, your body’s just going to give out on you. It’s a pointless way to go.” 
“Unless that’s what you want?” Rusty asked, and made sure his voice was dispassionately blunt when he added: “Are you just waiting to die?”
The question lingered between them like an ominous shroud. The supercell moved close enough that its thick cloud wall blocked out the sun, dousing them in deep, dark shadow. 
Raven paused, and STALKER kept shifting its weight back and forth, rusted joints screeching and groaning, the AC not built to spend so much time along the seashore, getting sprayed with saltwater and blasted with coastal gusts. It looked like a corpse just barely moving, skeletal, where chunks of its ablative armour had been stripped off from its own re-entry, and the inner hull torn from the tremendous forces it had been under (had never been designed to endure, but had endured anyways). 
There was even a gaping crack in the Core, a sliver where Rusty could peer past the protective armour and see a bit of the Core block that contained the pilot’s cockpit. Red-tinged rainwater was collecting in that crack, pouring out of it like a miniature stream.
«I don’t know what to do.»
It was unexpectedly honest. Vulnerable. Completely out of nowhere. 
“What do you mean?”  
«Before everything went wrong in Institute City, Handler Walter told me what to do. I knew what to expect with each day. I knew what my objectives were. Now, I know nothing. I’m a mercenary with no money or clients, and I have no idea how to get those things myself. I got my life back, like Walter wanted, but there’s nothing in it.»
STALKER’s head bowed. 
«…I have nothing.»
“That’s not true, Raven,” Rusty said gently, taken aback by Raven’s raw honesty, and cursing the awkwardness of having this talk while they were in two separate mechs. Raven was as expressionless as they came, but he could still gauge his human face better than just staring at the side of STALKER’s cracked Core. 
“After saving Rubicon, you’ve definitely got the Liberation Front on your side,” he continued. “And, for what it’s worth, I’ve got your back too. I know you won’t trust that, considering what happened before Institute City but, I mean it. I was-”
He drew in a slow breath, before admitting quietly: “I was wrong about you. You weren’t a threat to be eliminated, and I acted too hastily in my judgement of you. I’m sorry.”
«It’s fine. You weren’t exactly wrong. I was a threat.»
“...? What do you-”
A flash of scarlet lightning lit up the horizon, followed by a booming thunder that rattled Rusty’s very bones and briefly deafened him. He couldn’t help but wince. 
«I’m looking for Walter,» Raven said in an unexpected non-sequitur, forcibly dropping the last topic. «His corpse is on this ship somewhere.»
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flarree · 3 months
Rise of the Titans - New Renaissance Era
6 Years have passed between Tears of the Kingdom and Rise of the Titans. A period of time known as the Greater Hyrule New Renaissance. 
The New Renaissance (as more simply put) is the continental advancement in technology, arts, and culture in Hyrule. These advancements place the world in an era partially reminiscent of the early/mid-20th century.
AC - “After Calamity” (Breath of the Wild took place in 100 AC, Tears of the Kingdom ~105 AC, Rise of the Titans ~111 AC)
105-106 AC (post-Tears of the Kingdom): 
Reconstruction Period: Great renovation of the continent after the upheaval - repairing landmarks and environments impacted by the damage.
106-107 AC
SheikTech Industries: A company founded by Purah and Robbie to further research both sheikah and zonai tech to find innovative ways they can be used and benefit the people of Greater Hyrule.
The Sage Institution: An initiative formed by Link, Zelda, and the Sages to ensure defense against any foreseeable threats to the kingdom.
107-109 AC
Radios: Radios (as well as phone booths) have been invented by SheikTech and mass produced to be distributed across the kingdom. They are commonly used at stables and a lot of village houses and shops have one as well.
Arts: Radios have allowed people of different regions to broadcast music (Jazz, Rock) and some form entertainment media. Additionally, fashion has changed throughout the kingdom [to align with the 20th century].
New Culture: The regions of Hyrule have given rise to several sub-cultural groups.
[Pirate Zora]
[Baga Clan; “chaotic neutral Yiga Clan”]
[Nomadic Gerudo & NeoGerudo]
[Skyhaven Rito]
109-110 AC
Astrology: Zelda has opened observatories in the kingdom to study space.
Iron Dragon Initiative: development of Hyrule's first railroad begins. [completion of this railroad will be a main quest]
Josha has received the position of an honorary sage with her prodigious scientific achievements.
111 AC
RISE OF THE TITANS: Midna and the Twili arrive at Hyrule, lesser Titans follow, T’naz is slowly on his way.
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Refrigeration training program in New York
Want to enroll in a career-focused refrigeration training program in New York? Worry not! The Refrigeration Institute has an expert team to help you out regarding this. We offer various job-oriented refrigeration courses to individuals who are looking to make their careers in this field. Call (212) 244-2588 and schedule your appointment with our expert to enroll in the best refrigeration program today!
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