#accepting requests and or hcs for the other clones tbh
the-cantina · 1 year
I've been sucked into drawing the clones playing a volleyball match… If anything, it's being a good way to practice anatomy. I just hope I can write the whole fic happening in my head while I'm doodling.
Wolffe has the meanest serve of everyone. He's permanently banned from serving, because no one will go for the ball/join the opposite team.
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Rex gives his 100% in each game. It's always win even if I have to carry the whole team on my shoulders time. No chill. Always the first to sprain something because he's too invested.
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Fives… No one lets him pick the uniform. Great player, but also great prankster. A menace. Him and Echo are a terror when playing together, so in sync it's a bit scary tbh.
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[[[ edit: Thank you, everyone, who has been so kind and wonderful as to answer the questions with your thoughts. These are posts that have been shared in response, and I’m linking these in case anyone wants to read them. By someidioticurl, ask-heartstealer-law, trafalgar-bleedingheart-law. Thank you.
Hi guys, so I’m requesting a little help here. I’ve been trying to get a better understanding of Law’s character, and unfortunately, the more I think about things, the more I feel confused and uncertain.
Thus, I would like to reach out to other Law muses, with some questions and headcanons that you might have considered in your portrayal. (Ps you don’t have to indulge me, of course. But if you want to, please go ahead, thank you.)
Of course, this extends to just about anyone who wants to humour me and wouldn’t mind telling me what you think! And speaking of humour, this is all about it!
Without further ado, my biggest question, or the question I started out with earlier, was:
What is Law’s sense of humour? What are your HCs regarding that?
(some more related questions below the read more)
Tagging: @ask-heartstealer-law @trafalgar-bleedingheart-law @eviscxration @nobedsidemanners @locum-magneticum (sorry guys, ps just overlook this if you’d like, it’s time-consuming and I kinda doubt anyone would want to read it tbh..)
***NOTE: THIS IS LONG, and mostly for my own future self-reference, but I’m not sure if anyone might find reading about it useful. ***NOTE: You don’t have to read all this! You can just comment/reblog/etc with what you think in general on the topic of humour. I appreciate any and all thoughts on the matter. This is just for anyone who wants to read up more on the types of humour, if it may help in understanding your character.
***QUESTIONS >> You don’t have to read the bottom notes. Here are some questions I had, instead, if you may feel like you want to answer them. Again, mostly for my future reference, but maybe it might help someone...*
What are situations that amuse him?
How does he show it? (Smile vs laugh till he cries-- if he would ever do that vs hide his amusement)
Is he able to laugh at himself/life (when things go wrong or when he self-reflects)?
Does he seek or avoid confrontation? (He doesn’t seem like someone who would go picking fights, yet his cocky behaviour pre TS seems to me like he enjoys rubbing people the wrong way)
What is his self-esteem/self-confidence/self-worth levels? Does he hate himself, and how long does he dwell on it before moving on?
Does he understand most jokes?
Does he use humour to cope?
Does he keep silent if something rubs him the wrong way? (His shock at his own outward declaration of hating bread seems to infer that he usually doesn’t vocalise his concerns or when he doesn’t like things. And yet, in Dressrosa, he was complaining a lot, but that’s because he was under a lot of stress, exhaustion, and the circumstances meant he probably couldn’t care to hold things in anymore.)
Does he worry about what people think of him? (He seems to value his reputation, and likes that people think of him as cruel/sadistic though I believe those are limited to rumours)
He's always cool-headed and calm, but is he overly sensitive? (It seems like he is? Although he doesn’t show it.)
What does he think of himself? Does he hate himself? (He would seem to harbour guilt of his failure to protect Corazon and his family; to have failed as an older brother, have low self-worth.)
Does he find amusement in others’ misfortune? (I don’t see it. Like he’s humble, and I don’t think he laughs at others’ disabilities or misery, and yet he isn’t beyond messing up his enemies in a cruel way. SO! What are his limits? Where does he draw the line in his ‘cruelty’?)
Does he meditate?
What does he do when stressed?
What does he do when things get hopeless?
My brief thoughts:
Initially, I thought he wouldn’t be someone who could laugh at his own misery/life, but I think it would sound like something he could use to cope with past trauma. He’s not the self-defeating kind, at least, not outwardly?
The only display of humour from him (that my idiot memory remembers) is at Zou when he comments that a display of clone jutsu would be cool, and maybe in SA when he was amused by Luffy’s outrageous nature towards the CD. Also perhaps he is somewhat amused when he messes with enemies using his Ope Ope, switching personalities, body parts, taking their hearts..
Anyway, as I’ve read up (briefly), there are 4 main classifications of humour, and I think everyone has a percentage of each type to a certain degree.
Humour styles according to wiki, summed up roughly, credit to here
Affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, self-defeating
used to enhance one’s r/s with others in a positive manner; used in self-accepting way
used to charm and amuse others, ease tension
spontaneous jokes, witty banter, enjoys laughing with others
individuals with high levels of this more likely to initiate friendships/increase group cohesiveness and promote creativity in group settings
associated with increased levels of self-esteem, well-being, emotional stability, social intimacy
individuals who use this tend to have higher levels of extraversion and openness to experience
telling jokes about things everyone might find funny
to bring people together, fellowship, happiness
I don’t often joke with my friends
Jerry Seinfeld
good natured attitude towards life; the ability to laugh at yourself, circumstances, idiosyncrasies of life in constructive, non-detrimental manner
used to enhance self in a positive manner; coping or emotion regulating humour
to look on the bright side of a bad situation, find silver lining
decreases levels of depression and anxiety
individuals more likely to exhibit extraversion and openness to experience
If I’m feeling upset or unhappy I try to think of something funny about the situation to make myself feel better.
Even when by myself, I’m often amused by the absurdities of life.
detrimental towards others
use of sarcasm, put-downs, teasing, criticism, ridicule at expense of others
individuals don’t care about the impact on others
examples are prejudices like racism and sexism
seems playful fun but the underlying intent may be to harm or belittle
related to high levels of neuroticism, lower levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness
individuals more highly aggressive and hostile; used by bullies
When telling jokes or saying funny things, I am not usually concerned about how people take it.
If you think people are laughing at you, they probably are.
potentially detrimental humour towards the self; gain approval from others
laughter at own expense; “poor me”
pleasing others by being butt of joke
sometimes seen as form of denial; humour used as defense mechanism for hiding negative feelings of self
individuals frequently using this style show increased depressive symptoms
higher levels of neuroticism, lower levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness
associated with low self esteem, well being, intimacy
I often try to make people like or accept me more by saying something about my weaknesses or blunders or faults.
I cover up problems and unhappiness by joking around, so closest friends don’t know how I feel
Further reading:
What do different personality types think about how people understand or misunderstand their sense of humour?
Analysts (INTP/INTJ) most likely to feel their humour is misunderstood. They are good at problem solving and generating ideas but may not translate well into humour. Visionary, highly intelligent personality types may engage in humour they understand but fail to make it relatable. Extraverted analysts, however, less likely to feel their sense of humour is misunderstood, as they have higher confidence in their abilities and are more outgoing.
Diplomats (INFP-T/INFJ-T) likely to feel others misunderstood their sense of humour. Though their personalities centre on relations with others, specifically tolerance and harmony, they are also most likely to take things personally and suffer insecurity. Desire to create harmony + overly sensitive nature = recipe for feeling misunderstood
Sentinels: Prefer traits like loyalty and trustworthiness to spontaneity or playfulness. Observant and Judging, values clarity, facts, observable things, as opposed to imaginative and unexpected. Sense of humour consists of tried and true, straightforward approach vs unpredictable humour.
Note to self: Read up more on personality types, since I know nothing of the matter other than the brief general basics.
20 types and forms of humour:
Which forms do you think Law enjoys?
I would think, dark/morbid, deadpan/dry, mordant? But those are the forms I think he would show. The kinds of humour he would enjoy, I’m still thinking about.
Other links to types of humour
Well. Thanks if you got that far. ]]]]]
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