#accidentally becoming a catholic household by being gay instead
crackship-connoisseur · 9 months
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all of the kids from the polyque tm
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sashc-blog1 · 5 years
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˚ ‧ ♢ ․ NARESSA VALDEZ. CISFEMALE. SHE/HER. » is that SASHA SANDOVAL, the SINGER, who has been often times compared to KEHLANI? i heard the TWENTY-FIVE year old can be SELFISH and TEMPERAMENTAL but makes up for it by being RESOURCEFUL and ALLURING. whenever i think of SASHA, i’m reminded of a plethora of GLITTER IN UNEXPECTED PLACES, EXPENSIVE SHOES, BOTTLES OF CHAMPAGNE. maybe there’s more to them than being dubbed THE SENSUALIST by the media. 
yoooo what’s up? my name is faye, i’m super gay, and i’m ready to roleplay !! anyway, i’m lame and sasha is trash- here’s a jumble of information about her: 
background: - grew up in a small, wealthy town in north carolina - her family has got $$$$ - her family is SUPER catholic and so she grew up in a very religious, very conservative household - not a fan of her parents- her dad was distant with all the kids and her mom is the one who was always cracking down on the kids to be the best possible and would always call them out for ‘sinning’- which, as expected, created a Totally Healthy environment for sasha to grow up in - she was always the wild child- sneaking out, partying, breaking curfew; she was grounded more than she wasn’t grounded growing up - her sophomore year of high school, though, she had a pregnancy scare and her parents FREAKED out and sent her off to a prep school in connecticut where she spent the rest of her high school days- breaking every rule and pulling off very good grades -  after graduating, tore off to l.a. to follow her music dreams- her parents were PISSED bc they wanted her to go to college and be successful.mp3 - so now instead she’s successful in her OWN way and owning the fuck out of the music industry   personality: - to clarify to start off: really and truly The Worst- which seems to have become the only type of character i can play??? does this say something about me??? perhaps!! -  is not very nice, selfish, impatient, crazy, wild, temperamental as FUCK -  but she’s a lot of fun (maybe, idk) - down to party whenev - dtf always - is bisexual as hell (not a personality trait??? But being gay is like the one good facet of my persona SO) - cares about herself A LOT - will fight you for now reason and then will never mention it again unless you bring it up- honestly just joins in on drama For Fun - is the kind of person who you’re like ???? she’s SMART??? And she’s like ‘uh fuck yeah i am, lemme break down this stupidly long calculus problem real quick before I break down your ego’ - not very reliable unless she’s close to you - cares what VERY few people think of her, literally values the opinion of maybe five people total - she’s horrible - let her ruin your life !!
~fun~ facts: - DEFINITELY runs in heels as a weird flex - secretly kept a pet snake as a kid- her mom eventually found out and made her get rid of it - was an alter girl for a hot sec before ‘accidentally’ setting the priest’s robes on fire and getting kicked from the roster - was a mathlete in hs and if anyone said shit about it she would say some rude shit back to them and then sleep with their significant other probably (idk just painting a picture) - is left-handed - can play the violin
anywAY, this got WAY longer than i anticipated- give this a like or slide into my dms if you wanna plot!! 
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