#achi's fakedex
kariachi · 2 months
New fakemon! I've been poking at a new opossum fakemon concept, something to balance out what's normally done with opossum fakemon without hitting on what I've already done with with my previous opossum line.
So, Popil and Apothum!
The Helper Pokemon
Base Stage
A small, fluffy bipedal pokemon with a rodent-like appearance; hands, feet, tail, ears, and face are green; body, limbs, and head are brown; fur is scruffy in appearance; green band and attached large spots around middle; green rings around eyes joined with a stripe; round eyes large for the size of the pokemon; long prehensile tail; tail thicker in females; large round orange eyes
Ability- Pick-Up (Hidden Ability- Cheek Pouch)
BST- 250 (HP- 55; Atk- 35; Def- 40; SpAtk- 23; SpDef- 42; Spd- 55)
Evolves via Moon Stone
Example Moves- Charm, Aromatherapy, Branch Poke, Pollen Puff, Sleep Powder
"A popular companion, Popil are commonly employed fetching needed items for everyone from mechanics to the disabled. In the wild this pokemon performs these tasks for it's Apothum parent, gathering berries, leaves, and tree bark to be made into medicines." "This pokemon is intensely curious, watching it's trainer intently and mimicking their actions. An old fairytale tells of a Popil who attempts to mimic it's trainer's magic, to chaotic results."
The Salve Pokemon
Final Stage
A mid-sized, fluffy bipedal pokemon vaguely resembling an opossum, limbs, hips, shoulders, head are brown; underbelly, sides, midback, and neck are white; tail, hands, feet, rim of pouch, face, and ears are green; brown stripe down face to brown nose; white bands around wrists and ankles, tip of ears; round orange eyes; short-ish limbs, short muzzle, prominent round ears, long prehensile tail; tail thicker in females; pouch is loaded with berries
Ability- Natural Cure (Hidden Ability- Cheek Pouch)
BST- 450 (HP- 115; Atk- 65; Def- 80; SpAtk- 47; SpDef- 93; Spd- 50)
Example Moves- Moonlight, Power Whip, Matcha Gotcha, Purify, Headbutt, Spicy Extract
Signature Move- Strange Potion (heals the target of status conditions, should the target have no status conditions, recovers 25% of the target's max HP)
"Like their close relatives Kangaskhan, Apothum use their pouches to carry their young. In addition this pokemon can often be found carrying berries, which they use to make medicines." "This pokemon combines plants with their analgesic saliva to make medicines they share freely. For millennia Apothum been popular partners for doctors, and in isolated areas remain vital healers."
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kariachi · 4 months
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[Image Description: A shoddy digital drawing with a thick outline on a white background depicting a sideview of a cartoonish, vaguely frogfish-like creature with large green eyes, a violet body, pale violet fins, tail, and ear-like tendrils, dull yellow clownfish-like patterns and three spots down the side. It appears to be frowning. /End description]
I got a wild hair and decided to try to draw out the image in my head of this fakemon. Keyword, 'try'.
Everyone meet- Fibbit, the frogfish pokemon. A pure water type, I'm imaging likely a starter of some sort. Their pattern and color mimics another, poisonous species, but Fibbit aren't poisonous themselves. Their small, downwards-turned mouths give the impression that they're always sad or grumpy, but in fact they tend to be quite cheerful and affectionate- their faces just look like that.
I imagine the shiny is a deep red with white patterning.
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kariachi · 4 months
Okay, a fakemon for the day! Finally made the base idea work for me! Notes are under the read more.
The Farm Dragon Pokemon
Normal/Dragon type
Single stage
A bipedal pokemon capable of dropping onto all fours when needed with a highly horizontal posture, possesses a pudgy body and long, thick tail, hind limbs have three, thick-clawed toes while shorter forelimbs have four-fingered 'hands', head is flat and wide with a beak and large round eyes, two rows of four long, meaty caruncles grow along each side of the tail, main body is light blue with dark purple spotting, the top of the head, down the spine, and across the tops of the caruncles are spattered in white as are the hands and feet, beaktip and tailtip are dark purple and eyes are orange
Ability- Regenerator/Run Away
BST- 409 (HP- 77; Atk- 63; Def- 71; SpAtk- 62; SpDef- 74; Spd- 62)
"Over the course of the summer Deligasen grow meaty caruncles along their tails, which can be easily shed to distract predators or feed young. Its offspring climb trees for safety." "This pokemon has been a beloved companion of humans since ancient times. Deligasen's white patches spread as they age, with many claiming whiter individuals produce tastier caruncles."
Lizard, or dinosaur, or other such sort've critter? Maybe snail? Pangolin? Develops masses of 'sausages' over the summer that are used to attract mates and make themselves look bigger to predators, plus can be shed to feed offspring and distract predators?
'the young of this pokemon often climb to high places to evade predators'
'delicatessen' 'Stegouros elengassen'
'Bout 4 ft at the shoulder, 4 5 ft tail to balance it... I wanna say like 12 caruncles per row per side, each about 3 inches in diameter? So 48 in total, each weighing about 1.5 lbs on average for a total of... 72 lbs per critter per year. Seems like a lot by pokemon standards so maybe cut that in half for just 36 per year per critter... Either way it's not a lot at one time but a lot over time. Especially since this would be real fucking tender and well marbled meat...
Looking at numbers and it looks like even the higher number wouldn't feed a person for a year off one critter, though it comes a lot closer than the lower one. Don't know, kinda depends on what you're looking for, technically the higher should be more accurate but pokemon does weird shit with weights so... You can either almost feed a person for a year off one or would need three to do it.
Unless of course you bumped it up to 2 lbs per caruncle and didn't halve it, then you could feed one person per critter per year with a few pounds left over. Like I said, all depends.
And all this assumes I'm not low rolling my numbers, which I'm annoyingly prone to do when I'm theorizing and such, there could be a few more caruncles... But again, pokemon.
Actually what the fuck am I doing that's way too complex for a pokemon design. It's pokemon we could get like four each row but they'd likely be thicker, which would work better for some of the inspo...
So 4 10-inch by 7-inch by 3-inch caruncles... Then we'd be looking at about 8-9 lbs each, so ~130 lbs of meat per critter, give or take. Well a chunk of take because this isn't accounting for the fact you're likely going to skin this shit but listen that shit is still edible. And it can't be too thick on these things, they have to break away easy and thick skin would make it harder. More likely they have relatively thin skin that would get gelatinous and crispy real nice.
Okay actually bumping up to 5 ft tail because wtf was I thinking the numbers don't work sizewise. These ones probably don't either but they'd work better. So we just add another four caruncles worth to numbers because I want to do other shit tonight, bumping it to ~160, calling it there, one of these could feed a fucker for a year with plenty to spare, get a full team your household'll probably eat good.
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kariachi · 4 months
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[Image Description: Shoddy cartoonish drawing of two rodent-like creatures as seen from the side on a white background, divided by a line in the center of the page.
The one on the left is reminiscent of a jerboa or kangaroo rat with spiky bits denoting spikey fur. It's main body is a pale yellow, it's long legs divided into blue-grey at the thighs and the same yellow at the calves. It's long feet are a darker grey tone, as is it's very long forked tail, held over the head due to space constraints. It's forelimbs are very short and drawn very simply, the same pale yellow with blue-grey paws, and the inside of it's round ears and a blue spot on the cheek are the same shade of blue-grey. It has a small black nose and beady black eyes.
The creature on the right is a larger, longer version of the one of the left with a far darker color scheme. It's patterning is all but exactly the same as the one on the left, with the yellow replaced with a cool brown, the blue-grey with bright blue, and the grey with dark blue-grey. The major changes are a pale blue belly and similar pale blue ends to it's now two tails. It is depicted at and reaching for something above it.
/End description]
More fakemon! Trying at pika-clones this time, inspired by jerboas, springhares, and the like, with a bit of packrat thrown in for flavor.
Meet on the left Zapous, the sneaking pokemon- name inspired by 'Zapus', the genus name for the jumping mice, 'zap', and 'mouse. This electric/dark dual-type is known to sneak around looking for food and items to decorate their nests. Their long tails often stick out from their hiding places, and when caught they use their long hindlegs to spring away in a shower of sparks. They're quite popular with children, but less so with parents or anyone with small items to lose.
And on the left we have Nekrat, the clutter pokemon- from 'nekomata' which also have the two tail thing going on and 'packrat'. Also electric/dark, this pokemon decorate their nests in elaborate displays up to twenty by ten foot in dimension to attract mates, many people nowadays have begun taking inspiration from this pokemon for decorating their own homes and it's popularity has skyrocketed among interior designers. Their twin tails are prehensile, allowing them to carry more items back home and to traverse their large nests with greater ease, but when cornered Nekrat have been known to twine them together and use them as an electrified whip against foes.
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kariachi · 1 year
Randomized Fakemon...
Type: Ice/Bug
Abilities: Stalwart / Cursed Body
Stats: HP- 132 ; Atk- 43 ; Def- 67 ; SpAtk- 77 ; SpDef- 97 ; Spd- 62
Potential special wall... Cursed Body would help with that, but Stalwart is better for attackers... Maybe something that learns electric and water moves to take advantage of immunity to Lightningrod and Storm Drain? Electric/Water/Ice/Bug allows for no resisted attacks...
Replaces a bug move for a healing or status move on it's set?- would retain no resisted hits...
Some sort've bug related to the dead, maybe tied to alpine graves?
The Worm Pokemon
Base Stage
A caterpillar-like pokemon with large, round yellow eyes, has a short round 'muzzle' with two small icicle-like fangs, leg/footless, main body is white with small icicle-like spikes running down the sides and back, underbelly is pale blue, has a yellow triangular 'fin' of sorts at the end of the tail similar to a small flag
Ability- Stalwart
BST- 294 (HP- 66 ; Atk- 43 ; Def- 40 ; SpAtk- 47 ; SpDef- 46 ; Spd- 48)
Evolves: Upon leveling passed lvl 30 after defeating 20+ pokemon
Moves (nonexhaustive): Pounce, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Haze, Chilling Water
"Despite living in frozen mountains, Avalot will still eat several times it's weight in meat before evolving. To facilitate this, they often parasitize Froslass caves." "This pokemon is known for it's laser focus, ignoring the world around it in favor of eating. As a result if often finds itself buried by snowstorms and small avalanches, in which case it will stick it's tail out to signal for it's Bostbite parent."
The Frost Bug Pokemon
Final stage
A fat bee&fly-like pokemon with large angular yellow eyes and a no visible mouth, possesses one set of insectoid wings and two pairs of limbs on the thorax, is incredibly fluffy, fur is pale blue with dark blue striping along the back, limbs are black, carries itself horizontally primarily but can be seen moving bipedally, shown carrying an Avalot clutched in it's front limbs
Ability- Cursed Body
BST- 478 (HP- 132 ; Atk- 43 ; Def- 67 ; SpAtk- 77 ; SpDef- 97 ; Spd- 62)
Moves (nonexhaustive): Bug Buzz, Powder, Snowscape, Freeze Dry, Baton Pass, Roost, No Retreat, Ominous Wind
"Native to the high mountains, Bostbite spend their days searching out food for their Avalot young. Hikers are warned to keep their distance, for this pokemon has been known to hunt humans when food is scarce." "Thick fur allows this pokemon to shrug off the cold of the high mountains, as well as the attacks of it's opponents. Bostbite often form colonies at the site of avalanches."
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kariachi · 30 days
Okay, let's see about a fakemon ace for Argit...
The Keystone Pokemon
Grass type
Final Stage
A bulky bird-like pokemon; long thick legs and neck; bulky body covered in leaves; half-circle orange eyes; long beak; boney, backswept crest around head like tiara, formed of five squared-off lobes going from the shortest at the ends to the longest in the middle; crest starts as part of beak and spread out above the eyes; mid-long squared off tail; short, broad wings divided into two squared-off lobes- shorter at the tips and longer towards the body; garland of round fruit hanging from base of neck and dangling nearly level with the pokemon's ankles; neck, body, wings, and tail a rich green; beak and crest yellow; three yellow bands each around the neck and both legs, with one extra on the left leg; thin, ovular, vertical red markings sit evenly spaced within the bands and like gems on each lobe of the crest; large deep purple patch around each eye; legs deep purple; fruits deep purple fading into red
Ability- Chlorophyll/Harvest (Hidden Ability- Poison Heal)
Height- 4' 7"
BST- 500 (HP- 107; Atk- 70; Def- 100; SpAtk- 70; SpDef- 120; Spd- 43)
"Constantly moving about it's forest home, Tutecary forges clear and stable paths that are used heavily by people and pokemon alike. It is said that those who hear this pokemon's call in the wild being warned of danger nearby and should turn back." "To this day many local respect and worship this pokemon as a guardian of the jungle. Though rarely seen by people, Tutecary's fallen fruits and the plants that grown from them have been proven a key food source for other pokemon."
Mega Tutecary
Grass/Dragon type
Beak and crest turn gold; purple areas, garland, and fruits also turn gold; bands around neck and legs are replaced with a band of large white flowers with red centers, two on the left leg; red markings in crest replaced with white flowers with red centers; wings and tail grow far longer; tail fans like a peacock's; tail and wing lobes gain red eye spots at their ends
Ability- Flower Veil
Height- 9' 2"
BST- 600 (HP- 107; Atk- 70; Def- 130; SpAtk- 80; SpDef- 185; Spd- 33)
"Mega evolution has awoken ancient power within Tutecary, allowing it to grow to immense size. It's flowers and eyespots shine with a light all their own when it fights beside it's trainer."
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kariachi · 1 month
Okay, we're gonna try to make an ace fakemon for my oc Monette...
Nilxy (from 'nix' and 'selkie')
The Luring Pokemon
Fairy/Water type
Base Stage
A small, chubby quadrupedal pokemon; a round head with a short muzzle and seal-like nose; eyes are very large, round, soulful, and red; ears are long and elf-like; possesses paws; is typically found sitting with it's forelimbs raised up by it's chest like it's fidgeting; has extremely long 'hair' that splays out around it as it sits, forming a visual 'puddle' beneath it; main color is medium blue; has pink bags under it's eyes; pink band runs under the jaw from corners of the mouth, forming a 'smile'; has pink dappling at it's sides; paws are pink; hair is silvery-blue
Evolution- Level 35 at night
Ability- Water Veil/Tangling Hair (Hidden Ability- Magic Guard)
Height- 2' 7"; Weight- 42 lbs
BST- 348 (HP- 52; Atk- 65; Def- 54; SpAtk- 68; SpDef- 48; Spd- 61)
"Nilxy sit on the surface of streams at night and sing, their voice never breaking or tiring. Composers will search for this pokemon on new moon nights, when their song is said to be the most beautiful, in hopes of gaining inspiration." "This pokemon sings sweet songs to lure in prey. Many trainers covet Nilxy for it's cute appearance, only to be caught unawares by it's difficulty in training and destructiveness when unhappy."
Booglash (from 'boogeyman' and 'glashtyn')
The Stalking Pokemon
Fairy/Water type
Final Stage
A quadrupedal pokemon with a vaguely simian body plan; hindlegs notably but not extremely longer than forelegs; hindlimbs end in paws; forelimbs end in four-fingered hands, with the pokemon walking on the knuckles of the three non-thumb fingers; possesses a long muzzle with two sharp teeth poking from the bottom lip on either side; ears are long, floppy, and 'tattered' into three points; eyes are large, angular, and red; a long mane grows down the neck and back, hanging to one side and obscuring most of said side from view; mane transitions to long tail which takes on a foxtail shape held high behind the pokemon in battle and spreads out like a train when idle; body is very dark teal; silver throat and chest; three large silver spots on flank; mane is desaturated medium blue; bold red stripes going down from the corners of the jaw; fingers and paws red; tail ends in red
Ability- Water Veil/Intimidate (Hidden Ability- Magic Guard)
Height- 5' 3"; Weight- 267 lbs
BST- 525 (HP- 65; Atk- 120; Def- 70; SpAtk- 110; SpDef- 60; Spd- 100)
"In the shallows of lakes this pokemon lies in wait, tracking prey's movements from the shadows. Booglash are extremely protective of their territories, and enact harsh vengeance on those who threaten them." "Folklore claims that Booglash disguise themselves as humans to lead trainers to their doom. This pokemon has occasionally been recorded chasing children and young pokemon from the water."
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kariachi · 1 month
Okay, trying for a fakemon ace for my Marian...
The Static Pokemon
Electric type
Base Stage
A small, short-legged pokemon; short muzzle and whiskers; large round green eyes; long thick tail; very very much fluff; muzzle, legs, throat, and underbelly yellow; head, back, and sides brown
Evolution- Level 38
Ability- Static/Cute Charm (Hidden Ability- Prankster)
Length- 2' 4"; Weight- 12 lbs
BST: 350 (HP- 60; Atk- 65; Def- 45; SpAtk- 50; SpDef- 45; Spd- 85)
"Curious pokemon, Zapup are often seen sneaking about the edges of campsites and homes. Locals are advised to keep dangerous or valuable items safely locked away, as this pokemon will treat anything as a toy." "This pokemon is timid, often fleeing when spotted and relying on it's parents to hunt for it. Despite this, Zapup can generate enough electricity to power a small room by rubbing it's fur together as it plays."
The Maze Pokemon
Electric/Dragon type
Final Stage
A long-bodied, short-legged pokemon; round green eyes; short muzzle; long whiskers; wide plates running from nose to partway down long, thick tail; two bumps on each plate starting above eyes and fading at hip; distinctly furry underbelly and legs; cream-yellow muzzle, throat, underbelly; brown plates; un-plated sides and tail yellow; yellow stripe down center of plates ending just before plates end
Ability- Static/Limber (Hidden Ability- Prankster)
Length- 6' 3"; Weight- 80 lbs
BST: 525 (HP- 93; Atk- 95; Def- 70; SpAtk- 80; SpDef- 67; Spd- 110)
"A highly intelligent pokemon, Eludra construct complex, maze-like burrows, even hollowing out trees to form ever more passages and rooms in order to confuse trespassers. This pokemon generates electricity in it's fur by running around boldly and wrestling with others." "A popular escape room company uses this pokemon as a mascot due to it's curious nature. Eludra's large family groups come together to hunt the likes of Dondozo and Tatsugiri."
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kariachi · 2 months
Let's see if I can get a broken fakemon going, hm?
The Ambush Pokemon
Dragon/Fairy type
Base Stage
A small, long-bodied pokemon; very sausage-shaped; eight very stubby legs evenly spaced down the body; covered in notable fur; a round head with a very short muzzle and two swept back antennae-esque horns; two little fangs poking out of the muzzle; big red eyes with a bit of a glaring look to them; a pair of short butterfly-like wings kept flat against the back; wings are translucent white with orange spots towards the end and orange edging, legs are white with orange pads; 'horns' are orange; primarily blue with thick black bands between each leg pair
Ability- Sheer Force (Hidden Ability- Multiscale)
Length- 1'03" ; Weight- 8.1 lbs
BST- 675 (HP- 90; Atk- 90; Def- 90; SpAtk- 160; SpDef- 90; Spd- 155)
Potential Moves- Moonblast, Electro Web, Signal Beam, Dragon Rush, Secret Power, Silk Trap, Charm, Dragon Cheer, Nasty Plot
"Each spring young Draupe travel in long trains across the landscape, each looking for a tree to call their own. These pokemon will fight mercilessly over the best trees." "This pokemon lays in wait in it's treetop home, attacking unsuspecting prey much larger than itself from above. Local myth says a Draupe can eat a person in one sitting."
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kariachi · 5 months
Okay, Ossy fakemon...
The Mimic Pokemon
Normal type
Baby Stage
A small, fluffy pokemon vaguely reminiscent to a fawn with four short, thick legs ending in small paws, head is large with a short muzzle and large, pointed ears, eyes are small and black, body and head are bubblegum pink, legs and paws are dark brown, muzzle and ears are white, nose black, a white band reminiscent of a single angry eyebrow forms a stripe across the forehead
Ability- Mimicry/Intimidate [Hidden Ability- Cute Charm]
BST- 215 (HP- 37; Atk- 29; Def- 41; Sp.Atk- 28; Sp.Def- 42; Spd- 38)
Evolves- Lvl up with high affection
"While their parents hunt, Fauxn are typically left alone in the nest. For it's own safety, this pokemon pretends to be a more dangerous target than it really is." "People not taken in by this pokemon's disguise often mistakenly assume it's been abandoned. Dozens of Fauxn are kidnapped by well-meaning individuals each year as a result."
The Copy Pokemon
Normal type
Stage 1
A mid-sized, lean pokemon vaguely reminiscent of a deer with four long legs ending in two-toed paws, large head has a long muzzle and large, pointed ears, eyes are large, round, and yellow, possess fangs and two horn buds on the top of the head, main color is red-brown with black hornbuds, paws, and nose, muzzle, throat, and underbelly are off-white, three small, off-white splotches go down each side
Ability- Trace/Adaptability [Hidden Ability- Costar]
BST- 334 (HP- 70; Atk- 64; Def- 43; Sp.Atk- 62; Sp.Def- 41; Spd- 54)
Evolves- Lvl 30 with either 3 rock-types (Oreien), water-types (Ambuck), flying-types (Nimicry), or electric-types (Volptid) in the party
"Upon evolving, Mirrling gather in small packs headed by their parents in order to learn how to survive. This pokemon often becomes highly aggressive when raised in solitude." "By copying it's parents actions this pokemon learns to hunt and fight. What Mirrling evolves into depends on the types around them."
The Stony Mimesis Pokemon
Rock type
Stage 2
A large pokemon vaguely reminiscent of a deer with four long, thick legs, very heavily built for it's inspiration with stony plate armor over the body and head, grey-brown stone plates stack to form a round 'tail' and give the illusion of jowls on the face, forelegs end in two large, clawed 'fingers' on the knuckles of which the pokemon walks, hindlegs end in two-toed paws, forelegs slightly longer than hindlegs, horn buds have become round, brown, palmated antlers which stick up and forward, ears remain large and pointed but droop, body is primarily grey with an off-white underbelly and black feet and nose, muzzle bears prominent large teeth and fangs, eyes are angular and red
Ability- Shell Armor/Rock Head [Hidden Ability- Reciever]
BST- 530 (HP- 95; Atk- 86; Def- 116; Sp.Atk- 65; Sp.Def- 100; Spd- 68)
Evolves- N/A
"With slow movements and a harmless silhouette Oreien approach their prey with ease before attacking. This pokemon's rocky armor shields it from any retaliatory blows." "In ancient times, people would capture this pokemon in release it in the hunting grounds of their enemies. Despite their predatory nature, Oreien are caring parents and will sleep in piles with their Fauxn and Mirrling young to shield them."
The Aqua Mimesis Pokemon
Water type
Stage 2
A large pokemon vaguely reminiscent of a deer with four long, thick legs, heavily built and made to appear larger via a mane of water around the throat, water also appears to flow over and cover the lower legs, the hind of which end in two-toed paws and the fore in two large, clawed fingers on the knuckles of which it walks, forelegs slightly larger than hind legs, hornbuds have become large black antlers that swept back and up, antlers are two tined with multiple branches of the top of the longer back tine, ears a large, pointed, and droop, body is primarily blue-grey, with an off-white underbelly and a watery blue rear, muzzle bears prominent large teeth and fangs, eyes are semi-circular and red
Ability- Water Absorb/Water Veil [Hidden Ability- Receiver]
BST- 530 (HP- 100; Atk- 116; Def- 67; Sp.Atk- 95; Sp.Def- 65; Spd- 86)
Evolves- N/A
"Commonly found at the water's edge, Ambuck uses it's similarity to a peaceful pokemon to lure prey close before striking. Legend says that drinking this pokemon's watery mane will turn you into a Ambuck yourself." "Don't be fooled by this pokemon's placid demeanor, Ambuck is a successful predator who beats it's prey down with harsh blows before bringing it back to it's young."
The Cloud Mimesis Pokemon
Flying type
Stage 2
A large pokemon vaguely reminiscent of a deer with four long legs, narrowly built, forelegs end in two large-clawed toes, hindlegs in two-toed paws, forelegs slightly longer than hindlegs, feet rarely properly touch the ground, hornbuds have become orange, two-tined antlers sweeping back and to the sides, with several prongs branching off from the longer back antler, translucent white cloud pools around the antlers in great amounts, flowing behind the pokemon as it moves, another mass of cloud forms at the chest, flowing under the belly, main color is rich brown with an orange stripe going down it's side and an orange muzzle, feet and nose are black, ears are large and pointed, muzzle contains large, prominent teeth and fangs, eyes are semi-circular and red
Ability- White Smoke/Neutralizing Gas [Hidden Ability- Receiver]
BST- 530 (HP- 65; Atk- 86; Def- 95; Sp.Atk- 100; Sp.Def- 67; Spd- 116)
Evolves- N/A
"By appearing to be another pokemon at first glance, Nimicry is able to catch it's prey off guard. Hunters who see packs of this pokemon running overhead simply go home." "This pokemon is known to travel vast distances in the air in search of fresh hunting grounds. Nimicry are fast enough that often the first sign of an attack is clawmarks."
The Lightning Mimesis Pokemon
Electric type
Stage 2
A large pokemon vaguely reminiscent of a deer with four long legs, possesses a large patch of long, spiky yellow fur around the chest and shoulders, legs end in two-toed clawed paws, hornbuds have become simple two-tined black antlers pointing almost straight up with the longer second antler showcasing three prongs and a zigzag formation, ears are large, pointed, and end in spiky tufts, main coloration is dark orange-brown with a yellow stripe down the side, underbelly and muzzle are off-white, nose and feet are black, muzzle contains large, prominent teeth and fangs, eyes are angular and red
Ability- Volt Absorb/Lightning Rod [Hidden Ability- Electric Surge]
BST- 530 (HP- 86; Atk- 95; Def- 65; Sp.Atk- 116; Sp.Def- 67; Spd- 100)
Evolves- N/A
"The most solitary of it's line, Volptid will even leave their young in related pokemon's nests. This pokemon doesn't use it's claws to hunt, instead striking down it's prey with powerful attacks." "Aggressive and territorial, it's in one's best interest to stay out of this pokemon's way. Volptid pretend to be less dangerous pokemon before striking their unwary prey with electric attacks."
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kariachi · 1 year
Oh look, a fakemon line entirely unrelated to the first one!
The Wild Cat Pokemon
Base Stage
A small, pudgy cat-like pokemon that walks bipedally, eyes are large, round, and yellow, ears are wide and triangular, one ear is folded, long bottlebrush tail, tuft of fur between the ears, main color light brown, has a white-blue stripe down the spine and white-blue underbelly, body is spotted in dark brown, white-blue patch over each eye ringed in dark brown, rings trail into teartrack marks down face, paws and tail tip or dark brown, nose is blue
Ability- Unnerve [Hidden Ability- Healer]
BST- 352 (HP- 58; Atk- 63; Def- 51; SpAtk- 62; SpDef- 53; Spd- 66)
Evolves: Leveling over lvl 35 (Trailinx) OR Losing 20 consecutive battles (Katamount) OR Reaching maximum friendship (Kolkatt)
Moves (nonexhaustive): Slash, Frost Breath, Charm, Haze, Beat Up
"Though common in mountainous areas, Pacub aren't commonly seen by people. This pokemon digs nests in snowbanks from which it ambushes prey such as Skwovet and Vullaby." "Born with a wild temperament, this pokemon is known to lash out at even those helping it. Still some find Pacub cute, and the chill air that emanates from it is useful for soothing burns."
The Wild Cat Pokemon
Final Stage
A mid-sized quadrupedal feline pokemon with angular yellow eyes, body is notably long, tail is very short and bristly, pockmarked with jagged dark brown stripes like scars, one stripe goes over an eye, 'mane' of stiff white fur runs down the spine, occasionally broken up where stripes are, ears are triangular and end in dark brown tufts, main body color is light blue, eyes have white rings around them, rings trail off into teartrack marks down the face and into mustache-and-beard-like fur around the jaw and throat, paws are white, nose is dark blue
Ability- Immunity [Hidden Ability- Snow Cloak]
BST- 500 (HP- 93; Atk- 97; Def- 71; SpAtk- 54; SpDef- 75; Spd- 101)
Moves (nonexhaustive): Double Team, Snowscape, Ice Shard, Crunch, Fake Out, Swords Dance, Stone Edge
"When snowstorms rage is when Trailinx can be found on the hunt for it's preferred prey of Lamchen and it's evolutions. Legend says they hunt in groups, but this pokemon actually lives a solitary life." "A favorite of hunters, it's said that no person or pokemon can find a target with the ease of Trailinx. Be warned however, as this pokemon will take more prey than necessary if not well trained. Gardiron is it's mortal enemy."
The Wailing Pokemon
Final Stage
A mid-sized quadrupedal feline pokemon with angular red eyes, posses saber teeth in light blue, top half of the head along with chest are also light blue, square light blue spots run down the spine and long tail, main color is dark purple- makes up majority of hind quarters, belly, lower jaw, throat, and broad vertical stripes within the blue of the chest, dark purple patch surrounds each eye, patches trail off into teartrack marks down the face, ears are small round and dark purple, white blaze in the center of the chest, paws and tailtip are white, nose is dark blue
Ability- Unnerve [Hidden Ability- Ice Body]
BST- 500 (HP- 74; Atk- 71; Def- 73; SpAtk- 96; SpDef- 83; Spd- 95)
Moves (nonexhaustive): Shadow Ball, Spite, Mist, Blizzard, Eerie Spell, Mean Look
"Repeated failure has prompted Pacub to evolve into this pokemon and hide itself away in deep mountain and forests. Katamount's cries sound eerily like those of a young woman or child." "Katamount uses it's haunting call to lure prey deep into the woods and mountains at night. Every year people follow it's cries into darkness with the best intentions, only to never return."
The Hearth Pokemon
Final Stage
A large quadrupedal feline pokemon with semi-circular green eyes, covered in long, thick fur, ears are triangular with one folded, fur is colored in pink and red-orange striping and fades to dark gray and then fire fire at the ends, eyes are ringed with dark gray patches, one of which is heart-shaped, patches trail off into teartracks down the face, is it fat or just fluffy nobody is entirely sure, tail is long, lower jaw and belly are white as are paws and tail tip, large silver bell hangs from somewhere around the neck, nose is bright blue
Ability- Limber [Hidden Ability- Queenly Majesty]
BST- 550 (HP- 97; Atk- 85; Def- 79; SpAtk- 98; SpDef- 81; Spd- 110)
Moves (nonexhaustive): Mystical Fire, Will-O-Wisp, Knock Off, Dazzling Gleam, Heal Bell, Slack Off, Healing Wish, Haze, Lunge
"In ancient times individuals settling new villages made sure to bring a Kolkatt with them. It's believed having one of this pokemon in your home will grant good health." "Happy to lay for hours without moving, this pokemon has long been popular as a makeshift stove and fireplace. Despite this laziness, however, Kolkatt have been known to pull carts and wagons in the past."
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kariachi · 1 year
Oh look, a fakemon line!
The Fiber Pokemon
Base Stage
A small, lamb-like pokemon with large, round orange eyes mostly covered by a long tuft of light highly-saturated green lichen on the top of the head, this same lichen grows around the bottom of the legs just above small brown hooves, body and thigh-length tail covered by clumps of slightly-less-saturated yellow-green grass reaching to mid-thigh, base color is white, has long, floppy ears, nose and tips of ears same brown as hooves
Ability- Ball Fetch/Cute Charm [Hidden Ability- Tangling Hair]
BST- 300 (HP- 52; Atk- 50; Def- 45; SpAtk- 47; SpDef- 41; Spd- 65)
Evolves: Upon leveling passed lvl 35 (Ewchur if female, Toxiram if male) OR Upon defeating 10 ice types while holding Protector (Gardiron)
Moves (nonexhaustive): Grass Whistle, Mega Drain, Headbutt, Tearful Look, Grassy Terrain
"Since ancient times Lamchen have been kept for the long fibers they grow. These waxy fibers can be corded together to make bright, pleasantly scented candles." "Lamchen can be found roaming mountain pastures in bounding groups. At the first sign of their top predator Trailinx, however, they fall to the ground and allow their grassy backs hide them."
The Fiber Pokemon
Final Stage
A mid-sized sheep-like pokemon with round orange eyes, desaturated green lichen grows from the top of it's head and down it's neck, same lichen grows around the bottom of the legs above dark brown hooves, body and tail covered by calf-length desaturated dark green clumps of grass, base color is dark gray, ears are long and forward-facing, curling upwards in a manner vaguely similar to rabbit ears or devil horns, nose and ear tips are same brown as hooves, possesses two simple back-facing spike horns on head in same brown
Ability- Frisk/Rivalry [Hidden Ability- Tangling Hair]
BST- 453 (HP- 81; Atk- 60; Def- 78; SpAtk- 85; SpDef- 76; Spd- 72)
Moves (nonexhaustive): Milk Drink, Horn Leech, Thief, Nasty Plot, Grass Knot, Disarming Voice, Covet
"Dedicated mothers, Ewchur known to coddle their young Lamchen and fight fiercely to defend them. They're also known to steal Lamchen from each other, and so conflict between then can be fierce." "While not as bright, candles made from the waxy fiber of Ewchur burn for much longer than those of Lamchen, making them popular for long events in ancient times. Folktales speak of this pokemon luring away naughty children."
The Dispelling Pokemon
Final Stage
A mid-sized sheep-like pokemon with semicircular red eyes, has lost lichen coverings in favor of large curled ram horns and purple-tipped spikes at the ankles, body and tail are covered by calf-length clumps of grass which fade from medium-green to purple, base color is light grey, ears are long and hang downwards, horns are covered in large thorny protrusions, hooves and horns are medium brown, nose and ear tips are purple
Ability- Poison Point /Rivalry [Hidden Ability- Stench]
BST- 453 (HP- 72; Atk- 85; Def- 76; SpAtk- 60; SpDef- 78; Spd- 81)
Moves (nonexhaustive): Horn Leech, Spiky Shield, Cross Poison, Toxic Spikes, Bulldoze, Work Up
"Highly territorial, Roxiram use their large horns to drive off competing grass-types such as Gogoat and Sawsbuck, as well as to compete over mates. Some gardeners hang clumps of their fiber from their fences to ward such pokemon off." "Due to their new poison typing the fiber of Toxiram is no longer safe to burn indoors, but is popular for repelling bugs and other pests from gardens and small outdoor gatherings. In fall this pokemon gives off a pungent scent to attract mates."
The Champion Pokemon
Final Stage
A large dog-like pokemon with angular red eyes, a line of metal plates runs from the head down the spine, short, wide metal plates dangle around the top of the head, two rows of long, narrow metal plates hang down around the sides and tail covering the pokemon down to the ankles, burnished brown metal bands wrap around the ankles and neck, ears consist of long, wide metal plates, plates are patina'd green over hints of grey, base color is white-ish silver, nose is burnished brown
Ability- Intimidate/Scrappy [Hidden Ability- Battle Armor]
BST- 572 (HP- 107; Atk- 107; Def- 111; SpAtk- 67; SpDef- 99; Spd- 82)
Moves (nonexhaustive): No Retreat, Body Press, Jaw Lock, Iron Head, Thunder Fang, Follow Me, Roar, Clanging Scales
"Dedication and intense training have allowed Lamchen to evolve into Gardiron. This pokemon dedicates itself wholly to the protection of it's family, even at the cost of it's own health." "Sometimes kept as a 'nanny' pokemon, Gardiron is well known for it's calm and gentle demeanor. Trailinx is it's mortal enemy and this pokemon will never back down from it or any other threats to those it loves."
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kariachi · 3 years
Does a bitch kill two birds with one stone and use the hummingbird in their head for the new route 1 bird? Or do they do a new one bringing the total number of flying lines in progress up to three? Or do they say ‘nobody said the route 1 flying type had to be a bird’ and go hogwild?
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kariachi · 3 years
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Hypnorb- The Illusory Pokemon, psychic/fairy, base stage, a round glasslike pokemon with stubby legs, light green mist fills the top of it’s hollow body,  eyes are red and teardop-shaped, red dots on ‘cheeks’, mouth if round, has little yellow orb on forehead, “This pokemon sits immobile for hours at a time, drawing in the psychic energy of those around it. People often mistake them for pokeballs and are put into a deep sleep in retaliation.” “Using the gem on it’s head Hypnorb can concentrate it’s psychic power, allowing it to drop assailants into dreams. It’d from these dreams that it gets the mist that fills it’s body.”, evolves lvl 30
Orbyt- The Illusory Pokemon, psychic/fairy, final stage, a glass-like orb surrounded by five smaller orbs, light green mist fills the top of it’s hollow body, eyes are red and teardrop-shaped, large yellow orb grows out of it’s forehead, mouth is oblong and gaping, two red dots form ‘beard’, smaller orbs are filled with yellow mist, “Filled with dream mist, Orbyt use their vast psychic power to trap opponents into walking dreams. These dreams can be so realistic that victims think they’re reality, even after waking up.” “The orbs that encircle this pokemon serve as batteries to fuel it’s psychic powers. Orbyt’s forehead gem acts as a conduit, allowing it to safely control them.”
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kariachi · 3 years
Random ‘achi’s fakedex’ thought- The player gets two rivals who manage to hit that sweet spot between ‘we’re all Bestest Friends’ and ‘let me punch them just this once‘ by grace of being the player’s cousins.
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kariachi · 3 years
Don’t know whether I prefer the idea of a pokemon that’s a fungus and an algae that evolve together into a lichen or a more animaly mutualism theme, like coyotes and badgers
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