#pls do not make it fight it will not win passed the like third gym tops without help
kariachi · 4 months
Okay, a fakemon for the day! Finally made the base idea work for me! Notes are under the read more.
The Farm Dragon Pokemon
Normal/Dragon type
Single stage
A bipedal pokemon capable of dropping onto all fours when needed with a highly horizontal posture, possesses a pudgy body and long, thick tail, hind limbs have three, thick-clawed toes while shorter forelimbs have four-fingered 'hands', head is flat and wide with a beak and large round eyes, two rows of four long, meaty caruncles grow along each side of the tail, main body is light blue with dark purple spotting, the top of the head, down the spine, and across the tops of the caruncles are spattered in white as are the hands and feet, beaktip and tailtip are dark purple and eyes are orange
Ability- Regenerator/Run Away
BST- 409 (HP- 77; Atk- 63; Def- 71; SpAtk- 62; SpDef- 74; Spd- 62)
"Over the course of the summer Deligasen grow meaty caruncles along their tails, which can be easily shed to distract predators or feed young. Its offspring climb trees for safety." "This pokemon has been a beloved companion of humans since ancient times. Deligasen's white patches spread as they age, with many claiming whiter individuals produce tastier caruncles."
Lizard, or dinosaur, or other such sort've critter? Maybe snail? Pangolin? Develops masses of 'sausages' over the summer that are used to attract mates and make themselves look bigger to predators, plus can be shed to feed offspring and distract predators?
'the young of this pokemon often climb to high places to evade predators'
'delicatessen' 'Stegouros elengassen'
'Bout 4 ft at the shoulder, 4 5 ft tail to balance it... I wanna say like 12 caruncles per row per side, each about 3 inches in diameter? So 48 in total, each weighing about 1.5 lbs on average for a total of... 72 lbs per critter per year. Seems like a lot by pokemon standards so maybe cut that in half for just 36 per year per critter... Either way it's not a lot at one time but a lot over time. Especially since this would be real fucking tender and well marbled meat...
Looking at numbers and it looks like even the higher number wouldn't feed a person for a year off one critter, though it comes a lot closer than the lower one. Don't know, kinda depends on what you're looking for, technically the higher should be more accurate but pokemon does weird shit with weights so... You can either almost feed a person for a year off one or would need three to do it.
Unless of course you bumped it up to 2 lbs per caruncle and didn't halve it, then you could feed one person per critter per year with a few pounds left over. Like I said, all depends.
And all this assumes I'm not low rolling my numbers, which I'm annoyingly prone to do when I'm theorizing and such, there could be a few more caruncles... But again, pokemon.
Actually what the fuck am I doing that's way too complex for a pokemon design. It's pokemon we could get like four each row but they'd likely be thicker, which would work better for some of the inspo...
So 4 10-inch by 7-inch by 3-inch caruncles... Then we'd be looking at about 8-9 lbs each, so ~130 lbs of meat per critter, give or take. Well a chunk of take because this isn't accounting for the fact you're likely going to skin this shit but listen that shit is still edible. And it can't be too thick on these things, they have to break away easy and thick skin would make it harder. More likely they have relatively thin skin that would get gelatinous and crispy real nice.
Okay actually bumping up to 5 ft tail because wtf was I thinking the numbers don't work sizewise. These ones probably don't either but they'd work better. So we just add another four caruncles worth to numbers because I want to do other shit tonight, bumping it to ~160, calling it there, one of these could feed a fucker for a year with plenty to spare, get a full team your household'll probably eat good.
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savedbyharrington · 7 years
One chance, please part 2
Request: Can you pls do a part 2 of one chance, please but billy ends up winning over the girl
Reader x Billy Hargrove (previously Steve took part of it)
Summary: After telling you his feelings and being rejected, Billy is sure to conquer you with a new strategy.
A/N: I didn’t include Steve in this chapter, I’m sorry. I just couldn’t break the boy’s heart, he needs a break lol
Part one
The house was empty. Billy’s dad and Susan were out somewhere and Max was at Mike’s with the rest of the gang. It was a perfect situation for Billy to outburst.
“SHIT. SHIT!”-he said, closing the door behind him furiously and pushing everything that was on the table to the floor, eventually breaking some glasses.
Billy got to his room and locked the door. Even though there was no need to, that signed that he wanted to be alone and undisturbed for a LONG time. He turned the radio on, in the maximum volume and began to scream as loud as he could.
His breathe was fast, almost failing. He looked up in the mirror and saw the tears starting to fall from his eyes. He felt destroyed and exposed, but he wouldn’t allow himself to be defeated that easily. He just needed a moment to recompose himself.
After a long hot shower, with the music still on, he lied on his bed only wearing a damp towel around his hips. He reached for the lighter on the bedside table and lit a cigarette. That’s when the best idea he ever had occurred to him.
He’d have you. That was the only thing he was sure about.
It was a boring Monday, all over again. You arrived at school still a bit sleepy, because you spent the night on the phone talking to Steve. And to be quite honest, you both slightly regretted it, despite the fun.
Monday’s pissed you the most because besides being the first day of the week, it was the day when you had no classes with Steve. It was a boring day, without the only person at that school who was capable of making you feel better.
Between the second and third periods, you had to go back to your locker to pick the books for the next classes. When you opened it, there was a small note addressed for you.
“Hey beautiful,
I’m skipping basketball practice today, just to be with you. Meet me in the parking lot at 2.30. By then it will be empty and no one will see us.
You smiled. You knew Steve was crazy about you and it was actually time he’d skip training to be with you. He had never done that and you thought this time it was an actual prove of his love. You couldn’t wait for it.
“It’s 2 pm. Where is he?”
You thought while looking everywhere around the empty parking lot. You considered going back to the gym to look for Steve. That’s when you hear that tire sound, screeching on the floor. You cover your ears due the pain it causes to you.
“Geez, Steve is usually so gentle. Why is he doing it?”-You thought to yourself.
When you turned around you were shocked at what you saw. It wasn’t Steve, it was Billy in that signature clothes of his. You open your eyes wide in despair.
“Hello again, princess. Ready for a ride?”- he said, smirking to you.
Before you could properly react, Billy grabbed you, closing your mouth with his big hand. You tried to fight him and free you, but he was just too strong. He forcefully sat you inside the car and entered really quickly, faster enough not allowing you to move and leve. He then left the school as fast as he could.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? LET ME GO, YOU FREAK!!”- you screamed desperately, completely scared. He, however, could just smile.
“Shhh, baby. Like this is worst. If you take my concentration away, we can crash. And I’m pretty sure we both don’t want that.”
Even though being with Billy wasn’t a good option, the idea of crashing didn’t sound any better. You stopped screaming, but your eyes were full of tears. You began to cry, your eyes pointing down, staring your legs.
“Please, just don’t hurt me.”-you said in between the tears.
At this point, Billy wasn’t smiling anymore. He actually looked quite serious and worried. With one hand on the steering wheel, the other went to your face, so he could clean your face with his thumb.
“Hey, hey. What did I tell you? I said I wouldn’t hurt you. I promise.”
You looked at him, you needed an explanation for all of this.
“Why... Why are you kidnapping me?”
He couldn’t help himself and he let a muffled gig out. That didn’t please you, though.
“I’m not kidnapping you. You’ll be at your place by the end of the day, don’t worry. Face this as a nice ride. I’m taking you to a place I bet you’ve never been.”
Indeed, you had no idea where he was taking you. You looked through the window to a very beautiful landscape. All those trees passing by the car and the wind on your face felt pretty good.
“Here we are.��-said Billy, killing the engine.
He took you to the top of a hill, where you could see the whole town of Hawkins. It was very nice view, and besides it, all that nature around you made you feel really good.
Billy opened the car trunk and took a picnic towel out of it, and placed it on the lawn, so you could sit and enjoy the view.
“I sometimes drive here when I need some time away from home. Nice, right?”- he handled you a drink - “I know you don’t drink alcohol, so no worries, I brought you some soda cans.”
Along the towel, he also took out of the trunk a small radio, and turned it on.
“M’aam, please take a sit”
You had to giggle at his silly way to treat you. I mean, it was silly because you never expected to see such a romantic and gentleman Billy Hargrove.
“Well, Hargrove, I must admit I’m surprised... But I still have Steve, and...”
“Shhh, let’s not say that name for today. And don’t worry about cheating. I’m not doing anything to you... At least today...”- that last sentence was almost a whisper, but you could still listen to it.
You decided you didn’t have another option than to spend that afternoon with Hargrove. It was a nice afternoon, in fact. And, secretly, you thought it was nice to have “something new” for this day. You were getting in a routine with Steve anyways.
And it was quite a pleasing afternoon. He told you some of his stories, all about sunny California, a place you always wanted to visit, and of course listened to what you had to say. He was, indeed, very interested in you, and listened very carefully to all the words coming out of you. You also noticed the sparkle on his eye whenever you opened your mouth.
After stories, sharing dreams and even telling each other some jokes, you watched the beautiful sunset together. You were sitting next to each other and Billy placed his hand on top of yours. Instead of moving yours away, you allowed his move and you rested your head on top of his shoulders.
“Wow, this is really beautiful... Thank you, Hargrove. It was a nice day with you.”-you said, quite shyly. It was hard to admit that and claim the Billy as the winner.
“I told you, princess. I can be a nice guy. I’m really glad you had fun, and I’m not going to put any pressure on you about your final decision...”
“Don’t worry about that, Billy.”-You said, interrupting him-”I already made my decision, and I’m telling Steve tomorrow.”
And with that you leaned closer to him and gave him a kiss. He immediately responded to it kissing you back. His hand went to behind your neck, pulling your hair and bringing you closer to him. After breaking the kiss, he smirked and said, winking:
“I told you. All I needed was once chance.”
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OHOHOHO THEN hcs for childhood rivals (is that a thing? children can have weird rivalries.... they fight over crayons....) to best friends to lovers trope for kawanishi and semi?
Taichi Kawanishi
ღIt all started when they were little. Their mom were friends and wanted their kids to be friends as well
ღA mistake because you were too loud for his tastes and he started ignoring you. That didn’t suit you well
ღYou fuking punched him and you started to fight, your moms had to come and separate you both lmao
ღAfter that well you both weren’t on good terms with each other
ღYou just couldn’t let it go and neither could him apparently
ღYou always, always had to fight aka one fight per year
ღAlso because you were always one-upping his scores and looking at him with a haughty look, (absolutely shameful)
ღAfter you graduated from middle school the fights cooled down a bit, honestly gave your mom a breather because you always came home with some sort of bruise on you courtesy of taichi (and taichi as well) and after the fights started lessening, your bruises did too
ღOn your last year of being middle schoolers you got paired up for a project (im just a walking cliche aren’t i?) and he dared you that you couldn’t get into shiratori because of that really fucking difficult exam
ღYou agreed to take it, if only to shut his mouth up (it wasn’t even your first school of choice you wanted to go to seijoh) (s/o wanted to be a seijoh whore)
ღYou both went on the same day to take the exam, glaring at each other thru it, it was a wonder how you both managed to complete it
ღThe next day taichi had volley tryouts and told you some kind of passive-agressive stuff like “sucks for you that you don’t get a chance to get in on a sports scholarship” idk maybe taichi thinks you won’t get in on grades and also doesn’t have the same chance to get in thru sports 
ღ Anyway he told ya he thought he did good and to wait until next week for the scores and letters
ღWhen next week came you trotted up to taichi with a grin, practically shoving the paper down his throat as you showed him the score. You had passed and it was almost close to a perfect score
ღTaichi was shocked (not that he’d tell you) and showed you his score, which quite high, but did not come near yours
ღYou then asked about the tryouts and he told you he was accepted, which was a relief because his mother had been bugging him about it
ღYou congratulated him and told him “we should have a fight on our first year there hm? Just like old times where i would beat your ass~~”
ღSavage reader-chan
ღHe was shocked because he thought you wanted to go to seijoh but you shrugged and shook your head; “nah i wanna at least see what school shira is. If i don’t like it i could always change schools”
ღafter that you made changes and started to treat each other amicably and you couldve called yourselves friends
ღthey did indeed fight on the first day there and that like cemented it lmao
ღYou still kept teasing him and beating his own scores (you both were in advanced classes)
ღOn your second year the teasing toned down a bit, and you spent more time with him, going to all of his practices, games and away games too when you could.
ღHe had come to care for you and what better way to ask you to be his than on the last tournament of the year, the Interhigh spring high or interhigh lol i dont remember either thanks anyway i’ll use that then~~
ღYou were already up with the school but taichi texted you to meet him before the first game started. You did and met him outside in the hall.
ღHe gave you his jacket, before asking you out. There was a slight waver to his voice from the nervousness
ღYou were shocked and couldnt believe, after everything but you accepted with a cocky smirk, pulling him down for a smooch
Semi Eita
ღYou did not get off to a great start with semi
ღYou may have stolen a ball he was playing with and refused to give it back
ღYour first fight ever and it was versus a guy for a freakin’ ball
ღFrom then on you fuckers tried to fight each other everytime you saw each other
ღYou were always trying something to rile him up, always teasing him with a grin
ღYou were driving him crazy and not in a good way
ღThis continued up to highschool
ღWas he practicing volleyball? Gotta have a snide comment thrown his way every now and then. His unfashionable clothes? Another comment too
ღAnd then satori had to give you material to tease him more honestly
ღHonestly each time you walked into a room and he was there it was a pissing contest and a huge amount unresolved (sexual-) tension
ღIn your second year you stumbled upon semi angrily serving a ball into the court, just it missed by a lot and almost took your head off if you hadn’t moved in the nick of time
ღHe looked at you, looked right thru you really and his eyes were red and he was breathing heavy, mumbling a rough sorry as he went to pick another ball to serve
ღYou whistled at him, positioning yourself on the other court to attempt to receive his serves
ღHe nodded, serving just as hard as before
ღThe first serve you couldn’t properly receive, cursing at the sting but looking at him to do it again
ღThe afternoon was passed away in a flurry of volleyballs, curses and feet running on the court
ღAfter he ran out of balls he walked up to you, panting and stretching his shoulders out. You rubbed the sting off your arms, plopping down on the floor. He sat in front of you, hunched over
ღ“What happened semi? I’ve never seen you so pissed off, and thats something because that’s my job” “you know shirabu?” “the new kid on the team? Yeah what about him?” “He’s taking my spot… on the team.” “WHAT? But semi-sem-” “-dont call me that-” “you’re better than him!!” “I know… thanks y/n. You helped… alot.” “even if i’m your sexy rival~?” “I’ll disagree on the sexy part.” “Rude! I’m sexy and you know it~!” “Maybe you’re not so bad after all y/n.” “could say the same of you eita.”
ღAfter that there was less teasing coming from you and you soon both became friends
ღ“Semi-semi~” “don’t” “pick me up” “Why should I?” “Why shouldnt you?” “..fine” “yay~” “happy now?” “oooh~ the great semi-semi is picking me up with his strong manly arms~” swoon
ღOf course being friends didnt stop you making things a contest every single time
ღYou passed more time with him, satori, the team and other classmates were asking if you were dating
ღY/n looked into the Camera like in the office
ღ“Satori pls” “i mean you’ve been spending so much time with him~” “cut it we’ve been rivals since we were little” “true”
ღAnyway it wasn’t until your third year that you were like “yeah. I like Semi-Semi. Unfortunately.”
ღIt was on the spring tournament, before the first game that he pulled aside when you gave him the good luck charm. He took your face in his hands and drew you in for a deep kiss, leaving you breathless. (There was faint shouting in the background courtesy of the third years yelling “get it Semi-Semi/eita”)
ღHe moved back, embarrassed, but he tightly held one of your hands, a bashful smile tugging at his lips.
ღ“didn’t know you had it in you Semi-Semi” “s-shut up /////” “I’ll be cheering you on when you serve eita~!” “Thanks… babe.” “:3c” “what’s with that face?” “Nothing~”
ღEvery time it was his turn to switch in for the serves he looked up at you, waving and mouthing ‘good luck’
ღWhen Shiratorizawa Lost against kara you stood stunned and quietly slipped out of the bleachers  To go stand near the exit.
ღSemi was one of the last to leave, spying you and lagging behind the others.
ღHe quickly took you in his arms, angry and frustrated, just like that day in your second year. You just held him saying nothing.
ღAfter a while hayato came looking for him since they had to leave, seeing both of you wrapped up.
ღ“You played great semi, and those service aces were spectacular.” “but we still couldn’t win” “but a team is of six people eita, you only couldn’t bring the team to victory and you know it.” “I know… you always know what to say” “I’ve known you my whole life eita of course I know.”
ღHe walked away, catching semi’s eyes and motion towards the bus.
ღEita nuzzled into your neck, pulling away and planting a smooch “after we get to school, get to the gym and wait outside. I’ll come get you because we have punishment to do” “what punishment?” “100 serves” “yikes” “yeah” “this is because of wakatoshi isn’t it?” “Yup” “whatever, I’ll be there, like always”
ღWhen he came and got you, he made you sit a little ways behind him on the serve line, with a lot of water bottles, his phone and jacket (which you wore.)
ღHe started, along with the others, to do the punishment, looking back at you every couple of serves.
ღWhen he was around the 50 mark he stopped and sat next to you, taking one of the bottles you offered and drinking from it.
ღYou moved and put your head on his shoulder, your hand squeezing his other hand.
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oh-my-gawd · 7 years
Moving in only five months ago, you’ve gotten to know everybody and already forming tight bonds. Tony, while being a bit of a flirt and annoying, turned out to be one of your closest friends. Steve now being your best friend. Natasha being like a sister to you. Bruce was always a shoulder to cry on and gave great advice. Thor, while you guys being too close was always a pleasure to be around. And Clint was always fun to hang out with (occasionally being annoying but still fun nonetheless). You got along great with everyone. Aside from Bucky. He wasn’t mean or anything, hell he was one d the sweetest guys you’ve ever met, but you having a huge crush on him did play a factor in why whenever you spoke to him all that came out was quick responses and awkward pauses. “So what are you doing this weekend y/n?” Tony asked you one morning while you were making cereal. “Nothing, why do you ask” you replied giving him a questioning look while trying to reach for the cereal box that was on the high shelf. Walking over to help you grab it, he replied “well I was gonna have a pool party for the team, ya know we’ve been working hard on our last few missions and I thought we deserved a little break” you gave him a “cut the bullshit” look. “What?” He asked walking with you to the table so you can enjoy your cereal. “That sounds a little too nice for your taste” you tell him I’m a suspicious tone. “What? I just thought this would be a nice way to let off some steam seeing that we’ve all been so stressed out.” You gave him another look telling him you didn’t believe it. “I swear” he said putting his hand to his heart. “And I get to see you in a bikini” he whispered to himself not so quietly. “Oh my lord” you said hitting his arm. “But will you be their?” He asked genuinely. You considered your options, on one hand, Netflix and icecream did seem like a good way to spend your time this weekend, but on the other hand, you would get to see Bucky shirtless and in the water soaking wet. Hmmm, Ice cream or Bucky? Ice cream or Bucky. “Yeah, I’ll go” you told tony making up your mind that Bucky’s abs would be better to watch than Netflix. “Yes!” He said standing up. “Where are you going?” You asked still not done with your cereal. “Gotta go work out so I can look my best for the party” he replies walking out. You shake your head and chuckle going back to finishing your cereal “How is this?” You ask showing your swimsuit you are wearing toNatasha and Steve who are sitting on your bed. It was a simple deep red bikini that pushed up your boobs a tad but still had good support. “Eh it’s a little boring, boobs looking great tho” Natasha says with a calm tone. “It looks fine” Steve adds on “a little revealing though.” It was Friday, a day before the party, you were trying on different swimsuits that Natasha is lending you, Steve is there to give a mans input, while having a man there would seem odd to almost people, you know Steve enough to know that he’s absolutely not into you (he says he thinks of you like a little sister) and that you can trust him. “Yeah but it needs to be a little revealing to catch bucky’s attention” Natasha says nudging Steve with her elbow and raising her eyebrows. “Ew” he says rolling his eyes. “I’ll try another one on” you say seeing how Steve does have a point. The next one you try on is black with white polka dots. This one also pushes up your boobs a little bit but it feels less revealing seeing that’s it’s a one piece. It hugs your curves and although it doesn’t reveal much you still look sexy as hell. You come out of your closet and immediately in unison Natasha and Steve say “this is the one” looking at each other amazed. “Yeah I like this one too, I think I’ll pick this one” you tell them and return to the closet to get some normal clothes on. “Do you guys wanna go get some coffee, there’s this little coffee shop down the road that just opened and It looks good” Natasha asks you and Steve. “Sure, why not?” You reply shrugging. “Sorry I was planning on hitting the gym right now but maybe next time” Steve says getting up. “Aw come on” Natasha argues “your built like a god, I don’t think you need to hit the gym.” “ sorry but I havent worked out in a while and I have to be prepared for this upcoming mission.” He says waving goodbye and walking out the door. “Guess it’s just you and me” Natasha says glancing over to you. You both head out the door and spot Bucky passing by in the hallway. “And possibly Bucky” Natasha whispers to you quickly wiggling her eyebrows. “Hey, me and y/n we’re thinking about heading to the coffee shop down the road, would you care to join us?” She asks in a way too innocent tone. “If this means free coffee, I’m in” he says smiling. Your heart pangs against your chest when you see that fucking gorgeous smile. You catch Bucky glancing at you the whole walk to the coffee shop, it makes your heart pound but you decide to not read to much into it, not wanting to get your hopes up. You enter “irvings coffee shop” and you and Bucky take a seat while Natasha goes to order drinks. The silence is killing you. Until he speaks up “so are you gonna go to the pool party tomorrow?” He asks looking at you with his baby blue eyes. “Yeah” you reply “after the last few missions I think a pool party is well deserved.” You say giving him a small smile. “What about you?” You ask. “Well I wasn’t gonna plan on going but knowing you’ll be there, I might reconsider” he says giving you a small wink that make your face flush instantly. That was not what you were expecting. Nat suddenly comes over with the drinks and she starts a conversation about the poor service. “That guys hit on me before even taking my order. Can you believe that?” You try listening but you still sneak flirty glances to buck, and luckily, he returns them. The day of the party you get your swimsuit and head out to Tony’s pool (which is huge to say the least) Natasha is arguing with Clint about something stupid, Steve is talking to Bucky while making hot dogs on the grill. Thor is having a water war with Sam and Bruce is sitting on a lounge chair reading a book. You see tony sitting in an inflatable tube while drinking a martini. You hop in the water and swim over to him. “You look like a soccer moms cliche fantasy” you say teasingly. “I’ll talk that as a compliment” he says not looking over at you. You too your eyes and join Sam and Thor in a water war. This eventually turns into a chicken fight with you sitting on third shoulders and Natasha sitting on sam, you and Natasha trying to push eachother off, you being very competitive eventually wins and you claim your victory hotdog from Steve. You sit down on the lounge chair next to Bruce and watch the others play in the water. Eyes sometimes gliding over to Bucky. He’s in the pool splashing Natasha with water, his abs glisten with water droplets and you can’t help but stare, he catches your eye and smirks, Bucky looks you up and down drinking you in. You feel the red going to your face and the butterflies flapping in your stomach, but most importantly the wetness you feel between your legs, but thi is not the wetness from the pool. You. Cross your legs and continue to watch the others play. Every once ina a while Bucky glances over looking like a predator staring at his pray, or walk past and make a compliment like “nice swimsuit” After the sun goes down, everybody starts walking to their rooms. You get up and start walking. Bucky catches up and locks arms with you. “Can I walk you to your room?” He asks fluttering his eyes dramatically. “Wow how gentlemen like” you say with a fake gasp. He walks with you in a comfortable silence all the way to your room. “Thank you for the walk to my room that is literally 2 minutes away from the pool” you say sarcastically but still smiling. “Anytime doll” he says kissing the back of your hand. He walks to his room swaying his hips and you open your door. As soon as you walk in you shut the door and go to your closet to find your dildo. As soon as you do you hop on the bed. Your soaking. You stop off your bathing suit and start rubbing your clit. You’re too horny to do much else, you just need penetration, now. You straddle the dildo and line it up with your opening. You slowly slide down, getting used to the thickness of it. Once it’s all the way in, you bounce up and down, riding it like your life depended on it. Images of Bucky flash in your mind. Him tying you up. You sucking his cock. Him giving you praises. You slam down on the dildo and start panting. Unable to control the moans spilling from your your mouth as the tip hits your sweet spot. You whisper bucky’s name over and over again. You reach up and grab your breast, rubbing your nipple. Your so close. You ride the dildo harder, moans getting louder. Your so close, so so close. Your about to reach your climax when you hear the door being opened, you stop immediately, but the door opens before you could pull the dildo out. You hear a low ruff voice “hey I was wonderin-” he stopped immediately when he sees you. You meet his baby blue eyes. Everything freezes. He looks at you from top to bottom, pupils dialating. Of course it had to be Bucky who finds you like this. You snap out of it and try to cover yourself. “Wait!” He says almost begging. You look to him mortified. He closes the door. And locks it. You suddenly look down to his sweat pants to see him half hard. You gulp and your face turns even a darker red. He steps closer. His eyes filled with lust. "That can't satisfy you doll, you need a real man to fill that tight pussy up right. Were you thinking of me?"keeping eyes contact with him, you nod slowly, your face tomato red and your pussy drenched. You take the dildo out quick, eager to have him instead. The tent in his pants growing. He climbs on top of you and smashes his lips against yours breaking the tension so quick you barely have time to register it.you whine as he pulls away and starts planting kisses all the way from your neck to your breasts. He starts giving sucking your nipple, swirling his tongue around it. Heat is pooling in your core as you moan from the sensation. He gives the same treatment to your other boob and starts your stomach all the way down to your wet pussy. Before he starts eating you out, he looks up and asks “are you sure this is what you want?” Bucky’s POV: "Ohhhh fuck" Bucky thinks as he's walking back to his room. He rakes his hands through his hair as he thinks about today, your swimsuit Huggins your curves perfectly, your adorable laugh as you fall off of thors shoulders in the water, that warm smile that makes his heart skip a beat. He smiles at the thought. He's at his door when he remembers how amazing you are, that you always make him feel at home, that your always a shoulder to cry on, that he wants to be those things to you and more. He realizes that he won't find another person like you, he shouldn't miss his chance. He turns around and walks right back to your room, making up his mind that he's gonna confess his feelings to you. He doesn't even bother with knocking, being to impatient "Hey I was wondering-" he stops in his tracks, taking in the beautiful sight, your naked body riding a flimsy red dildo. Your pupils blown and his name on your tongue. This was not what he was expecting Normal POV (your point of view) "More than anything" you reply
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