hearttalk169-blog · 7 years
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Angel Cards of the Week Steady Progress Creative Project Innocence Appreciate yourself. You're on the right path. Focus on your progress, instead of expecting perfection from yourself. Allow your inner artist to enjoy freedom of expression.Follow the path before you. Your life purpose and meaningful career will come to you through creative ways that are unimagineable right now. The angels ask you to consider that any misunderstandings were an innocent mistake. Forgive yourself and release regrets. Honor the inner child within yourself and others. #hearttalk #angelcardreadings #angeloraclecards #dailyguidance #dailyguidancefromyourangels #acknowledgeyourprogress #indulgeinacreative project #enjoythepeacewithinyourheart
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mikeconkey · 6 years
How to Keep the Momentum of Your New Mindset
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Keeping the Momentum of a New Mindset
You may be working hard to develop a growth mindset and let go of your previous mindset. But some days, it’s a struggle. You may be wondering how to keep the momentum of your new mindset so you don’t slip back into old patterns. Here are a few tips to keep you on track: Take Tiny Steps It’s easy to lose momentum if you focus on making huge strides toward your goals. For example, if your goal is to become a graphic designer, you might put pressure on yourself to learn Photoshop in a week. Instead, you should break this big goal into smaller steps. Maybe today, you’ll work with the text feature and tomorrow you’ll experiment with layers. Remember, tiny steps are just as important as the big ones. Celebrate Progress Every victory deserves celebration. If you never acknowledge your progress, you can become fooled into thinking you haven’t made any. When you reward yourself, it’s easier to remember your progress. Your reward for making progress doesn’t have to be huge. It can be something simple like a serving of ice cream for dessert, a walk in the park, or binge-watching your favorite series on Netflix. Track Your Growth It can also be helpful to keep a list of everything you’ve accomplished toward your goal. For example, if your goal is to launch your own company, then a few accomplishments on your list might be things like filing the paperwork to become an LLC, registering your domain name, and setting up social media accounts. These actions might feel tiny but when you write them out, you can see how they connect and see how they’re like links in a chain. When you’re discouraged, you can look at your list to remind yourself to keep going. Post Your “Why” As you work on your new mindset, it can be helpful to create a reminder about why you began this journey. Maybe you started it to show yourself that it could be done. Perhaps you wanted to encourage your kids to dream big. Maybe you just wanted to prove everyone wrong. Whatever your reason, create an image that captures your “why” and post it where you can see it. For example, Sam’s first wife told him he was too dumb to succeed in business. So, he created a collage of an awards ceremony. In the collage, he’s receiving a prestigious award for his company and his ex-wife is in the audience, looking on with envy. This image motivates Sam to stick to his new mindset and keep working on his dream. Be Kind to Yourself On the road to improving your mindset, you’re going to mess up. Maybe you encountered an obstacle and immediately found yourself consumed with negative thoughts and vibes. Perhaps you learned that you skipped a vital step when creating your website and you’ll now have to create it all over again. It might be tempting to blame yourself or focus on the negative when you encounter these situations. But try to flip them by looking for the positive. For example, Sharon accidentally deleted her WordPress database and lost her entire website. After a few days, she found this positive: she’d never again work on her site without taking the time to make a backup copy first. Yes, it was a hard lesson to learn but she now knows it won't ever happen again. The trick to keeping momentum is to refuse to stop. Get up every day and be awesome. Even if you can only devote a few minutes to improving your mindset, keep working on it and leaning into what you really want.
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hearttalk169-blog · 7 years
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Angel Cards of the Week Steady Progress Creative Project Innocence Appreciate yourself. You're on the right path. Focus on your progress, instead of expecting perfection from yourself. Allow your inner artist to enjoy freedom of expression.Follow the path before you. Your life purpose and meaningful career will come to you through creative ways that are unimagineable right now. The angels ask you to consider that any misunderstandings were an innocent mistake. Forgive yourself and release regrets. Honor the inner child within yourself and others. #hearttalk #angelcardreadings #angeloraclecards #dailyguidance #dailyguidancefromyourangels #acknowledgeyourprogress #indulgeinacreative project #enjoythepeacewithinyourheart
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