#acnl active adoption
silvershroud · 6 years
I know you're busy, but when do you think custom villager commissions will come up? I'm interested in adopting Miffy, Button , and Russell! Also is it possible to use the tutorial you made on 11.6 with cfw? 💕 ty so much!!
Ah, I’ve been so burnt out and generally not active with Animal Crossing that I really haven’t given any thought to reopening commissions. I’m sorry about that! I do appreciate your interest though. 
I don’t recall making a tutorial before (unless my mind’s just that shot from the stress of the last few months, haha). If perhaps you mean the old guide by @jinglefruit that I’ve posted before, that definitely is no longer currently usable. As far as I’m aware, the *only* way to apply texture mods to ACNL is if you have CFW installed, but I’ve yet to see any one exhaustive guide on how to do this (again, I’ve been really out-of-the-loop and it is entirely possible that this exists somewhere and I’m just not aware of it.) I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help!
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tealight-crossing · 7 years
🍀- 3 least fave villagers?
Rilla’s name and existence anger me, Beardo’s existence upsets me (he has a lower beard), and if Harry every tries to move into any of my towns I will punt him across the sea
(I am not that fond of any of the Gorilla, Hippo, or Bear villagers, really. I like the Cub villagers better. Baby hippos IRL though? Hell yes.)
🐾- Where would someone go to find your mayor(s)?
In Tealight, you’ll find Cey either in the memorial park / cemetery or the woods. Cey is modeled after me, of course, so therefore she is more at home in nature rather than in the city. She prefers the mountains to the beach. She is often out catching bugs and photographing things she finds in the wild, and spends a lot of time researching, so when she’s not outside exploring, she’s inside in the library researching or writing notes. She also really enjoys to cook, so her house has a very large bakery-kitchen.
In Liliuna, Delia is often found… running around, all the time. She’s a very busy woman with lots to do, lots to manage and oversee, so she spends a lot of time in the office. Cherry and Isabelle are her right-hands. “Delia Song” was my main mayor for the longest time and was the persona I used to host all of my giveaways a few years ago when I played ACNL back then. Now Cey is my main character, but Delia was such an iconic design that many people still identify me with Delia’s character.
Eliade resides within a dream, the town I used to cycle dreamies for people in. I used to have all 333 villagers Powersaved once upon a time. Her name was a mirror of Delia’s, and she existed in sort of a twilight / mirror realm where she looked after dreamies that weren’t adopted yet. That town was a favorite side project of mine, and all the villagers I adopted out from that town talked about being from “a dream” when they referenced their old towns to their new mayors, and it was the cutest thing ever. (”I remember living in a dream”, “I remember a friend from a dream”, “I remember a song from a dream”, etc.) I only bring her up because of the fond memories I had with that town - the town is currently retired but may return at a later date.
(I have other themed towns I do, such as Tinsel, my Christmas town, but I won’t go into those here since I don’t actively play them!)
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A new, active ACNL trading blog!
We will be providing trades, buying and selling, giveaway items, villager adopting/trading/selling! 
Basically, if you need something in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, we’d be glad to help.
This blog was just mad last night, and we are still working on our theme, but submissions and asks are open and welcome~
We will also be very thorough in checking out the blogs of submitted offers, to ensure nobody gets scammed!
This blog will be run 24/7 and will always welcome offers, or “looking for” ads. If something gets in the way of our posting, we will give notice of our time off and when we should be back online. The blog is run by two people (mayor fae and mayor dani(me)), so we will do our absolute best to keep up a constant activity rate!
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and we both look forward to helping out as many players as we can!!!
♡❤♡ Animal Crossing: New Leaf Shop♡❤ ♡
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