#acnl cycle town rules
comradecrossing · 6 years
An Incomplete List of Things I Would Like to See in Future Animal Crossing Games:
The list is long, and I have no life
🌷 The ponds freeze over in winter and can be skated on, maybe you can find holes in the ice and go ice-fishing
🌷 The game to warn you when your battery is low like in WildWorld (if necessary) 🌷 Deep-Sea fishing with Kapp’n where he takes you out to sea and you catch fish together and he occasionally makes jokes
🌷 leaves piling up in fall, maybe cranky&normal villagers rake them and you and villagers have the option of jumping in them
🌷 less restrictions with landscaping and interior design (like hhd rules)
🌷 more fruit trees with more variety of colors, theres so many yellow-red fruit
🌷 since the very first game i’ve wanted to cook, can we please get recipes?? Maybe gullivers treats can become recipes you can bake and give out
🌷 A toolbox, or more pocket space similar to Pocket camp
🌷 Pokemon themed Nintendo items (seriously tho why isnt that a thing yet?)
🌷 the ability to decide what theme the shopping district is so it doesnt have to be a city theme
🌷 make the bulletin board worth checking again! bring back the little messages from WW, include the treasure hunts from PG, add little helpful game tips and trivia
🌷 bring back raffles and grab-bags at the end of the month
🌷 let me wave to villagers again like in WW & CF
🌷 Full Character customization, maybe let me pick an animal to be
🌷 bring back the gyroid out front of the house and you can switch it out with gyroids you unearth and it sings and dances when youre near by
🌷 way more dialogue. i feel like ive read every line after a week of play, i know it takes time to write (and translate) all the blurbs but please im dying i cant answer the same question 7 times in a row.
🌷 PWPs can be improved in every aspect: Make it possible to build more than one at a time or let me demolish and build in the same day, more varied and optional designs, include the amenities, make it possible to place them near buildings and trees/bushes and on the beach, get rid of the two space buffer completely, let me MOVE projects, and let us interact with them other than sitting on 90% of them.
🌷 I know this has been said a bunch but let me design villagers houses! and also decide where they move!!
🌷 the ability to obtain an at-home QR/PRO machine like the abd
🌷 animate the villagers. they could be running, eating fruit/fish/candy, reading, chasing balls like PG, drinking coffee/soda, sweeping, building snowmen (and you can help), etc, both inside and outside
🌷 More Camera angles/Better control of camera angles for better photo taking
🌷 more bugs/fish to catch, is that absurd of me to want? I feel like you catch them all way to quickly. I would also looove for them to bring back the CityFolk style museum as it was so much fun to run around, especially the dinosaur exhibit. it may be an unpopular opinion but the one in ACNL is probably my least favorite.
🌷 a pocket camp type move in system. Perhaps a random villager or two will walk around your town each day and you can fulfil tasks for them or meet simple conditions for the town to convince them to move, but the point here is you get to choose who moves in. Perhaps give an option to evict or at least change the cycling so that my best friends aren't the most likely to leave.
🌷 Bring back Blather’s Info-dumping and Celeste’s observatory
🌷 The Roost becomes more interactive: villagers can invite you for coffee dates/breaks, you could do coffee deliveries to NPCs and Villagers, KK plays there again instead of club 101, Brewster collects gyroids again, and maybe his pocket camp coffee cart can make a cameo and he strolls around town pushing it and little bells chime
🌷 Give Sabel and Isabelle some time off I am begging you, give me an option to spend a 3-minute long break and take them to the cafe or something at the very least
🌷 Let me ask villagers for errands again (but dont make it the option above small talk) like in ACPG
🌷 Give me like 50 pattern spaces, 200 for the design saver, please thank you
🌷 MORE EVENTS and not just more bug/fishing tourneys bring back weekly/monthly events like ACWW and definietly events like summer aerobics and cherry blossom viewing party
🌷 Festival fans and masks like ACPG (im just getting nostalgic now huh?)
🌷 Villagers actually help out with donations not just a couple hundred bells at a time
🌷 transparency option for path tiles
like i know i mentioned certain things that are already implemented in HHD & ACPC but honestly i feel HHD and PC have been huge tests for Nintendo to tweak these features before putting them in a main game, i only hope my hunch is correct.
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cinnamonswirlix · 7 years
I was tagged by @mayor-petal and @nintendonerd! Thank you bot so much for tagging me!!!!
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag some of your favorite ACNL blogs when you’re done! 
1. How long have you had ACNL? going on three years? I got my first copy at the end of April in 2014
2. How many towns do you have? 3 O.O (one is just a cycling/item town) 
3. Mayor Name(s): Rachael and Rae 
4. Town name(s): Lavender and Honey 🍯 
5. Dream Address(es): Lavender: 5F00-003E-A5C0 (Honey is a wip)
6. Favourite villager: I love all my villagers, but Mitzi has been my favorite since the Game Cube version. Her, Lolly and Rosie are faves ^.^ 
7. Favourite non-villager character: Sable and Celeste foreverrrrr
8. Favourite flowers: I love the combination of white carnations and purple roses. I love all purple hybrid and Jacob’s ladders too :) 
9. Favourite time of day: I love mid-morning. I love the music and how everyone is just starting their days and how the shops are just opening.
10. Native fruit: cherries in both Lavender and Honey!
11. How would you describe your mayor’s style? Mayor Rachael is very cutesy. She loves to have her hair up in a bow and wear her ballet slippers with all of her cute clothes. Mayor Rae is very feminine and professional
12. How would you describe your home style? Mayor Rachael has a bakery and a café in her home, so it's very clean! (Except the back room!!) Mayor Rae has a similar style to how I'd want to have my own rooms in my house (the ice cream parlor not included), she has rooms for every part of her life she has passions in. Her craft room, her big kitchen, her observatory upstairs.
13. How would you describe your town style? Lavender is a very flower abundant town. It's natural and zen-like. I just updated the dream address with the cherry blossoms! 
14. Are there any items you are currently looking for? Um, maybe just a few of RV items. I am looking for space pants for my observatory, though ^.^
I tag @saucyjr, @lazybeau, @lalyst and @a-galaxy-inside! (if you’ve already been tagged, don’t worry :3)
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sherwccd · 7 years
Animal Crossing: New Leaf tag game!
I got tagged by no one really, because no one ever tags me in things :)))))
Rules!: Answer the questions and then tag some of your favorite ACNL blogs when you’re done!
How long have you had ACNL?   Since July 2013 so going on 4 years
How many towns do you have?   I have only 1 I proper play at the moment, one where I powersave villagers and one I made just to accumulate weeds lmao
Mayor name(s): Remy, Remy and Remy
Town name(s):   Sherwood, Cycle and Weeds (latter two are so creative)
Dream address(es): none yet 
Favorite villager: Hard choice omg. Overall I think Bob just because I’ve always loved him but currently I think Flora because I’m in love with flamingos 
Favorite non-villager character: Pete
Favorite Flower: well my actual favourite is a daisy so obviously I’m going to say white cosmos lmao
Favorite time of day: evening/night probably. Like real life too
Native fruit: Oranges. Always been oranges since I bought my first AC game like 10 years ago lol
How would you describe your mayor’s style? Anything that looks weird. Lmao no but that’s my style too so??? Anything that would confuse people who believe in a gender binary system
How would you describe your home style? Wooden furniture & plants
How would you describe your town style? Trees
Are there any items you are currently looking for? I don’t honestly know rn
Tagging: everyone. Anyone who hasn’t been tagged by anyone or who never gets tagged in these things. Also @mayor-jaycup 
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