hyperxp · 6 years
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Today, 5 years ago, @tink_d and went to our first acro class. This photo is the first time we tried it at the park with @leahrosepole. I barely recognise us. A lot has changed in that time including getting married and starting @acrobility. Thank you to all of those that have joined us on our journey. Happy Acroversary. #acro #Acrobalance #cardiff #acrojam #partneracro #acroversary #circus (at Cardiff)
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waynebomberger · 5 years
March 2019 Highlights: The Highs + Lows
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OK, a couple work things first. I have four speaking gigs on the docket in the coming three months, two of which you can be a part of without ever leaving your home office! My girl Jade and I will be on an influencer marketing panel on May 1 with Destination British Columbia at the online Elevate Marking Summit, a two-day conference you can tune into from your computer. You can get your virtual pass here for just $99, which is the early-bird ticket price through the end of the month.
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Secondly, I’ll be speaking at TravelCon in Boston from June 27-29! Want to meet me there? Cool, you can sign up here to attend the conference (use code 50thanks for $50 off). You can also get your virtual pass here for $149 if you can’t make it in person. When you buy the online ticket, you will be able to watch the recorded sessions once they are all uploaded online a week later whenever you like. This has been a really nice perk, as I was only at TraveCon last year for a day, so I got to go back and view all the sessions I missed from the convenience of my own home office.
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(Note: These are affiliate links, so if you love me and are attending either event, please purchase through them!)
I’m just home from a week of back-to-back work trips: first to Panama City Beach, then on to Cincinnati. This month, we’ll also head Bristol (NASCAR!), Huntsville (space!) and Memphis (food!). March, on the other hand, was calm from a travel perspective as I only spent four nights at a hotel, which is a definite monthly low for me (though I managed to post seven blog posts, which is a high in recent months or maybe even the past year). And yet, I’m still four days late writing this post, so I guess you could say it was nutty nonetheless. Why? Oh, I thought you’d never ask….
We MOVED, both houses and cities! I know … WHAT. We feel the same. It happened so fast, it’s been hard to fully process. But we are positively IN LOVE with our new mid-century modern-style home, though the Victorian will forever have a place in our heart. A full post about the new house and why we decided to relocate will go up, well, whenever I have more than five minutes to stop and catch my breath.
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We’ve had so many friends and neighbors stop by unannounced, and I love it. I’m not even kidding when I say we had more people in our first week in the Cedar House than we did in seven years at the Victorian. It’s really nice having neighbors again (at least, those with a pulse; we lived beside a funeral home and behind a crematorium at the old place), and I absolutely adore living in a space conducive to entertaining. This house could not have been better suited for my social lifestyle!
We’ll be Airbnb’ing the Victorian for the next two months. Want a chance to stay in this old gal for a weekend and enjoy a glorious Tennessee spring? We have seven weekends of availability left between now and early June, including Memorial Day. Message me or comment below, and I’ll send you the booking link! It sleeps up to eight and is surrounded by state parks and waterfalls.
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We are on the cover of Oklahoma City’s new visitors guide. Well, technically, SVV is on the cover with a photo I took. You can read the full spread on murals here.
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Charlotte turned one. We celebrated with an epic unicorn-themed birthday party (OK, weekend). Should I blog about that separately? I’ve been getting some flack about not posting as much about my sweet niece, the apple of my eye, on the blog (though she’s a frequent fixture on the Gram).
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I went to PCB for a long weekend. I love me a good beach project, and this was one of the best! I’ve written a lot about Panama City Beach and the Panhandle in the past, so I’d love to know: What do you want to read about?
We attended an awesome acro workshop with my AcroYogi love Sara Jane. I’m still confused why everybody isn’t as obsessed with AcroYoga as I am. I’m coming up on my four-year acroversary and couldn’t be more in love with this partner style of yoga. Steadfast & True Yoga in Germantown has a basics acro class every Wednesday at noon for any Nashvillians who want to join me!
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SVV did a Lunch and Learn podcast with one of our local radio stations. It’s on art and our upcoming art festival, and he’s just so good as an interview subject, I couldn’t be prouder. Perhaps we should start an Odinn Media podcast next? Hmm….
We’re about booked up for through the beginning of Q3. We’ve closed the books on accepting any new longer-term clients through the late summer, and pretty soon we’ll be filled up on the fall and not accepting new projects until 2020. How crazy is that? I said I wanted to be more spontaneous this year, but honestly, I also like knowing I’m going to be able to pay my bills and contribute to my IRA. Spontaneity and owning your own business don’t always jive.
General incompetency. Sometimes it feels like we were put on this Earth to educate others on, well, all the things. Intellectual property theft, copyright infringement, how to run your business, how to pay contractors in a timely manner, how to be a decent human—everything! We’ve had a string of ludicrous requests (and people) pop into our inbox lately that are just draining of our time, mental bandwidth and resources. Trying to balance the bad in running your own business with being present and available for your actual clients is a tough line to toe! But otherwise, we’re having a banner year and really happy with the future direction of Odinn Media (our media marketing agency).
How did March shake out for you?
from Camels & Chocolate: Travel & Lifestyles Blog https://ift.tt/2WNKcCl
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