#actually I cba to warning tag an ask reply so I'll leave it vague but
1 and 21 for your latest ask game?
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game.
1. What was the first thing you ever wrote for yourself? Not for a school assignment but for your own enjoyment.
I have no fucking clue?
The oldest things I remember date like 20 years back, but I am sure I wrote before that. There was some kinda second person (you, not as in the reader, but as in the pov char talking to another char) style girl is worried her vampire friend (not boyfriend, pls) is sad. Yes I had my vampire phase. It’s over.
It was about 21 years ago I got a computer, my own one, so most things before that are kinda lost, and most things after that I evacuated into my dropbox hopefully.
21. Have you thrown any writing rules that everybody follows out of the window?
Honestly, I do not think there are any rules that “everybody follows”.
“Just write it down, you can fix it later” does not work for me. If my sentences aren’t perfect* when I first write them down, I don’t want them! I cannot write a half-assed sentence, or a [and then this happened] and move on, it doesn’t work for me.
*Of course, said sentences can still bother me after a night’s sleep. That’s the fun part.
I also don’t give a fuck about “writing habits”. The moment I have to sit down my ass each day to do something, it becomes a job, and this is not supposed to be one.
I once set my doc to Comic Sans. I could not write a single word.
Honestly, most rules about writing habits, routines, drafts and revisions, I just ignore 😅
So many rules are either do or don’t, you couldn’t even follow them in the first place, because everyone has a different opinion on them. There’s a lot of balance between “said is dead” and “you can write a whole novel using said”, or “never use adverbs” and “sometimes an adverb is just want you need”.
For style, I actually try to follow most sensible rules. Punctuation and stuff are so ingrained I wince a bit whenever I see it wrong somewhere. I spend quite some time looking for filler words and repeated words.
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