#actually im not even into vore. i think you should have to chew on a person.
diamondnokouzai · 3 months
okay. fine. ill say it. i think cannibalism is the purest form of love. i know this from my journeys & studies (wikipedia) and from my understanding of human sexuality (hot + red + something ends up in something else's guts) being similar to that of eating (hot + red + something ends up in something else's guts)
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lizard-shifter-noms · 3 months
Still Subject to Change Chapter 6 (NEW)
Hello everyone! i decided to repost arc 1 of SSTC
(the chapters were way too long and had a bunch of typos but hopefully this will make reading easier)
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
if there are still any grammatical errors i’m sorry.
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I doubted I could sleep at all yet anyway.
“I could? I mean i was lying on the floor for a few hours over midday so i'm not tired at all right now”
At my input Arthur stared at me with a sour face, he probably expected me to murder all of them in their sleep or something.
Rikaad however seemed to mull it over, looking at Arthur as well.
“How about you and Arthur take the first shift? In case one of you nods off without noticing there's still another person on the lookout”
This did seem like a good solution but the problem was that Arthur did not like me at all, so I didn't know how being the only two awake would go.
Rikaad winked Robin over to him and the two settled down in a sort of two person pile to sleep.
Came the enthusiastic but still tired shout from Robin who settled Down after Rikaad put an arm over his face to shut him up.
It sort of backfired as Robin grabbed the offending appendage and pulled it to himself to use as a pillow.
Not wanting to seem creepy I stared into the woods, eyes and ears alert for whatever would dare come near the smaller men.
I realized that previous to this I had not watched my back at all while sleeping and considered myself lucky that nothing had happened.
But there was nothing I could do about it now.
Looking at Arthur for a second who seemed to avoid looking into my eyes, I decided to just sit in silence again.
“... So how did you end up this big? I overheard you saying a curse?”
Turning around I faced Arthur again, he seemed nervous.
I had not expected him to speak to me for the entire duration of this trip.
“Yeah i somehow got this stupid thing stuck on me”
I tapped the bracelet to show what I meant.
“But i'm not going to mess with it, i'm not keen on dying to some haywire magic”
He chewed his lip, seemingly debating with himself for a bit.
“Robin said you just stole Bread? Not…. anything of more value?”
Well considering how that lady screamed when she saw me it would be Assumed that I had stolen gold or something.
“Well No, i'm not big on thievery i just take what i actually need and not more”
He still had trouble looking at my face so he stared into the dark abyss that the nightly forest provided absent from our campfire.
“So this entire stupid thing is over a loaf of bread? Im such an idiot”
He put his hands over his face and fell over backwards from his sitting position.
Not knowing what to do as I had sparse people skills at best I decided to ask him why he followed me into the forest.
“Why'd you run after me into the woods anyway? Usually nobody goes there on account of it being too dangerous”
There was silence on his end for a few seconds and he shifted to gently grip the wound on his side with a slightly pained expression.
“...I… there are some expectations for prospective Guards, for me and Robin even more so we got into the school on a lucky whim, so we had some stupid standards to uphold and letting anyone get away would mean that we'd be thrown onto the streets once more if not worse”
So he ran after me because the alternative could be worse.
I was no stranger to how Guards treated someone they deemed a failure, I had seen it many times when an apprentice was ‘punished’ for something completely stupid.
“At least you have more guts than the actual guards, none of them EVER followed me into the forest”
He whipped his head around and looked at me surprised.
“What? But they are Guards! They should have? Why didn't they? As a Guard it's expected to sometimes do things you don't want to!”
I think i gave him a crisis or something, Fuck.
Better not tell him about the other corrupt stuff i had witnessed over time.
Until later then, if the confused and upset mutterings were anything to go by.
Staring off into the woods again my view panned over the various plants.
I occasionally glanced back to either Arthur who was still muttering about Guard duties or to Rikaad and Robin who were sleeping peacefully curled over each other.
Sometimes I shifted my view up to the moon, watching it rise on the star speckled sky.
I continued to sit in silence just watching my surroundings and carefully listening to whatever sounds the Forest made.
Arthur apparently did not want to talk anymore, but he was probably preoccupied with the fact that I told him that some of the Guards were cowards.
I was fine with that as it left more room to focus on everything else.
Arthur’s head snapped to every noise that came from the dark and imposing trees.
I could tell he was on edge judging by the way he flinched at sudden noises and he still held a hand over the wound he received today.
“Are you okay? Does the wound hurt?”
I did not want him dying or anything while on my shift, the other two would kill me.
“Im fine its just stinging a bit from the cold”
He threw some more wood onto the fire and shifted closer to it.
I couldn't really tell how cold it was.
Since I became a giant I did not seem to feel as much temperature anymore, but if the small puffs of breath coming from my mouth meant anything it was really cold.
“Yeah what is up with that anyway? Its spring so why the fuck is it snowing?”
It was truly bizarre that the weather had gotten this frigid, but maybe it was just the higher altitude.
Arthur was still throwing even more wood into the fire until it was twice the size it was before.
“No idea, but i hope it gets warmer soon, i don't have the right clothing for this shit”
I could see that much was true, he was sort of hugging himself while small clouds escaped from between his lips.
Since he did not want me anywhere near him I instead took my handkerchief out and offered it to him so he could use it as a blanket.
At first he flinched when he saw my hand coming closer and put his fingers on his sword, but when he saw that I only offered some fabric he cautiously and slowly took it.
Instead of wrapping it around himself like I thought he would, he went over to Robin and Rikaad instead and draped the fabric over them as a blanket.
He sat back down in his spot next to the fire holding his hands out to the flames.
We sat in silence until the moon was at its highest point and Rikaad suddenly got up.
I would forever deny that I flinched as he got up.
“I believe it is our turn now, you can go to sleep if you'd like”
He shook Robin gently, who in turn complained about having to get up.
The Rusthead even went as far as to bury himself in the blanket.
Rikaad seemed to only now notice the piece of fabric and swiveled his head to look at me.
Neither of us said anything and he went back to waking up Robin, who finally but reluctantly got up.
“I'd rather keep sleeping”
He complained but went over to sit next to Rikaad regardless.
I debated if I even could sleep, I knew at least one of them didn't like me, and I still didn't know what to think about Rikaad.
The dark haired boy continued to puzzle me but I guessed that it was the strict Guard training that made him weird.
At least I hoped so, I did not want to end up dead because of this.
Lying down a short ways away I turned my back to the fire and tried to sleep.
Nodding off was not easy as I always felt like someone was watching me but after some time I finally managed to sleep.
I woke up the next morning to something tickling my nose.
Pulling my arm over my face and opening my eyes I saw that it was Robin who had taken a long leaf of grass and was tickling me with it.
I sat up slowly and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.
“There are normal ways to wake someone up, you know?”
The Rusthead just grinned at me.
“I know, but this is funnier”
Arthur popped his head up from behind the fallen log he had sat on yesterday.
“It won't be as funny if he ends up sneezing on you, well for you anyway”
Rikaad seemed to appear out of nowhere to interject with his own opinion.
“Arthur you literally his behind that Log to avoid any consequences and then told Robin to go ahead”
While it was rather funny in retrospect I was sure we had to get moving sometime so I stood up all the way, stretching my arms over my head.
“Well I guess you woke me up to get going? Or did the plan suddenly change?”
I was only half joking, I knew they could turn on me when I least expected it, but this was kinda my fault so I felt obligated to help them.
“We are still heading away from the mountain so get your stuff and then we'll leave”
Rikaad turned towards the other two and I went to pick up my Handkerchief that had been used as a blanket yesterday.
I noted that someone had neatly folded it but said nothing about it and just pocketed it instead.
Walking after the three Humans proved to be just as slow as yesterday, which was still rather annoying.
Taking slow shuffling steps after them meant I had to be careful to not step on them.
Aside from the damage that would cause it would be really awkward, hell even thinking about it was awkward as it technically shouldn't be possible.
Ignoring what they talked about amongst themselves, I instead paid attention to the surroundings, especially the floor.
At some point Robin motioned for me to bend down.
“I don't wanna walk anymore. Can you carry me?”
I sort of expected this from him already, so I held my hand on the ground for him to climb on trying to ignore the death glare Arthur sent me.
Cupping the little rusthead closer to my chest I continued slowly walking after the other two.
Arthur seemed to not like me, even after I tried my best to be friendly yesterday, and I still did not know what to think of Rikaad.
He was quite the unusual character, his movements were sharp even when walking, but not in a choppy sort of way, more like a precise knife, he walked with purpose.
Rikaad was by far the one I most feared out of the group, I somehow had no doubt he would manage to cut my throat or something.
I decided to do my best to ignore it and instead focus on my environment.
The trees here looked a bit weird, but then again the entire forest was supposed to be sorta fucked up.
I did not recognize any of the trees either, they had pretty normal looking stems but the leaves were an off white greenish color and seemed to be covered in something, a fungus maybe?
“What is this stuff? It looks disgusting”
Arthur piped up from somewhere in front of us and pointed to the ground that was also starting to be covered in that white stuff like a fine layer of cloth.
I was so preoccupied with examining the weird stuff that I did not notice how utterly still Robin had become in my hand.
From somewhere left of us I heard weird clicking and hissing noises.
Turning to face whatever made such sounds I saw a massive spider, and when I say massive I mean it.
The thing was a bit bigger than a horse so even with my new height this thing was larger than usual.
That was definitely not good.
If I recalled correctly, spiders ate about anything they could catch in their nets.
Oh so that's what the white stuff was, Fuck.
Well I could deal with one of those, maybe I could just stomp on it or kick it away as far as possible.
Those plans however went out the window as more of these Spiders approached just as Arthur and Rikaad ran to seek shelter next to me.
I counted about twelve of these Arachnid monsters, too many to fight.
Arthur was panicking and clinging to my leg begging Rikaad to come up with something.
“Fuck fuck fuck how do we get out of this?? Rikaad please tell me you have a plan”
Rikaad however seemed to have no idea what to do, and I also tried to think of something.
Run away? While a good option the others would never be able to keep up with me and Robin had passed out the moment he saw a spider.
Could I carry them all? I only had two hands and there were three people so there was no way to hold onto any of them securely enough to sprint away.
As the spiders drew closer making those wretched clicking noises instinct took over, and the next thing I knew was that Robin was in my mouth and I gripped both of the other young men, one in each hand running as far away as possible from those creatures.
I heard shouting from the hand that held Arthur and he tried to bite me.
Luckily he only managed to get to my calloused thumb.
Well right now with spiders chasing us that sadly wasn't possible and I couldn't even respond to anything with my mouth currently occupied by the rusthead.
Rikaad was strangely silent but a glance over to my other hand told me that this was because only his legs dangled free of my grip, his entire upper half covered by my fingers.
Adrenaline carried me a good distance away from the spider nets but I kept running until I saw no webs at all anymore, not even from a distance.
Falling to my knees in a grassy field as the adrenaline left, I put my hands on the ground in front of me, letting go of the two young men.
Arthur scrambled upright, fumbling for his sword as Rikaad slowly got up.
I did not pay attention to them and instead fished a bedraggled looking Robin out of my mouth.
He was moving, which meant he had been back to consciousness for a while now.
I hoped I had not scared him, but judging by the fact that he just tried to wipe the saliva off instead of screaming he was probably fine.
Just as I set him on the ground someone screamed his name.
Arthur bolted over to Robin, encasing him in a hug, not caring that he got a bit slimy as well.
Rikaad also moved over to where the two sat and stared at me, his eyes even icier than before but I still could not tell what he was thinking.
Was he angry? Did he regret asking me to tag along? In the end he said nothing and instead moved to kneel next to Robin.
I was still panting and sweating a bit from the adrenaline rush and the sprint I had just done to get away from the oversized arachnids, so I was not expecting to get stabbed in my outer thigh while kneeling on the ground.
“YEOWCH! What was that for?”
Arthur had snuck up on me and embedded his knife in my upper leg.
Imbecilic??? Imbecilic??? Was that what he thought of me? That I was just a dull Idiotic Imbecile??
And he didn't even grasp that I only did it to save all of our asses! Idiot!
He did not get to finish his sentence as we were interrupted by an even louder voice.
I was a bit taken aback by Rikaad’s loud shout, I did not expect him to have such strong vocal cords.
But it sure worked as he intended as both of us were stunned into silence as he walked over to us.
Looking at him it was like someone had set his usually icy gray eyes on fire as he stared at both of us.
Then his gaze froze over again, surprising me and apparently Arthur who had shrunk back when Rikaad came over.
“Please dont argue, i know we are all stressed from wandering around this forest especially after what just happened”
Arthur tried to interrupt him but was waved off by Rikaad.
“I'm not done speaking, also Arthur if you think logically if he had truly planned to eat Robin do you think he would have spat him out?”
Arthur just looked away and mumbled something I could not make out, he seemed to feel bad all of a sudden after being rebuked by the taller male.
Rikaad then turned to face me.
I reflexively straightened my back as he looked at me.
I don't know why I did that as I had no guard training but something compelled me to do it anyway.
“And Donovan? Please never do such a thing again”
I could only nod, I really hadn't wanted to in the first place but it was the only thing I could come up with at the time.
“Don't plan to, it's not something i wanted to do but my brain did not have any other ideas, also sorry for grabbing you”
He just nodded curtly at me and went back to Robin who was still trying to get all the slime out.
I looked at Arthur who stared back at me with quite a weird expression I could not place.
I decided to ignore him and my still bleeding cut for now and check on Robin, though while standing up I couldn't help a spiteful comment.
“Stupid bitch”
He did not respond and just sat there instead.
Going over to Robin I took out my Handkerchief again and offered it to him so he could wipe the rest of the saliva off.
He gladly took it and started trying to get the slime out of his hair.
“Thank you”
He reminded me a bit of a wet kitten with his short ginger hair sticking up in all directions.
Rikaad stood next to him seemingly as if nothing was wrong.
He was staring at Arthur and looking over I could see that he had just flopped onto his back, lying in a patch of grass limbs spread out like a star.
I went the opposite direction to a decently sized patch of wildflowers and started plucking the edible ones out of the ground, some were angrily stuffed into my mouth right away, others were put in a small heap near my knees.
I would bring those over to the small humans when I had calmed down a bit.
I just hoped Arthur would not accuse me of trying to poison them, or witchcraft who knows with this guy.
At some point while I was still ripping plants out of the dirt Robin came over and held my handkerchief up to me as best as he could.
I carefully took it from him and stuffed it back into my pocket.
He sat next to me and started to also pluck flowers but instead of eating them he started to make flower crowns once again.
I did not know what to say so i kept quiet, i was still feeling a bit awkward from what happened earlier and hoped he wasn't mad at me.
Robin however seemed to not be able to sit silent for long.
“You should brush your teeth”
He did not say more and just continued with his flower crown.
I huffed out an amused snort.
“With what? I cant use the little rags that are usually used”
He grinned up at me.
“Not my problem that you are taller than a House”
I couldn't help but smile, surely I wasn't that big was i? I had no reference for this after all.
“Maybe you're just tiny, but seriously are you good? Did I hurt when I put you in my mouth? Are you okay?”
He seemed confused for a second before answering.
“I'm fine, why do you ask? You're the one that's bleeding”
He pointed to the shallow cut Arthur had made, and that was starting to slowly scab over.
“Ehh just a scratch, i'm more upset about my pants having a hole now”
It did indeed suck as these were my only pair and now as a giant I couldn't even get new ones.
“I'm sure Rikaad could repair them he's pretty okay at sewing”
I was admittedly a bit surprised by this, I had not expected the man that used cold logic for everything to be good at such a mundane thing.
“Maybe, i don't think it's necessary it's just a small tear”
“Mhm you want a flower crown?”
He held one up to me that was longer than all the others he had made albeit still small to me.
“You're fast at that, but sure if it fits”
I cautiously took the offered flowers making sure to not squish any of them and put the too small crown on my head.
It only fit over half my head making me look like I had a flower halo sitting on my scalp.
Robin who had started another crown already burst into laughter.
“You look funny! I used way more flowers than normal and it's still so small on you!”
I carefully fished the colorful Blossoms from my head and tossed the entirety over Robin who tried to catch it but failed.
He instead took the flowers and wrapped them around his neck multiple times.
“You think the others will like eating flowers?”
“You know them better than i do, so you tell me”
I put the heap of pre-plucked flowers in my hand and stood slowly up.
Looking over the clearing I saw the other two men sitting near a tree with Arthur still lying on his back and Rikaad watching the environment.
I slowly walked over to them still keeping away from Arthur and sitting a good ways away from him so Rikaad was between the two of us.
“I found some edible plants if anyone wants”
Sitting down I put the flowers on the ground next to Rikaad so he could take some if he wanted.
Should Arthur want some as well he'd have to move over to us.
Robin walked over to Rikaad and put a flower crown on his head then tossed another on top of Arthur who did not react to having a bunch of flowers thrown at him.
Rikaad gingerly took the flower crown into his hand and looked at it.
“You know that's how we found you, Robin makes a lot of these and we just had to follow the trail of ripped out flowers to find you”
I was surprised at this and looked at Robin who, strangely enough, looked just as confused.
“You did? That wasn't even the plan with them i just like making those”
It wasn't even a plan to get his friends to come find him? Was it just pure luck that they found the petal trail? Robin truly was a strange human, albeit one of the good ones as far as i could tell.
Rikaad did not seem surprised by the admission of this being done by accident however.
“I suspected as much but it was still helpful even if there was a day where we found no flowers, i'm just glad you're okay”
He put the flower crown back on his head and reached over to pick one of the edible plants I had brought over and inspected a clover blossom.
Thinking about his comment on how they had not found any petals for a day it made me realize that it must have been the morning where Robin had been in my Pouch.
I sincerely hoped they would never find that out.
They'd probably lynch me, Especially Arthur who seemed to have an inherent dislike for me.
As for Rikaad, well i wasn't sure if he'd kill me seeing as Robin was fine but i would not risk it, his icy gray eyes still unnerved me greatly, but so far he'd been polite to me.
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cyncerity · 3 years
👁👄👁 can I ask for anything with naga Phil au?
Anyways here the long awaited naga!Phil noms
Tw: vore, digestion mention, angst, swearing, puke mention
Phil turned to look at the food that Wilbur had gone out of his way making. Honestly, it all looked really good, for it just being pasta, the only food Wilbur could make. After Phil had been, well, shrunk, he couldn’t do what he needed to do for his family, like making dinner, so his sons had taken up his jobs around the house. Though it made Phil sad that he couldn’t do everything he needed to for his sons, he was grateful that they could at least take care of themselves without burning the house down or killing one another.
Phil subconsciously moved to slither up a leg of the table to get to the food and to get on level with his sons. He saw Techbo getting dishes out, Wilbur continuing to stir pasta in a pot, and Tommy being an unhelpful gremlin as per usual. The tiny naga smiled as he moved through the table to get to a ramp that led him from his current position to the top of the cabinets near Wilbur, who was talking to Techno and doing his best to avoid Tommy’s shenanigans.
He almost got up when Tommy suddenly bumped the counter, sending Phil tumbling down without the time to even scream before he fell into the pot that Wilbur was stirring. He couldn’t even yell out to Wil since he was still talking to Techno, who also apparently didn’t notice Phil almost drowning in noodles.
Finally, after what felt like hours to Phil, the stirring stopped, leaving him buried in noodles. He tried fruitlessly to slither his way to the top of the pot, and just as he got close, he felt himself being lifted very quickly with…a spoon maybe? It was hard to tell before he was dumped in a bowl and then quickly covered with even more pasta as he heard Tommy say something about going to his room. Suddenly the surface he was in was moving and swaying slighlty, and he could hear the feet of his youngest moving beneath him as Tommy ran to his room.
The bowl was soon layed on an uneven surface that Phil could only assume was Tommy’s bed. Phil managed to grab the edge of the bowl and peer over side just in time to see Tommy turn up the volume of his phone, which was propped up against his sheets and playing some sort of cereal video. But even with the volume almost all the way up, Phil couldn’t hear a sound out of the phone.
It dawned on him that Tommy had earbuds in just to late, as in the time it took for him to process that information he felt himself be pulled back under the noodles as his tail was forcefully twisted around cold metal, leaving Phil unable to escape what he now unfortunately realized was a fork.
Tommy didn’t take his eyes off his screen for long enough to realize that Phil was stuck to his utensil, and he didn’t hear Phil calling out to him. Tommy just slipped the fork into his mouth as Phil screamed in terror, and slipped the newly emptied fork out just as quickly, leaving Phil no escape. Phil made a move to try and pound on the teeth that surrounded him, but they quickly re-opened just long enough for Tommy to fit another mouthful of spaghetti. Tommy barely chewed the food, which Phil would have been more disappointed with had it not been for the fact that if Tommy were chewing, Phil would more likely be crushed to death, before swallowing to make room for more food.
Phil barely had time to get used to the unbearable humidity of the mouth before he was sucked tail-first down the throat. In little to no time the only part of him still in the mouth was his torso, and Phil could feel exactly where the sphincter tightened around part of his tail, and he could feel the part of his tail that was already in the stomach, since it was the only part of him that wasn’t being constricted at the moment besides his upper body.
Phil made every move in his power to scream and claw at Tommy to let him out. As much as it hurt him to try and use his claws on his own son’s throat, he didn’t want to die by someone he loved, and someone who didn’t even know that they were putting their father in danger. Phil continued to scratch at the mouth as he flailed the free part of his tail in the stomach against the walls back and forth as hard as he could, trying to use every part of him to alert Tommy that something was wrong.
He not only heard but felt Tommy’s stomach growl slightly at the movement from Phil’s tail and he heard Tommy start to cough, since having something stuck throughout his whole esophagus was making him feel sick. Phil’s hope sparked that maybe, just maybe, Tommy would at least accidentally cough him out.
That spark of hope was extinguished when a wave of soda came splashing at Phil, making his already slippery claws let go of the flesh surrounding him and sending him down into the hollow organ below.
A few antagonizing moments later and Phil was left curled up in Tommy’s stomach, trying to process what had just happened. He was in a stomach. And not just a stomach, his son’s stomach. Tears began to fall from his eyes as he realized that his own son would kill him, and wouldn’t even know what happened to him. His family would think that maybe he was eaten by some wild animal, or got stuck somewhere and starved. Maybe they would just assume he left them. After all, they wouldn’t have a body to confirm his death. Tommy would have digested him by the time they realized he was missing.
Phil began to coil in a circle around the stomach and against the walls in a motion that would have mimicked pacing if he still had legs. The longer he thought about it, the worse the scenarios that entered his head got. Tommy’s stomach rumbled loudly, probably from the fact that Phil had been punching against all sides of the stomach for a while at that point, and he heard a groan from above him and felt the wall against him press in, and that was all it took for Phil to pass out from stress and fear.
Tommy pressed a hand against his stomach, which growled under it as he let out a pained groan. His stomach felt uneasy, like there some sort of uncomfortable weight in it, and he felt like throwing up. He wasn’t sure why, since he had just been fine, but maybe it was the pasta. He got up slowly to go to his brothers and get some sort of medication or something to settle his stomach, but was stopped by Wilbur before he could reach the medicine cabinet.
“Toms, have you seen Phil? I don’t think he got any food yet and I haven’t seen him in a while.” Tommy scoffed at Wil before turning back to his quest for some kind of anti-acid.
“Maybe Phil’s the lucky one, if he didn’t get any of your fucked up food yet. I feel like shit, big man, honestly. Like, I feel like I’m about to throw up.” Wilbur’s face shifted to concern as he looked Tommy.
“I don’t think it was the pasta. Techno had some, too, and he seems alright. Maybe you should get something to help you empty your stomach, you probably just ate to much.” Tommy nodded along. Honestly, it made sense to him. And it would explain the queasy feeling of something swaying in his gut every time he moved, it was probably just to much food. “Alright then,” Wilbur continued, “I’ll go get you a pill or something and you go get a bowl.” Tommy did as Wilbur said and they met back up in the living room, Tommy with a big metal bowl and Wilbur with a pill and a small cup of water. Tommy quickly took the pill from Wilbur and swallowed it down and Wilbur slid the bowl closer to Tommy as he noticed him start to look more sick.
Phil slowly woke up looking around him to see he was…in something, and still surrounded in pasta. The walls around him were tall and shiny and cold, much cooler that the dreadful heat of the stomach. Metal. A metal bowl? How’d he get there?
As he became more and more conscious, he began to process that there was yelling somewhere above him, too.
“…well then how the hell’d he end up there?!” “I have no fucking idea, I swear!!” “How could you not know?!” “Are you trying to accuse me or something?!” “Would you both please calm down!!”
Phil knew those voices anywhere. His vision cleared enough to see Tommy and Wilbur engaged in a shouting match, and Techno trying and failing to calm them down.
Phil began to try and get out of the bowl when he was suddenly picked up out of nowhere and practically smothered with attention from his sons, all of whom were fretting over whether or not he was ok.
“I- Im fine…” Phil said, voice hoarse from the screaming earlier. He was soon lifted up higher towards Tommy, who he realized had picked him up. Phil’s face fell as he realized Tommy’s cheeks were lined with tear tracks.
“Phil, I’m so sorry, I don’t even know what happened, I didn’t mean to, I swear, I-“ “It’s alright, mate.” Phil interrupted, leaning forward and hugging Tommy’s nose. “It’s alright.”
He felt Tommy’s body begin to shake with slight sobs as he began crying again, pressing Phil into his nose gently with his hands. He turned his head to see Wilbur and surprisingly Techno join the hug, too, both relieved that Phil was ok. They were both horrified to see Phil unconscious in the bowl, and knowing he had been in Tommy’s…it was hard to think about. They were just glad he was ok. And Tommy was just glad he’d forgiven him.
And Phil was just glad that his sons still cared, even if he couldn’t be the best dad to them at the moment. They were still a family, and he’d never choose to abandon or leave them.
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vore-scientist · 5 years
In Which Sophia Makes Some New Friends
A tale of the Mystic Woods
(read the other stories/comics here, and all posts related to Mystic Woods can be found here)
Content warnings: No actual vore in this story, sorry! But discussion of both safe and fatal (I tried to make it humorous/light hearted, it makes sense). Also GT cuddles at the end ;) 
Sophia paced around Yonah’s desk. After the unfortunate encounter with the meddlesome prince, Yonah had wandered off to get a healing potion. That was fine, while she waited she admired all the little things on the desk, and the books in languages that she had only begun to learn to read, but that someday she would be fluent in.
“Yonah?” came a voice. “Hey Yonah, you there?”
It was a man’s voice, and it was near. Sophia froze and looked around. The mirror, the small mirror on Yonah’s desk! She ran to it, and saw in it the face of what could only be another wizard.
The man had a red and black mustache, kind green eyes, a big floppy wizard’s hat, and beautiful yellow and blue wizard’s robes, which were accented with silver and black. His hands were behind his back and he was looking around expectantly, until he saw Sophia, and he startled, but recovered fast.
“Sayyyyyyy! You’re not Yonah!” said the man, smiling with suspicion, “Who are you?”
“I’m, I’m Princess Sophia of the Kingdom of Orr!” she declared without thinking. Then a terrible thought struck her, what if this man in the mirror was an evil wizard. Those existed! A continent to the west had an entire Society of Wizards who were always up to some evil.
“A princess...” then the man grinned like an idiot, “WAIT A PRINCESS? No shit!”
His face turned away and he shouted at someone out of view, “SHOSH! HEY SHOSH! YONAH WENT AND KIDNAPPED A PRINCESS!”
A moment later a woman, also wearing a wizard’s hat appeared next to Mica and gasped. “oh dear gods that’s a princess alright!” Except for her ruby red lipstick, she had no makeup on, but she had numerous facial piercings. She had wild brown hair and large oval spectacles that made her green-brown eyes appear buggy.
Sophia fidgeted with her gown, she wasn’t some spectacle to be gawked at by whoever these people were. She wished she wasn’t in a blood spattered nightgown. She wished that Yonah was here.
“And who,” said Sophia, as sweet as she could, “are you?”
“Oh how terribly rude of us!” said Mica, still smiling, “I’m Mica, Mica Cohen! And this is Shoshana Jaffe, we’re friends of Yonah and we were hoping to talk to him,”
Sophia was stunned “Yonah has friends!?”
Mica and Shoshana burst out laughing.
“Yes dear girl, he has friends,” said Shoshana, “you can’t stay sane in a prison without them.”
“I’ve been here for two months! How have I not heard of you?” Sophia was planning to chew Yonah out about this when he felt better. What else was he hiding. Probably a lot, wizards liked their secrets... But why would he hide friends from her! How many more friends did he have?
“You mean you’re serious. Yonah hasn’t mentioned us?” Shoshana looked genuinely hurt.
“No! until now I thought he was a sad lonely man!”
The wizards laughed again.
“Well he’s not sad” said Shoshana, “angry more like, but not anymore than your average firewitch.”
“Nor is he really a man, kinda, half a man,” said Mica, thoughtfully.
“Lonely, well now, we wish we could visit more often, he is kinda stuck in one place.”
/Yeah, you can thank my dad for that/ thought Sophia. But thought it was better not to mention Yonah’s semi-house arrest sentence was handed down by her father.
“But now you’re there! This is so wonderful!” said Shoshana with glee, before turning serious, “unless, you’re lying and you’re a giant slayer, disguised as a princess.”
“Whose blood are you currently wearing?” she narrowed her eyes.
What an odd way to phrase that, “it’s, well it’s Yonah’s but”
Shoshana raised an eyebrow, something about her presence, even through a mirror grew dark and threatening. Mica remained bright, if scared.
“Um, well you see, there was an incident this morning, with a prince, and…”
She told them what happened. They were a good audience, gasping and cheering at all the right places, and they didn’t interrupt her. Until she got to the part where Yonah ate the prince. They both looked a little green.
“He, ate the prince?” Mica’s voice shook. He and Shoshana exchanged worried looks.
Uh oh. Guess Yonah’s friends didn’t know. Too late now.
“Y-yes, but he spit him out! He ran off after that.” They relaxed, a bit, but continued to look at her suspiciously.
“And then you called” Sophia ended lamely, “that’s it!”
“And the blood?” Shoshana hadn’t noticed that Sophia failed to explain it.
In reality Sophia just forgot.
“Yonah’s… insides got roughed up by the prince’s armor and I ended up in the line of fire when he coughed”
She looked up from her gown to see the two wizard staring past her. Shoshana grinned wickedly.
“Ah, Yonah, Sophia here has been telling us all about your adventure from not moments ago!”
/“SHE WHAT!”/ cried Yonah. Except, as the words made it to his lips a stabbing pain in his throat stopped him, closing his airways as he coughed himself catatonic. So instead he just sat down and stared at the mirror through a slightly teary haze.
“Yonah, this young woman says that you’re a man-eating giant now! Can you lend credence to this? Has our Yonah truly become the monster that the professors said he would? Yonah, eater of men, kidnapper of princesses!” the sarcasm heavy in Shoshana’s voice.
No. no no no no no. no NO. This was not happening. This day was so crappy to begin with.
“He’s not denying it, so it must be true!” Mica said, matter a factly.
This wasn’t at all how he expected this to go down. He had kept his instances of “man-eating” hidden from his friends, sure that they would never speak to him again if they found out that he’d ever eaten a human.
But… they weren’t mad.
Didn’t matter. Getting teased about it was almost worse. He rubbed the moisture from his eyes.
“It’s not like you go around hunting humans” said Mica before getting serious “and it’s not like you were keeping this hidden while in school. You weren’t, right? You didn’t eat anyone at school? Was tasting us not enough?”
For the first time, Mica and Shoshana looked genuinely worried. Maybe they HAD been wrong about Yonah.
“No, No. I-I didnt eat anyone.” said Yonah, his voice high and quiet, he looked scared, “typically, giants only eat those who break into their houses, to steal or to kill” he recited. They’d heard the line before.
And regardless, the school was never his home, Of course he wasn’t ever interested in eating his fellow students. Tasting them was another matter, plenty of them smelled incredible. His friends did and still do occasionally allow him a taste, just to tease him.
Up until Sophia he wouldn’t have even dared to eat them! It was too dangerous. A thief he could risk swallowing and spitting back up before they died. Standard procedure to shock and punish them. And a Slayer’s life was forfeit. When they failed and escaped they usually returned and one way or another someone would end up dead.
“What about professors? I feel like some of them deserve to be eaten” Mica continued, all previous concern now gone, he was back to antagonizing.
“N-no, I just said that-“ but apparently Mica wasn’t listening and Yonah’s interjections fell upon uncaring ears.
“Like Professor Thuorbir! What a prick.” said Mica.
“I think he was also a giant slayer!” said Shoshana, her voice containing energy that Mica’s didn’t even come close to, “you should totally eat him, he’s still an asshole. Fucker rejected my research proposal for a third time!”
Gods this was not happening. Yonah put his now burning face into his hands.
“I’m not gonna eat Mr.Thuorbir,” Yonah managed to say through is stupor. Though he silently agreed that the man certainly deserved it, regardless of giant slaying. His head was buzzing.
Mica looked at Shoshana incredulously
“Shosh, that was because your proposal was to research a spell that would have turned the entire Mystic Woods PINK, down to the littlest ant! None of the professors would have approved that” he said before turning to Sophia. “The one before that, she wanted to propose researching a spell that would give the caster dominion over all bees. All of them. Knowing full well that attempting godhood is ILLEGAL.”
Sophia giggled and tried to imagine her father’s kingdom becoming a uniform shade of pink. Oh dear. Maybe she should tell her father, in case Shoshana actually attempted it.
“Well, just because they don’t want an army of bees” said Shoshana, nose in the air, arms crossed. “And it wasn’t a proposal to actually do it, just to design a spell that could.”
“I hate you both, you know that,” said Yonah.
“We know you mean love!” said Shoshana.
“Anyways, it can’t have really happened,” said Shoshana. “Not the way you said it did at the very least.”
“What do you mean?” Asked Yonah.
Mica looked at her in shock, he had clearly believed the story. This wouldn’t be the first time Shoshana had gone along with a ridiculous farce just for the drama of it, but as far as he knew, Yonah hadn’t spoken to Shoshana that recently, not without him present. And Yonah’s pain was real, his embarrassment was real.
Shoshana sighed and rubbed at her glasses.
“You don’t believe-“ Sophia started to say
“Oh I believe he’s eaten people. Comes with the territory at this point. But you’re” she eyed Yonah, “You’re kind of, too small to swallow a person whole, right? You’d have to, oh I don’t know, rip into them with your teeth like they were a prime rib.”
/Ugh, what a great image, thanks Shosh/ thought Yonah.
“It’s not really worth trying to claim the prince survived for our benefit. If eating people was a dealbreaker we wouldn’t be friends with dragons or ogres or that Sphinx that guards the gates to the tunnels of-“
“Yonah did swallow the prince whole!” Sophia wasn’t about to let the wizards think she had lied, “And yes, he’s killed a few assholes that way but he let the prince live! And thieves too! He eats them all the time but always lets them go!” She was almost shouting now, “And! And Yonah swallows me all the time! And if you haven’t noticed, I’m in one piece.”
All eyes were on her and everyone was silent, no one moved or blinked, but Yonah’s face became scarlet. Sophia played with her dress in her hands, and looked up at Yonah.
“Um, was I not supposed to tell them that?” she squeaked out.
“Yonah HaEsh, how could you!?” Shoshana yelled, no longer playful, “eat a princess!? You could kill her! She’s not a knight or a giant slayer! What on earth were you thinking? So we need to rescue her from you?”
Yonah’s embarrassment had turned to anger as his hair started to smoke and the roots glowed orange. He was breathing sharp breaths, seething with anger, until one got caught sending him into a into another coughing fit and onto the floor. Sophia took the opportunity to rectify her mistake.
But there was no need. Shoshana has gone white.
“Oh dear, I think I overdid it!”
“You think? Now Yonah thinks we hate him! Next time don’t seem so serious,” Mica chided her. Shoshana muttered something about wasting her skills and addressed Sophia again.
“But seriously, how!” she said, “How does he physically manage to swallow a person whole? And you said he eats you all the time! How the fuck has he managed to avoid fucking up and killing you or the thieves!” color had returned to her face. No longer bothered by Yonah’s plight, even though she had caused it. Mica shot her a death glare.
“Oh like you weren’t thinking the same thing!”
Mica sighed. “I was but I have the manners not to voice it. We could have called back tomorrow. But it’s too late now.”
They both looked at Sophia expectantly.
“Oh um, well, the thieves he just spits up real quick but myself... Yonah, enchanted me, so that he can’t hurt me” Sophia explained everything as Yonah wheezed in the background, still on the floor, but no longer in danger of coughing up a lung.
Shoshana’s eyes sparkled with greed. Mica was deep in thought.
“Wait are you sure this was an enchantment, because it sounds like curse.” Mica finally said.
“Well,” said Sophia, “the difference is a matter of perspective isn’t it.”
Which was true. One could see gems falling from ones mouth when one talked as a blessing, until everyone in the kingdom wanted you as their piggy bank and your voice was hoarse from being made to talk non stop and the economy is ruined by your gem contributions. Then it’s a curse. Becoming a glass statue would be a curse, but that’s not how it worked.
“That must have been an expensive procedure,” said Mica.
“It was, but he got the money from my dad,” Sophia made the last few words harsh and final. She was still bitter that her dad had instructed and funded Yonah to traumatize her into running back home. Jokes on him, it hadn’t worked and Yonah was her friend now! Showed him!
“He managed to only cast half a curse! He could publish with a trick like that” she said thoughtfully, but with a touch of envy.
“There would be a problem with rational,” Mica pointed out, “he would have to invent a fake reason! He can’t say he did it so he could eat one specific person and not worry about them dying!”
Shoshana nodded and laughed.
“To answer your other question, I don't know how he does it, because you’re right, by all means he shouldn’t. But even he doesn’t know.” Sophia said, the wizards were disappointed. Sophia tried to brighten their mood by suggesting they investigate it. They considered this with great pleasure.
“I’m just unable to picture it,” She was talking to Sophia again. “I-“ she shuddered with wicked glee as she had a new thought. “ Yes, I’d like to see it for myself. I don’t suppose, since it was your idea to research this, that you would be willing to give us a demonstration?”
That surprised both Sophia and Mica, but Mica’s grin said that he liked that idea.
Now it was Sophia’s turn to go red. Sophia rubbed her back of her head. Let someone watch? Having just seen Yonah eat the prince, she wasn’t sure if she wanted Yonah’s friends to see it. Even if they had joked about him giving into his more monstrous heritage. Sophia had seen it. That side of him did exist. But it had been her idea. She regretted planting the idea in their stupid wizard brains.
“I’ll, consider it, but Yonah’s in no condition right now.”
“Oh of course not dear! Just call us or something, there’s not rush,” Shoshana winked, “especially if it’s a regular occurrence, plenty of opportunities to observe.”
Yes, Sophia was realizing that about the thieves as well. She wondered how regular they were too, and if she could get involved in thief catching. 
Shaking badly, Yonah got up from the floor, pulling himself up to his stool. His face was very red, and his eyes glistened, tears steaming up his face.
Sophia turned to him “They’re over it, I explained it, you can stop being such a big baby and extinguish yourself”
Yonah glared at her but his head stopped smoldering and his eyes were back to brown.
“I think,” he wheezed, “I think I need to lie down, let the healing drought actually take effect.”
“Yonah darling you do look awful, we’ll get out of your hair, but don’t think we are done talking about this! Next time I expect a demonstration!” said Shoshana “goodbye Princess Sophia it was an absolute pleasure meeting your highness!” and before Mica could say a word she waved a hand in front of the mirror, turning it back to a normally mirror.
“Thank you Mirror” Sophia said, placing a hand on the golden edge. It made a small hum of acknowledgement.
“Come on let’s get you to bed,” Sophia looked up at the disheveled and gaunt wizard who picked her up and held her close to his chest as he walked back to his room. The sun had been up for an only hour yet the day felt like it was already over. He needed a nap.
He released Sophia onto the night stand, took off his hat, did not take off his slightly blood stained night robe, and collapsed face forward on the bed, breathing heavily.
Sophia sighed and climbed down the nightstand and using the still loose bed sheets, climbed onto the bed and onto Yonah. He didn’t protest, or make any sign that he knew she was there, but he had to know.
“Hey, you did good today, and your friends still love you, and I’m still your friend. I don’t think you made friends with that prince but he seemed like a dick so who cares.”
A painful chuckle shook from beneath her as Yonah rolled onto his back, Sophia scrambling to keep up with the rotation. Sitting on his chest as he stared up at the ceiling with his eyes closed. he brought his hand up to pet Sophia gently. His hand was warm and rough, and Sophia leaned into it, tickling his palm.
She fell asleep like that, Yonah’s warm hand of a weighted blanket.
Yonah had one last panicked thought before sleep took him.
/Had Shosh said DEMONSTRATION?/
[Thanks for reading! please reblog!]
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kuroandtheguys · 6 years
QUOTES (as in things i’ve said, not necessarily original things but things ive said.) FROM MUN HIKARY,HER DAD AND CLASSMATES AS RP STARTERS:
"get your fuck boy out of my house"
"Listen here you fuck nugget"
"don't touch me you bafoon"
"leave the soul alone"
"i got some shoes from my drug dealer, i dont know what he laced them with but i've been tripping all day...."
"Sure thing Chew-Brocka"
"the beatings will continue until morale improves."
"looking to protect yourself or deal some damage?"
"The egg-salts?"
"much cheese cake"
"baby,princess, dear,dearest. Do me a favorite and get your head out of my ass"
"Whats up gays!"
"Its 1 get the fuck up you lil shit"
"its a porch...not a deck....."
"when one plays the earth game twister one finds out more about the other's than they wanted"
"pain is your reward for being near me."
"oh it's the nasty crime boi"
"follow the yellow-dick road"
"these jokes arent the only thing that suck"
"stupid controls! I said walk to the side not jump off the cliff"
"Zarkon unhand my space father"
"sadness is merely a part of life."
"they're gonna play Mario cart"
"that's how friendship dies"
"Space Dad jokes are out of this world"
"space dad part of a balanced breakfast"
" i wonder whats over here, oh its plot"
"not all wood resists magic damage"
"destroy us all!"
"i could pee in a bucket and tell him it's beer."
"i would fuck lance because who wouldn't"
"Fite me!"
"fuck Shiro because, just look at him. Who wouldn’t?"
"I am tumblr senpai"
"Why is he grinding?!"
"They bonded by beating the shit out of eachother."
"ah ah put those grabby hands away." (wow without context that sounds really dirty)
"if I have social anxiety and YOU have social anxiety then who's going to order the food?"
"now if they made space dad shaped mac and cheese i wouldnt mind so much"
"it could be 1 of 2 things metal leg or morning wood"
"i like chicks not dicks"
"why cant you just say vagina?"
"Ok so if you ever need a break from your mech with a watersport kink let me know."
"I love you" "dude thats gay..." "we are litterly having sex"
"watch your mouth you little shit"
"yes daddy dearest"
"Let me hug you space child"
"i must adopt this lost space child"
"soft and warm space dad"
"omg your so extra"
"hgn those claws he could just rip me apart"
"we can go inside"
"i wouldn't want to expose you"
"he's see more of your girlfriend than you have"
"we had a bonding moment i punched you in the face!"
"I ate my school"
"this limp noodle"
"You wanna ride my huge dragon"
"and i don't know....somethin' bout friendship..."
"Tid be a pitty if i killed him off"
"you've been shanked" "..with a ruler..."
"did you just giggle your boobs at me?"
"It was an earth shattering shit"
"I am the pumpkin gardian"
"Hold my beer and watch this mother fucker
"Careful nuts make you swell, just ask your sister"
"My dad the crack dealer"
"balls deep in an au"
"Don't fuck on my expensive leather couch you cunts"
"He's a perceptive hoe"
"blubbering balls of teenage awkwardness"
"What can I say except~ FUCK OFF"
"I am the alpha dad"
"thats a kick in the danger clam"
"your gonna get your weiner stuck in the baby gate"
"I'm taking you back to the pound"
"I'm so sorry the princess had his feelings hurt"
“Hey demons, it’s ya boi, Satan. Give me the homie back”
"my name is stan, im satan"
"I Came Here For A Good Time And All I Got Was Porn"
"it went from warm to freezing because snow miser is shitting on us"
"Near death can be fixed with ducktap"
"I don't remember what I did with my pants"
"It smells" "You smell" "Your face smells" "You almost got punched I'm the face"
"Bueno bear"
“Gently bullied him into submission”
*Holds up fishing pole and bubbles* hookers and blow.
"To hard, to thick. I'd get hair stuck in my teeth" "...don't ever say that in public."
"Even lesbians like babies"
"My dad is like a fun vampire"
You are a steampunk blood warrior with a plan"
"You are a steampunk blood warrior with a flan"
"You've been hit by you've been struck by a smooth lesbian"
"You just made the inquisitior gay" "Yes" 5 minutes later "So what else us on the table" "The inquisitior"
"Did...did you just call the Cat a butt plug?"
"not like that you kinky fuck"
"kinky princess Matthew holt and his fluffy sidekick Mr whiskers."
"I'm gay and I'm ready to party"
"You founded a country on cocaine and prostitution?"
"You know what looks delicious" "What" "Your tight ass" "Your a hoe, like ben" "_ lemme smash"
"Human Sacrifice is always an option if you aren't a weak little bitch."
"Last time you had an imaginary friend I'm pretty sure it was a demon"
" I don't want to be propositioned by you in private!"
"Don't vore the dogs"
"Surely not everyone was kung-fu fighting" "They were" "..we're they fast as lightning?" "No they were slow, Tai Chi mother fucker"
"There’s a train of thought but it’s been de railed and Billy the kid robbed it."
"Shes just where burgers go to die"
"Im a priest to our lady of sin and this is my seeing eye dragon"
"Hello nightmares my old freind"
"they took some scaly lizard dick"
"I would go to Satan jazz club"
"Gandalf the off white"
"Stop kicking my puppy"
"You sleep darted that man in the dick"
"i didn't hit puberty...i just kinda shook it's hand"
"Tall, dark, warm and edgy. The perfect dad"
"Cerberus thinks he's a lap dog"
"thank god for incredible upper body strength"
"No ship wars. I multi ship like an adult" "Am I an adult I poly ship?" "Yes"
" my flaccid dagger"
"He's running around like a squirrel on crack"
"Could you please acidenly flex somewhere else your distracting me"
"It is the first day of Christmas fucker"
"Don't make me beat ypu with egg nog"
"Why did it suddenly become British?"
"Slav tellaported from another dimension to punch you in the arm"
"Floating kingdom of dabalon"
"I like my nightshade pomegranate flavored"
"dont dab on my boobs"
"The first vampire ran into the sun"
"I need a pocket sendak"
"Four score and 7 years ago our founding pirates"
"Been fueling up on....."
"Life is a highway?"
"the lyrics are coke and whiskey dumb ass"
"all i want for Christmas is the dreamiest daddy."
"patience yields fucking"
"Gray haired man on a house coming through" "I tottally thought you said gay haired man"
"Oh... mood"
"You wrap presents like a blind t rex"
"i take a look at me enormous-"
"white privilege."
"I swear to all of the gods I'm going to climb you like a fucking vine"
"The pellar, he uh.... loves his goat"
"whispers goat fuckerrrr"
"sleeping with slytherins" "dont you mean sirens?" "same fucking thing"
"No one told you life was gonna be this-" "Gay?"
"I am truly the hobo on top of the polar express" "No your the homo ontop of the polar express" "Can't she be a homo hobo?"
"Kinkshame me harder"
“Kinkshame me harder spicy papa”
"Male griffin returns and is like what the fuck did you do to my wife"
"Drug cloud please disperse"
"Just cause I'm gay dosent mean the cake needs to be"
"Just cause I'm gay dosent mean the cake needs to be"
"Right in the paw patroler"
"Stuffed em up Mr patato head's butt"
"feed me"
"i swear if you start singing-"
"must be blood"
"here she gose again"
"must be fresh"
"i dont wanna hear this"
"Get on the fucking dragon or I will leave you in this tower"
"Vivia le roi" "LONG LIVE THE REVALUATION" "No.... long live the king"
"I'm a senior my vote counts more"
"I am gentle snek"
"The boner wizzard is a girl" "That's a dragon" "Girl dragon"
"my father the actual 5 year old" "thats right 5 times a whole bunch"
"why..... is your icon a crotch buldge?"
"Layers" "Like an oinion" "Yes and their all gonna make you cry"
"You blushing" "I'm pasty and I burn in the sun anytime I go out." "So your burned..?" "Yes fucker"
 "You should be careful dancing around with those daggers when I'm throwing fire" "It won't hurt me. It's friendly fire"
15 notes · View notes
yorkscoffee · 7 years
yeah ok ill do this
i got tagged by the great and powerful @theravioliyoyo​
RULES: Share 11 facts about yourself, answer 11 questions provided by the tagger, tag 11 awesome people and leave 11 questions for them to answer! 
the facts
ive been workin on self improvement lately, particularly w/ physical health; ive stalled a lil but im more conscious of my decisions now & im gettin better bit by bit
i dont talk a whole lot so my voice gets worn out real easy
my giant peridot plush is still in my room. shes standing in a corner wearing a hat and an ace flag scarf and i love her and she creeps my mom out
i chew on my hands a lot
i have so many plushes i have piles of them all over my room and like two bins of them in storage. i love all of them and refuse to get rid of any of them
i have a couple of story concepts in me brain and i really wish i could get as hooked on them as i am on persona
i put (unsalted!!!) butter in my tea its really good trust me
i love shippy stuff... cant relate to it but it brings me joy anyway
manic the hedgehog is still my one true love and it just occurred to me that i have the power to commission a plush of him... just gotta get over The Anxiety...
ive almost died at least 3 times. maybe more. i dont know if im really lucky or really unlucky LOL
ok so listen ive got this huge crossover au for all the persona games in my brain and it all starts with p3 makoto coming back in p5 for who knows what reason (i know what reason) and naoto also shows up later on. p3 makoto and p5 makoto become Same Name Bffs. naoya and kei start off in a side story but end up very involved with the main plot. maya is there. its great. i really want to draw a comic for it but i should Probably start with shorter stories first......... raise my comic makin stats a little before i start on a Big Project...................... but the Idea is There,
the questions
What series are you really into right now (books, comics, movies, manga, anime, shows, etc.)? i managed to rocket myself from the depths of the steven universe fandom all the way back to the persona fandom, which i hadnt even touched in years
Do you have a preferred genre of music, and if so, what is it? uhhhh i listen to just about everything but if i had to pick one... electronica
What’s one of the nicest compliments anyone has ever given you? shoot son any compliment will literally get me rolling on the floor. someone said they printed out some of my art and put it on their wall and ive been thinking about it ever since
What kind of games do you like (video games, board games, party games, etc.)? video games............ im fond of anything with a story i can love, tho i think im most fond of open world rpgs (love gettin lost in side quests) and platformers (i grew up with em... gotta love em)--fun fact i prefer real time stuff over turn based so its actually kind of funny that i love persona so much
Do you have a favorite recipe? bowl of raw fish and soy sauce
What’s something you changed your opinion on? man i change my opinions a lot... i got persona on the brain so im gonna say p1 as a whole; i had trouble getting into it when the psp version had just come out because of the battle system, and i wasnt too fond of the characters... now im chill w the battle system and i love the cast to Death
In a world where everyone has superpowers, what superpower would you NOT like to have? mind control... id get worried im doing it subconsciously and that would just be a huge mess and no i dont want it
Do you have any piercings? no but i did get my ears pierced once when i was younger. they got infected and i decided i didnt want to deal with it so i let em close up
Is there something popular that you don’t really get why it’s so popular? why do people look at two characters who are always at each others throats and go “yes this is my ship” are u ok please if u need to talk im here for u
Do you prefer cold beverages or hot ones? hot chocolate and tea are my favorite drinks, esp now that im on medicine that makes soda taste like the sins of all of mankind condensed, carbonated, and canned for your convenience
Are you working on any personal project right now? if my ask blog counts yeah.....
and now for my questions
if you tried to dominate the world how would you do it
if you were the main character of a video game what would the first level be like
which do you prefer physical or digital (games, music, books, movies, etc)
what is your favorite object
if kirby vored you what power would he get
did that question upset you
what rock is your gemsona
if you were in an anime, what kind of hair would you have
do you enjoy knives
what object do you lose most often
how do you feel when i say “hewwo”
i tag anyone who read this far and wants to do this i guess
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lizard-shifter-noms · 8 months
Wayward Waters Chapter 10
Hello everyone! Chapter 9!
time to explore more of the world!
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
have fun reading!
and as always Reblogs are appreciated! (Also ASK’s are open so feel free to bother me!)
AO3 Link for those that prefer the layout there;
AO3 Wayward waters
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Walking to be next to the mast and be more in the middle of the boat to not unbalance it or something i laid down,  or rather did the cat loaf thingy again.
Ronan was following suit,  having gotten that faintly glowing piece of rock again from who knew where and was excitedly flapping the hand that wasn't holding it.
“Magic is so fascinating! 
And illogical, but mainly fascinating! Like, you can just turn into something that is many times your actual size and mass!
Where the hell does the mass even come from? 
And where does it go? And what the fuck happens to your clothes?”
The last one was something I had thought about a few times.
“Ronan, I have no idea,  I know basically nothing aside from HOW to shift.
But yeah i did wonder about the clothes thing too,  maybe i should ask Oakley as soon as im home”
Ronan looked briefly disappointed only to immediately get distracted and examine the catnip that was growing on my elbow.
“Is that catnip? Wait, you're kinda catlike, does it affect you in any way?”
“Yes that's catnip, and no it does not affect me,  luckily so, or i would have to make a bald spot there”
That made him laugh.
“I do wonder if you would look like one of those hairless cats without all that fur! Well you'd still have the plants,  probably?, but it would look so weird!”
Well that surely would be, something.
“I'd rather not, i actually like being fluffy”
Ronan just hummed and scaled my arm up to my back,  examining the plants again.
“Did you know the flowers on your back close at night? 
Like normal ones!”
They did? Well that made sense, after all they were still plants.
Ronan meanwhile was using the glowing rock to stick his head into my mane, 
which made his voice rather muffled despite being really close to my ear.
“I wonder if you could plant more flowers somehow? 
You can in dirt but thats, well, flesh”
Plant MORE?
“Well, I dunno, maybe you could try sticking one into a wound? 
But that would probably hurt”
“Yeah, well if you ever figure that out lemme know!”
If I had a way to contact him, sure.
“If I can, then sure! Buuut i'm going to ask Oakley first if he knows if that's even possible or not”
“Sounds grea-AAAAT”
With a yelp he fell off my back and landed on the floor.
“You good?”
He responded pretty chipper so he was probably, ?, fine.
“I'm never good! But yeah I'm uninjured! Mostly at least, 
and nothing new! Let's continue with the main thing!”
Oh, right, damnit why the fuck did i tell him that i would?
At least he had the decency to pat the dust off and take off his shoes before putting those in one of the boxes.
“Figured you didn't want to put Shoes in your mouth” “Yeah, i really don't, who knows what people step in with those”
Ronan shrugged and walked up to my face.
“Well for mine it's mostly saltwater,  though Imugi tried to chew on them once”
I couldn't really decide if the Sea serpent was more like a cat or a dog.
Whatever, just Sea Serpent then,  now back to the task at hand, err claw?
Though Ronan had gotten distracted again for a bit and was trying to examine my eye.
“Despite being cat like your pupils are still round! 
Kinda funny though that they got the same shade of blue that i do”
So it was the same shade, and not just similar, funny.
“Eh, tons of people have blue eyes, that's nothing special”
“Mhm, true, just think it's funny, hey were both half elf right? 
Maybe it's an Elven gene?”
Considering Fable was a red eyed albino I had no point of reference for that, but my mother had the same eye color as well and she had been human.
“The only elf i ever saw was my albino halfbrother, so i can't tell”
Ronan shrugged and let up from being so close to my eye that he was just a blurry shape.
Instead he moved to the front of my mouth and I opened it before he got the idea to inspect my nostrils next.
I really was not keen on having him stick his arm in there. 
I tried not to open my mouth wider than needed,  just enough to gently ease him inside. 
I didn't want to delay, 
but still gave him ample time to speak up if he wanted me to stop. 
However, so far he stayed quiet, seeming to be alright, 
instead he was inspecting my tongue again.
So I Went ahead and softly gulped, wanting to get this over with.
And then without hardly a breath in between swallowed a second time, swiftly sending him down inside of me entirely. 
Powerful muscular walls surrounded him and kneaded him downwards, towards the awaiting pouch he'd been so curious about. 
He was upside down for a little bit,  sliding down through my chest,  past both of my hearts and a bit further down. 
From what I could tell he ‘landed’ face down and had to struggle for a moment before he managed to right himself on the slick flesh.
“Ronan? Are you good?”
There was a good half minute where Ronan didn't answer,  but he was still moving so he was probably fine?
Then he finally answered.
“Yeah! This is fucking fascinating! 
And thanks to the rock I can even see a tiny bit!”
Go figure, but he better not lose the thing!
“Good, just don't lose it, i don't want random items left in my guts”
I could hear Ronan laugh from out here even.
“Don't worry! I only got one of those and intend to keep it!”
Oh yeah he better.
Suddenly there was an odd sensation, was he examining the walls?
Well it wasn't bad so whatever,  but i had to fight not to purr like when Robin did that.
I did NOT want Ronan to find that out while he was in there!
Fuck knows hed try everything to get me to purr even more.
Thankfully he stopped soon after he started.
Apparently he was hyperfocusing on one spot now.
What a weirdo.
What was even so interesting in that one single place?
“Why do you have scars in here? 
Did you try to like, store a rock in here or something?”
Ah, Right.
“Oh, uhm, thats been a good bit ago, pretty stupid really”
“Why? What happened?”
I let my head hit the deck with a flump,  of Course the curious dumbass would ask what happened!
“So back when it was still cold I got lost in the snow with some friends.
After getting separated from one of them in a snowstorm I had to go after him but when I found him he was basically freezing to death.
So, uhm, well apparently he likes to hide knives on himself and I couldn't really tell him he'd be fine.
He freaked out and stabbed me”
That was as close as I could make it without revealing who or why.
Not too fond of having to explain all of that fuckery though.
“That must have hurt”
Well, yes, but it healed and I kept forgetting about them anyway.
“Like hell, but now its all healed, and i keep forgetting about it”
Not like I could see it to have it remind me that the scars existed.
Ronan was now back to poking at everything, 
well there really couldn't be much to be seen in there.
Suddenly there was a nauseous sensation at the bottom of my throat and a strange tightness as well.
Oh that fucker had forceded his arm back out and up my throat!
I heaved, the sensation very unwelcome as my body suddenly decided to get this annoying thing out.
Ronan sadly didn't get time to look at the fascinating teeth before Donovan swallowed, and then swallowed again.
He made a mental note of how many times he had to do so.
Which was apparently at least three times.
It was a bit tight, but he kept still and waited to arrive in the Anatomical curiosity Donovan had called a Pouch.
Which came sooner than she expected, suddenly finding himself slipping face down into a slightly more open space. 
He slipped the first time he tried to move and had to try again,  noting the walls were slightly damp and formed to his body,  making indents where he pushed his hands down.
It wasn't cavernous, just big enough for him and maybe one to two other people to comfortably curl up within. 
Depending on their size of course,  Jamie must have had more room than Ronan did now.
he was probably completely hidden and not even making a bump in Donovan’s midsection, all safely tucked away from the outside world.
How deeply fascinating! 
“Ronan? Are you good?”
That must have been Donovan's voice! In here it rumbled and made everything buzz!
He also should probably answer.
“Yeah! This is fucking fascinating! 
And thanks to the rock I can even see a tiny bit!”
Donovan's voice rumbled around him once more.
“Good, just don't lose it, i don't want random items left in my guts”
Ronan laughed, considering this was his only glowing rock he surely wouldn't forget.
“Don't worry! I only got one of those and intend to keep it!”
He reached out and ran his hands over the walls,  feeling the rippled and smooth texture.
He could feel the flesh around him twitch in surprise,  Apparently it was more sensitive than he originally thought.
He stopped feeling around at the walls though when he found a strange change in texture.
They appeared to be two strange dips,  colored differently from the rest with one being larger than the other.
What the fuck?
He held the glowing rock closer to inspect it a bit more.
In the dim light he could see that the two dips did not match the surrounding and very soft walls at all.
Though they didn't seem to be parasites, which he would have to tell Donovan immediately so they could get rid of it.
So that left one possible thing it could be.
“Why do you have scars in here? 
Did you try to like, store a rock in here or something?”
Donovan HAD mentioned having had to practice sending things the right way after all.
“Oh, uhm, thats been a good bit ago, pretty stupid really”
Well now Ronan was intrigued!
“Why? What happened?”
He could feel the body around him shift, Donovan probably wasn't too fond of whatever happened then, maybe it was embarrassing?
Eh, he'd already asked!
“So back when it was still cold I got lost in the snow with some friends.
After getting separated from one of them in a snowstorm I had to go after him but when I found him he was basically freezing to death.
So, uhm, well apparently he likes to hide knives on himself and I couldn't really tell him he'd be fine.
He freaked out and stabbed me”
Stabbed? Those were stab wounds? And caused by a friend no less?!?
“That must have hurt”
Not only the stabbing but the fact that it was his friend.
“Like hell, but now its all healed, and i keep forgetting about it”
How could one forget about scars like these? 
Well not like it mattered now that it was over.
And now his exploration was basically done,  This was more boring than he thought it would be.
Really aside from the very concept of being inside another creature there wasn't much to see.
The only things he could hear were the whooshing of lungs,  which reminded him of the ocean and the double beat of the hearts.
He'd rather look at those! 
But considering Donovan was Alive he couldn't.
There really was only one thing to look at now,  that being the way he came in.
Looking somewhat above him he found what looked pretty much exactly like an esophageal sphincter.
Curiously he tapped at it before shoving his entire arm in to see if the texture was much different than in the pouch.
When everything tensed up and squashed him he felt like he shouldn't have done that.
When he got squeezed out of the pouch and back up again he knew he shouldn't have done that.
Oh well, he had seen what there was to see, which wasn't much.
After coughing and nearly choking I spat the bedraggled looking Ronan back onto the deck.
“The HELL did you do? That was awful!”
Ronan just flung some spit from his arms.
“Sorry! That wasn't planned to happen! 
I just wanted to see how the texture differed!”
Of course it would be something as inane as this.
“Dumbass, they really weren't kidding when they said you did not think ahead at all”
He made an unhappy face.
“I know i know, i'm just bad at keeping track of time, like, all of the time”
“Well, you better found out what you wanted because i'm not doing that again”
Worse than Oakley! At least Oakley thought of what consequences could happen ahead of doing things!
Ronan just stood up and flicked more slime off of him.
“I did actually! Though it was a lot more boring than I thought it would be!
Not much aside from those scars!”
I rolled my eyes, of course someone as, well,  unusual as him would find that boring.
Maybe he'd just spent too much time in the sun and parts of his brain dried up?
“Good, now you better go back to your room before Akeem appears and scolds you for this stupid ass ‘adventure’ also i don't think you should run around while you're still healing”
Ronan nodded and scrambled to pick his glowing rock up from the ground before running face first into the closed door.
His brain really had to have been at least partially fried by the sun.
“That works better when you open the door first!”
He laughed and slinked through the doorway.
“I know! It's not my fault they build it like that!”
Yeah, sure, whatever.
So, what now?
Shift back human and go to sleep as well?
And risk having nightmares again?
Or stay as Ardua and sleep on the deck?
Still risk of nightmares but slightly less, but might make the Boat slower.
I shuffled forward a little bit and looked up.
The stars were beautiful tonight, with the North star Lafayah shimmering just as Lonely as I felt way up above me.
Hmm, Fable had been right about that light pollution thing,  with no other source of light anywhere near the boat for miles upon miles it was almost as if there were twice as many stars.
There also were flecks of something like slightly purple and white fog.
There was a scratching sound followed by rapid tippy taps and suddenly there was a certain bird legged maniac jumping on top of me and trying to make a nest out of my mane.
“Hello Jamie, can't sleep? Also i kinda expected you to hate me now” They flopped over and pulled more of my long fur into the makeshift nest in my mane.
“Nah, Akeem and Ronan explained, mainly Akeem as Ronan kept getting off topic, also i don't want to sleep in the cabin,  outside is prettier, also your fur is soft and warm”
“Well yeah, but if i get another nightmare i might shake you off from there”
They bapped at my ear with one of their spindly legs.
“Don't get one then”
Well that certainly was advice, though an unusable one.
Jamie was quite the weird person, saying one thing but then doing something that was not quite the opposite but close enough, like when they'd cursed Ronan for draggin me on board and then just walking in front of me.
Also they had stayed weirdly calm when I had put them in the pouch.
I could never tell what they thought or would do next.
“You know i can't quite place You”
They shrugged and messed up my mane even more.
“Maybe you should Stop placing people and let them place themselves? 
Not everyone can be shoved in those metaphorical boxes those land dwellers have, and i certainly don't want to be labeled by strangers as something i'm not just because of the way i behave or look”
That was a very good point actually.
Fuck knew that even the people of Kamerasca and Maringand had some differences despite being so close to each other,  Who knew what other Kingdoms were like?
And out here on the sea where Boats from all places crossed everything mixed together creating an absolute mishmash of cultures and races and whatnot.
“True, the open sea is quite different from the Lands,  I guess how people see you also depends on where you are, like, Kamerasca hated me for being an elf bastard, I'm sure if I Had lived on some island or boat I wouldn't have stuff thrown at me”
Jamie laughed, a bitter and humorless laugh.
“Not all islands are nice, and the sailors aren't either! 
Especially those from the colonized parts! So we usually avoid those”
That was all too familiar.
“Yeah, i get that, if you have no reason to go there you should probably avoid such places”
They just mumbled something and tried to use the last free bits of my mane as a blanket.
That probably wouldn't work so well if they were any taller.
“Goodnight then”
“Mhm, sleep well, if you don't i will kick at your nose”
Of course.
After that they shut up though, literally nestling into my mane.
Well, it looked like I would sleep in the Ardua form then.
Not that I minded that.
I did not realize at what point I fell asleep but I was woken up by a rapid bap bap bap against my forehead.
Blearily opening my eyes I tried to look what it was but due to being directly on my head it was in a blind spot.
Oh wait, that's Jamie, Jamie was the only one on the boat who could move their Limbs fast enough for that.
“Morning? There are better ways to wake me up”
They hopped down, once again reminding me of some small bird with the way they held themselves.
Maybe a sparrow, or a bluejay due to the light blue sweater.
“I know, but that's not as funny! You took like five minutes to notice!”
That long? Well at least I didn't have any nightmares this time.
“Well I'm awake now, what is it?”
Instead of answering like a normal person they grabbed the side of my face with one of their spindly legs and pulled it to face the front of the ship.
It took me a few confused seconds until I saw what Jamie wanted to show me.
The biggest island we had come across yet, 
with a separate little island a few miles ahead of it with a tower.
A lighthouse probably.
And from what I could see a few other Ships were also headed towards said Island where I could faintly make out buildings.
I abruptly stood up, making Jamie complain.
“Is that the Island you told me about? What was it? Kariba Island?”
Instead of Jamie another voice answered, a deeper one.
“It is, that in front of us is Kariba Island,  you should probably shift back to a smaller stature now”
Akeem was right, showing up as Ardua was only going to make things more complicated.
I nodded at him and shifted back down, much to the chagrin of Jamie who had just set themselves to jump on top of my back.
“How long till we reach it?”
“Not too long,  with Imugi towing the ship well reach it in about an hour at most”
So Akeem estimated an hour? great! One step closer to going home!
Ignoring that Jamie now used Akeem as a perch, I went to the front of the boat to watch the island get slowly bigger as we got closer.
Imik and Ronan were also there,  making sure that Imugi was properly attached to the weird looking harness as apparently it had slipped a bit on her scales.
“I swear this is getting too small again! 
We need to make a new one soon!”
Complained Ronan while Imik tried to make one of the lashes a bit bigger.
In my Opinion Imugi was big enough already,  though who knew how big a Sea Serpent could really get?
Hearing my footsteps they both turned to me, with Imik immediately greeting me while Ronan cursed the harness out.
“Hello Donovan! Did you sleep okay? Also! We're close to our Home!
That means we can get a map soon and help you!”
Yes! Not much longer and I could finally go home!.
“I know! Jamie woke me up, well more like punched my face” They both let out a laugh at that.
“Classic! You should have seen the one time Ronan slept in and Jamie-mhff?”
Ronan had slapped a hand over Imik’s mouth to get him to shut up.
“Don't tell him that! It was bad enough when it actually happened!”
Ronan and Imik then started squabbling over whether or not it had been funny in retrospect.
Though I did not find out what this was about at all and leaving Imugi confusedly clicking with an only partially redone harness.
Ignoring the two who only half heartedly fought due to Ronans still partly fried skin, I went over to Imugi who happily clicked at the sight of me.
That really had to be the friendliest sea monster in existence.
She craned her neck and gently gummed on my arm with her bony beak.
Her entire head was bigger than i was,  Was this how people felt when I was in the Ardua form?
I gently patted at her beak which prompted her to make that strange chirping sound again.
“Thank you for helping me go home, i never thought id meet a friendly sea serpent” 
She made a whistling sound and licked over my face as an answer.
“Great, now i smell like fish”
She whistles again in what was a pretty good imitation of laughter before Bonking Ronan on the head with her beak.
“Ah! I'm on it, I'm on it! Don't stress me! I know you wanna get home fast too!”
Ronan immediately went back to fixing the harness so Imugi could tow the ship better.
Imik also stood up again, his hair completely disheveled from where Ronan had messed it up to spite him.
“Oh i bet she wants some of Yamet’s cooking! We really have just been eating stale bread the past few days!”
“Well none of you can cook,  though maybe you should at least learn the basics of it”
Imik threw what appeared to be one of the retrieved gold coins at Akeem,who had come out of nowhere again,  For the suggestion, the coin however just bounced off harmlessly.
“You don't even eat! Nag at us when you do!”
True, but he’d still managed to make me a chamomile tea, which was way more than they could say.
Akeem once again didn't seem bothered by anything.
“Technically i can eat, i just have no need to, but if you insist”
Then he bit the gold coin in half and chewed it, the sound his teeth made against the metal horribly grating as he just ate an entire gold coin like a cookie.
Well, that was probably one of the most horrible noises I had ever heard.
A sudden lurch went through the Boat and we gained speed,  Apparently Ronan had fixed the harness.
Jamie suddenly appeared and went past us to perch on the Bowsprit at the front of the ship.
Which made me remember that I didn't even know what these guys had called their vessel.
Bit late to ask now though, I'd just try and catch a glimpse when we went on land.
Which was soon, as Imugi accelerated while Jamie chanted for her to go faster and faster.
Which she did, and didn't stop thus making everyone except Akeem and Jamie fall over.
Ronan laughed loudly somewhere to my left.
“HAHA! That's the fastest she's ever been! At this point we might as well put the sail away!”
Akeem just lifted Ronan up from the ground like he was a wet cat.
Imik was friendly enough to offer me a hand as well, which I gladly took and then simply held onto the railing to not fall over again as Jamie chanted for Imugi to go even faster.
Luckily the pace we were at now stayed constant instead of going faster.
As we neared what I assumed was the harbor,  which was located right between the two long strips of land,  We encountered a bunch of other ships, some coming, some going.
What was strange was that not one of them seemed to think that a boat towed by a Sea Serpent was strange, a few of them even waving at us.
Another Boat that apparently was just leaving came pretty close for a moment and a young man with two Horns that grew straight upward from his head shouted something in a language I could not understand.
Ronan Shouted something back in the strange language and nearly fell off the boat, to the amusement of the other ship as they drifted past.
Akeem swiftly pulled Ronan back up before he completely fell in though and only a few minutes later we drifted past the first building which looked to be some sort of watchtower.
The land got rockier and started to build up to an at least thirty feet tall cliff as we finally reached the almost lake-like harbor that was unusually round and the only way in or out was the narrower gap between the two strips of land.
It indeed was reminiscent of a pulled wisdom tooth, roots and all.
The thing that was most astounding was that absolutely nobody seemed bothered by clearly nonhuman creatures going about their day as we drifted past some houses that had been hewn into the cliffside.
Suddenly Imik jumped up and started waving like crazy at what appeared to be an elderly couple consisting of an old lady that at least looked human and an actual Merman with the bottom half colored a dark blue with yellow stripes.
Wait, those were Imiks' grandparents? Well, it kinda made sense.
The Merman did have the same ears and yellow colored scales,  even if the blue was way darker.
And the ladies' hair, though now more gray than anything,  still held some brightly yellow streaks.
They both waved happily at Imik and the merman heaved himself up completely on the weird balcony to plant a kiss on his wife's cheek.
Imik waved for a little longer and then Imugi had towed us past that as well.
The next thing we sailed toward was an older looking pier where they apparently planned to stop the ship.
As soon as we got close enough Imik and Akeem ran down to get the rope and toss it over one of the taller pillars of the Pier and tie the entire Boat to it.
After that Akeem got a walkway and made a path to steady ground.
Walking to where Jamie had already flitted off to, I went past the hidden box in the wall, the one containing the weird blue bracelet.
Should I take it with me right now?
Better not, I did not know the area and I might get pickpocketed.
Also no way in hell would i wear two at the same time,  Who knew what would happen? And the other bracelet was Blue on top of that, it might even be broken or something.
So for the time being I left it where it was and walked down to solid ground for the first time in days.
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