#actually nvm i think it wouldve been fine if anybody had media literacy here
alfiely-art · 1 month
Going off of that last post, just got me to think about how- one of my fave things about the fandom's (at large) interpretation of Ouma is how they just completely fell for his facade he carefully constructed all the time that we all by now know is false ktgdwrsfaesx....... Can't tell whether I find that absolutely hilarious or if I wanna scream about it in agony and misery
I just don't understand it 😭😭😭 like it's so Clear To Me that he wasn't genuine about being evil and hating everybody
People when a character clearly states that he's a liar and he lies and is called out for those lies and then in a time of vulnerability he admits about his facade being a lie: well. Clearly he was telling the truth the entire time and this instance is where he lies. None of the other times
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Fuck man Kokichis facade isn't even that good!!! I came into the fandom because of that little fucker and immediately I could tell he's the type of character that cares a lot but puts up a facade
Why is Kiibo the only one to acknowledge Kokichi was telling the truth in his last moments also. Shuichi doesn't count because it's up to the player to decide how he feels WHY WAS KIIBO THE ONLY ONE!!!!! Even Kaito was like "oh idk lol. Fuck that guy lmao" and he WAS THERE!!!!
Kodaka why did you do this
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