#actually same w/ bobs burgers fans watching object shows bcuz of me. i love to cross-contaminate the ecosystems of my interests
br1ghtestlight · 4 months
Bob's burgers beginners episodes
if you want to start watching bob's burgers but aren't sure where to begin with over 265+ episodes i have compiled a small list of episodes that i think are a good introduction to the series and characters!!
it is an episodic sitcom so i wouldn't worry too much about starting with season one episode one. you won't really miss out on too much context except for some secondary character introductions, and in my personal opinion the earlier seasons aren't the best introduction for the characterization and humor that the rest of the series has and probably aren't the best to start out with watching. i will try to include at least one episode that focuses on each of the main characters :)
Bob Belcher and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Kids (season 11, episode 6)
in my opinion this is the best episode to start with if you've never seen an episode of the show before. it was the 100th episode special and so it does a good job at introducing the characters, settings etc as if it were a rewritten version of the pilot episode AND it's a lot funnier and more enjoyable than the actual pilot episode!!! it does a good job at introducing family dynamics and characters and also has a really catchy song lol
the plot of this episode is that there's an annual festival on ocean avenue and bob is hoping it'll be good for business but due to a series of events the kids end up setting the restaurant on fire, and end up getting up to some shenanigans to try to make it up to bob while him, linda and teddy try to get the restaurant in good enough condition for them to open for the lunch rush (also there's a fun plot twist at the end of this episode)
The Hurt Soccer (season 8, episode 12)
this episode is really funny and enjoyable and doesn't rely too heavily on secondary characters that were introduced in earlier episodes for it to make sense
the plot of this episode is that bob and linda accidentally signed louise up for a soccer team (which she absolutely DOES NOT want to be on) and she ends up having to compete in the final game of the season with bob as the coach and tina as the assistant coach, but louise's soccer team is kinda terrible. gene and linda end up opening a musical production in the restaurant bcuz they are both huge showbiz performers. Weirdly enough this episode ALSO has the restaurant catch on fire but i swear to god that isn't a consistent thing on this show it's just these two episodes </3
Eat, Spray, Linda (season 5, episode 18)
this is a pretty simple episode about linda's birthday where the kids and bob try to give her a happy birthday but EVERYTHING seems to be going wrong for her. it's a cute episode and has some interesting insight into linda's character and her relationship with her kids without feeling overwhelming!!
Stand By Gene (season 6, episode 12)
this episode features A LOT of secondary characters but I don't think its too confusing if you just go into it with the understanding that these are the kids friends from school and they appear in many episodes before and since this one. besides that it's a very fun adventure-type episode of all the kids going on a small adventure to find a two-butted goat at a nearby farm and explores a lot of interesting friendship dynamics. the subplot is a silly restaurant game between bob, linda and some other minor secondary characters but it does a really good job of showcasing their relationship and support of each other (while also being super compeitive) if you don't want to watch EVERY episode where a secondary character is introduced right away this is a really good one to start with. it's sooo charming and fun
The Laser-inth (season 7, episode 18)
I'm slightly biased because this was one of the first bob's burgers episodes i ever watched but i do think it's a really good one to start out with!! the main plot is about bob taking gene to a rock concert where he ends up getting sensory overload bcuz of the loud music and lights and is a good protrayal of bob's parenting style and how he is as a father. the subplot is linda taking tina and louise to an american girl style doll restaurant and it's mostly silly fun but also a little bit sweet at the end :) AND they help a spy doll escape from being killed. genuinely a very wholesome and fun episode with so much heart. also one of the episodes that explores the "it takes a village" type parenting style that is so important in bob's burgers worldbuilding (specifically in the subplot with gretchen)
Wharf Horse (or How Bob Saves/Destroys the Town) & World Wharf II: The Wharfening (or How Bob Saves/Destroys the Town) (season 4 episodes 21 and 22)
THIS is a huge two-part season finale that is a good introduction into the more high-stakes episodes of bob's burgers and the world that surrounds them. it's almost a prequel episode for the movie (which i maybe wouldn't recommend watching RIGHT AWAY but it is really good) and is super enjoyable and tense!!! i can't even begin to describe the plot of this one but basically mr fischoeder (their landlord/guy who owns everything in town) is convinced by his brother to sell wonder wharf so they can build condos and. things happen!! VERY TENSE!!!
also maaaybe look at the trigger warnings for this episode if you dont mind spoilers and think you might be triggered by certain situations because it is a bit darker than most episodes (not darker than the movie though lmao)
Mother Daughter Laser Razor (season 3, episode 10)
this episode is an earlier one but really good and explores linda and louise's dynamic. linda thinks that louise doesn't like her and signs them up for mother/daughter parenting classes which louise ABSOLUTELY hates. good episode about meeting your kid where they're at and provides some more context for later louise and linda episodes (where their relationship is definitely improved). the subplot where bob teaches tina how to shave her legs is also really sweet and I love how understanding and empathetic it is towards tina as a neurodivergent teenage girl <3
Mission Impos-slug-ble (season 8, episode 20)
this episode is another low-stakes episode but it explores the relationship between louise and tina (which has been explored before in earlier episodes and will be explored again!!!!) and also is just generally a very fun more school-focused episode. it does have a lot of wagstaff school staff members as secondary characters which might be a bit confusing if you aren't aware of their dynamic?? but honestly i think it's pretty easy to understand even from within the context of the episode and what's provided onscreen. also has some rudy screentime and other characters from louise's class (rudy is louise's best friend which is pretty much the only important thing to know here). the subplot is about bob giving a eulogy at a funeral but i can say the character who died is not a character who had been introduced previously despite how it might seem. He's just a guy they made up for this episode but it's a fun subplot
The Hormone-iums (season 6, episode 14)
this is a cute tina episode and has bob being a great dad too :) there isn't a lot to explain it's just an episode about tina wanting the lead role in a play type thing and having a crisis of morality and wanting to fit in with her classmates. the subplot is also very funny AND involves a transgender/drag queen plus-sized women's shoe store so you know it's good
Poops!... I Didn't Do It Again (season 10, episode 20)
episode focused on bob and louise's relationship as father and daughter where louise is going on an overnight field trip but she can't poop unless she's at home (ITS SO MUCH MORE HEARTWARMING THAT IT SOUNDS. bob is such a good dad) and in my opinion an episode that does a great job of showcasing louise's personality and fearlessness while also showcasing her internalized anxiety that she mostly gets from bob lbr
the subplot is about linda and the kids trying to make a stupid video for linda's parents anniversery and its entertaining enough BUT im absolutely not giving any context for the pickle costumes. it's so much funnier that way. They just have those don't even worry about it <3 we call this episode two in The Pickle Costume Trilogy
Driving Big Dummy (season 12, episode 4)
teddy episode!! I wanted to include at least one on this list because he's the unofficial sixth main character and has an important role in this show (you'll notice he's had an appearance in almost every episode I listed here) and this is one of my favorite episode of his :) there aren't any secondary characters and no real context is needed outside of the main six characters. bob and teddy go on a roadtrip together to pick up some equipment for the restaurant etc and have conflict bcuz teddy is outgoing and blah blah while linda and the kids compete to become the employee of the day (aka linda brags to the kids about how she's the best employee at bob's burgers. which she is. and then lets them win anyway because she loves them). fun episode and a great introduction to teddy and bob's relationship dynamic even if it wasn't intended to be
there are SOO MANY other bob's burgers episodes that I think are great and required viewing when it comes to this show but I wanted to make a short list of episodes for anyone who might want to dip their toes into the Bob's burger water without having to commit themselves to 14 seasons. by no means is this an inclusive list of every episode new viewers should watch. it isn't even 5% of them and honestly i would recommend watching through the whole show eventually bcuz every episode is somewhat important but this is a good starting point if you think you might enjoy this show!!
(I didn't include very many episodes from the more recent post-movie seasons not because they aren't GOOD. they're some of the best in my opinion. but because almost all the episodes are experimental storytelling or require a lot more context of the characters and their relationships and 14 seasons in they aren't really writing these episodes to introduce new viewers to the show. like imagine trying to introduce someone to the show for the first time using the amazing rudy or amelia lmao)
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