#actually the corvids have shown back up like right around when the autumn weather hit us so its not a wrong answer
yewstronaut · 1 year
9, 16, 19 for the halloween asks!🎃
ohohohohohh thanks for the ask :3
9. Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?
Yes and no. I find it to fun in and of itself but I'm not a huge fan of pumpkin flesh so it always feels a little wasteful to me. My favourite time carving pumpkins was when I did it with my family when we lived in Wyoming and after the doods started to deflate we left them for the meese (plural of moose) to enjoy.
16. Apple cider or hot chocolate?
They are for different moods/situations. If I want something decadent and heavy I go for the coco if I want something light I go for the cider. Generally though I save the coco for the colder months. Also I like the powedered packet apple cider the best (it's what i grew up with and also its cheap)
19. What is the soundtrack for your fall?
The call of the Ravens as they fly over the fjord.
Honestly though I don't have a specific Fall playlist. I am currently listening to Hozier's newest album and I'm 113% open to recommendations cause it would be sick af to have a playlist for the season.
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