#ad film makers in india
mayhighfilms-blog · 5 months
The Importance of Product Videos for Startups: How Mayhigh Films Helps You Stand Out
Are you a startup looking to make a powerful impact in the competitive market? In today's digital age, simply relying on traditional marketing methods may not be enough. Enter product videos – the game-changer that can help your brand stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression on potential customers. And who better than Mayhigh Films to guide you through this exciting journey of grabbing attention, creating desire, and boosting sales? Join us as we unravel the importance of product videos for startups and discover how Mayhigh Films can be your secret weapon in achieving unprecedented success.
Introduction to the Importance of Product Videos for Startups
In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business world, startups face numerous challenges in successfully launching their products or services. With limited resources, smaller budgets and the need to make a strong impact, startups must find innovative ways to stand out from the crowd. And one effective way to do so is through product videos.
Product videos have become an essential tool for startups as they offer a dynamic and engaging way to showcase their products or services. These short videos allow businesses to convey their brand story, highlight key features and benefits of their product, and ultimately convince potential customers to make a purchase.
So why are product videos so important for startups? Let's take a closer look at some of the key reasons.
1. Creates a Strong First Impression: As the saying goes, "you only get one chance to make a first impression." This holds true for startups as well. With product videos, you can create a powerful first impression that piques the interest of your target audience. A well-crafted video can capture attention within seconds and leave a lasting impact on viewers.
2. Showcases Your Product in Action: Text descriptions or images can only do so much in explaining your product's features and benefits. However, with a visually appealing video, you can demonstrate how your product works and its unique selling points in an engaging manner. This helps potential customers understand your offering better and increases their chances of making a purchase.
3. Boosts Brand Awareness: Startups need all the exposure they can get in order to establish themselves in the market. Product videos not only showcase your offering but also help build brand awareness by promoting your company's name, logo, colors, etc., throughout the video.
4. Enhances Website Conversion Rates: The average internet user has an attention span of 8 seconds; hence it is crucial for businesses to captivate them quickly before they move on to something else. Product videos on your website can do just that by keeping visitors engaged and interested in your offerings. This, in turn, can lead to higher conversion rates and an increase in sales.
Product videos play a significant role in the success of startups. They help create a positive brand image, increase customer engagement and ultimately drive sales. In the next section, we will discuss how Mayhigh Films can help you create high-quality product videos that stand out from the competition.
Why Product Videos are Essential for Startups?
Product videos are an essential tool for startups to effectively market and promote their products. In today's fast-paced digital world, consumers have become accustomed to consuming information through visually appealing content. This is where product videos come into play as they have the power to capture a viewer's attention and deliver key messages in a concise and engaging manner.
One of the main reasons why product videos are essential for startups is because they help businesses stand out from their competitors. With so many new businesses emerging in various industries, it can be challenging for startups to differentiate themselves and gain recognition. A well-crafted product video can showcase the unique features and benefits of a startup's product, making it more memorable and appealing to potential customers.
Moreover, product videos provide an opportunity for startups to make a lasting impression on their target audience. By showcasing the quality, functionality, and value of their products in a visually captivating way, startups can create a positive image for their brand. This can lead to increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and ultimately, higher sales.
Another crucial aspect that makes product videos essential for startups is their ability to explain complex concepts or demonstrate how a product works. Many innovative products may have unique features or uses that need proper explanation to convince potential customers of its usefulness. Product videos allow businesses to break down complicated ideas into easily digestible visuals that viewers can understand quickly.
Furthermore, with the rise of social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook etc., video content has become increasingly popular among users. By leveraging this trend and creating compelling product videos targeted towards specific audiences on these platforms, startups can significantly increase their reach and engagement with potential customers.
In addition to marketing benefits, having high-quality product videos also adds credibility and professionalism to a startup's brand image. When done correctly by professionals like Mayhigh Films who specialize in creating top-notch visual content for businesses; product videos can instill trust in consumers about the quality of the startup's products and services.
Product videos are essential for startups as they have the power to differentiate them from their competitors, create a lasting impression on potential customers, explain complex concepts, reach a wider audience, and establish credibility. By investing in professional product videos, startups can effectively market their products and gain a competitive edge in their respective industries.
Benefits of Using Product Videos for Marketing
In today's digital age, where attention spans are shorter and visual content reigns supreme, product videos have become a crucial tool for marketing. As a startup, it is essential to utilize all available resources to stand out in the competitive market. And one of the most effective ways to do so is by using product videos.
Here are some of the key benefits of incorporating product videos into your marketing strategy:
1. Increased Engagement and Conversion Rates:
Product videos offer a more interactive and engaging way for potential customers to learn about your product. With visuals and audio combined, they can better understand your product's features, benefits, and how it works. This leads to higher engagement rates and ultimately increases the chances of conversion.
According to Forbes, 90% of consumers say that video helps them make buying decisions, while 64% are more likely to purchase a product after watching a video about it. These statistics highlight the significant impact product videos can have on your sales.
2. Showcasing Product Features and Benefits:
A well-produced product video allows you to showcase your products' features and benefits in an appealing manner. It allows you to demonstrate how your product solves a problem or fulfills a need for potential customers effectively. By visually highlighting its unique selling points, you can create an emotional connection with viewers and persuade them to choose your brand over competitors.
3. Improved SEO:
Search engines love video content! Including product videos on your website can improve its search engine ranking as Google tends to favor websites with video content over those without it. Furthermore, having engaging video content on your website also leads visitors to spend more time on your page – which signals search engines that your website has relevant information worth ranking higher.
4. Enhanced Brand Awareness:
Product videos not only help increase engagement but also contribute towards building brand awareness among consumers. When people engage with interesting or informative video content from brands they like or trust, they are more likely to remember the brand and share the video with others. This can lead to a ripple effect, increasing your brand's reach and visibility in the market.
5. Versatility:
Product videos are incredibly versatile and can be used across various marketing channels – websites, social media platforms, email campaigns, etc. They also have a longer shelf life compared to other forms of content, such as blog posts or social media updates. This versatility allows you to repurpose product videos for different platforms, reaching a broader audience.
Using product videos as part of your marketing strategy is beneficial for startups looking to make an impact in their respective industries. By leveraging this powerful tool, you can effectively engage potential customers and increase brand awareness while boosting sales and conversions.
Challenges Faced by Startups in Creating Quality Product Videos
Creating quality product videos is no easy feat, especially for startups with limited resources and experience in video production. In this section, we will explore some of the major challenges that startups often face when it comes to creating impactful product videos.
1. Limited Budget: One of the biggest challenges faced by startups is their limited budget. Producing high-quality videos requires a significant investment in equipment, manpower, and editing software. For cash-strapped startups, it can be challenging to allocate a large portion of their budget towards video production.
2. Lack of Expertise: Another common challenge faced by startups is the lack of expertise in video production. As most startups have limited staff and resources, they may not have anyone with professional video production skills on their team. This can result in subpar product videos that fail to effectively showcase the features and benefits of their products.
3. Time Constraints: Startups are always racing against time to launch their products and establish themselves in the market. With so much on their plate, finding the time to plan, script, shoot, and edit a high-quality product video can be difficult. This often leads to rushed or incomplete videos that don't do justice to their products.
4. Limited Access to Equipment: Professional-grade equipment such as cameras, lighting gear, and sound equipment are essential for creating visually appealing product videos. However, many startups may not have access to these tools or may not have the budget to rent or purchase them for every project.
5.Lack of Brand Identity: Startups often struggle with building a strong brand identity since they are relatively new players in the market compared to established businesses. Without a clear brand identity or guidelines for visuals and messaging, it can be challenging for them to create consistent and impactful product videos that align with their brand image.
Overcoming these challenges requires strategic planning and collaboration with experienced professionals like Mayhigh Films who specialize in creating compelling product videos for startups. They can help overcome budget constraints by offering flexible pricing options and provide expert guidance to ensure that the video meets the desired quality standards. With their vast experience in video production, they can also offer creative solutions to overcome time constraints and lack of expertise.
Startups may face various challenges when creating product videos, but with the right approach and support from experts like Mayhigh Films, they can produce high-quality videos that effectively showcase their products and stand out in a competitive market.
How Mayhigh Films Can Help You Stand Out?
At Mayhigh Films, we understand the challenges that startups face in establishing their brand and gaining recognition in a crowded market. This is why we have tailored our services to specifically cater to the needs of startups looking to create impactful product videos.
So how exactly can Mayhigh Films help your startup stand out? Let's take a closer look at some of the ways:
1. Professional Video Production:
Our team consists of experienced professionals who have a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling. We use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to produce high-quality videos that will captivate and engage your target audience.
2. Customized Solutions:
We understand that every startup is unique with its own set of goals, target audience, and budget constraints. That's why we offer customized solutions to suit your specific needs. Whether you require an animated explainer video or a live-action product demonstration, we have got you covered.
3. Branding Opportunities:
Product videos not only showcase your product but also provide an opportunity to establish your brand identity. Our team works closely with startups to ensure that the video aligns with their brand image and values, making it more memorable for viewers.
4. Increased Online Visibility:
In today's digital age, having an online presence is crucial for any business to thrive. With our professional video production services, you can showcase your products on various online platforms such as social media, websites, and e-commerce sites, increasing visibility for potential customers.
5. Engaging Storytelling:
We believe that storytelling is key when it comes to creating effective product videos. Our team excels in crafting compelling narratives that not only highlight the features of your product but also strike an emotional chord with viewers.
6. Competitive Advantage:
Having a well-produced product video gives you a competitive advantage over other startups in the market who may not be utilizing this powerful marketing tool yet. It helps build trust with potential customers and positions your startup as a professional and credible brand.
Product videos are an essential tool for startups to establish their brand and attract customers. With Mayhigh Films' expertise, you can create impactful and engaging product videos that will help your startup stand out in a crowded market. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business grow through the power of video marketing.
Services Offered by Mayhigh Films for Startup Product Videos
At Mayhigh Films, we understand the importance of creating a strong first impression for startups through product videos. That's why we offer a range of services specifically tailored to help startups showcase their unique products and stand out in today's competitive market.
Here are some details about the services we offer:
1. Concept Development: We work closely with our clients to understand their vision and goals for their product video. Our team of experienced filmmakers and creative directors then brainstorm ideas and develop a concept that effectively captures the essence of the product.
2. Scriptwriting: A well-written script is crucial for any successful product video. Our team of skilled writers knows how to craft compelling stories that not only highlight the features of your product but also engage viewers from start to finish.
3. Pre-Production: This stage involves planning all aspects of the production process, including casting, location scouting, set design, props, and equipment needed for filming. Our dedicated team ensures that everything is in place before moving on to the next stage.
4. Professional Filming: With state-of-the-art equipment and a highly talented film crew, we guarantee high-quality footage that will make your product shine on screen. Whether it's live action or animation, our team has expertise in various techniques to bring your vision to life.
5. Editing and Post-Production: This is where all the elements come together as our expert editors add music, sound effects, graphics, and visual effects to enhance your product video further. We also provide opportunities for revisions until you are completely satisfied with the final result.
6. Distribution Strategy: Once your product video is complete, we help you develop a distribution strategy that best suits your target audience and objectives. From social media platforms like YouTube and Vimeo to television commercials or trade shows – we can assist you in reaching your desired audience effectively.
At Mayhigh Films, we pride ourselves on our attention to detail, creativity, and professionalism. We understand the importance of delivering a high-quality product video that truly represents your brand and captures the attention of potential customers.
We believe in building long-lasting relationships with our clients and are committed to providing exceptional customer service throughout every step of the production process. Let us help you stand out from the crowd with a captivating product video that will leave a lasting impression on your audience. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your startup grow through effective visual communication.
Real Life Success Stories of Startups with Mayhigh Films’ Product Videos
In today's competitive business landscape, startups face numerous challenges in establishing their brand and gaining a foothold in the market. One effective way to set themselves apart from the competition is through product videos – a powerful tool that showcases their product or service to potential customers.
At Mayhigh Films, we have had the pleasure of working with several startups and witnessing their success stories firsthand. Our high-quality product videos have not only helped them stand out but also played a significant role in their growth and success. In this section, we will delve into some of our real-life success stories of startups that have benefitted from our product videos.
One such startup is XYZ, an online meal subscription service that was struggling to gain traction in a crowded market. Despite offering delicious and healthy meals at affordable prices, they were not getting enough conversions on their website. They approached us to create a product video that could effectively showcase their unique value proposition and increase customer engagement.
Cost-effective Solutions for Startup Video Needs
As a startup, having a strong online presence is crucial for establishing your brand and reaching potential customers. One effective way to achieve this is through the use of product videos. However, many startups may shy away from creating videos due to concerns about cost and resources. This is where Mayhigh Films comes in – offering cost-effective solutions for startup video needs.
When it comes to creating product videos, there are various options available such as DIY videos or hiring a professional production company. While DIY videos may seem like a more budget-friendly option, they often lack the quality and polish that can make your brand stand out. On the other hand, hiring a professional production company can be costly for startups who have tight budgets.
This is where Mayhigh Films differentiates itself by offering cost-effective solutions tailored specifically for startups. Our team understands the financial constraints that new businesses face and we work closely with our clients to find creative ways to produce high-quality videos within their budget.
One of our cost-saving strategies includes utilizing existing assets such as photos and footage provided by our clients. We also offer flexible pricing packages depending on the scope of the project, allowing startups to choose what services they need without breaking the bank.
In addition, we have developed efficient processes that help us minimize production time without compromising on quality. With years of experience working with startups, we understand the importance of quick turnaround times in this fast-paced digital world.
We also offer competitive rates compared to traditional production companies while still delivering professional-level video content. Our team consists of experienced filmmakers who have worked with various brands across different industries, ensuring that your product video will be visually appealing and engaging for your target audience.
At Mayhigh Films, we believe that every startup deserves an opportunity to showcase their products or services through high-quality video content without having to worry about exorbitant costs. By offering cost-effective solutions tailored specifically for startups, we aim to help these businesses establish their brand identity and stand out in a crowded market.
Don't let budget constraints hold you back from creating impactful product videos for your startup. Let Mayhigh Films be your partner in bringing your brand to life through cost-effective video solutions.
Conclusion: Elevate Your
Conclusion: Elevate Your Brand with Professional Product Videos from Mayhigh Films
In today's competitive market, startups need to find innovative ways to stand out and make a lasting impression on potential customers. One effective way to achieve this is through high-quality product videos. As we have discussed in this article, product videos offer numerous benefits for startups, from increasing brand awareness to boosting sales and improving customer engagement.
At Mayhigh Films, we understand the challenges that startups face and the importance of creating a compelling visual representation of their products. That's why our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing top-notch video production services specifically tailored for startups.
With our expertise in storytelling and visual communication, we can help elevate your brand by creating engaging product videos that capture the attention of your target audience. Our team will work closely with you to understand your brand's unique selling points and develop a creative concept that effectively conveys your message.
We use cutting-edge equipment and techniques to ensure that every frame of your product video is of the highest quality. Our experienced cinematographers know how to showcase your products in the best light, highlighting their features and benefits while maintaining a visually appealing aesthetic.
Moreover, our post-production team will add professional touches such as music, sound effects, motion graphics, and animations to make your product video stand out even more. These elements not only enhance the overall look of the video but also contribute significantly to its impact on viewers.
Our commitment to delivering exceptional results does not stop at just creating a visually stunning product video. We also offer distribution services that can help get your video seen by a wider audience through various platforms like social media channels or email marketing campaigns.
Investing in professional product videos from Mayhigh Films can give your startup a significant advantage over competitors. With our expertise in storytelling and visual communication combined with high-quality production equipment and techniques, we can help elevate your brand's image and drive business growth through engaging and impactful product videos. Don't just tell the story of your products, let us help you show it to the world in a way that will leave a lasting impression.
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goodfellasstudio · 3 months
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Best ad Film Makers production house in Delhi Ncr - Shine India
Shine India Film Production House is the best ad Film production house in Delhi. Shine india provides TV Commercial, Documentary, Corporate films and Hindi Movies. Full Details:- https://shineindiafilmproductionhouse.com/ad-film-makers/
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brian-in-finance · 1 year
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IFTA Instagram Image modified by @brian-in-finance
Note 1: Ceremony Sunday
Note 2: Broadcast Monday at 9:35 p.m. GMT+1
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The Irish Film and Television Academy (IFTA), is proud to announce that it is partnering with TikTok as part of its upcoming 20th Anniversary IFTA Awards Ceremony taking place on Sunday, May 7th.
As part of the partnership, IFTA will host exclusive content from the past twenty years via #IFTA on TikTok. There will also be a special TikTok LIVE direct from the red carpet on May 7th hosted by popular TikTok creator and disability rights activist, India Sasha Atkinson. As part of the TikTok Live, Belfast native, Sasha, who has more than 500k+ followers on TikTok and is known for her straight-talking and down-to-earth sense of humour, will be speaking with some of the biggest names in Irish film and TV and sharing some fun behind the scenes footage.
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Photo: LinkedIn
India Sasha Atkinson TikTok
"We are delighted to partner with TikTok to bring the excitement of the IFTA red carpet to an even wider audience,” said an IFTA spokesperson. “The IFTA Awards are a celebration of Irish talent both at home and internationally, and this partnership with TikTok allows us to showcase that talent in a unique and engaging way."
A spokesperson from TikTok added: "The creative and engaging worlds of film and TV have captured the hearts of the TikTok community with actors, film makers and fans alike coming together to share their passion for film and TV in a uniquely TikTok way. It is our privilege to bring the TikTok community to the iconic IFTA awards ceremony to celebrate and recognise the outstanding work of the many talented individuals in the Irish film and television industry."
About the Awards:
The 20th Anniversary IFTA Awards ceremony will take place on Sunday, May 7th, and highlights will be broadcast on RTÉ Two the following evening Monday, May 8th. The show will feature a range of categories celebrating the best of Irish film and television, with nominees for Best Film including The Banshees of Inisherin, Lakelands, Aisha, God’s Creatures, The Wonder and Róise & Frank. Comedian and actress Deirdre O’Kane will host proceedings.
To tune into the TikTok Live from IFTA red carpet, be sure to follow and tune into India Sasha Atkinson from 5.15PM on Sunday, 7th May
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Remember… ITFA Red Carpet at 5:15 p.m. GMT+1 Sunday on TikTok. Ceremony highlights at 9:35 p.m. GMT+1 Monday on RTÉ2
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salmankhanholics · 9 months
★ Salman Khan says Tiger 3 is 'as big as it can get'; reflects on completing 35 years in Bollywood!
Salman Khan is gearing up for the release of the action thriller Tiger 3, in which he reprises the role of RAW agent Avinash Singh Rathore
October 3, 2023
Salman Khan talks about Tiger 3 and completing 35 years in showbiz
Salman Khan made his acting debut in 1988 with Biwi Ho To Aisi and he completed 35 years in Bollywood recently. The superstar opened up about it and said, “People who have loved me since my debut, made me realise on social media that I have completed 35 years in cinema! It is a very special moment for me, filled with nostalgia, love, so much joy and also the pain when things didn’t go as per plan. But I have loved every minute of my journey in the Hindi film industry.”
Khan also spoke about celebrating the occasion with Tiger 3. "I’m glad to celebrate this personal milestone with the release of Tiger 3! I know that my fans love to see me doing action and I hope Tiger 3 is the perfect gift that they have been waiting for!", he added. The actor also said, "I love doing big action spectacles and Tiger 3 is as big as it can get."
Salman Khan is declared a traitor in 'Tiger ka message'
Last week, the makers of Tiger 3 released a video titled 'Tiger Ka Message' in which Salman's character opens up about his situation. He says that he has been labeled as a traitor to India after two decades of selfless service. In order to clear his family and save his reputation, Tiger will embark on a dangerous mission.
Tiger 3 is directed by Maneesh Sharma and produced by Aditya Chopra. Starring Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif, it is a part of the YRF spy universe. The film is slated to be released theatrically on November 10, coinciding with Diwali festival. The first film in the franchise, Ek Tha Tiger, was released in 2012. It was followed by a sequel titled Tiger Zinda Hai which was released in 2017.
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20kmemesunderthesea · 6 months
My Thoughts on the Russian 1975 three-Part Miniseries, “Капитан Немо” (Captain Nemo).
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First Episode: “The Iron Whale”
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I’m not going to lie: I found the first episode tedious. I almost changed my mind about watching this series because the first episode was so slow moving. What I hated most of all was Professor Aronnax got married at the beginning of the episode to an insipid woman named Jacqueline who proved to have as much personality as a sack of flour. He then was immediately called away on this wild adventure, leaving Mrs. Aronnax alone at home…pining. 🤢
It added absolutely nothing to the story. Just like in the book, in this film series Professor Aronnax would later be tempted to stay onboard the Nautilus. In the book his feelings were totally understandable, but here, considering he had a wife at home, he seemed more in love with science/adventure than his wife. (Although I admittedly can’t blame him considering what a dull character Mrs. Aronnax was.)
Other things which didn’t make sense were that Captain Nemo had been sending Professor Aronnax packages (some of which contained live animals) for at least a year prior to the events of the story.
And then Captain Nemo drugged Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land as soon as they arrived on the Nautilus, and it was never clear why. Conseil hallucinated vividly during that incident which made for a trippy dream sequence. 
As a matter of fact, there were several trippy dream/hallucination sequences throughout the series, which I hated. I hated them very much indeed.
If the film makers had cut out the trippy dream sequences, the whole "There's a Mrs. Aronnax and she's sad" subplot, and some long, irrelevant close-up shots of people making stern facial expressions, I think they could have made it into a two-part series.
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(⬆️ Actual footage of me trying to survive the first episode.)
Despite all this, I continued watching…and I’m honestly very glad I did!
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I knew I was in for an emotional rollercoaster when it came to a scene of Captain Nemo pacing back and forth in front of the portrait of his late family...
Second Episode: “Prince Dakkar”
SIGNIFICANTLY more engaging…it atoned for the sins of the first episode. Episode two backtracked to the events of India’s 1857 rebellion, and what lead to Captain Nemo’s exile. It had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! In this version, Captain Nemo told Professor Aronnax of the capture of his family, how they were held hostage and how the English tried to coerce him into being their puppet. It was a very compelling and believable story, elaborating on Captain Nemo’s (aka Prince Dakkar) tragic past disclosed in June Verne’s book, “The Mysterious Island.” 
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It wasn’t super clear to me, however, what exactly happened to Captain Nemo’s wife and children. In the book, they were killed by the British. However, in this version when Captain Nemo is rescued from the hands of the British by his followers, they mention that his family was relocated. Why, then, is Captain Nemo grieving them? If they’re alive, why didn’t he go find them? (If anyone knows what was supposed to have happened in this film, please enlighten me!) That being said, I do appreciate that they didn't show such a tragic event on screen, or else I'd have been traumatized.
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Also In this version, Captain Nemo willingly told Professor Aronnax about his past, which made the professor much more understanding and sympathetic towards the Captain. Ned Land remained unmoved, however, which I also didn’t understand. 
Overall, I found this episode to be really interesting and exciting: it’s my favorite out of the series. 
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Third Episode: “The Nautilus Continues the Fight.”
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This episode was grabbing as well. Unfortunately, there was no epic kraken battle, but a giant squid was implied to have attacked a French Nautilus crew member during an underwater expedition. When Professor Aronnax expresses grief that they couldn’t give him a proper burial, Captain Nemo says, “The most lasting memories aren’t locked away in marble or granite: they’re locked away in people’s hearts.” 😭
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At the very end when Professor Aronnax and his friends escape and make it back to civilization, Professor Aronnax says about Captain Nemo,
“I’m sure he’s sailing now in the vast expanses of the underwater world…
“The brave people who were helped by the captain will always remember him with gratitude, for his generosity of soul, his humanity and kindness. And if sometimes he became violent, history will judge Nemo and his enemies.”
I found it to be a much more touching and satisfying ending than the Disney version, not to mention more true to the book.
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Overall impressions:
-The way the Nautilus operates in this film adaptation was not much like the book at all.
-That being said, I definitely got the sense the writers of this series had read the books throughly. The characters were portrayed well, and a significant amount of dialogue was direct passages from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I appreciated that immensely.
-The only character I didn’t really get was Ned Land. I always imagined him to be impulsive, grumpy-yet-lovable lug. In this version, however, he woke up every day and chose violence. 
-There was no organ in the drawing room! I was hoping for dramatic scenes of Captain Nemo’s signature angsty musical revelries. I was disappointed to be deprived of that.
-The soundtrack was hauntingly beautiful. That was another aspect of this film series which captivated me.
In conclusion, “Капитан Немо” wasn’t as fast-paced or high-budget as Disney’s “20,000 Leagues Under The Sea,” nor would I say it was as aesthetically pleasing, but in my opinion it captured the overall spirit of Jules Verne’s books better and was a little more faithful to the story. It’s available on YouTube with English captions (auto-translate) if anyone else is interested in watching.
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tusshartyagi · 6 months
Commercial TV Ad Film Makers in Chennai
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coochiequeens · 2 years
When women are single they get together with other women and enjoy life. When men are single they they make their unhappiness everyone else’s problem.
By Geeta Pandey
BBC News, Delhi
In India, girls have traditionally been raised to be good wives and mothers and the most important life goal for them has been marriage. 
But a large number of women are now charting their independent solitary path by choosing to remain single.
On Sunday, I attended a lunch gathering of two dozen women at a Caribbean lounge in south Delhi. The room was filled with excited chatter and laughter.
The women were all members of Status Single - a Facebook community for urban single women in India.
"Let's stop describing ourselves as widows, divorcees or unmarried," Sreemoyee Piu Kundu, author and founder of the community, told the gathering. "Let's just call ourselves proudly single."
The women clapped and cheered.
In a country that's often described as being "obsessed with marriage", a lot of stigma still surrounds singlehood.
In rural India, single women are often seen as a burden by their families - the never married have little agency and thousands of widows are banished to holy towns such as Vrindavan and Varanasi.
Ms Kundu and the women in the Delhi pub I meet are different. Mostly from middle class backgrounds, they include teachers, doctors, lawyers, professionals, entrepreneurs, activists, writers and journalists. Some are separated or divorced or widowed, others never married.
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The wealthy urban single women are increasingly being recognised as an economic opportunity - they're wooed by banks, jewellery makers, consumer goods companies and travel agencies.
Single women are also finding representation in popular culture - Bollywood films such as Queen and Piku and web shows such as Four More Shots Please with single female protagonists have done commercially well.
And in October, the Supreme Court ruling that all women, including those not married, had equal rights to abortion was hailed as a recognition of single women's rights by the top court. 
But despite these welcome changes, society's attitudes remain rigid and, as Ms Kundu says, being single is not easy even for the affluent and they are judged all the time too.
"I've faced discrimination and humiliation as a single woman. When I was looking to rent an apartment in Mumbai, members of a housing society asked me questions like, Do you drink? Are you sexually active?" 
She's met gynaecologists who've been like "nosy neighbours" and a few years ago when her mother put an ad on an elite matrimonial site on her behalf, she met a man who asked her "within the first 15 minutes if I was a virgin"? 
"Apparently it's a question single women are routinely asked," she adds. 
Indian woman's plan to 'marry herself' sparks debate 
The opinionated feminist and her viral wedding ad
But single shaming doesn't make sense in a country which, according to the 2011 Census, is home to 71.4 million single women - a number larger than the entire populations of Britain or France.
This was a 39% increase - from 51.2 million in 2001. The 2021 Census has been delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but Ms Kundu says that by now, "our numbers would have crossed 100 million". 
Some of the increase can be explained by the fact that the age of marriage has risen in India - which means a larger number of single women in their late teens or early 20s. The numbers also include a large number of widows, attributed to the fact that women tend to live longer than men. 
But, Ms Kundu says, she's seeing "many more women now who are single by choice, not just by circumstances" and it's this "changing face of singlehood" that's important to acknowledge. 
"I meet a lot of women who say they are single by choice, they reject the notion of marriage because it's a patriarchal institution that's unjust to women and used to oppress them."
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Her focus on single women is rooted in the discrimination her mother - widowed at 29 - faced. 
"Growing up, I saw how a woman, unaccompanied by a man, was marginalised in our patriarchal, misogynistic set-up. She was unwelcome at baby showers and at a cousin's wedding, she was told to stay away from the bride since even a widow's shadow is considered inauspicious." 
At the age of 44, when her mother fell in love and remarried, she again attracted the "ire of society" - "How dare a widow not be the sad, weeping, asexualised, pleasureless woman that she's supposed to be? How dare she have agency again?" 
Her mother's humiliation, she says, had a profound impact on her.
"I grew up desperately wanting to get married. I believed in the fairy tale that marriage will bring acceptance and take away all my darkness."
No country for single women
'You're too smart,' and other jibes about being single
But after two failed relationships which were abusive - physically and emotionally - and coming within a hair's breadth of getting married at 26, Ms Kundu says she realised that the traditional marriage where a woman is meant to be subservient to a man wasn't for her. 
Her ideal relationship, she says, is one that's not rooted in culture, religion or community but is based on "respect, accessibility and acknowledgement".
It's a reasonable ask and an idea many single women I met on Sunday agreed with. 
But India remains a largely patriarchal society where more than 90% of marriages are arranged by family and women have little say in who they marry - leave alone whether they want to marry at all.
But Bhawana Dahiya, a 44-year-old life coach from Gurugram (Gurgaon) near Delhi who's never been married, points out that things are changing and the growing numbers of single women is a cause for celebration.
"We might be a drop in the ocean, but at least there's a drop now," she says. 
"The more examples we have of women being single, the better it is. Traditionally, all conversations were about the husband's career, his plans, the children's school, with little thought given to a woman's choices, but those conversations are now changing.
"We are making a dent in the universe."
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novumtimes · 12 days
Farida Jalal accuses Karan Johar of shifting loyalties very fast reveals why she didnt do Kal Ho Naa Ho: Playing Jaya Bachchans mother-in-law | Bollywood News
Days after saying that she was ‘deeply hurt’ by filmmaker Karan Johar, veteran actor spoke glowingly about his father, the late producer Yash Johar, and addressed the issues that she has with Karan. She said that she had a longstanding working relationship with his father, which she felt wasn’t honoured once he took over the family’s Dharma Productions business. She also spoke about refusing to do the film Kal Ho Naa Ho, because she was being asked to play the mother-in-law of Jaya Bachchan’s character months after working with her in Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham as women of the same age. In an interview with Bollywood Bubble, she made unprompted comments about Karan having ‘changed’ over the years. “Back in the day, Karan Johar… I don’t know what he’s like nowadays, loyalties shift very fast. He doesn’t have any role for me in his films these days, even though they wouldn’t make a film without me at one point. His father, Yash Johar, was one of my favourite producers. What a man, what a gem of a person! He’d call me up and say, ‘Dekhiye Farida, hero ka role toh baad mein likha jaata hai, aapka role pehle likha jaata hai (We write your character even before we’ve decided where to go with the protagonist)’.” Also read – Farida Jalal reveals she was ‘deeply hurt’ by Yash Chopra’s actions, says Karan Johar knows he’s ‘wronged’ her in the past: ‘It’s a deep wound’ She continued, “I first met Karan on the sets of Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, because he was Aditya Chopra’s right hand man on that film. We became very close. He would tell me that he’s going to make a film, and Kajol, Shah Rukh and I were all with him. He came to tell me the story of Kuch Kuch Hota Hai… It is still his best film, and I’m not just saying this because I was in it.It was a very sensitive film. He would write each and every word, every scene himself. I cried when he narrated the film to me.” But things soured between them not too long afterwards. She said in an interview with India Today that Karan didn’t cast her in any Dharma project after 2012’s Student of the Year. She said that he made sure to call her up himself because he knew that he’d ‘wronged’ her in the past. But they didn’t work together even after Student of the Year. She had a similar experience with Aditya Chopra, and said that she wouldn’t think twice before accepting a role if Yash Chopra asked, but even though she did him a favour by appearing in DDLJ, Aditya Chopra didn’t cast her in future YRF films. In the Bollywood Bubble interview, Farida Jalal said that she was approached for a role in Nikkhil Advani’s Kal Ho Naa Ho, for the role that eventually went to Sushma Seth. But when they hired Jaya Bachchan to play a role in the film, it was mutually agreed that it didn’t make sense for her to be a part of the project any longer, because she wouldn’t be believable as her contemporary’s mother-in-law. “I rejected that film, it’s true, and I don’t regret it,” she said. She added that both she and makers took this decision mutually. Click for more updates and latest Bollywood news along with Entertainment updates. Also get latest news and top headlines from India and around the world at The Indian Express. Source link via The Novum Times
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mayhighfilms · 13 days
Navigating the Challenges of Working with Celebrities in Advertising
Introduction to Using Celebrities in Advertising
Lights, camera, action! When it comes to advertising, one surefire way to grab attention and make a lasting impression is by incorporating celebrities into your campaigns. From Hollywood A-listers to social media influencers, working with famous faces can elevate your brand's visibility like never before. However, navigating the world of celebrity endorsements comes with its own set of challenges and considerations. In this blog post, we delve into the exciting Best Ad Film Maker In Mumbai yet complex realm of using celebrities in advertising .
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The Benefits and Drawbacks of Working with Celebrities
When it comes to using celebrities in advertising, there are clear benefits and drawbacks that brands need to consider. On the one hand, having a well-known celebrity endorse your product can instantly boost brand recognition and credibility. Their star power can help create buzz around your ad campaign and attract a wider audience. However, working with celebrities also comes with its challenges. They may come with high price tags, demanding schedules, or even potential controversies that could harm your brand's reputation. It's essential to carefully weigh the pros and cons before deciding on a celebrity partnership for your advertising campaign. While a celebrity endorsement can elevate your brand image and drive sales, it is crucial to ensure that the partnership aligns with your brand values and resonates with your target audience. By considering both the benefits and drawbacks of working with celebrities, you can make an informed decision that will benefit your ad film production in India.
Challenges of Collaborating with Celebrities
Collaborating with celebrities in advertising can present a unique set of challenges that brands need to navigate carefully. One major challenge is aligning the celebrity's personal brand with the values and messaging of the product or service being promoted. It's essential to ensure that the partnership feels authentic and resonates with both the celebrity's fanbase and the target audience. Another challenge is managing expectations, as working with a high-profile individual can bring added pressure to deliver exceptional results. Brands must be prepared for potential changes in schedules, demands, and unforeseen circumstances that may arise during the collaboration process. Additionally, maintaining effective communication between all parties involved is crucial for a successful campaign. Clear communication helps prevent misunderstandings, ensures alignment on creative direction, and facilitates smooth coordination throughout the production process. Furthermore, dealing with public scrutiny and media attention can also pose challenges when working with celebrities. Brands must be prepared to handle any PR crises or controversies that may arise before, during, or after the campaign launch.
Finding the Right Celebrity for Your Brand
When it comes to finding the right celebrity for your brand, it's essential to consider more than just fame. Look beyond follower count and delve into their values, image, and audience demographics. A perfect match means aligning the celebrity's persona with your brand identity seamlessly. Research is key - analyze past partnerships, social media presence, and public perception. Ensure that their personal beliefs and behaviors resonate with your brand ethos. Consider authenticity over popularity. A genuine connection between the celebrity and your brand can elevate credibility and trust among consumers. Don't overlook relevance - choose a celebrity whose image complements your product or service naturally. A forced partnership can come across as inauthentic to consumers. Finding the right fit requires thorough evaluation and strategic thinking to create a successful collaboration that resonates with your target audience effectively.
Negotiating Contracts and Budgets
Negotiating contracts and budgets when working with celebrities in advertising can be a delicate dance. It's essential to clearly outline expectations, deliverables, and compensation upfront to avoid any misunderstandings down the line. Celebrities often come with their own set of demands and fees, so finding a middle ground that aligns with your brand's budget is crucial. Flexibility is key during negotiations to ensure both parties feel satisfied with the final agreement. When discussing contracts, it's important to consider factors such as exclusivity clauses, usage rights, and potential conflicts of interest. Clearly defining these terms can help prevent any legal issues or disputes in the future. Budget negotiations may involve back-and-forth discussions on payment structures, additional expenses, and performance bonuses. Finding a balance between meeting the celebrity's financial expectations while staying within your allocated budget requires strategic planning and open communication. Successful negotiation skills are paramount when collaborating with celebrities in advertising to ensure a mutually beneficial partnership for all involved stakeholders.
Handling Public Relations and Image Control
Handling Public Relations and Image Control when working with celebrities in advertising is a crucial aspect that can make or break a campaign. One must be prepared to address any potential controversies or negative publicity that may arise during the collaboration. Quick and strategic responses are key to maintaining the brand's reputation. Creating a strong communication strategy is essential to ensure that the celebrity aligns with the brand's values and messaging consistently across all channels. Monitoring social media, news outlets, and public perception is vital in order to stay ahead of any issues that may impact the campaign. Transparency and authenticity are paramount when addressing any challenges or missteps along the way. Admitting fault gracefully can help mitigate damage to both parties involved. Effective public relations management and image control require careful planning, proactive measures, and open communication channels between all parties.
Measuring Success and ROI
Measuring success and ROI in celebrity advertising campaigns is crucial for determining the effectiveness of your investment. Tracking key performance indicators such as brand awareness, website traffic, social media engagement, and sales conversions can provide valuable insights into the campaign's impact. Using tools like Google Analytics, social media analytics platforms, and surveys can help evaluate how well the celebrity endorsement resonated with your target audience. By analyzing data trends and comparing them to pre-campaign metrics, you can gauge the campaign's overall success. Calculating return on investment involves weighing the costs of hiring a celebrity against the revenue generated from increased sales or brand visibility. It's essential to set clear objectives at the start of the campaign to accurately measure whether these goals were met. Remember that measuring success goes beyond just numbers; it also includes assessing intangible benefits like improved brand perception or consumer trust. Keep refining your measurement strategies to optimize future campaigns based on what works best for your brand.
Tips for a Successful Celebrity Advertising Campaign
When embarking on a celebrity advertising campaign, it's crucial to do thorough research to find the right match for your brand. Look beyond just popularity and consider factors like values alignment and audience demographics. Communication is key when working with celebrities. Clearly outline expectations, timelines, and deliverables from the start to avoid any misunderstandings down the line. Ensure that the contract includes clauses for image rights, exclusivity agreements, and performance metrics to protect both parties involved. Collaborate closely with the celebrity's team throughout the process to ensure a seamless integration of their personal brand with your ad campaign. Leverage social media platforms and influencer partnerships to amplify the reach of your celebrity-backed ads even further. Always have a contingency plan in place in case of any unforeseen circumstances or PR crises during the campaign period. By implementing these tips strategically, you can set yourself up for a successful celebrity advertising campaign that resonates with your target audience and drives tangible results for your brand!
In the fast-paced world of advertising, collaborating with celebrities can be both rewarding and challenging. By carefully selecting the right celebrity for your brand, negotiating contracts effectively, and managing public relations efficiently, you can create a successful ad film campaign that resonates with your target audience. Remember to measure the success of your celebrity advertising efforts by tracking key performance indicators and return on investment. With dedication, creativity, and attention to detail, working with celebrities in advertising can elevate your brand's visibility and credibility. Mayhigh Films Mumbai has a proven track record of creating impactful ad films in collaboration with top celebrities under the expert guidance of Ad Film Director LD Sharma. When it comes to producing compelling ad films that leave a lasting impression on audiences across India, Mayhigh Films stands out as one of the best Ad Films Production House In Mumbai. Choose Mayhigh Films for your next celebrity advertising campaign and watch your brand soar to new heights!
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playermagic23 · 18 days
Makers of Chandu Champion to hold Special Screening!!
India's Chief of Army and high-ranking officers to felicitate Olympic Gold Medalist Murlikant Petkar at exclusive preview.
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A prestigious event is set to unfold in Delhi as the highly anticipated film Chandu Champion gears up for a special army screening today. Jointly produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and Kabir Khan, the movie has been generating buzz with its captivating trailer and hit songs like ‘Satyanaas’ and ‘Tu Hai Champion’. Adding to the excitement, the film's promotions will reach new heights as it prepares for a unique showcase.
In a grand gesture of appreciation, the producers have organized a special screening of Chandu Champion for the Army Chief of India and other high-ranking brigadiers. The event will also serve as a platform to honour India's esteemed Olympic gold medallist, Murlikant Petkar.
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Scheduled for release on June 14, 2024, Chandu Champion aims to make a lasting impact on audiences worldwide with its compelling narrative and stellar performances. Audiences can witness Kartik Aaryan's unwavering dedication, adding another layer of depth to the cinematic experience.
This exclusive preview marks a significant moment for the film's team, as it receives recognition from the esteemed members of the Armed Forces.
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mayhighfilms-blog · 5 months
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goodfellasstudio · 3 months
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Best Short Film Makers In Delhi NCR | Short Film Production House In Delhi
Shine India Film Production House is the best Short Film Makers in Delhi NCR, offering services to make your short film happen. Full Details:- https://shineindiafilmproductionhouse.com/short-film-production-houses/
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saskiamcc · 2 months
Casting Calls and Choosing actors
After sending India the information for the casting calls, they sent them back to me with the template. I am really happy with how they turned out and I'm excited to send them out.
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I am a member of the Scottish Film Maker and Actors group on facebook so I posted these on there and also posted them to my film instagram account to spread the word.
We had very positive responses for all three characters which was great! We got 5 responses for the role of Mr Balloonhead Man, 3 for Gary, and 2 for Sarah. After receiving these responses, Duncan, Fionntán and I went through and chose sections of the script to send for an audition.
For both Mr Balloonhead Man and Sarah, we chose the phone call conversation at the beginning. We chose this for Mr Balloonhead Man we chose this because it is an opportunity for us to be able to hear the anxiety in the actor's voice, which is a key feature for the character.
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Mr Balloonhead Man and Sarah audition scene
For Gary, we chose the hardware store scene as it was really important for us that the frustration and anger was done right.
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Gary audition scene
Reviewing Auditions
Duncan and I had a meeting to review the auditions that we had received. We got some wonderful responses back which made me even more excited than I was already for this project. Unfortunately, none of the actors who had reached out for the role of Sarah sent in any tapes, however this was not the end of the world as we didn't need an actor for Sarah until after the shoot.
We started by going through the audition tapes for Mr Balloonhead Man, and while we thought all of them were good, we had also asked David Clarkson for an audio audition and we decided we wanted to cast him as he had the perfect level of anxiety in his voice.
Gary was the character who was probably the most difficult to cast. We needed someone who looked welcoming and warm, but could also pull off aggression and frustration. After extensive discussion, we decided to go with Liam Hughes, who we thought fit the role perfectly. He had wonderful facial expressions, whilst also nailing the tone in his voice. Additionally, he even added in a little voice for Mr Balloonhead Man's part which we thought was a lovely touch to his audition and showed his commitment very well.
I am really really excited to work with Lev, David and Liam as they are all incredibly talented :)))
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smacware · 3 months
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