jasonbehrs · 1 year
🍱 a delicious conspiracy of luck 🍱
by airauralintensity (aka me, jasonbehrs!)
an incurable case of love fanfic about food as a love language
“Hi hi, Sebentous! Welcome back to my channel. If you’re new here: this is Rakki Seben, I’m Nana-chan, and I love food.”
ship: sakurendo chapter: 2/2 book: 1/2 word count: 4.7k+ rating: T for depictions of attraction
read it on ffnet, aff, wattpad, ao3, or below!
A/N (7.18.2023): Only two more terms for you~
meronpan: a Japanese sweet bread that tastes faintly of cantaloupe.
seiza: a traditional way of sitting during formal occasions. There are a lot of specific ways certain body parts are positioned, but the one relevant for this fic is that the hands are placed palm down on the upper thighs with the fingers closed and pointing inward. There are other ways your hands are allowed to be positioned, but the palms-down one is the most deferential and often the precursor to a bow.
This chapter may be shorter, but it's definitely also sweeter!
Nanase makes the last train home and runs through the motions of preparing for bed, but she can't bring herself to sleep no matter the fact that it's well past midnight. She did anticipate not getting a lot of sleep tonight, but only because she thought she'd want to get started on video editing right away. Unfortunately, she's much more preoccupied with some other things about the evening.
"How do you know Kairi, Nanase-chan?"
"Between you and me, I think Tendo-sensei was pretty nervous about how you'd react to the food."
"Anything special to say about the dorayaki?"
Maybe alone, those conversations wouldn't make her wonder so much, but together…
She decides to rewatch her lunch day in Odaiba to see what Tendo-sensei was talking about. She sits at her desk, turns on her laptop, and pulls up the video. As her on-screen self walks through a shopping street in search of food, Nanase is more and more certain that she didn't eat any dorayaki on this day… and then she gets to the part of the video that shows the end of her lunch.
The Nana-chan in Odaiba cheerfully buys a meronpan at a small bakery on her way back to the subway. "Because no lunch date is complete without dessert!" she says in the video, but there's different text edited on screen. It was a throwaway comment, something she put up as a reward to the Sebentous who watch her videos instead of letting them play in the background.
Meronpan is tasty, but of course I love dorayaki the most!
Tendo-sensei was right. She did mention it in her Odaiba video. Not in the way she was expecting, but it's there.
Embarrassment surges through her a second later. Having just finished rewatching it, she cannot believe this is the video by which he based her invitation to Ha-to. She's proud of it, sure, but it's barely about the food! No wonder he was so judgemental. She's lucky he even gave her a chance.
Nanase slouches in her seat. She had no control over it, but she can't help but feel regret. Maybe if she paid the extra money so that YouTube could promote her best and most relevant videos, this night would have gone differently for her. She would only have been up against herself instead of both her anxiety and Tendo-sensei's poor impression of her.
As if to mock her, YouTube autoplays another Rakki Seben video after her Odaiba one ends. It's the one where she toured a farm in Chiba.
She lets it play just as a distraction, but she soon finds herself actually just rewatching it. It was a good day. Among the many reasons she's glad she took up YouTubing, the preservation of her favourite memories in a more interactive format is definitely one of them.
A clip finishes of the farmer/tour guide explaining that even though beef is a relatively new introduction to Japanese cuisine, almost every part of the cow that you could name gets eaten somewhere in Japan. Then it cuts to Nana-chan sitting down to eat lunch at the on-site restaurant, and she muses out loud to the camera that she wouldn't mind eating a cow heart ("or any animal heart really!") just to try it.
Nanase pauses the video. Rewinds. Plays it forward. Rewinds again and plays it at three-fourths the speed. Of course, her words don't change.
Like, to this day, they haven't changed. Hasn't she been saying that exact thing all night? Sure, she's a consistent person, but it's not like she's been hoping to eat animal heart anytime soon.
Something about this seems like the result of a force stronger than coincidence. After all, another thought she's been having all night is the fact that all of her favourite or desired eating experiences were represented in Ha-to's menu… eating experiences which she is increasingly certain she's shared on the channel before. It's what you do on a food vlog.
Before she knows it, it's already four a.m., and she's rewatched every one of her published videos. (Thank goodness she's not scheduled to work at the clinic today.) As she suspected, she's explicitly mentioned or discussed the nuances of her tastes in food in most of them, and she can directly connect a kaiseki course to one of those specificities.
Nanase shuts her laptop shut immediately. She needs to get her butt in bed. Her sleep deprivation is obviously affecting her. What is she even thinking right now? That every aspect of Ha-to was tailored to her exact tastes? Ludicrous. She's a nobody YouTuber who doesn't even focus on the food in a video hosted on a food vlog; she isn't worth the time. Besides, accepting that her delusions are true is predicated on the idea that everything was orchestrated by none other than Tendo Kairi, who would certainly agree on how much time she is worth.
"Sounds like you'll need more than three minutes of my time, Sakura-san."
She flops backwards onto her bed with a groan. The sooner that she sleeps, the sooner she can stop being reminded of all the ways she embarrassed herself tonight and let go of the weird feelings these suspicions cause.
The repeated buzzing of her cell phone wakes Nanase up earlier than her bedtime this morning would prefer, but that's the ringtone she set for her family. It might be an emergency.
"Hello?" she mumbles into the receiver.
"Nana-chan!" her brother yells into her ear. "Have you checked the news yet?"
"The news about what?"
"That fancy dinner you went to last night! It made the entertainment column on Yahoo! News. You and that dress you spent too much money on are in the background of some of the photos," he teases.
That certainly wakes her up. "Eh? No way! Do I look bad?"
"Not really?" he says, to her relief. "If I didn't know it was you, I'd think you were the heiress of a mid-sized trading company."
Leave it to her older brother to keep her humble. "Better than a bankrupt trading company."
"You've got the spirit! I'll send you a LINE with the articles where your face is visible in case you want to pull the photos for your vlog."
"Thanks so much for looking out for me! I'll take a look."
"Take care today!"
"You too."
After they hang up, Nanase valiantly tries to fall back asleep, but the intermittent buzzing from her phone in the next few minutes makes that a lost cause. She might as well read the articles that her brother is sending her.
She starts with the shortest one, still hoping she might wind up falling asleep soon.
[Chef Tendo Kairi Bears Ha-to at First Kaiseki by Negishi Mariko for The Tokyo Post
Saitama-born Tendo Kairi-sensei (33 years old) is a Tokyo-based chef best known for his skillful and timely rescue of an important dinner at the Peninsula Tokyo's restaurant last year after the head chef could not oversee the cooking due to personal reasons. Last night, he held a public, one-night only kaiseki dining opportunity in Ginza for a paying audience of about 200 people. The event was called 心臓(ハート), and there were eight delicious courses including an appetiser and dessert centred around the 'heart' theme. Despite being a kaiseki, there was minimal ceremony in presentation and explanation. Tendo-sensei simply and neatly introduced each dish's ingredients and preparation.
Tendo-sensei declined a formal interview, but reception of the meals were generally positive. "Unlike anything I've ever tasted before," "unique in every way," "a game-changer for the Tokyo culinary scene"—these are some of the things that were overheard through the night.
Pictures of the event hall and each course are included in the slideshow below.]
She doesn't click the slideshow, though, because something else catches her attention. Tendo-sensei declined an interview with the Tokyo Post?
She clicks through the other links her brother provided, and they all say he declined an interview with them.
Horror makes her bolt upright in bed. Did she perhaps monopolise all his allotted time for interviews?! She is so embarrassing.
Nanase opens LINE, sensing that it's far too late to apologise but feeling like one must be given anyway. Maybe she can transcribe the first interview Tendo-sensei did, where the light balance was off, and provide that to his management to distribute to the media in lieu of an in-person interview. Do chefs even have managers like actors do? She'll find out.
She intends to message the account that had sent her the invitation to Ha-to…
… Which has already messaged her this morning while she was asleep.
(Coincidentally, so did Yuki-san, but she'll read that later.)
[< cuisinebytendokairi
Sakura-san, Thank you for your patronage last night. I look forward to your review. Tendo Kairi]
The message makes her heart pound. Not just because it's a personal note from the chef himself but because right underneath that is a stamp of a cat wearing a mochi donut as a necklace with text that reads, 'I'll be in your care.' It's adorable.
It's familiar.
She uses the exact same stamp set. Fresh off the heels of rewatching all thirty-or-so of her videos, she knows for a fact that she's shown plenty of screenshots of her LINE messages. Any Sebentou would know she uses it.
Nanase slaps both her cheeks at once, forcing herself to get it together. She must still be seriously sleepy—why else would she still be so cognisant and even suspicious of what can only be coincidences? This is probably a very popular stamp set.
… Even though it's a premium set that costs 150 yen.
She will later attribute her next actions to a combination of sleep deprivation and the overinflated confidence that comes from being able to hide behind a screen, but she decides her curiosity is something worth satisfying, and she tries her luck.
[< cuisinebytendo
Good morning! Thank you for the invitation. It was wonderful to attend.
The wait for my next upload shouldn't be long. I started editing last night! Thank you again for the interview. I will properly edit it so that you look the most flattering despite my poor camerawork.]
It doesn't take a full minute for her message to be read and even less time to get a response, which makes her so giddy it borders on delirious.
[Poor camerawork? I thought that's what the second interview was for.
I'm sorry! I was so nervous and focused on fixing the first camera problem that I created a new one. Tendo-sensei is not fully in the frame…]
The typing dots on screen stop and start in obvious frustration, making her laugh more than they make her nervous. This is probably really rude and unprofessional of her, but she's committed to the ruse now.
[Must I record another one?]
There. She's got him.
[Would you mind?
If this is the way you always produce your videos, it's a wonder you get any out at all.
Is the Skytree out of the way for you, Sakura-san?
Not at all!
Meet me at the plaza there today at 1300.]
She smirks. That's plenty of time.
In response, she only sends back the same mochi donut cat stamp.
When Nanase arrives at the Skytree, Tendo-sensei is already waiting at one of the rock-shaped seats spread around the plaza for decoration. He's wearing another fashionably long coat and a black turtleneck. The aesthetic suits him, and she wonders what he looks like in the summer.
She waves blithely and grandly when he looks over in her direction, and he is still sneering at her when she gets closer. "Oi, where's your camera?"
As casually as possible, she sits on the rock next to him. She didn't bring it, obviously. This isn't an interview, but an interrogation. "Yuki-san LINE'd me this morning," she opens without apropos.
"... Okay?" he says, clearly wondering what that has got to do with anything.
Nanase waits for more, but when it's clear that he has no intention of picking up her very blatant lead, she realises she's going to have to put in a little more effort to get anything resembling a confession out of him. If she's honest with herself, she knew all along that this would not be an easy feat. "She took a look at my YouTube channel when she got home last night, and she likes me. She says she wants to help me grow my brand," she continues.
If she weren't specifically looking for a reaction, she would have missed the fleeting crack of satisfaction through Tendo-sensei's otherwise stoic face.
"The YouTube channel that you're supposed to be interviewing me for right now? That YouTube channel?" he snarks.
She purses her lips and tries another approach. "Ryuko-san also LINE'd me asking when I was free so that we could plan for our collaboration video."
"Did you tell her that 1300 today at the Skytree works for you? It's not like you're busy interviewing me, or anything."
Nanase has to fight a giggle. Interrogations are much easier when she isn't infatuated with the subject and he unveils a wit that she didn't see coming yet undeniably suits him. "Plus, Koishikawa-sensei and Kisugi-sensei were very pleasant company. I had a great time meeting them." At his expectant stare, she finishes, "I'm kind of thinking there's a lot more merit to Ryuko-san's theory last night than you're willing to admit."
Tendo-sensei crosses his arms and looks down his nose at her. "My sister is the legal definition of intoxicated ninety-nine percent of the time. If you believe she's even capable of having theories, then you're more gullible than you look, Sakura-san."
Her good humour evaporates at the slight against her appearance and her ability to judge someone's character. This must be the Devil that everyone was talking about.
Well, she's armed with a secret weapon, and it's time for her to use it.
She looks the man directly in the eye and states, "I loved every meal last night."
"Uh, thank you," he says, slowly but in obvious appreciation for a more relevant topic of conversation.
"Sensei knew I would."
He uncrosses his arms and leans back on one palm with practised nonchalance. "And how would I know that?"
"You tell me, YouTube user C-B-Y-T-K!" she yells out, standing to point a dramatic finger in his face.
Honestly, Nanase had hopes that the revelation of his YouTube account username was all it would take but she clearly underestimated her opponent. Aside from furrowed brows and flared nostrils, he doesn't react at all.
She takes her hand back to fish for her phone and continue her onslaught. "'This was an insightful look into the animal husbandry industry that anyone who enjoys eating meat should watch. Great video as always,'" she reads out, unable to resist pitching her voice low in an approximation of his deep voice which probably harms her cause more than it helps. "'The cuisine of Kyoto is unlike anything Tokyo can produce. I hope you can try it one day. Great video as always.' You didn't just vet me. You actually watch my videos!" she ends back in her voice, shoving her phone in his face to show him the screenshots she collected of the thirty-or-so comments he's left her.
He isn't fazed. "Why do you sound mad about that? Doesn't a YouTuber want viewers?"
"I'm not mad!" but the high-pitched, emotional rebuttal probably doesn't help. She forces herself to take a breath at the eyebrow Tendo-sensei raises in her direction. "I'm not mad. I'm confused… maybe also a little disappointed."
The atmosphere between them becomes cold for reasons that have nothing to do with the season. "I didn't know it would be so disappointing to meet a fan."
"Oh my gosh, no!" Nanase plops back onto the seat and covers her mouth with her hands, appalled at how misconstrued she was. "I absolutely didn't mean that, I promise! I could never be disappointed with you! It's the circumstances; it's myself."
He doesn't say anything, but the lines of his face soften from consternation to interest, so she explains, "I always told myself I'd make it special if I ever got to meet a fan."
"I'm not a fan."
"You just called yourself a fan," she points out.
"I was speaking in the hypothetical," he refutes easily. "If anything, I am just a regular viewer."
She rolls her eyes and lets him have that. "Well, you're still the first 'regular viewer' I've ever met."
He rolls up from his relaxed position to lean a forearm on his knee. "So I'm your first, huh?"
"Don't be crass," she admonishes as she lightly shoves him backwards.
He takes the hit in stride, and they both chuckle—in humour and in dissipation of the brief tension from the previous conversation. When they settle down and the silence turns comfortable, he asks, "So you would have treated me differently?"
"I would have made it special," she counters.
For the first time all afternoon, Tendo-sensei turns serious. His blatant facade of unflappability is replaced with a version of him that somehow seems more authentic than the one that introduced the dessert course last night. "Then I'm glad you didn't know, Sakura-san. I just wanted to meet you, not whomever you would have made yourself to be."
Her heart beats faster. "You wanted to meet me?"
He may not be looking at her, but she can tell none of his attention is trained somewhere else. "You weren't invited by accident."
Nanase didn't think it was by accident. She thought she was just… lucky.
Well, maybe she is lucky, but in a different way.
"Why was I invited, Tendo-sensei?" she asks, voice quiet but searching.
He directs his gaze the distance, taking his time to give her a proper resolution to her confusion. He's still looking when he answers her. "As I said before, I loved my late wife's cooking. It didn't matter how much I learned in school or from other chefs, her meals would always taste the best to me… When she died, I didn't think I could still love food—not in the same way, and not ever again. I was even considering changing careers, going back to school, finding something else.
"It seems that my YouTube algorithms didn't get the memo, though. Your Odaiba video was recommended to me, and I clicked it. To this day, I still couldn't tell you why. I sat and watched the whole thing… and I just kept watching. I had seen all of your uploads by the end of that week."
He pauses, looks over at her, steals Nanase's breath away. There is a smile on his face. It isn't the biggest one she's ever seen, but it's genuine and directed at her. "You… You really know how to enjoy food, you know."
She tries not to flush at that. It isn't appropriate, and what good would it do to be embarrassed now? She's built her entire online platform on the fact she loves food.
"In my grief, I had forgotten what that was like."
He falls quiet after that, and Nanase joins him in his contemplation. There is something swirling within her, too complicated to identify and even harder to express. It weighs her down but is coloured bright.
Movement to her side brings her attention back to Tendo-sensei, who turns to face her properly. His back is straight with his hands on his knees as if in seiza. "You saved me, Nana-chan. Not just my career, but me. Thank you."
The use of her internet persona's name completely undoes her. The unnamed feeling inside her bursts out in tears and bawls; she completely ignores his ensuing bow and hugs him with all her might.
"What is this?" he demands, trying but not very hard to exit the embrace.
She would love to answer him, but she needs to get some of this emotion out of her before she can even think to articulate it. She cries harder.
The tears and prolonged contact are making him uncomfortable, though. "Nana-chan?" he tries again.
He said it again! Somehow, it's what she needed to hear. "You suffered so much loss!" she sobs into his shoulder. "I cannot even imagine the pain and darkness you were going through, all while I was off trying to find something tasty to eat for dinner. And I took videos of it and put it online, hoping that it could brighten someone's day, no matter how much or how briefly. And it did, and that person is you."
She squeezes him tighter, his farcical resistance abandoned. "I'm so sorry, but I'm also so grateful!" she wails.
"We're in public, Sakura-san. Compose yourself." In spite of his curt words and tone, though, Tendo-sensei snakes an arm out of her grip and tentatively rubs her upper back, brushing against the ends of her hair as he does.
After a moment, he rests his hand there.
A moment later, he shuffles them to sit side by side on his rock.
Not long after, her cries subside into sniffles, and then he reveals, "It was for you."
"Huh?" She tries to lean back to look at him, but the arm at her back doesn't let her go very far.
"The entire pop up kaiseki was for you," he confesses with his head down, speaking into the space between them. "I wanted a reason to meet you. I wanted you to try my cooking. I wanted to make you food you'd enjoy."
Nanase fully disengages from the hug, and he lets his arms drop to his sides. He still avoids looking at her, but he raises his heat at least. She roughly wipes away the vestiges of her tears, wondering if maybe she just can't see clearly, but they're still there, painted plainly across his face. Embarrassment, nervousness, hope.
She clears her throat, as composed as she's going to get. "What kind of food do you enjoy, sensei?"
He finally looks at her, inquisitive and hesitant, but answers anyway. "Crab."
She tries her luck one more time. "I happen to know a great crab place," she offers with a tiny smile. "Would you like to join me for lunch?"
When the doorbell rings, Nanase is putting the final touches on the decorations in her apartment. She looks it over one last time and nods to herself in satisfaction before letting in her guest.
"The streamers are crooked," Kairi says in lieu of a greeting as soon as she opens the door.
She gasps and turns on her heel in indignant inspection. "Where?!" She even used a level!
Her offence is quickly forgotten with the feel of Kairi's lips on hers. His warm chest against her back and his fingers on her cheek gently guiding her face to his never fail to give her butterflies, and she hopes they never will. She doesn't ever want to get used to this feeling.
He gently pulls away, and Nanase slowly blinks back to awareness to find him smirking at her. "Gotcha."
It takes her an embarrassingly long second to get the joke. "You can't do that to me!" she shrieks as she tackle-hugs him. "This is important, you know that!"
He laughs as he returns the hug. It's the laugh where he's amused that she's so gullible but endeared by it at the same time. "I know, I know. I also knew that you didn't answer the door immediately because you were decorating."
His voice turns slightly admonishing towards the end, and she pulls her head back so that he could see her regretful wince. "I'm sorry. I know I said we could do it together, but I got jittery just sitting here and waiting."
Kairi squeezes her sides in forgiveness and leans in for a swift kiss on the lips before letting her go. "Ah, but it would have been nice to see it come together. I never thought I'd have the chance to see it in real life," he says as he walks closer to inspect her handiwork. She moved her dining table deeper into the kitchen to create space for her loveseat against a blank wall, which she decorated with streamers, battery-powered fairy lights, and a hang-up blackboard sign she got from Daiso that she wrote Rakki Seben on in chalk.
When he turns back to her, he has a smile on his face that reminds her he's loved her longer than she's even known him. "It looks great, as always. Can I sit on the couch?"
Nanase nods, and he lowers himself onto the loveseat slowly, like he's savouring it. There's a silly, saccharine feeling bubbling up in her that she tampers down. "Did you come here today as a Sebentou or as my boyfriend?" she asks instead of letting it out. She should save it for later.
"What kind of question is that? I'm both, obviously," he says absentmindedly as he bounces a little to test the cushions.
She turns, ostensibly to continue preparations but mostly to hide the smile on her face. "I appreciate the diplomatic answer, but I know who I'm dating. You're a Sebentou first and my boyfriend second, and I've made peace with that."
He doesn't acknowledge her teasing, so she looks over to find him observing her apartment, the apartment he's been to plenty of times before, from this specific point of view. Yeah, she knows who she's dating.
"Remember, I'm going to call you 'Tendo-sensei'," she says as she walks back to him with bottles of water.
"Yes, yes, 'Nana-chan'," he dismisses, and she giggles. She's glad he's broken out of the habit, but sometimes she misses the early days when he could only call her Nana-chan. "That's who you were to me for so long," he had defended every time, and there's just no word for the emotion that that causes other than love.
She double-checks everything one last time before she settles next to Kairi on the loveseat. The ring light isn't too bright, the new camera Kairi bought her is fully charged and on the tripod, and the settings are correct. The only thing left now is to start recording.
"Are you ready?" she asks rotely as she organises her index cards in front of her.
"Hmmm, ah. No, I forgot something."
Nanase's head snaps up. "Like what—!"
With the second of such an arduous interaction in a matter of minutes, she's admittedly kind of wondering if he'd be willing to postpone filming by an hour or two.
Kairi ends the kiss decisively, though. "I'm your boyfriend before I'm a Sebentou," he maintains, and then he faces forward.
The haze she was under clears enough to make room for emotions other than desire. Namely, exasperation. (Granted, it is still fond.) "Alright, sensei, you've made your point. Are you ready now?"
Kairi crosses his legs and folds his hands on the top knee. "Sure."
She clears her throat a little, throws on a smile, and presses 'Start Recording'.
"Hi hi, Sebentous! Welcome back to my channel. If you're new here: this is Rakki Seben, I'm Nana-chan, and I love food… Almost as much as I love my boyfriend!"
She splays her palms out in a presenting way, and he takes his cue. "Hello, everyone. I'm Nana-chan's boyfriend, Tendo Kairi."
"As you might have guessed, we're doing something a little different on Rakki Seben today. Instead of introducing you to food, I'm going to introduce my boyfriend to you! That's right: we're doing the boyfriend tag!"
@watanabe_wants_nabe 12 hours ago nana-chan is taken! i am totally okay with this and not at all devastated. guess i'll go comfort myself by going to the nabe place in nihonbashi she recommended :')
@mochi.wo.mochi 7 hours ago if i couldn't be the one to date the hot tokyo chef guy, i'm glad it's nana-chan 😌✊ i'm so happy for you two!
@daikondaisuki 3 hours ago not even 30 seconds into the video and BOTH of them have already done that 'gazing adoringly at the other person when they aren't looking' thing? they're in love your honour and i have 11 minutes and 6 seconds of content to prove it
@CBYTK 38 minutes ago Thank you for showing us a more personal side to yourself and introducing us to your boyfriend. Great video as always.
A/N (7.18.2023): the usernames explained-
tamagotamako: tamako is a common female name, tamago is the word for egg
yakini-kun: yakiniku is the word for Japanese-style barbecue, -kun is a familiar honourific
watanabe_wants_nabe: watanabe is a common last name, nabe is the word for hot pot
mochi .wo. mochi: literally 'I have mochi'. mochi is a homonym that can refer to the sticky rice cake (analogous to the Korean tteokbokki) that is used in sweet or savoury dishes or to the concept of possessing something, wo is the participle used for direct objects in Japanese grammar
daikondaisuki: daikon is the Asian radish, daisuki is the word for love
CBYTK: cuisine by tendo kairi a la sato takeru's real life clothing brand abyts (answer by takeru sato)
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If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope you liked it :)
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Based on the Small Satellite market development status, competitive landscape and development model in different regions of the world, this report is dedicated to providing niche markets, potential risks and comprehensive competitive strategy analysis in different fields. From the competitive advantages of different types of products and services, the development opportunities and consumption characteristics and structure analysis of the downstream application fields are all analyzed in detail. To Boost Growth during the epidemic era, this report analyzes in detail for the potential risks and opportunities which can be focused on.
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NovaWurks OHB Systems Sierra Nevada Corporation Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp Planet Labs Inc Dauria Aerospace Ltd Capella Space China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation Boeing - Millennium Space Systems (Thales Group) Thales Alenia Space Lockheed Martin Corporation Tyvak - Terran Orbital Mitsubishi Electric Adcole Maryland Aerospace Airbus Defense and Space and SST Ltd. Spaceflight Industries ISS Reshetnevn Spire Global Inc Blue Canyon Technologies (Northrop Grumman) Orbital ATK Harris Corporation Maxar Space Systems Loral On the basis of types, the Small Satellite market from 2015 to 2025 is primarily split into:
Nanosatellite Microsatellite Minisatellite On the basis of applications, the Small Satellite market from 2015 to 2025 covers:
Civil Defense Commercial
Request A Free Sample - https://www.reportocean.com/industry-verticals/sample-request?report_id=mai186568 Geographically, the detailed analysis of consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate, historic and forecast (2015-2025) of the following regions :
North America   United States Canada Mexico Europe   Germany UK France Italy Spain Russia Others Asia-Pacific   China Japan South Korea Australia India South America   Brazil Argentina Columbia Middle East and Africa  UAE Egypt South Africa Years considered for this report: Historical Years: 2015-2019 Base Year: 2019 Estimated Year: 2020 Forecast Period: 2020-2025
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articlesfood · 3 years
Digital Sun Sensors Market Global Industry Size and Growth Opportunities With Region 2021- 2027
“The Digital Sun Sensors Market 2021-2027 is the fresh report by fusionmarketresearch.com that is formulated with the exact understanding of customer requirements. This Report covers exclusive industry analysis of development components, Global Outlook, Type and Companies With Region.”
This report contains market size and forecasts of Digital Sun Sensors in global, including the following market information: Global Digital Sun Sensors Market Revenue, 2016-2021, 2022-2027, ($ millions) Global Digital Sun Sensors Market Sales, 2016-2021, 2022-2027, (Kiloton) Global top five companies in 2020 (%) FUSION MARKET RESEARCH has surveyed the Digital Sun Sensors companies, and industry experts on this industry, involving the revenue, demand, product type, recent developments and plans, industry trends, drivers, challenges, obstacles, and potential risks.
Get Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/Digital-Sun-Sensors-Market/46374
Total Market by Segment: Global Digital Sun Sensors Market, By Type, 2016-2021, 2022-2027 ($ Millions)) Global Digital Sun Sensors Market Segment Percentages, By Type, 2020 (%)
Small Size (Less than 5g)
Other Size (Above 5g)
Global Digital Sun Sensors Market, By Application, 2016-2021, 2022-2027 ($ Millions)) Global Digital Sun Sensors Market Segment Percentages, By Application, 2020 (%)
Global Digital Sun Sensors Market, By Region and Country, 2016-2021, 2022-2027 ($ Millions)) Global Digital Sun Sensors Market Segment Percentages, By Region and Country, 2020 (%)
North America US Canada Mexico Europe Germany France U.K. Italy Russia Nordic Countries Benelux Rest of Europe Asia China Japan South Korea Southeast Asia India Rest of Asia South America Brazil Argentina Rest of South America Middle East & Africa Turkey Israel Saudi Arabia UAE Rest of Middle East & Africa
Competitor Analysis The report also provides analysis of leading market participants including: Key companies Digital Sun Sensors revenues in global market, 2016-2021 (Estimated), ($ millions) Key companies Digital Sun Sensors revenues share in global market, 2020 (%) Key companies Digital Sun Sensors sales in global market, 2016-2021 (Estimated), (Kiloton) Key companies Digital Sun Sensors sales share in global market, 2020 (%)
Further, the report presents profiles of competitors in the market, key players include:
NewSpace Systems
Bradford Space
Adcole Space
Space Micro
Antrix Corporation
Hyperion Technologies
German Orbital Systems
Space Inventor
Crystal Space
Solar MEMS Technologies
Chang Guang Satellite
Tensor Tech
Optical Energy Technologies
Jena-Optronik GmbH
CASC – SAST Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Tech
SpaceTech GmbH
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Table Of Content
1 Introduction to Research & Analysis Reports 1.1 Digital Sun Sensors Market Definition 1.2 Market Segments 1.2.1 Market by Type 1.2.2 Market by Application 1.3 Global Digital Sun Sensors Market Overview 1.4 Features & Benefits of This Report 1.5 Methodology & Sources of Information 1.5.1 Research Methodology 1.5.2 Research Process 1.5.3 Base Year 1.5.4 Report Assumptions & Caveats 2 Global Digital Sun Sensors Overall Market Size 2.1 Global Digital Sun Sensors Market Size: 2021 VS 2027 2.2 Global Digital Sun Sensors Market Size, Prospects & Forecasts: 2016-2027 2.3 Key Market Trends, Opportunity, Drivers and Restraints 2.3.1 Market Opportunities & Trends 2.3.2 Market Drivers 2.3.3 Market Restraints 3 Company Landscape 3.1 Top Digital Sun Sensors Players in Global Market 3.2 Top Global Digital Sun Sensors Companies Ranked by Revenue 3.3 Global Digital Sun Sensors Revenue by Companies 3.4 Top 3 and Top 5 Digital Sun Sensors Companies in Global Market, by Revenue in 2020 3.5 Global Companies Digital Sun Sensors Product Type 3.6 Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 Digital Sun Sensors Players in Global Market 3.6.1 List of Global Tier 1 Digital Sun Sensors Companies 3.6.2 List of Global Tier 2 and Tier 3 Digital Sun Sensors Companies 4 Market Sights by Product 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 By Type – Global Digital Sun Sensors Market Size Markets, 2021 & 2027 4.1.2 Insulation 4.1.3 Roofing 4.1.4 Framing 4.1.5 Exterior Siding 4.1.6 Interior Finishing 4.2 By Type – Global Digital Sun Sensors Revenue & Forecasts 4.2.1 By Type – Global Digital Sun Sensors Revenue, 2016-2021 4.2.2 By Type – Global Digital Sun Sensors Revenue, 2022-2027 4.2.3 By Type – Global Digital Sun Sensors Revenue Market Share, 2016-2027 5 Sights by Application
6 Sights by Region
7 Players Profiles
8 Conclusion 9 Appendix
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Analog Sun Sensors Market Analysis of Major Segments and Future Opportunity Assessment 2021-2027
The professional intelligence report presents a comprehensive evaluation of various factors that may influence the future performance of the Global Analog Sun Sensors Market during the forecast period of 2021 to 2027. It highlights a host of interlinked factors that may create promising growth opportunities in the global Analog Sun Sensors market in coming years. It also provides holistic perspective regarding different trends that can instill substantial growth in the global Analog Sun Sensors market over 2021 to 2027 i.e. the forecast years. The business intelligence study takes a closer look at the different segments in the global Analog Sun Sensors market and provides detailed information regarding their size, status, and share in the global marketplace in coming years. It highlights different regions and nations functioning within the larger global Analog Sun Sensors market. It also shares insights regarding the regional as well as competitive landscape of the global Analog Sun Sensors market during the forecast period.
Notable Analog Sun Sensors Market players covered in the report contains: NewSpace Systems, Bradford Space, Adcole Space, GOMSpace, Space Micro, CubeSpace, Antrix Corporation, Hyperion Technologies, Sputnix, German Orbital Systems, Space Inventor, Needronix, Cosats, Leonardo, LENS R&D, Crystal Space, Solar MEMS Technologies, Chang Guang Satellite, Tensor Tech, Optical Energy Technologies, Jena-Optronik GmbH, CAS–SAST Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Tech, SpaceTech GmbH
The research report maps the precise extent of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global Analog Sun Sensors market. It sheds light on various challenging situations that had to be faced by various key participants operating within the global Analog Sun Sensors market. It also features information regarding certain lucrative parameters and opportunities that might open up attractive avenues for development in the global Analog Sun Sensors market. The corporate survey report presents insights related to the daily operations in the industry and charts the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on every crucial component in the global Analog Sun Sensors market. It takes a closer look at different consumer trends and pattern in pre-, post-, and during the pandemic caused by the outbreak of novel coronavirus in global Analog Sun Sensors market. It also assesses various developments triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic that can create interesting development and expansion opportunities for the players and stakeholders in the global Analog Sun Sensors market in coming years.
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The business intelligence study on Global Analog Sun Sensors Market shares valuable insights regarding the competitive landscape of the industry. It lists major incumbent players in the market based on their size, share, status, and product offerings. The study also examines leading players in Global Analog Sun Sensors Market and shares insights regarding their pricing analysis, sales, profit margin, and revenue during the forecast period of 2021 to 2027. It also highlights various tactics and strategies implemented by these key players in Global Analog Sun Sensors Market to assert dominance in the industry. The study takes a closer look at various regional Analog Sun Sensors Markets and presents information regarding prevailing legal and policy frameworks in the region. It also shares information and predictions regarding the leading countries and regions in Global Analog Sun Sensors Market.
The Analog Sun Sensors market report covers the following regions:
* North America: U.S., Canada, Mexico * South America: Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Costa Rica * Europe: U.K., Germany, Italy, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Denmark * APAC: China, Japan, Australia, South Korea, India, Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong * Middle East and Africa: Israel, South Africa, Saudi Arabia
In terms of product type, the Global Analog Sun Sensors Market is grouped into the following segments:
Coarse Analog Sun Sensors
Fine Analog Sun Sensors
Based on application, the market is classified into the following sub-segments:
Renewable Energy
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What are the key segments in the global Analog Sun Sensors market?
Which region is anticipated to dominate the demand in the industry in coming years?
What are the key strategies applied by the major incumbent players in global Analog Sun Sensors market to battle their competition and assert a dominant market position?
Which emerging technologies can fast track the growth of the global Analog Sun Sensors market?
What is the projected CAGR for the industry over 2021 to 2027 i.e. the forecast period?
Who are the topmost vendors in the global Analog Sun Sensors market?
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sciencespies · 3 years
Redwire completes SPAC merger
Redwire completes SPAC merger
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LOMPOC, Calif. — Space technology company Redwire announced Sept. 2 that it closed its merger with a special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC), taking the company public and providing it with capital for future acquisitions.
Shareholders of Genesis Park Acquisition Corporation voted Sept. 1 to approve the merger with Redwire, with 97% of votes, representing 73% of outstanding shares, backing the deal. That vote was the final milestone to completing the deal, which formally closed Sept. 2.
The merger turns Redwire into a publicly traded company, which will start trading Sept. 3 on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol RDW with a pro forma enterprise valuation of $620 million.
“This is a thrilling day for our team,” Peter Cannito, chairman and chief executive of Redwire, said in a company statement. “As a public company in this second golden age of space, we will be in an even better position to deliver value to our customers’ missions, help to shape the commercialization of the new space economy and, ultimately, accelerate humanity’s expansion into space with our growing portfolio of breakout space infrastructure solutions.”
“We believe the company is well-positioned as a market leader with plentiful opportunities to drive value for shareholders,” Paul Hobby, chief executive of Genesis Park, the investment firm that established Genesis Park Acquisition Corporation, said in the statement.
The companies announced the SPAC deal in March, saying the deal would provide Redwire with $170 million in capital. The companies did not disclose the actual amount of capital Redwire received, which would be dependent on the number of Genesis Park shares that shareholders elected to redeem rather than keep in the merged company.
Private equity firm AE Industrial Partners created Redwire in June 2020 by combining two space technology companies, Adcole Space and Deep Space Systems, it had acquired. Redwire has since gone on to acquire several more companies, including in-space manufacturing company Made In Space, structures companies LoadPath and Roccor, engineering firm Oakman Aerospace and Deployable Space Systems, a developer of spacecraft structures and solar arrays.
Those combined diverse capabilities will be applied in several strategic focus areas the company has identified, such as on-orbit servicing and manufacturing, digitally engineering spacecraft and space domain awareness and resiliency.
At the time of the merger, the company said the proceeds would be “dry powder” for future acquisitions. Redwire said it was already profitable, with revenue of $119 million and adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) of $13 million in 2020. By 2025, the company expects to grow to $1.4 billion in revenue with an adjusted EBITDA of $250 million.
“We do have a number of opportunities that we are looking at” for future acquisitions that Redwire is considering, Cannito said in an analysts’ day presentation July 9. He declined to identify any specific potential deals, but said the company took a “strategic pause” in acquisitions while it completed the SPAC deal.
“Redwire is uniquely positioned as a first-mover industry consolidator,” he said in that presentation. “Space is a highly fragmented market and Redwire has been the buyer of choice, combining niche technology companies that provide tremendous flight heritage with new space startups with disruptive technologies.”
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jasonbehrs · 1 year
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🍱 a delicious conspiracy of luck 🍱
by airauralintensity (aka me, jasonbehrs!)
“Hi hi, Sebentous! Welcome back to my channel. If you’re new here: this is Rakki Seben, I’m Nana-chan, and I love food.”
fandom: incurable case of love, koi wa tsuzuku yo doko made mo characters: sakura nanase, tendo kairi, incurable case ensemble cast in supporting roles ship: sakurendo genres: romcom themes: fluff (arguable), food vlogger!sakura, celebrity chef!tendo, sakura focus, canon-typical angst, gratuitous use of japanese in an english-language fanfiction chapters: 1/2 book: 1/2 word count: 7.5k+ rating: T for depictions of attraction
read it on ffnet, aff, wattpad, ao3, or below!
A/N (7.16.2023): This fic is dedicated to Zayna, who puts up with so much deranged content from me on a daily basis that she deserved something comparatively normal for a change. Find her on instagram or twitter!
I use a lot of Japanese terms which I will define here for the casual enjoyer of Japanese dramas and culture.
Rakki Seben: romaji for 'Lucky Seven'. The 'nana' character in Nanase's name means seven, which is a lucky number in Japan, so I named her YouTube channel Lucky Seven. (Fun fact, the 'se' character of her name means both 'water rapids' and 'chance' which just… has so many character-relevant tie-ins.)
bentou: commonly translated as a 'Japanese boxed lunch', it is generally any single-portion or ready-made meal. The lunch box you bring to school is a bentou. The pre-made meals you buy at a supermarket on the nights you're too lazy to make dinner are bentous. If you're American and you've had Lunchables, that's a bentou. Nanase names the watchers of her vlog Sebentous as a portmanteau of seben and bentou.
-chan, -sensei, -san, -kun: Japanese honourifics. Read more here: living-in-japan/culture/japanese-honorifics/
yakisoba: fried buckwheat noodles. If you've had stir-fried lo mein from your local Chinese restaurant, it's similar. (Some people may disagree with me on this, and that's fine lol.)
LINE: America has Messenger, South Korea has KakaoTalk, Japan has LINE, and everyone else has WhatsApp.
kaiseki: a traditional multi-course Japanese dinner. The term also refers to the collection of skills and techniques that enable the preparation of the full meal, in which case it is analogous to haute cuisine in Western cultures. Traditional cuisine chefs who have Made It™ in Japan probably got famous for their kaiseki restaurants.
心臓 (ハート): the heart as a cardiovascular muscle in Japanese, pronounced shinzou. However, in parentheses, Kairi says it should be pronounced as ha-to, which is the Japanese romaji for the heart as a shape. This is a common phenomenon in written Japanese known as gikun, which basically lets the author assign a new pronunciation to any kanji as they wish, usually to inject new or additional meaning into the text such as significance or humour.
itadakimasu: literally means 'I will receive'. The phrase was historically said aloud before eating to acknowledge the living things (e.g., chef, animals, plants, etc) that led to sustenance. It has since culturally evolved into something akin to the French 'bon appétit' since it's always said before partaking in any meal.
ochazuke: a bowl of rice poured over with tea and topped with whatever you have on hand, historically used as a make-your-pantry-last-longer meal. This simple recipe can be elevated with fancier ingredients.
dorayaki: dessert sandwich of red bean paste between two small pancakes. It is famous for being the favourite meal of Doraemon in the eponymous manga and anime.
senbei: Japanese rice crackers, a common snack.
dogeza: the word for when Japanese people kneel directly on the ground and touch their head to the floor to express deep apology.
With that, let's get started!
It wasn't a busy shift at the clinic, just a long one. Nevertheless, Nanase is ready to go home, eat dinner, and check for new comments on her latest video upload.
There was a shrine festival near her apartment a few weekends ago, and she had braved the cold to go. The concept of her video was that she went around to different food stalls selling the same thing and tried to figure out how the chefs prepared the meals differently. She wanted to film in the shrine as well, but it was closed for the festivities, so she went back a few days later to learn more about the god it serves and the shrine keepers. It was equal parts a food review and a culture vlog, so she's pretty proud of this one.
When she logs onto the analytics page for her Rakki Seben YouTube channel, she's excited to see three new comments since she last checked yesterday.
@tamagotamako 1 day ago it all looks so delicious! the shrine near me is having a festival next weekend. i'll order yakisoba when i'm there thanks to you www
@CBYTK 13 hours ago Thank you for showing us the delicious food and introducing us to your local shrine's customs. Great video as always.
@yakini-kun 4 hours ago which looks better, nana-chan or the food? discuss.
Her Sebentous are the best part of her day and the best part of running a vlog. They're so funny and complimentary, and some of them have really cute usernames. She would love nothing more than to host a meetup and get to meet them in person, but she doesn't think she's big enough for something like that yet. Maybe one day!
She likes and replies to everyone with a happy heart, then she does a cursory check of her business LINE account. There are some admiration messages, some hate mails (which she promptly deletes), and some recommendations for restaurants or meals to try (which she bookmarks for later), all of which are pretty typical.
What isn't typical is the message with a preview that reads 'INVITATION, ONE NIGHT ONLY: Tendo Kairi Pop-Up Kaiseki'.
Nanase rubs her eyes to make sure she isn't misreading the characters on screen because no way is this what she thinks it is.
[< cuisinebytendokairi
INVITATION, ONE NIGHT ONLY: Tendo Kairi Pop-Up Kaiseki
Tendo Kairi-sensei of Peninsula Tokyo's Kyoto Tsuruya will be the host and chef for 心臓(ハート), a pop-up, kaiseki-style dining event this weekend. We humbly invite you to attend as a media correspondent from Rakki Seben. In exchange for a free ticket, we ask for coverage on the evening in your next upload. Please see the attached image for details on the time and location, and please use the form linked below to RSVP and inform us of any dietary restrictions.
Your attendance is highly appreciated.]
It totally is what she thinks she is, and she cannot control her squeals.
Japan doesn't have celebrity chefs the way England has Gordan Ramsey-san and South Korea has Baik Jongwon-san, but Tendo Kairi is still making a name for himself in the culinary world despite not having his own restaurant. He is currently the sous chef at the Kyoto Tsuruya, a famous restaurant in the Peninsula Tokyo hotel. On the night of a prestigious economic conference, the head chef could not provide the highly-anticipated, personalised, five-course dinner for last-minute reasons, and the evening would have been in jeopardy if it weren't for Tendo's command of the kitchen and delicious yet improvised new menu.
For reasons starting with 'any chef who can pull that together on such short notice must be really skilled and respected by their staff' and ending with 'she saw a picture of him in one of the interviews he gave after the event, and he's pretty handsome', Nanase became his fan. He's still working as the sous chef at the Peninsula Tokyo as far as she knows, but she has been waiting for him to open up his own restaurant or get promoted to head chef so that she can try meals that he designed.
To learn that he's hosting his own limited-engagement dining experience is already a huge deal, but to be invited? It's too good to be true.
She doesn't believe it even as she gets her brother to double-check that the link isn't malicious ("Good news! It's just a Google Form."), even as she RSVPs and receives her QR code ticket via LINE, even as she's dolled up in the new dress she bought for the evening and standing in front of the event hall where the dinner is being hosted.
The marquee above the front entrance is lit up with the name of the event in both Japanese and English,
and it takes her an embarrassingly long time of staring in breathless amazement before she thinks to record any of this as B-roll for her vlog.
"Perhaps, are you Nana-chan-san?"
She's startled out of her focus by a handsome young man in a casual suit with the unfortunate air of a new hire who desperately wants to do a good job, and she cannot help but relate. "Hi! Yes, that's me. 'Nana-chan' is fine," she greets as she hastily turns off her camera.
The man sighs with relief. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Nishi Ryusei, and I'm an event staff for Ha-to. Allow me to escort you inside. From this moment until the time you leave, please rely on me for any questions or concerns as they relate to your dining and reporting experience," he narrates as he guides her and her filming apparatus through the security check.
Guests get a personal assistant? These exclusive events are no joke. "Thank you for working hard today, Nishi-san!" she chirps, following him into the small but tastefully decorated lobby.
"If I can call you Nana-chan, you can call me Nishi-kun," he shares warmly. "Would you be interested in checking in your coat as well, or would you like to head into the cocktail reception?"
"Actually," she declines with a sheepish shrug to her shoulders, "may I go around filming a little bit? I will stop if I inconvenience or intrude on other guests!"
Nishi-kun slaps his forehead with major self-recrimination. "Ah, of course! The media correspondent must collect media to correspond! My apologies for not addressing that sooner. Do you need assistance with your camera stand? Do you have special equipment to set up? Do you need to charge anything?" he asks in rapid-fire.
Nanase had commuted to the event hall with mounting anxiety about how she'll conduct herself in such a high-profile setting (and still doubting that she was actually meant to be invited in the first place). Even now, she is acutely aware of how much space she's taking up, the way that her hair is combed but not styled, the fact that this dress is the most expensive article of clothing she owns yet likely costs a fraction of other outfits she'll see tonight… and that hypersensitivity was feeding an additional worry that she won't be able to enjoy the evening to the fullest due to all her worries.
Somehow, though, Nishi-kun's nerves about assisting her does a lot to settle her own nerves about the night. One of them has to be composed, after all. "Would you want to help me?" she offers affably. "If you work here, you'd know the prettiest and most interesting spots to film, right?"
The surprised-yet-pleased lightness to his face makes her smile, and she thinks she and Nishi-kun will end the night as good friends.
As he hangs out with her to film B-roll, Nanase can't help but notice she has a lot less equipment than some of the other camera operators scattered across the venue, which confirms her privately-held belief that she is the most amateur attendant invited to Ha-to. All she has is her little Nikon and a table-tripod to help stabilise her grip, but she can spy camera setups taller than her brother in some corners (along with the local media outlet logos on the bags by their feet).
They intimidate her, but they also reaffirm her resolve. If she was the smallest scale 'media correspondent' in attendance, then that means someone in the event planning process took a gamble on her to provide good coverage of the evening.
She won't let herself down, she won't let her viewers down, and she won't let her anonymous benefactor down either.
When she finishes taking some atmospheric shots, Nishi-kun offers to take her to her table.
The dinner tables circle an empty space in the centre of the main dining room, presumably where Tendo-sensei will stand to address the crowd. Nishi-kun leads her to a table not too far from the centre, where there is already someone seated. She and Nishi-kun reach an unspoken agreement that they will part ways here, and she braces herself to make another good first impression.
"Ah, I was waiting for someone to come rescue me from my loneliness!" the older gentleman opens with exuberance.
She matches his humour—"Good thing I was looking for someone to rescue."—and it pays off. The well-kept man exuding a kind and paternal air smiles widely at her. "I'm Koishikawa. Tendo and I work together," he introduces.
Nanase's reach for a handshake turns into a pointed finger in her shock. "You're the head chef at Kyoto Tsuruya!" she can't help but exclaim. She's sitting in front of the very man whose personal emergency served as the impetus to Tendo-sensei's rise to fame!
Koishikawa-sensei is mildly taken aback to be recognised, but he recovers easily. "I see that my reputation precedes me," he comments genially. "Have I had the pleasure of your patronage before?"
She blushes. "Not yet."
Nanase would have certainly info-dumped on this poor man about how she's actually a receptionist at a urgent-care clinic near her apartment who definitely could not afford a table at Kyoto Tsuruya without some sort of divine intervention if not for the arrival of two boisterously laughing women holding half-empty champagne flutes.
"Where's your drink?" one of them asks Nanase before they even sit down.
"Do you want me to get you one?" the other follows up.
"Ladies," Koishikawa-sensei admonishes, but he immediately falters then turns to Nanase. "I'm sorry, but I didn't quite catch your name."
Oh god, she didn't even introduce herself. She is so embarrassing. "Sakura! Sakura Nanase. It's a pleasure to meet you all," she says quickly.
"Nanako-chan, where's your drink?" the first woman demands again.
"Do you want me to get you one?" Both of their words are noticeably slurred together now that Nanase is paying a little more attention.
"Sakura-chan doesn't need to catch up to you two in order to have a good time," Koishikawa-sensei banters.
"But if she did, she'd have a better time," the first woman rebuts in with a duh in her tone.
The second woman leans across the first one to reach for a handshake with Nanase. "I'm Yuki Sayoko. I'm a friend of the family."
"And I'm Ryuko, the family!" the first one pipes up with a loose, open-palm salute.
Yuki-san leans a palm on Ryuko-san's shoulder, a gesture of familiarity as well as leverage to lean towards Nanase. "How do you know Kairi, Nanase-chan?"
Unfortunately, Nanase cannot answer her because she does not actually know 'Kairi'. If she thought she was in over her head before, she's floundering in the deep end now.
She is currently seated at a table with Tendo-sensei's senior at work, someone she has a sneaking suspicion is either Tendo-sensei's really cool sister or really cool cousin, and a close family friend who understandably presumes that everyone at the table has a similarly personal relationship with Tendo-sensei. And there's still one guest left to meet!
How did little old her end up here?
She frantically looks around—for some water, for Nishi-kun, for a pile of bricks to fall on her and wake her up from this dream—when she meets eyes with one of the most attractive men in the entire archipelago from across the room.
A man who happens to be beelining straight for their table.
Koishikawa-sensei stands up to greet who must surely be Japan's version of Brad Pitt. "Kisugi-kun, you made it!"
"You know how it is when you're running the pass," Kisugi-san says as he returns the one-sided hug. "I'm just glad I didn't miss the introduction to the first course, or else I might as well skip the entire night completely."
"Tendo would have never let you live that down!" Koishikawa-sensei laughs as they settle into their seats.
"He's such a stickler for the 'holistic dining experience'," Ryuko-san snarks as she blows bubbles into her champagne flute, which somehow became full despite no server coming around to top off her glass. "If he didn't seriously know his way around a kitchen, he'd be the most pretentious man in all of Japan."
"But do we expect anything less from the Devil himself?" Yuki-san comments with affection.
All eyes turn to Nanase, who has ruined her ruse of pretending she deserves a spot at this table with one single word.
"You've never heard anyone call my brother 'the Devil'?" Ryuko-san asks with incredulity.
"How did you know Kairi, again?"
Maybe they'll have the grace to wait until she's out of earshot before they start laughing at her. "Actually, I don't…" she confesses to the confusion of every party. She bows her head again, a final introduction now that the whole table is seated. "I'm Sakura Nanase. I was invited tonight as a media correspondent. Please keep me in your favour."
Polite interest is a better response than she could have hoped for from the group. "Media correspondent, hm? Who are you affiliated with?"
"None of the big broadcasting stations. I run a food vlog on YouTube. A small one, really. I'm wondering as much as you are why I'm sitting here," she awkwardly says in an attempt to preempt the elephant at the table.
Surprisingly, Yuki-san perks up. "You're a YouTuber? What's your channel called? How many followers do you have? How many public watch hours have you accrued in the last 90 days?"
"Sayoko-san works in public relations and media management, and it seems she just found her next client," Koishikawa-sensei observes with amusement.
"Or her next pet project, depending on how you look at it," Ryuko-san jokes.
Nanase is saved from having to react to Yuki-san's enthusiasm by the lights dimming once, twice. Chairs scrape the marble flooring as the lively atmosphere of the room settles in anticipation.
"Email me," Yuki-san stage whispers as she slides her business card across the table to Nanase's clammy hands. She accepts the card with a bow of her head, and that's all she has time for before a man in a fashionable long coat emerges from the sea of tables and stands in the centre of the room.
"Welcome, everyone. My name is Tendo Kairi, and I will be your chef for this evening."
Tendo-sensei spins in an unhurried circle to receive the audience's applause, and Nanase isn't ready at all.
She knew he was attractive, but this is just unreal. From his ear to his cheek to his entire profile, his face is revealed to her slowly like the moon waxing to fullness, and the impact is just as dazzling. Striking, even. Everything about him seems cut into precise angles for the express purpose of carving this moment into her memory forever.
By the time he fully faces her, she has stopped clapping entirely.
His eyes, like everything else about him, have a piercing quality that does not allow her to move, to think, to breathe—a state of suspension she can only experience because he is looking straight at her.
There is a flash of surprise before his expression settles back into a neutral smile of appreciation, and the moon wanes to new once again.
Just in time for her ears to recognise sound, the applause settles in anticipation of Tendo-sensei's next words.
"Thank you for joining me tonight for the first kaiseki dinner plan that I designed and cooked myself. For the experienced, I encourage you to wash away your expectations with your first cup of sake. This will not be your typical evening of seasonal acknowledgements and ceremonial formality. Instead, I chose to honour a different kind of nature tonight: human nature. The multisensory, once-in-a-lifetime aspect of a traditional kaiseki dinner will instead be provided by you all as the recipients of the meal. Every individual will have different reactions to each plate, and every table will have different discussions as a result. I look forward to hearing about them during the after-party, which will be held in the lobby following the final course."
Tendo-sensei speaks with candor and conciseness that somehow completely suits the image of him she didn't mean to build in her mind but has now anyway. There are no unnecessary inflections to his speech. Every intention is plainly stated. Neither breath nor word is wasted.
"Now, I will introduce you to the ha-to as I know it with our appetiser, a bean salad with orange vinaigrette. The beans were harvested in Chiba, and the oranges were farmed from Egypt. I hope you will enjoy it."
Tendo-sensei bows in the direction he happens to be facing, and that's the cue for waitstaff to surge into the room carrying trays of the first plate. By the time everyone has one, he is gone from the centre.
Koishikawa-sensei takes one look at his food and chuckles, only loud enough for their table to hear. Kisugi-san joins him not long later.
"What? What is it?" Ryuko-san asks eagerly, always ready to laugh at a good joke.
"The beans he chose are known for being high in soluble fiber," Kisugi-san explains. "In other words, it's good for the heart."
"Eh? I didn't know that! That's considerate," Nanase can't help but effuse.
"It helps to have two chefs at the table, doesn't it? We'll have the secrets to all of Kairi's dishes revealed by the end of each course. You should do an exposé on your vlog, Nanase-chan."
With Yuki-san's well-meaning tease, Nanase remembers she has a job to do. She really has to get herself together. She can't be distracted by attractive men and imposter syndrome. She's here for one thing and one thing only: good food.
"Ah, would anyone mind if I started filming? I'll keep the camera pointed at me and my food, and I can mute the microphone if it would make you more comfortable."
Ryuko-san leans over to look into the lens of the camera Nanase places on the table, tripod legs set low so that no one's vision is obstructed. "So you put your videos on the internet and then people watch them? If I'm in it, will I get famous?"
"Heh, not really. Only a few hundred people watch my vlogs regularly."
"That's a few hundred more people than who know me now! Please let me be in your video, Nanako-chan. Please, please, please." Ryuko-san bounces in her seat to underscore her insistence.
"I also don't mind being recorded. I trust you to edit out anything personal or unprofessional. Make me look good, okay?" Koishikawa-sensei says affably.
The rest of the table chimes in with their consent, and Nanase doesn't bother hiding the stars in her eyes. Tendo-sensei's friends and family are some of the most kind, easy-going people on earth.
She bows with appreciation then presses record on her camera.
(When she reviews the night's footage later, the smile on her face at this moment is the happiest she's ever seen herself.)
As Yuki-san predicted, it is incredibly helpful to have two chefs around to explain the likely significance behind each course. After the appetiser, there are deep-fried brie wheels drizzled in honey ("high in cholesterol and certainly bad for your heart when eaten in excess"), steaming bowls of ochazuke with tuna roe and chunks of sun-dried pickled plum ("traditional comfort food in Kyoto—one bite and you'll see why"), and a shot of cod liver oil in between courses four and five ("high in omega-3's, but golly, low on taste"). There even is a serving of cow heart in what everyone hopes will be the only literal interpretation of the night's theme.
Nanase falls in love with every dish she tries—except the heart, admittedly, but she has always wanted to try animal heart, so she still loves that she got the opportunity. The magic of the menu is not just in their flavour profiles, but also in their mouthfeel.
Almost everyone has flavour preferences, but she didn't discover she had texture preferences until she started Rakkk Seben and wanted to describe the experience of eating to her viewers. She loves when food is so crispy that it reminds her of the first leaves of autumn; she loves surprise chewiness in an otherwise melt-in-your-mouth dish; she loves when there are beady foods like beans or tapioca because she likes organising them in between her teeth for an even bite.
The Ha-to menu manages to capture all of that and more in a delightful manifestation of everything she'd want to taste or experience in a gourmet dish. Each recipe has a way of bringing out the essence of each ingredient, so even the simplest of dishes are layered with complexity. It's the most decadent meal of her entire life, in more ways than one.
Every course is introduced by Tendo-sensei in his same straightforward, succinct tone. He usually describes the ingredients and sometimes an anecdote about the preparation, and Nanae revels in his appearances as much as she does in his food.
The company is equally as compelling. Koishikawa-sensei has been a warm presence ever since their first interaction. Kisugi-sensei—as she has started calling him in her mind ever since she learned he is a sous-chef at another fine dining establishment she is too poor to try—doesn't say much, but she learns a lot whenever he does. Ryuko-san and Yuki-san are the ones keeping the conversation lively, and they're good about including others in their banter. (By others, she does mainly mean herself.)
Throughout the evening, Ryuko-san is definitely the one Nanase ends up interacting with the most. The older woman keeps popping into the frame to wave at the camera and speaking to viewers like a natural vlogger, and it gives Nanase an idea.
After the cod liver oil, Ryuko-san—who works as a sake sommelier but considers herself proficient in all alcohols—wishes aloud that it were a shot of Cognac instead, and Nanase uses the opportunity to tentatively invite her as a guest in a future video where she recommends alcohol pairs for street foods and they try it together.
The evening proceeds exactly like that: Tendo-sensei introduces his next course, Nanase becomes a little bit more enamoured with him via his food, and the conversation at the table rarely stops. She is so glad she has a camera recording all of this; otherwise, she'd be worried that she dreamed everything.
The next time Tendo-sensei steps out, he announces, "This will be our final course for the night. For dessert, I present dorayaki made out of store-bought pancake mix and canned red bean paste."
The entire hall titters with confusion. After several plates of high quality ingredients and sophisticated cooking techniques, he's serving something a college student or perhaps a very independent four-year-old would make for a late-night snack?
Nanase sneaks glances at her seatmates with the hopes that one of Tendo-sensei's closest friends and family would have an innate understanding of logic behind this choice, but the table seems as surprised as the rest of the hall. In fact, Ryuko-san is full-on pouting with the loss of a delectable confection.
She looks back to Tendo-sensei, who hasn't bowed yet to end his speech. He isn't reveling in the confusion either, as she suspected he might. Someone like him wouldn't end the night so anticlimactically without a very good reason, and she has the passing thought that the reason is simple shock value.
Instead, he is just standing still, head hung low and microphone clutched in his hand like he is searching for the will, or the courage, to do something.
He is facing her side of the room. When he finally raises his head, there is melancholy shadowing his angled features. Nanase tries to remember if she could have recognised it before, if it was perhaps there the whole night, but her memories of his face are only cast in dazzlement.
"I do not like sweets, but dorayaki is my favourite dessert. Maybe it is only my favourite because it was what my wife used to make whenever she wanted to celebrate something. The thing is, anything was cause for celebration: doing the dishes she let pile up for a day too long, finishing a book I've been meaning to read, small things like that. It's a taste that I've personally come to associate with a warm smile and a happy home. A full heart, as it were… I probably would have had dorayaki later this evening if not for the fact that my wife passed away eight years ago."
The hall is silent. Even the distant clamour of metal against metal that has been intermittently slipping out from the kitchen has ceased. It is so quiet that Nanase fears her raging heartbeat will upset the solemnity of the moment.
"Of course, I had other ideas for tonight's dessert; but no matter what I planned, I kept thinking to myself, 'I still don't get to eat Minori's dorayaki by the end of the day…' But I can try."
He extends one arm outwards, and the waitstaff flood into the room with their giant trays balanced on their shoulders as they have done for every course. "This is her dorayaki, replicated as close as possible to how she used to make it," Tendo-sensei narrates as the diners receive their plates. "As you eat, I encourage you to think about your heart: who lives in it, where it is telling you to go, and how you will get there."
At the end of his speech, a waitstaff places his own plate on the palm of his outstretched hand. Tendo-sensei pockets his microphone and picks up the dessert. With an inaudible prayer, he takes a bite of the dorayaki. It is the first time he partook in his own menu all evening.
He is still facing her direction, but Nanase cannot clearly see his tears.
"Sakura-san, are you crying?"
"Is there anyone in this world who wouldn't cry upon seeing that?!" she defends while being a sniveling mess.
"Now, now," Koishikawa-sensei cuts in. "It's a moving story, no doubt. Here, clean yourself up, Sakura-chan,"—he offers her a handkerchief from his pocket—"and let's all enjoy the special dessert Tendo-kun prepared for us."
"Is this special? I could buy the same thing at the FamilyMart across the street, and it would probably taste better than this," Ryuko-laments even as she rips a bite out of her dorayaki.
"I will say, though, isn't it rather nostalgic?" Yuki-san muses with a slightly full mouth. "My parents made dorayaki for me when I was little, and it tasted a lot like this, clumpy batter and all."
"This was actually the first thing I ever learned to make," Kisugi-sensei says. "I was 5, and the Showa brand pancake mix had easy-to-follow instructions… Honestly, if I think about it, it's probably the moment that set me on a path towards culinary school."
"Maybe that's why dorayaki is my favourite dessert," Nanase murmurs. She doesn't really expect her tablemates to hear her; but when everyone's heads turn towards her, she is prepared to expand on her thought. "It's really easy to make, right? Simple, too. No one can mess it up. It would probably be more difficult to make it taste bad."
"You say that, Nanase-chan, but you also haven't seen me in the kitchen."
"There's a reason Sayako-san is the only one at the table unaffiliated with food," Koishikawa-sensei jokes.
"One time, she…"
Ryuko-san trails off from her story at the gradual hush that overcomes the event hall. Without prompting, the five of them turn towards the centre, where Tendo-sensei has since finished his dessert and has begun silently bowing to the guests. Once he finishes his round, he straightens and heads out to the lobby.
The table slowly turns to each other in confirmation before gathering their things.
The after-party has begun.
The good food doesn't stop at the after party. The finger foods, just sugar cookies and senbei, are refreshingly simple after the complex flavours from the kaiseki. Plus, they're cut into heart shapes! Nanase loves commitment to a gimmick.
The people at her table naturally split up after the dinner to catch up with other colleagues or people they happened to know, so Nanase was left to herself for the after party. She doesn't mind. She just takes some snacks to a spot out of people's way and enjoys the ambiance. When is she going to have a chance to attend something like this ever again?
"How was the dinner?" someone asks from her side.
"Nishi-kun! Did you not have any?!"
He laughs. "No, I did, but you're the food reviewer between the two of us. I wanted to hear from you."
"Well, it was amazing, of course," she effuses, hand demurely covering her mouth as she finishes chewing her cookie. "I have a lot I want to say, but all the words are just floating around in my head. I think I'm gonna be up all night just trying to make sense of my emotions."
"That good, huh?"
"The best."
"I'm really glad to hear it. Between you and me, I think Tendo-sensei was pretty nervous about how you'd react to the food."
Good thing she finished with her cookie or else she would have probably choked. "What do you mean by that?"
"It's hard to explain," Nishi-kun says as he crosses his arms, "but I was keeping my eye on you throughout the dinner—in case you needed something, you know—and he was always around. And he was always looking at your table."
Nanase lets out a relieved laugh. "Oh, you've got it all wrong. His sister and his mentor were at the table, too. He was probably checking for their reactions. Everyone at my table was actually really close to him. I'm pretty sure I ended up there as a mistake, or at the very least not on purpose."
He tilts his head to the side. "Tendo-sensei seems like the kind of guy who does everything on purpose, doesn't he?"
"Sure, but was he the one in charge of seating?" she retorts with raised eyebrows.
Nishi-kun scratches at his chin. "Now that, I don't know…"
She pats him on the arm, absolving him of the responsibility to continue the topic and indicating that she wants his attention for something else. "Speaking of Tendo-sensei, do you know if he's allowing interviews during the after party?"
Nishi-kun considers her request. "The after-party would be your best bet, but I can't say for sure he'll be able to do an interview."
They both turn to look at the small group praising Tendo-sensei for the evening and then to the line that's pseudo-forming behind them. The after-party wasn't supposed to be a meet and greet, but it's turning out that way. Nanase and Nishi-kun slowly meander to the ill-defined line, not really intending to join it but moving forward anyway as the queued guests finish their interactions with Tendo-sensei.
When they're a few turns away, someone breezes past the line and straight to the man of the hour.
"When can we go home, Kairi?"
"You can go home whenever you want. I'm still busy," he says with a gesture towards the next guest he meant to meet before Ryuko-san interrupted.
She looks over at the line with pout, which immediately brightens as soon as she sees Nanase in it. "Nanko-chan! What are you doing over there? Come here and meet my brother!"
"Eh?" Nanase casts a worried glance to the other people in line, who look at her with disdain or judgement. She is prepared to reject the older woman's well-meaning offer, but her hand pulling on Nanase's wrist won't let her. All she can do is grab Nishi-kun's wrist and drag him along too.
"Kairi, this is Nanako-chan! Thanks for putting her at our table; we got along great."
"Eh?" "It wasn't like that!"
Nanase had planned to avoid looking directly at Tendo-sensei's face, but this is the second time the seating arrangement has been brought up since the end of the dinner. She can't help but look up in verification of Ryuko-san's statement. (They may have just met, but she's proven herself to be a very authentic person. Nanase is inclined to take her word over Tendo-sensei's.)
Tendo-sensei, for his part, looks very agitated. "Listen," he says. "You were a party of four, and these tables seated five. We did that a lot, putting solo attendants wherever there was space. If you guys got along, it was pure luck."
Nanase nods to herself. That makes a lot of sense.
"Rakki Seben kind of luck?" Ryuko-san quips.
"That's the name of her vlog! 'Rakki Seben'. Nanako-chan invited me on it, and Yuki's gonna be her manager."
Tendo-sensei whirls on her, and Nanase feels strangely chastised even though she didn't do anything wrong. "I don't know about the Yuki-san thing, but the rest of it is true. I run a YouTube channel. It's actually why I was invited tonight," she explains weakly in the face of his intense stare.
"Say, you should be in it, too, Kairi! Give her an interview or something she can use in her video."
That happens to be exactly what she wanted, but to receive it without her asking is rather overwhelming in the moment. "Only if you have the time! I don't even mind waiting until later in the night, if you're willing and not still busy," she hedges, but Ryuko-san speaks over her.
Nishi-kun looks around to make sure the finger pointing at him isn't meant to be pointing at someone very near him. "Me?"
"Can you drink alcohol?"
"I'm, um, I'm 25."
"That doesn't answer my question."
"Y-Yes, I can drink alcohol."
"Let's go get some, then!"
Ryuko-san wraps her arm around his and leads him towards the open bar. Nishi-kun looks back at Nanase with equal parts fear and apology in his eyes, and she can do nothing but send him pitying looks in return.
"I have a bad feeling about that," Tendo-sensei comments lowly from beside her.
She hasn't known Nishi-kun for long, but she still confidently defends, "Don't worry. Nishi-kun is an absolute gentleman and won't do a single thing to Ryuko-san."
"He's not the one who gives me bad feelings." Before Nanase could unpack that, he turns to her with a raised eyebrow. "So, what's this about an interview?"
There is something on the tip of Nanase's tongue about pretending an interview was never mentioned and apologising for wasting his time, but her resolution from earlier in the evening makes a convenient reappearance in her mind. She won't let herself down, she won't let her viewers down, and she won't let her anonymous benefactor down either.
She bows ninety-degrees in a desperate attempt at professionalism. "Yes! I am Sakura Nanase, and I have a YouTube channel called Rakki Seben! I humbly request to interview you as part of the video review I will give about tonight's event!"
Hearing her first name said so admonishingly snaps her upright. "I only need five—no, three—minutes of your time!"
He spends a long moment staring at her, silent and discerning, and the state of suspension from earlier in the night is back. She almost can't feel the legs she's standing on.
"Let's get on with it, then."
He offers a polite bow to the guests who hadn't yet given up on the meet and greet line then heads for a door on the opposite side of the room. Nanase starts after him, backtracks to give the people in line a deeper bow because it felt wrong to leave without doing that, then hurries to make up for the lost seconds. When she bursts through the door she saw Tendo-sensei heading towards, she finds that she entered a quiet service hallway.
Quiet because there is no one else there but her and Tendo-sensei. She gulps. "Right, well. Just, um, you can stand over there—or really, wherever you want—and um, I'll stand over… Here. I'll stand over here." She adjusts her camera on its tripod with shaky fingers, and it takes her three tries to turn it on. "Okay, start whenever you're ready… End whenever you're ready, too," she hastily adds.
Tendo-sensei leans against the wall behind him and crosses his arms. "And what would you like to know?"
Why was I invited? is the first question that pops into her head, but she physically shakes it out of her mind. She does have a real question she wanted to ask him, and she only has one shot at this. "Could you talk about the inspiration behind your courses? Except for the dessert, you mostly talked about the ingredients or the recipes. The guests at my table made guesses about why you made what you made—like, it's good for the heart, or it's bad for the heart—but why did you choose to make those recipes over other recipes that would have maybe expressed a similar statement?"
He quirks one eyebrow at her. "Sounds like you'll need more than three minutes of my time, Sakura-san."
Crap, he's right. She should have thought of that. She's so embarrassing. "No, I won't!" she maintains. "I have other questions! Like, uh… Which was your favourite course to work on and why?"
She grimaces. It's a really basic question, not at all on par with the kind of journalism that some of the other media correspondents would have pulled off if they were in her position. In fact, she can even hazard a guess at what his response would be… but it can be answered in three minutes or less, which is all that matters.
He turns his head to face down the hallway, his handsome face impassive yet undeniably radiating annoyance. She tries to ignore the silly worry that she has somehow disappointed him in favour of coming up with a better three-minute question, but then he says, "The dessert, of course, but you already knew that."
Agreeing with him is probably the right answer, but it also makes the fact that she asked the question at all look rather foolish, so she doesn't say anything.
He sighs then faces her again. "I'll start with the appetiser, then."
She wince. "Thanks for keeping me in your favour," she says with self-recrimination.
He offers her a hum of acknowledgement but nothing more on the topic of his time. "Beans are a natural choice to suit the Ha-to theme, but they're a versatile ingredient that could have appeared in any course. Rather than saying they best suited the appetiser, it was more like no other ingredient I wanted would…"
As he expounds upon his thought process and menu development, Nanase feels her superficial crush on the man developing into something a lot more substantial. He's so diligent and intelligent and magnificent.
Nothing like her, who was so nervous about filming the interview that she forgot to set the white balance before it was too late.
Everytime she glances down at her camera view to make sure her shaky hands haven't moved Tendo-sensei out of frame, she could perceive slight differences in colour temperature on the screen. She had hopes that the lighting of the hallway would help keep it more-or-less consistent, but that was evidently too optimistic.
She's pretty bad about adjusting levels in her video editing software, but she can probably just put some apologetic text on screen asking Sebentous for their understanding. It's not like asking him to start over is an option.
"Is my explanation not what you wanted to hear?" Tendo-sensei's harsh voice cuts through her internal monologue.
Her head snaps up. "What? Of course not! I'm so grateful for your insights! Cow hearts over fish was an inspired choice!"
"Then what's with that face? You look… dissatisfied."
Great. On top of incompetent, he must also think she's ungrateful. "I'm very sorry about that. I can… I can wear a mask?"
He looks at her with so much exasperation that she thinks that a bow may not be enough. A full on dogeza in this dress would be awkward, but not undoable.
"Forget it. If you're going to say stupid things, I'm just going to go." With a dramatic flutter of his coat, he stalks towards the lobby.
"It's the white balance!" she blurts out before he could reach the door. The truth is unfortunately another stupid thing, but hopefully explaining herself will at least prevent his opinion of her from getting worse.
It works, for the most part. He stops abruptly and whirls to face her with an unimpressed "Huh?"
She hesitates for just a second before scuttling over to him, camera outstretched so he could see what she's talking about. "I don't know how much you know about videography, but there's this thing called white balance, and…" Whether it's his stare or her hypersensitivity, she could sense that her rambling is losing more favour than it's gaining, so she switches priorities. "Basically, the footage we just shot is usable, but bad."
"Can you fix it?"
"Yeah, it's really easy! All I have do is—"
"Do it. I don't have time to repeat everything I was saying, so I'm just going to answer your dessert question."
That is so okay with her. She's lucky he's even giving her a second chance. "Thank you so much!" She stops the current recording, diligently checks the white balance and aperture and other settings she neglected the first time around, and starts a new file. "Alright, we're rolling," she says as lifts the camera up. "So, sensei, what was your favourite course to work on and—why…?"
She looks quizzically up at Tendo-sensei, who has gotten close enough and lowered the camera enough to indicate that he isn't quite ready to record.
"I've done a lot of talking tonight. I think it's your turn, Sakura-san."
Too bad Tendo-sensei looks so mind-numbingly attractive right now that it makes her forget she knows Japanese.
"Did you enjoy the dinner?"
She nods incessantly.
"Which was your favourite course?"
"All of them." It's not even a question.
His upper lip curls a little in distaste. Her self-preservation isn't strong enough to ignore the flash of white teeth that's revealed. "Why?"
She loves each of them for their own reasons, of course, but one thing they undeniably have in common is that, "They were all things that I like eating."
Tendo-sensei tsks, steps away. "Aren't you a food vlogger? Can't you do better than that?"
Between his reprimanding words and lack of proximity, the daze she was stumbling through clears enough to give her back access to her pride. "Of course! I just… needed to collect my thoughts."
He walks backwards and leans on the wall again, and pieces of the voiceover script she was writing in her mind the whole night helpfully organise themselves into something intelligible.
"I often highlight the mouthfeel of the foods I eat to my viewers, and I really enjoyed the textures of your dishes. Even though each course was consumed individually, I think they would have also worked really well together if they came out all at once like they do in Korean restaurants because of the diversity. Coupled with the different flavour profiles that you created, it was a complete fulfilment of the senses, and I am very grateful that I was invited to experience it."
She punctuates her spiel with a decisive nod, feeling confident and articulate and insightful… but the way Tendo-sensei is only looking at her is slowly making her question that self-assessment. He hasn't reacted, positively or negatively. Maybe he regrets asking for her opinion at all.
"Right, well—"
"—Anything special to say about the dorayaki?"
He crosses his arms and looks away for a moment, tapping his shoe mindlessly against the linoleum floor. "One of your vlogs said that it's your favourite," he gets out after a few more beats. "The Odaiba one."
She knows what he's talking about, sort of. She does have a vlog where she went out to Odaiba to enjoy lunch on the bay on a nice late-winter day, but she doesn't particularly remember talking about dorayaki in that one. Nor does she know why Tendo-sensei, of all people, would know that, unless…
"You watched my videos?"
"Video. Single," he scoffs as he straightens out from his not-quite-insecure hunch. If she didn't witness him crying nearly thirty minutes ago, she would think that Tendo-sensei's face only has two settings: neutral and unimpressed. "And of course, I did. You're a nobody YouTuber, and this is the biggest professional achievement of my life. You weren't going to be invited without being personally vetted by me."
Now would be the perfect time to ask him why she was invited at all, but an event staff bursts through the hallway door at that moment. "There you are, Tendo-sensei! We've been looking all over for you. You're needed back out in the lobby."
He nods in acknowledgement. "I'll be there in a few minutes. I need to finish my interview first."
Nanase is still facing the staff member, prepared to apologise for keeping Tendo-sensei from his responsibilities, which is how she can see the confused look on their face before they bow and retreat.
She turns back to Tendo-sensei to give him one last chance to back out of having to give her any more of his time, but he's standing up straight and fixing the collar on his coat to prepare for the take. Whatever opportunity to react to anything that happened in the last ninety seconds is long gone.
Indeed, she's here for an interview with Tendo-sensei. She should just get this over with. She's been on edge all night, and this is the last thing she needs to do before she can go home and still be satisfied with how she handled the evening.
Ordinarily, she'd give herself a quick slap on both cheeks to fortify her resolve, but she's made enough of a fool of herself tonight in front of the no-nonsense chef. She has to settle for checking the settings on her camera one more time.
Okay, she can do this. "So, sensei, what was your favourite course to work on, and why?"
A/N (7.16.2023): Second chapter is the last one! It's already complete, I'll upload it in another week. :)
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Latest released the research study on Global Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS) Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS) Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS) The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are Bradford (United Kingdom), Adcole Corporation (United States), SpaceTech GmbH (STI) (Germany), German Orbital Systems GmbH (Germany), Space Micro (United States), AZoNetwork UK Ltd. (United Kingdom), Solar MEMS Technologies S.L. (Spain), Lens Research & Development (Netherlands), Jena-Optronik GmbH (Germany), Leonardo S.P.A. (Italy)
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marketscoopbook · 4 years
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Industrial Sun Sensors Market : Global Industry Perspective, Comprehensive Analysis and Forecast 2021 to 2027
The Global Industrial Sun Sensors Market is foreseen to observe ascending demand graph during the assessment period 2021–2027, according to the analysts of a latest study added to ResearchMoz’s document repository. The prime motive of this assessment document is to deliver comprehensive information pertaining to the Industrial Sun Sensors market on the global as well as regional levels. This study presents detailed evaluation of different factors shaping the market growth. Moving forward, it also enlightens readers on the threats and challenges experienced by key entities in the Industrial Sun Sensors market.
Industrial Sun Sensors Market: Competitive Landscape
With the motive of presenting users with a bird’s-eye view of the market for Industrial Sun Sensors, researchers have incorporated detailed information pertaining to the key players, their strategic overview, and competitiveness analysis of the market. This report allows users to perform a thorough comparison of companies operating in the Industrial Sun Sensors market based on several vital parameters including product offerings, total revenue, and prime strategies of all players in the market. Moving forward, the assessment report also sheds light on varied strategic moves such as joint ventures, mergers, and acquisitions executed by enterprises to lead the Industrial Sun Sensors market.
Some of the leading players profiled in the report include: NewSpace Systems, Bradford Space, Adcole Space, GOMSpace, Space Micro, CubeSpace, Antrix Corporation, Hyperion Technologies, Sputnix, German Orbital Systems, Space Inventor, Needronix, Cosats, Leonardo, LENS R&D, Crystal Space, Solar MEMS Technologies, Chang Guang Satellite, Tensor Tech, Optical Energy Technologies, Jena-Optronik GmbH, CAS-SAST Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Tech, SpaceTech GmbH
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The report sheds light on present industry trends and growth avenues in the Industrial Sun Sensors market. Apart from this, deep insights on the value chain analysis are also covered in this study. The new study tracks crucial statistics pertaining to the sales, production, and demand of the Industrial Sun Sensors market in all regions of the world. It also highlights various growth opportunities and investment avenues in this market for the period of upcoming few years. The assessment report on the global Industrial Sun Sensors market is presented in the form of different segments. End-user industry, product type, sales channel, application, region, and country are some of the crucial parameters considered during this market segmentation.
Accurate Geographical Dimensions
To offer a comprehensive assessment of opportunities, the study makes a scrutiny of growth prospects in various regions. The key regions comprise the following geographical segments:
⇛ Asia-Pacific  (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia) ⇛ Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, BENELUX, Rest of Europe) ⇛ North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada.) ⇛ South America (Brazil, Rest of LATAM) ⇛ The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Israel, Egypt, Rest of MEA)
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Industrial Sun Sensors Market By Application
On the basis of end use industry, the global Industrial Sun Sensors Market report offers insights into the opportunities and new avenues of following key segments:
Renewable Energy
Industrial Sun Sensors By Product Type
The product adoption patterns of various products segmented in the Industrial Sun Sensors market are analyzed in detail in the well-researched market study. The different products include:
Coarse Analog Sun Sensors
Fine Analog Sun Sensors
Digital Sun Sensors
Key questions answered in the report:
What is the growth potential of the Industrial Sun Sensors market?
Which product segment will take the lion’s share?
Who are the leading companies in the Industrial Sun Sensors market?
Which application segment will experience strong growth?
Which regional market will emerge as a pioneer in the years to come?
What growth opportunities might arise in the Industrial Sun Sensors industry in the years to come?
What are the most significant challenges that the Industrial Sun Sensors market could face in the future?
What are the main trends that are positively impacting the growth of the Industrial Sun Sensors market?
What growth strategies are the players considering to stay in the Industrial Sun Sensors market?
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Table of Content:
Chapter 1: Industrial Sun Sensors Market Overview 1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Industrial Sun Sensors 1.2 Industrial Sun Sensors Segment by Type 1.3 Industrial Sun Sensors Segment by Application 1.4 Global Market Growth Prospects 1.5 Global Market Size by Region
Chapter 2: Market Competition by Manufacturers
Chapter 3: Production and Capacity by Region
Chapter 4: Global Industrial Sun Sensors Consumption by Region 4.1 Global Industrial Sun Sensors Consumption by Region 4.2 North America 4.3 Europe 4.4 Asia Pacific 4.5 Latin America
Chapter 5: Production, Revenue, Price Trend by Type
Chapter 6: Consumption Analysis by Application
Chapter 7: Key Companies Profiled
Chapter 8: Industrial Sun Sensors Manufacturing Cost Analysis 8.1 Industrial Sun Sensors Key Raw Materials Analysis 8.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure 8.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Industrial Sun Sensors 8.4 Industrial Sun Sensors Industrial Chain Analysis
Chapter 9: Marketing Channel, Distributors and Customers
Chapter 10: Market Dynamics 10.1 Industrial Sun Sensors Industry Trends 10.2 Industrial Sun Sensors Growth Drivers 10.3 Industrial Sun Sensors Market Challenges 10.4 Industrial Sun Sensors Market Restraints
Chapter 11: Production and Supply Forecast
Chapter 12: Consumption and Demand Forecast
Chapter 13: Forecast by Type and by Application (2021-2027) 13.1 Global Production, Revenue and Price Forecast by Type (2021-2027) 13.2 Global Forecasted Consumption of Industrial Sun Sensors by Application (2021-2027)
Chapter 14: Research Finding and Conclusion
Chapter 15: Methodology and Data Source 15.1 Methodology/Research Approach 15.2 Data Source 15.3 Author List 15.4 Disclaimer
Note: Regional Breakdown & Sectional purchase Available on Demand. We provide Customize Reports As per Requirements.
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sciencespies · 4 years
Space M&A boom appears right on time
Space M&A boom appears right on time
“It validates the fact that the industry is maturing, and that it’s not a bunch of crazy rocket scientists out in the field blowing stuff up.”
SAN FRANCISCO — Long-term space investors aren’t surprised by the recent surge of space industry mergers and acquisitions. In fact, they say, it’s right on time.
Dylan Taylor, Voyager Space Holdings. chairman and CEO.
“We all knew it was going to happen,” said Dylan Taylor, Voyager Space Holdings chairman and CEO. “This is the way industries evolve.”
Venture capitalists bet $1.8 billion on space startups in 2015, which was more than the total space-related venture investment for the previous 15 years. Since venture funds generally have 10-year time horizons, investors tend to look for exits in five to seven years.
“We always expected to see exits around the year 2021,” said Chad Anderson, founder and managing partner of Space Capital, a seed stage venture capital firm.
Even if the timing isn’t surprising, it is remarkable how the current wave of mergers and acquisitions coincides with investor attention.
“Public market and private market interest in space companies is higher than it’s ever been without a doubt,” Anderson said.
SpaceX deserves some of the credit, said Tess Hatch, a partner at Bessemer Venture Partners, a San Francisco venture capital firm with investments in Rocket Lab and Spire.
“I think a lot of people would love to own a bit of SpaceX,” Hatch said.
Many of the recent mergers and acquisitions stem from Amergint Technologies Holdings, Redwire and Voyager Space Holdings, which are purchasing space companies, as well as the special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) wooing space startups with the promise of a shortcut to public markets. Meanwhile, government agencies are clamoring for innovative technology, which is prompting prime and subprime contractors to buy shares in nimble startups.
“To me it validates the fact that the industry is maturing, and that it’s not a bunch of crazy rocket scientists out in the field blowing stuff up,” said Taylor, a longtime space angel investor.
For most of the last decade, a handful of investment firms focused on the rapidly emerging entrepreneurial space sector. That changed in the last couple of years when Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley issued separate reports describing the future value of the space industry in trillion-dollar terms.
Those rosy forecasts helped some startups attract financial backers. Others, though, still struggled to obtain the significant capital they needed to establish satellite communications constellations, develop technologies for off-world mining or build private space stations.
“It’s difficult for small, nimble, innovative companies to scale, because they need to be more capable,” Taylor said. “To be more capable, they need more capital.”
In many industries, private equity investors purchase and merge similar companies to boost profits. That doesn’t work as well in the space sector where firms need to possess complementary capabilities to claim more valuable contracts, Taylor said.
Artist’s render of Momentus Vigoride space transfer vehicle with a robotic arm from Made In Space Europe, a Redwire subsidiary. Credit: Made In Space Europe
Voyager sees complementary capabilities in Altius Space Machines, The Launch Company, NanoRacks and Pioneer Astronautics, firms it has acquired since it was founded in 2019. Over the coming years, Denver-based Voyager plans to continue buying space companies in an effort to create something like a mini prime contractor.
“Ultimately when a bunch of decision-makers consider a moon mission or a private space station, we want to be one of the companies they think can actually do it,” Taylor said. “The idea is to take all the innovation but yet scale and professionalize it in such a way that you can do significant missions.”
Redwire has a similar strategy. Formed in 2020 by private equity firm AE Industrial Partners, Redwire is creating a space infrastructure company.
In less than a year, Jacksonville, Florida-based Redwire has snapped up Adcole Space, Deep Space Systems, Deployable Space Systems, LoadPath, Made In Space, Oakman Aerospace and Roccor.
“We recognized that by bringing best-of-breed technology companies together into a single organization and combining their flight heritage, we could become that one-stop shop for not only today’s generation of in-space infrastructure, but also the next generation of in-space infrastructure,” said Peter Cannito, Redwire chairman and CEO.
Much of the recent financial news has revolved around SPACs that offer firms a cash infusion and access to a new breed of retail investors.
“There’s definitely a shift in the public market around how it thinks about risk in businesses that have yet to reach their future potential,” said Van Espahbodi, Starburst Aerospace co-founder and managing partner. The success of Robinhood, the commission-free trading app that gained fame through the GameStop trading frenzy, shows that you don’t have to be a Wall Street guru to know which companies are exciting and which ones you want to invest in, he added.
Additional investment is being spurred by government spending. For a decade, U.S. Air Force leaders talked about buying constellations of smaller, less expensive satellites to eliminate what Gen. John Hyten, now vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, famously called “fat, juicy targets.” As the Pentagon’s Space Development Agency and U.S. Space Force begin putting those plans into action, prime and subprime contractors are picking up shares of small space companies with innovative technology. The latest example was Raytheon Technologies’ 2020 acquisition of small satellite manufacturer Blue Canyon Technologies.
“Whether it be venture capital, private equity, a SPAC or even a traditional IPO, these are all just mechanisms for obtaining the capital that high-growth companies need in order to fuel their growth,” Cannito said. “At the end of the day, it really doesn’t have anything to do with your business model. Good companies attract capital and execute their plans and are successful.”
For space companies, the recent surge in merger and acquisition is likely to attract more investment.
“Something that was holding back the industry was the lack of exits and liquidity events in space specifically, and this year has definitely turned that around,” Hatch said. “When there isn’t a ton of data on possible exit scenarios that have come to fruition, it’s difficult to predict what your return on investment is going to be. Now that there are more exits, we have the data to better predict potential exit scenarios for space companies.”
That’s likely to lead to more venture investment and tee up more mergers and acquisitions.
This article originally appeared in the March 15, 2021 issue of SpaceNews magazine.
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atsthermal · 4 years
Electronics Cooling with Thermoelectric Assemblies
Thermoelectric assemblies (TEA) efficiently control temperature in many applications across a variety of industries. For example, TEA are used for cooling laser diode packages in optics, lasers in medical and industrial instrumentation, and bio-sample storage units for medical diagnostics. They are also used to cool analytical instruments and batteries in automotive and telecom applications.
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Fig. 1. This Air-to-Air TEA has a max cooling power of 83 Watts and a temperature range of -10°C to 70°C. (Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.) [1] 
Depending on the model, TEA provide cooling capacity from approximately 10-400 Watts and can cool by removing heat from control sources through convection, conduction, or liquid means. [2]
Thermoelectric assemblies work according to the Peltier effect, which was initially discovered by scientists in 1834. The Peltier effect describes the temperature differential that is created across two electrical junctions when an electrical current is applied. As the current flows, heat is removed from one junction and deposited on the other. This means that TEA could be used for cooling or heating depending on the particular needs of the application. [3]
TEA offer several advantages over other cooling technologies. TEA are capable of cooling to well below ambient, while protecting electronics inside enclosures from outside contaminants and moisture because they do not require an air exchange with the outside environment, unlike, for instance, conventional fan trays. TEA also offer precise temperature control; many can provide a temperature accuracy of within 0.01˚C under steady-state conditions.
Compared to conventional compressor-based cooling systems, TEA are compact in size and lighter in weight. Their solid-state operation allows mounting in any orientation, without noise or vibration. They do not use refrigerants or CFCs, are Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) compliant, and their simple design does not require field servicing. [4]
The basic configurations of TEA are:
Air-to-Air Thermoelectric Assemblies
Air-to-air TEA are compact devices that will cool a local environment through convection. Heat is absorbed and pumped from one side of the thermoelectric assembly (i.e. cold side) by thermoelectric modules and dissipated from the other side of the assembly (i.e. hot side) to the environment by heat sinks and highly-efficient DC fans. Air-to-air TEA are often used when it is better to circulate cooled air rather than use direct contact with a cold plate.
Typical applications include regulating temperature in small electronic cabinets or enclosures. They provide quiet and precisely-controllable cooling for smaller capacities typically from 20 up to around 200 W.
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Fig. 2. Air-to-Air TEA can provide up to 200 W of cooling. (Kryotherm) [5]
Many air-to-air TEA are designed with a modular approach so, if needed, multiple coolers can be employed to achieve the cooling requirement. Several OEM can also develop customized air-to-air TEA designed for a system’s specific boundary conditions. [6]
Air-to-Plate Thermoelectric Assemblies
Air-to-plate thermoelectric assemblies are heat exchangers for removing heat from a plate attached to its cold side. Also called direct-to-air devices, the objects to be cooled down are mounted on a metallic plate on the cold side of the assembly. Heat is pumped through TEC modules and dissipated to the environment through heat sinks and DC fans on the hot side of the assembly.
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Fig. 3. The plate on Air-to-Plate TEA is a mounting surface for components, boards or test specimens. (Adcol Electronics) [7]
Typical applications for air-to-plate TEA include cooling laser diode modules and temperature controlling bioreagents. Laser diodes need precise temperature stabilization at room temperature and higher heat loads. Bioreagents and process fluids often need to be temperature controlled at different stages over a wide temperature range.
Air-to-Liquid Thermoelectric Assemblies
Air-to-liquid thermoelectric assemblies offer dependable, compact performance. Heat is absorbed through a liquid heat exchanger, pumped through a series of thermoelectric modules and dissipated to the air through high-density heat sinks with integral fans. The heat exchanger is designed to be part of a liquid recirculating system and requires a pump.
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Fig. 4. A Liquid-to-Air TEA where the heat is absorbed by a heat exchanger and is pumped by thermoelectric modules to cooling heat sinks and fans. (Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.) [8]
The liquid circuit typically uses a recirculator to remove the heat into the ambient air. An air-to-liquid TEA system allows for precise temperature control of the fluid and has been the solution for many devices including those used for cooling lasers and medical applications such as blood preservation, patient rehabilitation pads and blankets. To improve heat transfer, turbulators can be inserted into the liquid channels of the heat exchanger.
Common TEA Applications
Some of the most common areas where TEA provide cooling are in laser systems, biomedical devices, telecommunications, automotive, battery cooling, and the food and beverage industry.
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Figure 5. This Medical Laser Uses Thermoelectric Assembly Cooling to keep Optics Stable and at Peak Performance. [9]
In medical applications, thermoelectric assemblies provide immunoassay reagent cooling (to detect or measure specific substances in the reagents), temperature control for in vitro diagnostic specimens, and cooling of genome sequencing reagents. Some air-to-air TEA help maintain specimen receptacles and reagents at very specific temperatures to ensure diagnostic test reliability and accuracy. TEA keep temperatures cool in bio-units for storing and transporting insulin, tissue and human organs.
Some liquid-to-air TEA are also used for cooling tissues and other body areas during laser or microwave thermo therapy. [10]
In telecommunications applications, a common use of TEA is to help cool small form-factor (SFP) transceivers. These optical transceivers transmit data over long distances in outdoor applications. An SFP unit contains a temperature sensitive laser diode that can transmit data a kilometer away, but only if the diode is kept below 70°C. Many other kinds of lasers also feature TEA for cooling. TEA help prevent wavelength drift in laser transmission (DWDM), pumped laser (EDFA), avalanche photodiode (APD) and CATV laser systems. [11]
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Figure 6. Thermoelectric cooling and heating is used in this automobile cup holder. [12]
In the automotive industry, TEA and thermoelectric modules are used in the individual cooling and heating of car seats. The seats in the front and rear cabin can be heated or cooled per the passengers’ preferences. An emerging application in the automotive industry is the temperature-controlled cup holder. Based on a switch setting, thermoelectric devices will preserve the warmth or chill of a beverage by temperature regulation of the cup holder. [13]
New hybrid and electric vehicles rely on costly battery-operated systems that often require maintenance or repair when exposed to temperatures outside a narrow, stringent operating range. Recently developed devices utilize thermoelectric modules to stabilize the temperature of a vehicle battery to achieve maximum performance in all environments. This increases battery efficiency and extends battery life.
Perhaps the most well-known applications for TEA are small refrigerators, beer chillers and wine cellars. TEA adjust the temperature inside beverage dispensing and vending machines, helping ensure freshness and the desired taste. Other applications are in the food catering industry, keeping food temperatures under control in mobile and open-air conditions. These include service and transport carts, serving trays, temperature-controlled preparation surfaces and cold plates. [14]
A report released by Transparency Market Research in 2015 said that the market for thermoelectric modules, which are components of TEA, would grow to as much as $763.5 million by 2022 driven by growth in the Asia Pacific market and manufacturers focusing on quick and cost-effective modules to meet specific customer needs. It also indicated that while bulk thermoelectric modules had 71 percent of the market share in 2014, the expectation was for micro modules to grow at a faster rate during the analysis period. [15]
The report called telecommunications, medical, aerospace, and industrial applications the key market segment for bulk modules, but micro modules would target growing consumer electronics, medical and laboratories, automotive, detectors and sensors, and energy harvesting industries.
A 2012 IDTechex report added that the market for thermoelectric generators could be as high as $750 million by 2022 with wireless sensors and wireless networks, waste heat recovery systems in vehicles, consumer applications from mobile phones to cooking sensors to sensory apparel, and military and aerospace leading this growth. [16]
For more information about thermoelectric assemblies or modules from ATS, visit https://www.qats.com/Products/TEC.
References 1. https://www.qats.com/Products/TEC/TEC-Assembly/ATS-WFF-150W-12-C 2. https://www.electronics-cooling.com/2016/10/thermoelectric-assembly-cooling-for-temperature-control-in-co2-incubators/# 3. https://www.marlow.com/how-do-thermoelectric-coolers-tecs-work 4. https://www.lairdtech.com/sites/default/files/public/solutions/Laird-ETS-Thermoelectric-Assemblies-Handbook.pdf 5. http://kryothermtec.com/catalog-of-thermoelectric-cooling-assemblies-of-air-to-air-type.html 6. http://www.amstechnologies.com/products/thermal-management/thermoelectric-technologies/thermoelectric-assemblies/air-to-air-thermoelectric-assemblies/ 7. http://www.peltier-thermoelectriccooler.com/sale-9776416-thermoelectric-cooling-plate-peltier-cooling-assembly-direct-voltage.html 8. https://www.qats.com/Products/TEC/TEC-Assembly/ATS-FW-72W-12-C 9. https://www.medicaldesignandoutsourcing.com/lairds-thermoelectrics-offer-lower-cost-ownership-medical-laser-cooling-applications/ 10. Thermoelectric Solutions, http://www.supercool.se/, Sweden 11. https://www.lairdtech.com/sites/default/files/public/solutions/Laird-ETS-Active-Cooling-of-Optical-Transceivers-Application-Note.pdf 12. http://www.amstechnologies.com/solutions/solution-single-news/article/energy-balance-of-automotive-thermoelectric-cup-holder/ 13. https://www.marlow.com/industries/automotive 14. https://www.lairdtech.com/solutions/thermal-management/consumer/beverage-thermal-management-solutions 15. https://globenewswire.com/news-release/2015/07/28/755640/10143440/en/Thermoelectric-Modules-Market-Expected-to-Reach-US-763-5-Mn-by-2022-Globally-Transparency-Market-Research.html 16. https://www.idtechex.com/research/articles/thermoelectric-generators-a-750-million-market-by-2022-00004631.asp
For more information about Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc. (ATS) thermal management consulting and design services, visit https://www.qats.com/Consulting/Custom-Cooling-Solutions or contact ATS at 781.769.2800 or [email protected].
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un-enfant-immature · 4 years
More new space consolidation as Voyager Space Holdings acquires Pioneer Astronautics
It’s beginning to be a sign of the times: smaller or younger space companies getting acquired by larger entities. Today, the company being acquired is Pioneer Astronautics, which has been bought by Voyager Space Holdings in a combined cash and stock deal. Voyager, which bills itself as the “first space-focused holding company,” now has a portfolio that includes both Pioneer and Altius Space Machines, which it acquired last year.
Pioneer Astronautics was founded in 1996, and focuses on R&D of new technologies related to space exploration. The company’s focus of late has been on sustainable human space exploration, including leveraging materials found on deep-space destinations, including the Moon, and turning them into resources that are required for sustained human presence in those places. Pioneer was actually selected by NASA recently to research materials systems for use under the Artemis program, for instance, and it plans to demonstrate how it’s possible to create oxygen for breathable air, and steel for construction, from lunar regolith – essentially the soil analog found on the Moon’s surface.
Voyager Space Holdings, which is led by co-founders Dylan Taylor and Matthew Kuta, aims to bring together a number of different smaller new space companies to “increase vertical integration and mission capability,” the company said in a press release announcing this news. There’s definitely an opportunity in the current climate to bundle a number of different more niche and specific services together for the larger players in the commercial space sector, as well as for government and defense clients.
Others appear to be pursuing a similar strategy, with Redwire, a PE firm-created holding company, having recently acquired Adcole Space and Deep Space Systems, along with in-space manufacturing pioneer startup Made in Space. All those acquisitions happened this year, with the Made in Space deal announced in June.
There are a number of factors that point to this being a trend that’s likely to accelerate. First, the current global economic climate is making it difficult for many small businesses to continue to operate independently, particularly in high-cost, long-term return areas like pioneering new technology development. And while that is probably driving down acquisition costs for the holding companies, long-term, the commercial space sector seems poised for growth, driven especially by the renewed global interesting space exploration and science, fuelled by public-private partnerships.
For the smaller space companies, this consolidation represents a steady source of funding for ongoing work that’s not dependent on a VC or other capital raise effort. Space is expensive – particularly when you’re trying to do something no one’s ever done before – so it’s logical that they’d look to these kinds of tie-ups as a means to continue their ambitious work.
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adcoll-blog1 · 6 years
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homejacksite · 7 years
With Kestrel Eye satellite on <b>deck</b> for deployment, Army gears up for direct-tasking exercises
Kestrel Eye is a 50-kilogram satellite built by Adcole Maryland Aerospace capable of 1.5-meter imaging. A SpaceX Dragon capsule carried the ... Read more http://ift.tt/2yb29SL Areas served: Winston-Salem, High Point, Yadkinville, Mocksville, Advance, Clemmons, Kernersville, Greensboro, Walnut Cove, Statesville, NC, North Carolina Services: House painting, roofing, deck building, landscaping, Carpentry, Flooring, tile, hardwood, remodeling, home improvement, interior, exterior
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