#addendum to the currently craving answer: makhana [puffed lotus seeds] because a friend (you know who you are)
an-asuryampasya · 2 years
get to know me(me) (heh)
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tagged by @wizardofgoodfortune and @themirokai. many thank for the tag! :D
three ships: ah, oof. idk what to answer this based on, so I'll go with three ships that I've read a lot of in recent history: Zoscar (Zolf/Oscar from Rusty Quill Gaming), Marvin/Whizzer from Falsettos, and Dream/Hob from Sandman. (That also quite neatly sums up the different mediums I primarily follow now, heh.)
first ever ship: okay wow this took me back! Probably Dannyl/Tayend from the Kyralia series by Trudi Canavan. It was reading them during The Traitor Spy trilogy that helped my baby ace self first see the appeal of shipping. (man, I miss those books :') )
last song: probably Epic II from Hadestown. Was listening to that on repeat while baking earlier (I canNOT get enough of "the pickaxe flashes / the hammer falls" and the music during "king of mortar / king of bricks" <3)
last movie: 18 Pages, although tbh the movie was just an excuse to meet up with some lovely folks for the first time in yearssss :)
currently reading: mostly fanfic of late, but I'm also attempting to wrestle my attention span into letting me finish What Matters In Jane Austen by John Mullan. It is a delightful read digging into how Regency society functioned in order to better appreciate just how brilliant Austen's writing is, and I am LOVING it.
currently consuming: is this about food? media? idk, but I just finished dinner so my answer's going to be uppudu pindi with avakai. (I am. very telugu in some ways, yes.) (avakai is the most basic mango pickle and I have no idea how describe the former, so take my word for it when I say it is the superior low-effort comfort meal.)
currently craving: some direction in life would be nice, but I'll settle for some piping hot chocolate slab cookies. tried baking some earlier but they turned out brittle instead of chewy since my baking soda stabbed me in the back :(
zero pressure tags: @averythepirate, @shewantsitall, and @rosettarants! [and @permanentlyspacedout >:) ]
Not sure who else I can tag that I know doesn't mind getting tagged and hasn't done this already - so this is me @ing anyone else who feels like doing this!
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