#addie's is so damn sassy i swear
noblehcart · 1 year
on the agenda!
write up mini bios for alek gwy.lim, addi.e larue and jas.on todd
tackle my inbox
and just maybe do some drafts
finish writing my cos patya drabble.
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You're Gonna Be a Papa - Life in the ER Series
There were a few requests to see Mack’s birth story. Here you go.
Warnings: hospital visit and swearing
November 6, 2020
His cell phone laid on the table, where he had dropped it moments before. A smirk crossed his face as he processed the information he just received. Looking at the clock, he knew his husband would be walking through the door at any moment. Truth be told, he couldn’t wait to see the look on Race’s face when he told him.
They had been married almost 10 months but they had known they wanted this for the last 6 years, since they started dating. Their life together had been slowly growing - his home becoming theirs as soon as Race moved in, the intertwining hours spent together between their crazy jobs - his as an ER nurse and Race’s as a physical education teacher - somehow they managed to make it work.
The slamming of the backdoor pulled him out of his thoughts as he heard Sassie’s bark and her nails clicking against the hardwood floors as she ran to greet his husband. “Spottie, you here?”
Spot rolled his eyes, knowing full well his navy blue 4Runner was in the driveway. “Yeah, Racer. How was your day?”
“Good. Kids were way too excited for the weekend. Made it hard to actually teach today.” Race slung his bag on the bench they had in the entryway.
Spot grinned as Race walked into the kitchen, grabbing a glass from the cupboard before filling it up with water. He propped his hip against the countertop as he looked at his husband. “What did you do today? You had the day off right?”
“Yeah. Sassie and I slept in before I took her for a run through town. We met Albert, Rex and Romeo for lunch and a bit of doggy playground before coming back here and cleaning off the DVR.” Spot grinned. “Overall a productive day. But listen, you might want to go get changed - we have somewhere we have to go.”
Race groaned, finishing off his water, putting the glass in the sink. “Ugh, really? I was looking forward to sitting on the couch, watching shit TV while we ate pizza.”
“Yes, really. Now go get changed.” Spot grinned, giving him a look.
Race looked at him, dressed in sweats and a hoodie. “Is that what you’re wearing? Where are we going?”
“Yes, that’s what I’m wearing. I’ll tell you along the way. Now go get changed.” Spot gave him a look, shoving his feet into his shoes, grabbing the packed bag before walking out the backdoor to the car.
Opening the backseat, he grinned seeing the newly installed car seat. They had just gotten it installed last weekend so Spot had been driving around with it in the backseat, just in case. Throwing the bag into the backseat, he closed the door, just as Race walked out. “Do I need anything else?”
“It’s all in the car. Let’s go, snookums.” Spot got into the driver’s side, shutting the door as Race joined him.
As soon as his door closed, Race looked at Spot with an eyebrow raised. “Now can I know?”
“We’re heading to the hospital.” Spot smiled. “Our baby is on its way and we’re going to meet them.”
Tears instantly clouded Race’s eyes as he heard Spot. “Shit, really?”
“Yes, shit really.” A watery laugh came from Spot’s mouth as tears clouded his eyes. “You’re gonna be a papa, Tony.”
Race reached out and wiped his eyes. “When did you find out?”
“I literally got the call just before you came into the house.” Spot chuckled. “Amanda was admitted about two hours ago. She still has a while to go but they said we might want to come up to the hospital to wait.”
Sighing, Race shook his head as he leaned over and kissed Spot. “We’ve been waiting so long for this. We’re going to be daddies, Spottie.”
“Yes, yes we are.” Spot kissed him back, as they both tried to get their emotions under control. “You ready?”
Race stole another kiss before nodding. “With you by my side, always.”
The drive to the hospital was quick, each man lost in their own words. Pulling into a parking spot, he threw the car into park before grabbing the bag from the backseat. “Come on, we’re going to go through the ER - Kat’s working today.”
Race followed behind Spot, unfamiliar with the twists and turns of the hospital. Race knew a bit about the hospital, on account of the times he ended up there, but he was completely lost in that moment and was perfectly fine following Spot.
“Spot, thought you had the day off?” Maddie grinned at him as he stepped up to the nurse’s station.
Spot chuckled. “I do but I’m looking for Plums - she around?”
“I think she just went down to grab something from the cafeteria.” Maddie told them. “Do you want me to let her know that you’re here?”
Spot looked at Race who shrugged. “Nah, we’ll head down there. Thanks Maddie.”
Spot turned on his heels, grabbing Race’s hand before they walked down a long hallway. “You okay, Racer?”
“Yea but I could ask you the same question, Spottie.” Race raised an eyebrow in his husband’s direction.
Spot pulled him so they were flushed with the wall. “Nervous, excited, worried, but I’m glad you’re by my side for this. I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else.”
Race kissed him quickly, squeezing their linked hands. “Good and I’m all of those as well. Now let’s go find Kat, then we can go upstairs.”
Spot nodded, tugging on his hand as they continued down the hallway, eventually walking into the cafe. Scanning the cafe, Spot’s mouth tugged up in a smile when he spotted her sitting by herself. Spot bounced over to where she was sitting, quickly sitting in a chair as she looked up from her phone. “Spot? What are you doing here, you’ve got the day off.”
“We got a call about Amanda going into labor.” He grinned as Race joined them at the table.
A small squeal escaped Kat’s mouth as she looked between the two. “Serious?”
“Like I’d be here if I didn’t have to be.” Spot rolled his eyes. “How much longer are you working?”
Kat grinned. “I’m so excited for you two. This is a great day. I’m working until 5 but I’ll be up afterwards. Have you let the family know?”
“Not yet. We were going to go up there and see the progress before we let everyone know. I just had to tell you because I knew you’d kill us if we were here and you didn’t know.” Spot grinned at her as she blew him a kiss.
“You’re damn right I would kill you both.” She grinned, standing up, gathering her stuff. “Come on, you two go upstairs and let me know what the progress is.”
She gave them both hugs and a kiss on the cheek as they went their separate ways. The two headed upstairs, checking in with the nurse before finding the waiting room. Taking the bag off his shoulder, Spot collapsed into a chair, sighing as Race did the same.
“What are you thinking about?” Race asked, looking over at Spot while lacing their hands together.
Spot smiled. “Thinking about the names we picked and if they’re going to be strong enough for our daughter or son.”
“Those aren’t locked in stone - we still have time to change them.” Race squeezed their hands. “We can go with other names if you want.”
Shrugging, Spot bit his lip. “We’ll wait until we see them then decide. I never knew how big of a responsibility it was to name someone. That’s the name they’re going to have for the rest of their lives.”
“It’s monumental when you stop and look at it. But whatever name we give them, they’re going to grow into it and make it their own.” Race smirked. “And any child of ours will be alright with whatever name we give them.”
The opening of the door caught their attention as a nurse came in and headed towards them. “Spot, it’s good to see you. I heard you were waiting in here.”
“Hi Kristie. It’s good to see you. This is my husband Tony.” Spot introduced, looking over at Race. “Kristie has been trying to convince me for years to come up to labor and delivery instead of the ER.”
Kristie smiled at the two of them. “A valiant effort but I’ve failed every time. But I wanted to come give you guys an update. Amanda is getting ready to start pushing so we will have a baby party soon, so if you want anyone up here, I’d give them a call.”
Nodding, Spot and Race grinned at one another. “Thank you Kristie. Will you let us know when the baby is here?”
“I will. Do you two need anything in the meantime?” She smiled at them.
Spot shook his head before looking at Race. “I think we’re all set at the moment, but thank you.”
She left the two of them, as Race over at Spot. “Should we give the family a call?”
“Do you want momma up here now or in a bit?” Spot raised an eyebrow at him. “I mean I’m all for having them up now but I’m leaving it up to you.”
Race chuckled. “That means if I say later, and momma finds out, she’ll kill me and not you.”
“Pretty much.” Spot giggled.
Race grabbed his phone, typing up a text message to Albert, Jack, Medda, and Smalls before pocketing the phone. “There, done.”
“You texted your family that our child is on their way.” Spot’s eyes were wide. “I’m not going to stand in momma’s way when she wants to kill you.”
Race grinned confidently. “She’s not going to kill me.”
“And you’re so sure about this, how?” Spot countered raising an eyebrow.
Smirking, Race raised an eyebrow in challenge. “Bet you $20 that she’s not going to kill me?”
“You’re on!” Spot held out his hand for Race to shake as the waiting room door opened, drawing their attention away from one another. “Jack! You got down here quickly.”
Jack hugged both of them with a smirk. “I might have gotten a text message from my wife who demanded I get my butt down here.”
“Where Addie?” Spot asked, noticing Jack was alone.
Joining them on the couch where they sat, Jack smiled. “Her grandparents are watching her for a bit. They were going to watch her tonight as Kat and I had a date night planned but they got Addie a bit earlier than planned.”
“I’m sure they loved that.” Race replied dryly, giving them a smirk.
Jack chuckled. “They do alright. Luckily, Kat’s sister Amelia is in town and staying with them so she is spending some quality time with her niece. Kat said she’ll be up soon - the ER just got hit with a couple of ambulances so once it calms down she’ll be up.”
Race pulled Jack into a conversation about something at school. Spot watched the two of them, both so animated in their conversation. Spot couldn’t believe he was in that room, waiting on the birth of their daughter or son. Race and him had had several conversations about what they wanted, Race desperately wanting a daughter where he was more nonchalant about what he wanted. He didn’t care, as long as they were healthy.
He was pulled from his thoughts as the door was slowly pushed open. He instinctively stood, anxiously waiting on news. He felt Race come up beside him, as they both looked towards the door.
Kristie stood in the doorway with a pink and blue striped bundle in her arms. “Alright daddies, who wants her?”
Race and Spot both looked at one another as Race stepped back. Kristie grinned at Spot, expertly handing over the bundle to his awaiting arms.
“Did you say it’s a girl?” Race asked, stepping up to Spot’s side to look at the baby.
Kristie at the smitten men. “Yes, a little girl. She was born at 4:37pm. She weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces and is 21 inches long. She has all ten fingers and toes.”
“She’s precious, Spottie.” Race reached around his husband to slip his finger in her hand. “Look at her long fingers.”
Spot adjusted her slightly in his arms, looking at Race. “She’s perfect, papa.”
“She is, dad.” Race cooed at her.
Kristie looked at the two of them. “Do you guys need anything?”
“I don’t think so. We’ll let you know when we’ve decided on a name.” Spot grinned at her as she nodded.
Race’s eyes went wide. “Shit, we’ve got to name her.”
Spot turned to face Race. “Do you want to hold her?”
Race looked at the ground, suddenly bashful. “I don’t want to drop her.”
“Sit down Race.” Spot nodded to the seat beside his brother. “You’ve held Addie; our baby is just a bit smaller than Addie.”
Waiting for Race to be settled, Spot handed him the baby girl as Race cradled her. “Breathe Racer. You’re not going to drop her.”
“She's our daughter, Spottie.” Race’s voice was full of awe and amazement.
Spot fell more in love with Race as he watched his normally rambunctious husband sit still and peacefully held their daughter.
“I thought you two had names picked out.” Jack smiled, breaking Spot out of the little bubble he had.
Spot nodded. “We do but we aren’t sure if those names will fit her personality.”
“She’s content to sleep at the moment.” Race grinned, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
Spot nodded. “So do we go with MJ or DA? Or do we go with something else?”
Race mouthed both names while looking at their daughter. “I think MJ will be a good name for her.”
“You sure?” Spot wanted to make sure. That was the name he suggested and he wanted to make sure Race was sure.
Race nodded. “Welcome to the world, Mackenzie Jayne Higgins-Conlon.”
Spot loved how the name flowed off Race’s tongue as he softly spoke it. Race looked up at his big brother. “Do you want to hold her, Jackie?”
Jack, who had suddenly become emotional at seeing the two become parents, could only nod. Race stood up, crossed the room and gently handed Mack over to her uncle.
“Oh little girl you’re precious.” Jack cooed, expertly cradling his new niece. “Hi Mack.” He looked between Spot and Race. “That is a nickname right?”
Spot chuckled. “That’s one of them. We were thinking of MJ and Kenzie as well. I’m sure she’ll have more as she grows.”
The door opened, grabbing Spot’s attention as he smiled at Kat. Her hand was over her mouth as she walked into the room. “The baby’s here?”
“She is.” Spot said, standing up, meeting her as she threw her arms around his shoulder, squeezing him in a hug. “Mackenzie Jayne.”
Pulling away, Kat wiped away her tears, looking over to where her husband sat with the baby in his arms. “Aww her name is perfect. Congratulations to you both.”
“Do you want to hold her?” Spot whispered, looking at his best friend.
She grinned before nodding. Spot left her side, walking to Jack to take Mack from his arms. Walking slowly over to Kat, he transferred his daughter to his best friend’s arms.
“Aww boys she’s precious.” Kat smiled, looking at the baby’s pouty lips. “When can you go home?”
Race shrugged. “Kristie hasn’t told us yet.”
“I’m guessing she’ll have to stay in the hospital tonight and part of the day tomorrow before she’s released to us.” Spot smiled. “You look good with a newborn in your arms, Kat.”
She immediately looked at Jack who had a wolfish look on his face. “Do not get any ideas, Jack Kelly. We have a four month old at home and we’re not ready for a second one. We have a new niece that we can love on.”
“Come on Kat.” Jack whined, grinning at his wife.
Shaking her head, she adjusted Mack in her arms. “No, Jackson.”
“Ha! She pulled out your full name.” Race laughed, as Jack shoved his shoulder in retaliation.
“Boys.” The sharp voice came from the doorway as the four of them looked up.
Medda, Smalls, Albert, and Finch all stood there grinning at them. “Don’t make me separate you. You may be grown adults but I’m still your momma.”
“Hi Momma.” Race and Jack grinned happily, getting up to greet their momma before Medda narrowed her eyes on the bundle in Kat’s arms.
“Momma, I’m a papa.” Race excitedly told her as she pulled him into a hug. “Kat’s hogging her but I’m sure if you ask her sweetly, she’ll give up your newest granddaughter.”
Medda looked over at Kat with a smile before looking at her youngest son, narrowing her eyes at him. “Kat is snuggling your adorable daughter at the moment, which is fine. I have an issue with the fact that I received a text message from you letting me know that your child was on the way.”
Race had the decency to look guilty. “I’m sorry momma.”
“Next time, I expect a phone call.” She gave him a look before looking over at Kat. “Now hand over that precious baby girl.”
Kat handed Mack over to her grandma before stepping back, watching Medda coo over the little girl. She felt Jack slip his hand into hers, giving it a squeeze.
Kat looked around the room, smiling at Albert and Finch, walking over to them. Albert gave her a side hug, grinning. “How was the ER today?”
“Just because you and the new papa over there had the day off, it was okay. I got slammed in the last hour of my shift.” Kat shook her head. “It’s like they know when shift change is happening.”
Albert chuckled. “Well some of them are frequent flyers so I wouldn’t be surprised if they did know the shift changes.”
“Too true.” Kat nodded. “Did you hear what they named her?”
Finch and Albert both shook their heads. “Mackenzie Jayne. I’ve heard both Mack and MJ thrown around as nicknames. Good luck getting her away from Medda - I don't think she’s going to give her up willingly.”
Her gaze landed on Spot and Race standing on either side of Medda, smiling at their daughter, sleeping soundly in her grandmother’s arms.
“Yeah we’re going to have to fight Medda for her.” Albert raised his voice, causing Medda to look up at him.
She narrowed her eyes in his direction. “If you want her, I’ll happily hand her over to you.”
Albert skipped across the room, stopping at Medda’s side. “Hand her over momma.” He adjusted Mack in his arms as his face softened. “Oh Mack, you’re a sweetheart. You’re so precious.”
“Who knew that Albert would become a softie mushball around an infant?” Jack asked, not so quietly.
Albert looked up at him with eyes wide. “You’re one to talk, Kelly. You were a pile of mush when you first met Addie. Big, tough Jack Kelly, cooing to a baby, just like that from zero to 100.”
Spot came over to where she was standing and grinned at her. “Who knew a new baby girl would make the men turn to cooing softies?”
“I did. You all did it when Addie was born and I knew it was going to happen again, regardless of whether you baby was a boy or a girl.” She smirked, looking over at him. “Has your mind settled down at all or is it racing with the oh hell what do I do now scheme?”
Running a hand over his face, Spot sighed. “It’s still running with the ‘oh hell what do I do now’ scheme. Will my mind ever shut off now that I have a newborn?”
“It hasn’t in four months so when I know, I’ll let you know.” Kat smirked. “You’ll figure out how to balance your day job with your full time job as a parent. Let me give you a hint, she’ll always be in the back of your mind. She’ll always be there waiting at the end of the day for you to walk through the door.”
Groaning, Spot shook his head. “Great, another person to distract me.”
“But it’s in the best way possible, Spottie.” She bumped his hip with hers. “Look at Race and look at Mack. That’s your world, everything else will just settle in and become part of that world.”
Spot looked at how happy his husband was before looking at Mack, now in FInch’s arms. “When did you become so smart, Kelly?”
“About the time I graduated from college and became a PA.” She smirked. “But I’m still learning. The whole being a mother is still teaching me stuff. But I will tell you one thing, you thought nights in the ER were a difficult thing - you haven’t seen anything until your child throws a rager at 2 in the morning, screaming at the top of her lungs.”
Another groan escaped his mouth. “Great, that’ll be the time I’m texting you.”
“Don’t. Addie is finally sleeping through the night and if you wake her, I will drive her over to your house and drop her off. Mark my words, Spot Higgins-Conlon.” She pointed her finger at him, giving him daggered eyes.
“Calm your jets momma bear.” Spot wrapped her in a side hug, gently squeezing her side. “But do you want to know what I’ve been most excited about since she was handed to me?”
Kat looked over at him. “What’s that?”
“Watching her and Addie grow up. They’re going to be thick as thieves.” Spot’s eyes went wide at the thought. “They’re going to be the best of friends.”
Kat chuckled. “Well when your daughter convinces my daughter to sneak out, I’m glad I’ll have someone up at all hours worrying with me.”
“What makes you think my daughter is going to be the one convincing anyone to sneak out?” Spot shook his head. “You take that back, Katherine Kelly.”
Shaking her head, she grinned. “You’re right, they will be the best of friends and it’ll be fun watching them grow up together. And I do think that you’ll have someone up during all hours of the night worrying about them but at least we have one another . . . . and wine. Wine makes everything better.”
“If I haven’t said it yet, you’re the best friend I’ve ever had and I’m glad I’m on this journey with you.” Spot smiled.
“Backacha, Spottie.” She grinned, watching the family try to convince Finch it was time to give up Mack so someone else could have a turn.
She knew that with Spot, Race, Jack and the rest of the family by her side, the two girls would turn out just fine. But with each of their pasts, she was worried about which genes would get passed on. However, that was a worry for a different day. There was a new baby girl and two new daddies to celebrate.
Thank you for reading. What did you think? Feedback would be wonderful and much appreciated.
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