#adding muses / muse info rn :eyes:
loyaltylanced · 1 year
aaa i'm very excited to move the sideblog!!
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— answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better!
tagged by:  @facetsofkimba -- aka tHE BEST !!!
tagging: ... you? 
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nicknames:  Summer or Rayne
zodiac:  Scorpio
height: 5′3′
time: 8:21 pm CENTRAL
favorite band / artist:  Voltaire
song stuck in my head:  Jump in the Line from Beetlejuice the musical, musical, musical 
last movie i saw: Penelope
last thing i googled: it’s a long log in info for work because I was trying to order some new shirts and i was failing -- you get the gist.
other blogs: ifhollicould -- its sinblog and thewiscryptid (my personal). i’ve got a lot more but that’s only where i’m active rn
why did i choose this username: as stated before, i like voltaire and i have the muse ‘duke’ from the vampair animatic. in the first song, they use the song ‘the night’ and there’s a bit that goes ‘heed the call, the time has come / for you children of the night’ and it stuck with me a lot and once i decided i was adding duke, the phrase ‘heeding calls’ became very apparent it would be VERY good for a multi. and ... here i am !
following: 423
average amount of sleep: ooof. i get 4-6 hours. that’s on days i work though. when i don’t work, i get on average 8-9 hours on days off.
what i’m wearing: a pink tank top and pajama shorts -- it’s hot as BALLS in this apartment
dream job: i want to work in cosmetology -- at least i think so.
dream trip: London. Gimme that gloomy city built on imperialism, y’all.
favorite food:  stir fry !!
play any instruments: i played the alto sax for four years but then stopped -- i was in choir from 6th to 12th grade and i miss it.
eye color:  grey? blue? my fiance and i argue on them a lot.
hair color:  auburn but that shit’s from a box.
languages you speak:  english
most iconic song: if you mean my favorite? i don’t got an answer as my faves shift depending on what musical i’m blasting in the moment.
random fact: i’ve been binge watching the entirety of the psych tv show -- my fiance got the whole series for me and i finished season one in one day -- we are half way through season two now.
describe yourself as aesthetic things: Stacks of dvds, headphones, playbills and ... bats.
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The Stars are Red.: (Onlookers)
A/N.: So yea, I’m back with The Stars are Red. Thankfully the muses were on my side for once and let me get this chapter out before the end of fall break. 
Pairing: Scotty/ Reader (It’s getting there)
Warning: You legit might wanna kill Uhura rn (and probably the next chapter too. ‘XD)
Prompt: Slight ‘Jim’ prompt, no lyrics in this one
Summary: After hearing your voice over the loudspeakers singing, Uhura is 1000% on your radar. You just so happen to have intell as to where she is. It’s not your fault ‘Jim’ got in the way. 
   One would expect Leonard McCoy to be fearless at this point. If a man could survive living around their biggest fear for years, repeatedly going back to it after multiple near-death encounters, it seems like a fair assumption. But that assumption is far from the truth. Allowing himself to be a part of this five year mission has subjected him to more fearful thoughts and encounters than the medical officer could ever foresee.
   Yet, there was one thing that truly brought more fear to the Southern Doctor than space could ever conjure up to spite him. That fear was you. More specifically, you being on a warpath.
   Sadly, fate wasn’t on his side today.  
   Having just been annoyed by the tenth red shirt in the last hour, the doctor was most certainly at the end of his rope. The nurses on hand, most of which McCoy signed on personally a few days prior, somehow found a way to keep the CMO at bay through their scuttling around the med bay. Most of the procedures, he knew, were the routine checkups that were required in a few days.
   Uhura was no different. She was taken into a room to do the regular procedures. Claire, one of the newer nurses, was glad to put her info into the database. All of her numbers were fantastic, save for a slightly elevated heart rate, which could easily be filed under as simply being nervous. When they left the room, it was clear to the nurse that she was correct in that assumption.
   Leonard should’ve seen the warning signs as soon as you came in. Your smile was tighter than normal, clearly fake to anyone looking hard enough. Even though he couldn’t hear you talking, it was clear from Christine’s body language that, whatever you said, was something worthy of keeping an eye on you for. Yet, the longer you stayed in the facility, the easier he found it to forget to keep you in his sights. A mistake he instantly began to regret as soon as your target came into your view.
   Uhura was swift in racing away from you, yet you were right on her heels. The bay became a slew of moving obstacles, most attempting to get out of the way as the realization of what was happening around them kicked in.
   Putting your tactical expertise to good use, you watched Uhura’s body closely. Even with how random her movements looked to the outsider, you saw the thoughts that went into each movement the woman made. Each sway was a calling card, each side-step a small piece of a bigger game plan. Though, no matter how close you scrutinized her moves, you couldn’t find a single hint to the bigger picture.
   That was the case, until you nearly ran into ‘Jim’.
   The nurses and Leonard watched on in a daze as you both shouted at each other on opposite sides of the ‘captain’.
   “You jerk!” You bellowed out, attempting to reach the fawn skinned woman, “I trusted you!”
   Raising a fabric wrapped arm, Uhura used it to block your attack as she stammered out, “I- I didn’t do it! Honest I didn’t!”
   Blocking ‘Jim’s’ arm with ease, you allowed the arm to fall limply to his side. You had more important matters at hand. “Yeah right. And Andorians and Vulcans smile and sing kumbaya together on weekends.” You spit out, pushing ‘Jim’ towards Uhura, all in hope that it might cause her to lower her guard.
   Needless to say, it didn’t work. With each advance you sought, Uhura countered in her own time, all the while maintaining the mobile barricade between your bodies. Whatever argument you had before had dwindled down to throwing petty insults at the other, most of which were a slew of different dialects. The only way to truly describe the amount of rage flowing through your veins at the moment was ‘seeing red’.
   You were so committed to your argument that your brain didn’t register anything else. That was, until someone chose to be stupid enough to use their arms to keep you at bay.
   Through your huffing and cursing, it was clear that whoever was holding you back was a man, his chest pressed to your back to better help his arms gain enough leverage to maintain their hold on you. Rearing your head back you realized that he was a fair bit taller than you’d expected, feeling his throat buckle slightly instead of the nose you were intending to break. Unfortunately, the attempt at getting free only ended up with a harsher hold and a soft warning growl in your ear.
   Whipping your head to the side, you intended to make the man regret ever trying to hold you back. With teeth bared in a sneer and eyes blazing with fury, you threw out the first words that came to thought in a rumbling whisper.
   “Don’t test me. You won’t like how it ends.”
   “Oh, really?” He whispered harshly, his voice brought down a few octaves from your attack, “Yet yer the one bein held back.”
   As the man finished speaking, you finally registered the captor’s red shirt and deep brown eyes that stared back into your own. Even with how deep his voice was, his Scottish accent was easy to recognize. Forcing yourself to look down, it was made quite clear to the scotsman that you registered what you had done by the soft blush and whimper that refused to be held back.
   “Ya back now lassie?” With a soft nod, Scotty let go of you, not catching the way you shivered as his hand slowly pulled away from around your waist.
   “Hey Scotty,” Uhura called out, peeking out from behind ‘Jim’s’ back, all the while making sure not to place too much weight on the preoccupied doctor.
   “Morning lass. Now, if I may ask, what da bloody hell went on?”
   With enough decency to look bashful, the young woman muttered out, “We got in a fight over something that we could’ve talked out. We even pulled poor ‘Jim’ into it.”
   “Ay, I can see that.” Giving you a glance over his shoulder, he walked over towards the battered skeleton. “Poor lad’s shirt is hanging off. An he’s still pantsless, the stook oughta know by now how to act in front of so many bonnie lasses. Wouldn’t ya agree Bones?”
   Looking toward the man, it was clear that he wasn’t listening. Christine had all of his attention, currently discussing a procedure that involved too many complex words and acronyms for you to follow comfortably. Both were too immersed in their own world of medical jargon to notice the multiple glances that Uhura, Scotty, and yourself exchanged. For the few brave souls that opted to watch the whole duration of the pointless game of cat and mouse were experiencing something that was often spoken of in hushed whispers among the crew.
  ‘The Enterprise’s Wrath’ was plotting an attack.
   A name that the Scotsman, the Communications officer, and yourself donned as a joke during ‘The Mighty Prank War’ was one that a fair portion of the crew chose to keep calling you ‘in secret’. It was a fitting name at the time, for three commonly laid-back crew members that hid their true knack at pranking and evasion unless they chose to hone in on a victim.  
   Most can still find a picture or two on the immediate database of the carnage that was Jim’s room.
   Taking a silent vote full of raised eyebrows and squints full of reproach, it was decided. Bones gets to walk away, only by sway of ice cream and movie night from Uhura’s side.
   Since the covert, and more amusing, option was now off the table, you opted for a more abrupt approach. Slinking behind the southern man, you found his attention on a datapad, clearly displeased with whatever was written on it. With no time to think your actions through, you whipped an arm around the doctor, only to pull back just as fast when his datapad was in your grasp.
   “Give it back little lady!” He growled lowly, keeping his hand outstretched for the offending object.
   “Hmmm. . . “ was all you quipped out, smirk evident as you pretended to think it over, “Why would I do that? If the ever diligent Bones was occupied with whatever is on it, then why would I give it back before I knew what was written on it?”
   With every step he took forwards, you sprung back an equal distance. Skimming over the words, it was painfully obvious that the words comprised of a medical document. With diligent flicks of your finger, you got deeper and deeper into the letter. All of a sudden,both you and your smile froze, much to the confusion of the now captive audience. With nothing but a glance back at the man, you lifted the document as if it weighed led.
  Wasting no time, McCoy took the object back as quickly as you had taken it.
   Making sure to get in your space, the doctor leaned down to your ear before he spat out  “You gonna leave my stuff alone when I tell you?”  
   Voiceless, all you could manage was a soft nod, too in shock to respond accordingly.
   “You better.”
   Opting to recognize Scotty rather than you, he tilted his head towards the   scotsman, making it clear that he was listening.
   Gathering his thoughts as rapidly as he could, he sputtered out, “Eh, tha captain says that we av’ta go to a banquet tomorrow. Says that it’s for ‘diplomatic purposes’. You too, Uhura.”
   “Can’t make it. Got too much stuff to do here.” Seeing that as being the end of the discussion, McCoy strode over to his office, Christine close on his heels.
   Huffing out in frustration, Scotty’s eyes met Uhura’s, clearly asking her opinion as to what to do.
   “Were they expecting anyone expressly?”
   “I donae think so, save for the captain and Spock. We were what the captain thought would be best at the party.” He acquiesced, adding in a shrug for good measure before adding, “He only asked for me to tell the lad because I was on my way for a physical.”
   “Well, I was about to head back on shift anyways, I’ll see what he wants us to do.” Was all she deemed necessary to end the conversation.
   On her way to the door, her eyes met your own, making it clear that you were meant to follow her. Giving him a courtesy nod, you rushed out before your blush could be made evident. As you fell into stride with her, you saw her fingers flying over her datapad, no doubt talking to Jim about what to do.
   Once you both reached the turbolift she commented,“I’m vouching for you.”   
   “I’m vouching for you to Jim. And it looks like he’s for it so far.”
   “But I don’t even have a dressy enough dress to go to a banquet in!” you almost shrieked at the other officer.
   Choosing to reply with a side-eye as her device pinged again, her body language as a whole screamed ‘you don’t think I’ve already had this planned out from the start’.
   Pausing the turbolift, she canceled both of your intended paths, choosing instead to enter the lowest inhabited deck floor. The same floor that allowed people on and off the station. As she activated it again, she gave you a smirk that made it clear that you were both going to the party and going to go all out with the dress options you could find.
   With a huff, the words that you had hoped to never hear come from her lips met the air, with an amusement fit for an overenthusiastic torturer.
   “Let's go shopping.”
All you could do was pray that the three hours left docked would go swiftly.
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