#adeptus weemanicus
jakey-beefed-it · 5 months
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Picked up some secondhand skitarii today! I've always liked these little dudes and their hoods and big old sad wet cat eyes (eye l3nses but who's counting). But it's Warhammer, so people are always being weird about it including Women™, and as such I wanted to make one of the alphas more obviously a lady than skitarii augmetics usually allows. So I took a spare bald (from the radiation) sister of battle head, gave her a single eye lens and a hood (down) with greenstuff. Plus a clipped hose and a little number plate from arco-flagellant bitz.
Somewhere or another I've got a tech-priest that I converted into a tech-priestess just by gluing a lady stormcast face mask to her instead of the usual mask, so once I dig her out she can get a paint job to match these dudes.
Thinking about painting them with dark blue robes, hot orange glows and lenses, and the usual grotty metal for most of the rest of it to represent Forge World Konor and go with my other Ultramar-based Imperial armies. Maybe a dirty off-white spot color. Red rust sand bases of course, Mars-style. Blue and orange should look interesting together. Decades of low-effort movie posters have taught me that, if little else.
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jakey-beefed-it · 5 months
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First batch of skitarii from forge world Konor. No transfers, dust, or basing yet (I gotta pick up some Martian Ironearth soon) but the highlights are done anyway.
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jakey-beefed-it · 4 months
Forge World Konor Admech Painting Guide
Leaving this here so I can look it up later. Also if anyone looks at my robot dudes and goes 'i wanna do that'.
Unless otherwise noted, paints are Citadel because that's what I have mostly. VMC = Vallejo Model Color, AP = Army Painter, RPR = Reaper
This is a deliberately streamlined process to crank through scads of skitarii; characters should get more shades and highlights in suitable colors, but the below will give you a skitarius or kataphron breacher or kastellan robot or whatever.
Prime Black
Outer Robes
Base: Night Lords Blue (2 coats)
Wash: Drakenhof Nightshade (all over)
Layer: RPR Ultramarine Blue
Highlight: RPR Ultramarine Blue (less tho)
Inner Robes
Base: Rakarth Flesh (2 coats)
Layer: Wraithbone (2 coats)
Base: VMC Black Grey
Wash: Ratling Grime Contrast
Layer: Mechanicus Std Grey
Base: AP Gun Metal
Wash: Agrax Earthshade (all over)
Layer: AP Shining Silver (sketchy)
Base: Balthasar Gold
Wash: Agrax Earthshade (all over)
Highlight: Runelord Brass (sketchy)
Base: Rhinox Hide
Wash: Agrax Earthshade (all over)
Layer: Doombull Brown (2 coats)
Wood/Gun Stocks
Base: Rhinox Hide
Wash: Agrax Earthshade (all over)
Layer: VMC Saddle Brown (2 coats)
Hoses & Wires
Base: AP Gun Metal or VMC Black Grey
Wash: Ratling Grime Contrast
Optional Colors: Khorne Red or Averland Sunset, never next to each other
Cog Mechanicus
Base: Corvus Black
White: Corax White
Wash: Tamiya Panel Liner or Nuln Oil
Glowy Shit
Base: Corax White (2 coats)
Layer: AP Matt White
Wash: Magmadroth Flame Contrast
Highlight: Fire Dragon Bright
Purity Seal Wax
Base: Screamer Pink
Wash: Druchii Violet
Highlight: Pink Horror
Purity Seal Parchment
Base: Rakarth Flesh (2 coats)
Wash: Agrax Earthshade
Highlight: Karak Stone
Base: Rhinox Hide (2 coats)
Rocks: Doombull Brown (2 coats)
Skulls: Drybrush Karak Stone, then Drybrush Screaming Skull
Layer: ‘Ardcoat (for more crackle)
Texture: Martian Ironearth but not the rocks or skulls
Wash: Agrax Earthshade
Drybrush: [TBD: insert rusty ochre color here]
Vehicle Armor
Base: AP Gun Metal (or Leadbelcher spray)
Wash: Ratling Grime Contrast
Layer: VMC Gunmetal Blue
Highlight: AP Shining Silver (sketchy)
Vehicle Armor Accent
Base: Rakarth Flesh
Wash: Agrax Earthshade
Layer: Wraithbone
Highlight: AP Matt White
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