#adile sultan daughter of sehzade salaheddin
ottomanladies · 7 years
On this day, 7 february, in Ottoman history
7 February 1600 - Hüseyin Paşa is executed by Mehmed III; a former Anatolian inspector who had joined the Jalali rebellion, he was firstly captured and then brought to the Divan, where the sultan had him executed on the spot.
7 February 1632 - the soldiers rebel against the dismissal of Grand Vizier Boşnak Hüsrev Paşa; the Grand Vizier had been dismissed after failing to conquer Baghdad and Hafız Ahmed Paşa, a man approved by Kösem Sultan’s clique, was reappointed. Even though the campaign had been a disaster, the soldiers were enraged that Boşnak Hüsrev Paşa had been dismissed and gathered at the Hippodrome; Istanbul was plunged into chaos, like it had been at Sultan Mustafa’s deposition. This rebellion would lead to the assassination of Hafız Ahmed Paşa and other men close to Murad IV like Musa Çelebi.
7 February 1842 - Birth of Refia Sultan; the second daughter of Sultan Abdülmecid and Gülcemal Kadın, fourth Imperial consort, and thus full sister of Fatma Sultan and Sultan Mehmed V Reşad, she was born in Beşiktaş Palace at 9 o’clock. When she was five, she started taking lessions with her stepbrother Şehzade Murad, Fatma Sultan, the eldest prince Şehzade Abdülhamid and the younger Cemile Sultan; in addition to classical lessons such as the study of the Holy Quran, history of the Dynasty, Arabic and Farsi, they also studied French and Western music. Their piano teacher was an Italian woman called Teresa Romano. In 1854, when she was 12 years old, she was engaged to Mahmud Edhem Bey, son of Mehmed Ali Pasha; they got married on 21 July 1857 in an elaborate ceremony inside Topkapi Palace. In the last five years of her life she was plagued by ovarian cysts and underwent several operations before dying on 4 January 1880 at the age of 37. She was buried in the Mausoleum of the Imperial Ladies at the New Mosque in Istanbul. 
7 February 1887 - Birth of Adile Sultan; daughter of Şehzade Mehmed Salâheddin (Murad V’s son) and Tevhide Zatıgül Hanım, she was born in Çırağan Palace. She married firstly Captain Damad Faik Bey in 1910 and divorced him in 1913, after which she married Damad Moralizada Salaruddin Bey Effendi in 1914. With him, she had Nilüfer Hanımsultan. Adile Sultan died in December 1973, age 86, in Paris, where she is buried.
7 February 2006 - death of Hayriye Ayşe Dürrüşehvar Sultan; daughter of the last caliph Abdülmecid II and Atiye Mehisti Kadın. She lived her first ten years in Istanbul but after the declaration of the Republic of Turkey she moved first to Switzerland and then to Nice, France. She married an Indian prince and was known as the Princess of Berar.  In 1937 she attended the Coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth with her husband, and were seated in the North Choir Gallery of Westminster Abbey. Her husband died in 1970 and for many years the Princess lived at Hyderabad House in Kensington Palace Gardens. “There was an occasion when she was lunching with a friend in Oxfordshire, at which Princess Margaret was also a guest. The weather was inclement, and both Princesses were invited to plant cedars of Lebanon. Princess Margaret eventually did so - reluctantly - while the Princess of Berar performed her duty with her customary quiet dignity. Today Princess Margaret's tree struggles, while the Princess of Berar's thrives.” (from the Princess’ obituary on The Telegraph)
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