onlybonesleft · 1 year
@admiralchristopherpike continued from here
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"Well, sir, if you're that worried about Jim, I could try to sit on him for a bit," Leonard mused. "Or write you a doctor's note. It's not good to push yourself too hard, sir." The irony was not lost on Bones.
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tealeavesandthorns · 6 months
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Maria x Chris - Star Trek AOS Verse
Like the sun that shines, endlessly it shine You always will be mine. It's everlasting love When other loves are gone, ours will still be strong We have our very own everlasting love
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evcryopeneye · 6 months
@admiralchristopherpike liked for a starter
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Almost too close for comfort, she watched him with a suspicious eye, thoroughly unconvinced by anything he had to say. Though, that was mostly because it was Yuffie, the girl who had once stood under their galaxy and proudly proclaimed that she doesn’t believe in anything she can’t see proof for. Anything else was stupid. Sure, she might have been stupid bit she was sixteen. It was swallowed. She was a dumb kid, and while she wasn’t in over her head, and she could more than hold her own in a fight, one couldn’t help but think being allowed to roam the world by herself and turned her feral. 
“I bet you work for Shinra.” 
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illusionprotected · 1 year
@admiralchristopherpike | plotted
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In the end, they aren't alone. They seem it. That's some kindness. The Talosians haven't had much interest lately in observing. For all the shared dream looks at the moment, though, it could be nothing but gentle wilds for miles.
"Walk with me?"
Vina almost holds out a hand with her smile. Thankfully, she thinks better of it quickly. One day, she hopes, it will become less strange to realize how little they've ever known each other.
"Or I won't be offended, if you'd like to be alone."
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quantumstarpaths · 1 year
@admiralchristopherpike (♥)
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"...Does it...bother you?" He'd come to the captain's ready room, having come to offer a report--entirely mundane, of very little consequence--but upon being dismissed, he had paused. He had gone only a couple of steps, and stood now halfway between the captain's desk and the door. "Not to be able to talk about...any of it."
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fateprotected · 1 year
@admiralchristopherpike | plotted
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If all goes well, for her, it will be seamless. Or so Pris always assures them--assures herself--when her captains tend to take the opportunity to worry for her one last time. It's even true. The unsettled, untethered feeling barely lasts a breath if she's capable of bonding with her next commander at all.
But trust. Care. Those things take time. Time to mourn, and time to build.
Already, things feel quieter. Emptier. It never quite gets easier. Still, she refuses to be melancholy. As the others slowly make their excuses, Pris' silver eyes light with affection, and she doesn't bother to hide her smile.
"It's hard to believe it's been so long," she admits, smile shading a little wicked. "I thought I was going to have to talk you out of marching me to sickbay for a psychiatric evaluation the first time we met, you know."
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secretserved · 1 year
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⟪ SETTING: captain's quarters, uss enterprise.
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🡒 starter call.
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being back on enterprise carries with it a feeling that's truly indescribable. una had sincerely managed to convince herself that she'd been destined to spend the rest of her life confined to some penal colony, but @admiralchristopherpike had shown himself to be as damn stubborn as always. that much isn't surprising, but the fact that she's able to feel so much relief, joy, awe... it's incredible - and those are only the tip of the iceberg as far as the cascade of emotions goes.
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more than anything, una can't help but think about everything she'd been so certain she wouldn't have the opportunity to do again - all the things she'd never had the chance to say. the way she's held things so close to the chest had always been necessary, and some part of her isn't entirely sure how she'll move past the habit that's formed to keep herself closed off, but everyone has to start somewhere. don't they? every change starts with a single step forward.
"you know, one of the things i thought about most while i was waiting for trial?" there's an unmistakable smile on her lips, a twinkle in her eye, and she doesn't care to try to suppress either. "how much i hated the idea of not being able to taste your cooking again," una even laughs as she shakes her head, "it always seemed to be the little things."
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pathlit · 1 year
⤷ ✧ @admiralchristopherpike said, ❝ today was rough. ❞
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she doesn't mean to laugh, but it's a nervous habit and surely, surely, she can be forgiven for it considering, well, everything. ❛ that's... a way of putting it, sir. but, we're through now, and that's... what matters, right? ❜ her assertion might be more convincing if she could get through a clause without pausing to sort through her own words, to make sure she really wants to say what's on her mind.
and maybe, just maybe, she needs to decide whether she really believes it too, or if she's only repeating what she thinks she's supposed to say. frankly, she's not sure, but perhaps, perhaps, if someone agrees with her, she will believe it.
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exastrisnonnocere · 11 months
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||| @admiralchristopherpike & @tricords
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I see that, fascinating.
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His chuckle is soft as he looks at the stranger, “Yeah? I dunno man it’s just a nickname, not all the fascinating.” 
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onlybonesleft · 1 year
@admiralchristopherpike continued experience
"I was hoping to get some advice, sir," Leonard admitted freely, even if it grated on him to be asking for any sort of help. Leonard often told others to reach out if they needed help or advice, but he was very bad at following his own words. Do as he said, not as he did and all that.
"I realize that our respective fields are vastly different, but you are a respected leader and have much more experience on starships and I wanted to know how to be more effective in my leadership as CMO. And if nothing on that, then how to manage when people are grating on your very last nerve--and if you'd like to talk over a pint or something, it'd be my treat."
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tealeavesandthorns · 1 year
Christoper Pike Icons || Strange New Worlds
Below the cut are 30 and there are another 20 HERE - 100x100 Icons for Christopher Pike from Star Trek Strange New Worlds - S2E7: Those Old Scientists.
These were made for the absolutely stella @admiralchristopherpike for rp purposes.
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I'm not the most amazing at making icons but here they are. Feel free to use. I'm not precious about them so feel free to save and edit. Screencaps came from HERE
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evcryopeneye · 1 year
@admiralchristopherpike liked for a starter
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If she’d been in a better mood, Feng Wu might have ventured out to the tea house, or dragged Qui Ling with her. No, this was a much more somber affair. The city beyond the walls of the compound was loud, a weekend night, tea houses open late, celebrations of all kinds going on. All of it felt like salt in a wound. So much so that she didn’t even look up at him, footsteps could be heard over the raucous city, with a pair of chopsticks in hand she pointed at the other seat, “there’s wine and snacks.” That was about all they needed, right? The large quantity of homemade peach wine and snacks was displayed across the table.
Pouring two cups of wine, she was unphased by the loud boom of fireworks in the distance, instead there was a sigh. “Guess they got married,” a shrug as she picked up her cup, “here’s to the happy couple I guess.” While Feng Wu wanted to curse them both, she guessed it would be in bad taste. It would come across as bratty and petty, but fuck it, “wasn’t enough to get me expelled and take my place in the royal court but she had to marry my betrothed? Some people are beyond help.”
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lieutenant-spock · 1 year
@admiralchristopherpike | [x]
"Yes." Spock replied and noticed when he tensed but didn't break the hug. "I am sorry, I was merely trying to exhibit affection." That was the partial truth; he had been experiencing feelings of sadness and felt like he had nowhere to turn. "Chris, may I ask you something?"
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ltnsingh · 1 year
@admiralchristopherpike asked: “  let’s  just  forget  about  it  tonight.  “
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Relief, in its' fleeting infancy, almost promised to loosen the tension knotted into La'an's shoulders. Still, it rested at odds with the discomfort she carried; heavy, like the pin secured to her uniform, the lettering encircling it — the USS Puget Sound — a headstone engraving in its own right, fixed above her heart.
There were only so many personal, unshared albatrosses that could be kept from the permanency of her personnel file, and yet only the surface - level of her past had been compiled there. Underneath it, there remained too many painful details; a myriad of deep, scarring intricacies better left behind her masterfully built barriers. Tonight wasn't the night for uncomfortable, unprofessional revelations. Her captain knew it — and La'an could count herself as nothing short of grateful for the reprieve.
" Thank you, captain, " she yielded, at last. " —— If that will be all, I'll be on my way to carry out my routine inspections. "
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constable · 6 months
[[ semi-plotted starter for @admiralchristopherpike
Despite his extensive worries and his initial determination to only allow one Star Fleet representative aboard his station, Odo had, eventually, relented and allowed a small delegation. That had been several weeks ago, and he'd been surprised to find that the members of the delegation had no idea who he was. They also seemed to lack any knowledge of or ingrained negative reaction to the Dominion, though several had been able to pull up information when they looked and had seemed concerned by what they found. Several more had reacted negatively to their first glimpse of natural shapeshifting. Those individuals had been swiftly uninvited, but others had come, and though this didn’t surprise him, very few of them kept their opinions to themselves. Which was how Odo had ended up speaking to Captain Pike.
"In the last four days, Captain, my people have been forced to arrest eight of your crew members. In the previous four years, only nine visitors have ended up in a similar position. I was very clear, when you first contacted us, that interference in our laws or customs would not be permitted. Many of my family would now like to revoke what few privileges I have granted. What would you have me tell them?"
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