ameliesart · 5 years
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morganhex · 10 years
8: Would you become an immortal if you had the choice? 15: Are you afraid of the dark? 17: Favorite fairy tale? 19: Is there anyone you would die for? (I'm sorry, I had to put that last one. I hear it in Cumberbatch's Khan voice. "Is there anything you would not do for your family?" And by family I do not mean blood relations; I mean the people you choose to surround yourself with, the people you are closest to. Just had to clear that up.)
8: Would you become an immortal if you had the choice?
Okay are we talking like the kind of immortal that still ages and feels pain? Because is so, then hell no. But if I get to stay young forever and never feel pain then hell yeah. I want to see this planet grow to become as amazing as I like to dream it can be. 
15: Are you afraid of the dark?
Nope, in fact I can’t sleep if there is any light.
17: Favorite fairy tale?
I answered this already but it was Little Red Riding Hood.
19: Is there anyone you would die for? 
There are quite a few people I’d die for actually. My mother, my best friends, my cat and a few more.
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admiraljenova replied to your post: sometimes i think about the concept of...
I get emotional when I think about Data at all. Definitely in my “absolute favorite characters of anything ever” list!
this is completely true 
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janetfraiser · 11 years
Once you get this, share five random facts about yourself. Then pass this on to your ten favorite followers. Here you go! 
— admiraljenova
Alrighty, let's see what I've got.
1 - I just had to go take a shower because apparently my body doesn't like alcohol at the moment and my face got all blotchy and gross
2 - I really really wish I had an Irish accent and/or spoke the Irish Gaelic language.
3 - I've just (re)discovered my fascination with the World Wars and I'm really downhearted that my class will be over with the completion of this paper.
4 - I don't like being touched, but it's almost too well known. I don't get hugs any more, really, from even the people I want to hug me. It's a conundrum I've got to figure out, especially since the holidays are about to happen.
5 - I love to draw. It stresses me because I just want to be better and make it perfect, but the stress is a good stress. It's something I can control when everything around me just seems to leave me in the dust.
TADA! Thank you dearie!
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