deathbeckons · 3 years
( evan mock, 24/115, male, he/him, fae, faeling ) It’s been a while since we’ve seen ADONIS ROMERO. I hear they’re a FAE and they reside on the EASTSIDE. They’re known to frequent THE BLOOM (when they’re not busy with COVETED) and have made a place at THE COLLECTORS QUARTERS, FLAT B. Some may say they act STUBBORN & IMPULSIVE, while others claim they are INNOVATIVE & AMBITIOUS. With that being said, they’ve found the State of Calamity. 
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BIO. mentions: rhys, cordelia.
he’s a young faeling, younger than most. many would expect him to have a family around, but honestly he has no idea where his family is. when he was child he was separated from them on the way to calamity. he had to fend for himself in the myre, though luckily for him he found quick friends that took him under his wing in rhys and lia. the two are like siblings to him, and in all honesty he would protect them with his life but he is still very independent. he doesn’t need their permission to do anything, just as they don’t need his either. saying that, adonis doesn’t have the best decision making skills, and he’s very impulsive and headstrong. he likes what he likes, and he knows what he wants; the faeling attempted to get into both bite club and vociferous as a feeder, fascinated with the vampires and the sensation of their bite but also what his blood did to them. he loved every aspect of it, but his blood didn’t sustain vampires and so he was only allowed to work there as a bartender or something similar. that was all well and good, but it’s not what he wanted. 
he moved to open his own business - coveted - which would allow him to be a feeder for anyone he wanted though certain high-ranking vampires certainly didn’t like the idea of that happening in the darklands, and so adonis took his business and opened it in the southside. some of the wolves weren’t happy about it either though that was less of a worry to adonis; wolves didn’t scare him too much, and he was charming enough to have them put up with it. coveted is the only thing that he would put before everything, and everyone. 
if adonis isn’t at his business, you’ll probably find him at bloom, hanging out with his friend miles, or wondering the darklands for himself. dangerous, he knows, but that danger gives him a kick and he’s very good at using his abilities to take care of himself.
adonis’ business is the most important thing to him, and he doesn’t believe there’s anything he’ll put before that. it took him a long time to get it off the ground, fighting to try and have it in the darklands but the opposing clubs made that so, so difficult. he built it himself from the ground up, with little help though that was mainly out of his own stubbornness. some blood was a delicacy, and why should vampires have to sneak around to find what they want? besides, adonis wanted to be a feeder himself and they wouldn’t take him. more fool them. 
most people assume that coveted is around because he had a business idea that worked, however in reality the feeder clubs in the darklands turned him away. fae blood wasn’t going to sustain the vampires and therefore there was no need for adonis. he didn’t like that, wouldn’t be told that, so he made a business so that he could do what he wanted to do.
being a light fae is something he loves. adonis absolutely loves nature, and his ability to create and manipulate light and everything that nature has to offer. it helped the plants at his business thrive in such a hostile doggy environment. don’t get him wrong, he will use his abilities to protect himself, his employees and his patrons if he has to, turning the plants he nurtured so much into weapons. he hates to see the plants suffer though, so he tries not to do it all too often. sidenote: you hurt his plants, he will not hesitate to hurt you. 
people assume that being a young faeling, he’s naïve and innocent. adonis has an attitude with most, however it’s only a playful one most of the time. sometimes though, if you get on his bad side (which is hard to get onto), his attitude can be ruthless. 
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